The Brussels Post, 1941-5-21, Page 2.L.00K OUT FOR YOUR LIVER Such It up right now and feel like a iniiiion I Your liver is the largest organ in your hod? and most important terra health, It pours out lite to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies mew energy, allows proper nourishment to reach your blood. When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines. You In- come constipated, stomach and kidneys can't work properly. You fee! "rotten"—headachy, backachy, dizzy, dragged out all the time. For over 35 years thousands have won prompt relief from these miseries—with l ruit-a-tivos. So can you now. Try Fruit-a-tlyes—you'll be simply delighted how quickly you'll feel Like a new person,, happy and well again. g5c, 50c. FRUITA i E Uv r5T blofi BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS Com on! Buy war saving stamps- 211iey'11 help to pmt bullets in Iiitler's pants; And, Oh! won't we have the Sun, When we make old Hitler run, Buy war saving stamps— They'll make Hitler have the cramps And will buy us aeroplanes. To boanlb Germany's shady lanes. Hitler's .going to order his scamps To try to break up Britain's camps, But -if we all will do our share We'll make Hitler pay the fare! Written by Allan Nichol (age 10) S. S. No. 4, Morris * :r. * THE QUESTION OF TO -DAY The question of to -day, Is not a simple one, The question of to -day, Is ell about the Hun, "Will Germany win this wan?" "Oh, no, I hope not so, For if site does we all well know Suet where our fond freedom will go. `Will Britain. win this war?" says ha ".010 yes, of course she will— With God's great will, and Britain's skin The Huns will go back up the hill!" "United States will ,ro• her part. She'll lend all that she owns, With ammunitions and money loans, Misfit make :the Huns •stay right at Items" "We'll bomb and ,bomb, and fight and light And make the Germans lose their might, With God's great help, and Britain's lance}s." Written by Laura. Spelt, (age 12) S. S. No: 4, Morris. t g: $ SPRING One April morn at the break of day As in my cosy cot I lay, I was deep • in thought in a lonely way; When a robin's song broke clear and gay, One sweat true note burst,—'then a pause, Once more Coe triiled for a worthy cause! Ais soon as I heard that robin sing, I knew in my heart it must be spring! One spring night as I eat at rest, Of all spring signs, I heard the best- I AS the silvery moon sired her ghastly . fight • Down on the pond that moonlight night, ,. From the pond, broke voices sweet and clear, And burst mon my listening ear; 'Ms is the song that the frog chop' flag,—, Now, we know for sure, that it must be spning As I strolled along by the garden wall, I found a sprout that wato green and small; It pushed up r its nose, and down Its roots, 'Then it sent.np a bud, and slender shoots'. As I pase!sd along by the garden gate 'There eat, Jenny Wren, es scare as fate, She trilled! a nate that teas clear and sure, She gibed said' whistled so sweet and purer Ae the sun sunk low in tile western sky, The ••llrog choir sang their lullaby, The robin opts ]singing his evening sang, March note burnt Blear and sweet and long. 'The rayls of the snit quickly fled. And the strineet glowed gold and Ad Oh! voices of ageing, don't atom when you star Bing on to me and my 16nety heart! Written by .Stuart Nichol (age f't). S, S. No. 4, Morris: THE BRussEis po$T Wednesday, May 2,let, 041, al SI L • .. This is a war for existence. It is war to the death. It is a war to win or to lose. There can be no half way—no compromise. It is a war to WIN. Money is the fourth arm of the service. Whatever you are called on to pay or to lend, it is little compared to the lives that our sons offer. There have been many and heavy calls upon Canada already. There will be more. Let us face the truth and the truth will make us freer It is freedom we are fighting for, British freedom, the freedom of body and spirit that makes life worth living. If we fail, we fall. Be prepared for sacrifice. Great Britain has set us an example on a scale of heroic magnificence history doesn't record. Let us FIGHT! Canada has the resources. Let us spare nothing. When our soldiers offer thein lives, let us be willing to share our livelihood. Presently the Government of Canada will call for money. The money is here. We are spending billions. We are already heavily taxed. But most of these billions and those taxes are being spent in Canada. That money comes back to you. Keep it rolling. Keep putting it back into the war effort, so that it may be spent again and again and again untilRight prevails and the world is free. 1h M 13 al 13 Ca#zada nu4tt Ge �aee DEPARTME N T 0 e F 1 N A N C E, CANADA 42 P WEDDING ORTH—IHARG•RAVE {A quiet wedding was solemnized in St. Stephen's Anglican Church , Gerrie, an ,Satrirday, May . leth,• a 112.30 o'clock, when. Blanche- Marie, second daughter of Mr. and Mr3 Seeking $19,500 Over • Howick Motor Fatality Trral In Progress at 'NonJury t Session 'of Supreme ., Court In London A .oivil, action against the County of Huron in which claims totalling $19.,500 are put forward was coin menet before Justice dVtakias on Monday afternoon at the non:jury sittings of the Supreme Court m ,London., titre action arises out of a motor fatality last July '70 near the village of Gortle in which two girls Murry I3lizabeth Edwards and Ida Ritchie, were killed and several others in)mred. The plaintifals are /feted os James A. liklwrds and Annie Edwards, parents of the dead Mary Elizabeth Edwards; •Clara' Ritchie, mother of tht dead Ida Ritchie; iredhth Ritchie Sister of one of the victims and a plasaaeger In the - car; Rita, Mary IGalloway, a passenger; Oliver `Galloway, her faltlw; Eleanor •Carson,, another 'passenger, and, her father, Everard Cbraon', The dittalttry 000urred at what Is known se Earl's bridge, three miles and a half south of Gorrfe, on the county road running. between Gerrie Hmereon G. Hargrave, Howlek, be. came', the •bride of Harvey G. Orth of Listowel, eldest son of 1V 5r, and Mrs, Noah Oath, Vlaalia,ce. Rev. J. L. Ball, B.A., officiated. ''he bride looked lovely fa a creter_blue chiffon dress, with blue aceeesaries, She was attended by cher sister, Mildred, wearing a timber rose chiffon dress with blue acooe. ironies. Mr. Laurence Onth, brother of the grootn, was the groomsman. Followinv the ceremony a dainty Iunih.eon was. served! et ,the home of the bride's parents to the Immediate rdtativee, the dining room being tastefully decorated fn !pink and white, t'ho table centred by the bride's cake. ' r It+ The young couple left amid show - ens of canifelttt and good wishes on a motor trip to Niagara Palle and the RThouasansi llsbandg, bride travelling' in canyon rose dress, beige coat and i blue accessories, Adler their wed, 1 ding trip Mr, and Mita. Orbit will re. wei. and Listowel. The plaintiffs care tend that as the car, which was driven !by Lorne Jardine of Ethel, casae on the bridge it struck a steel rod, projecting into the road which went' through the car and caused it to •swerve into the west side of the bridge and. - a portion of the bridge ,to collapse, . It is expected that the ease will continue' until • Illimsdny at least, Campbell Grant of Walkerton is ap. Peening for ,the plaintiff's, and N. 1)'. Newton of London Dor ,the County of Huron. Huron Traffic Officers Through With Warnings Aocerddng to Traffic •Constable Norman Lever of Huron County, the ,magistrates In the various centres are .going to be, a lot busier and the county coffers enriched consider. ably unless the attitude of anotorist.e Changeb over mitt. - Oonstafble Lever etatedl in Wing - ham that traffic olficere are really agoing to clamp down on one -eyed drivers and dateless trucks and front now om .there will be no warn• Inge. Said 'Constable Lever, "We've warned and warned these People bat still they persist in driving with on light or without a taillight, and i the case of trucks,' m'datourt flares Well, ;the warnings are over an every offender from now on wit nga(kear ]before the magistrate."( 1r d 1 Constable Lever explained tha no mutter what size of truck is on the road; frown the smallest to tha largest, as long as At ,bears "C' license, It will have to be equipped with flares accenting to the ' de - mends ,set forth +by the Ontario Department . of Highways. As far as care are concerned, 12 they are found without a tail light or with one headlight they will have to Snead Cher -case in corm;, was equally guilty with the drunken man at the wheel and sentenced him to one year determinate and six months inrlelteninft ete, together with a tine of $600, or an additional five t ' menthe in the event of the Tinel not being paid,, Better Keep This The Ontario Court of Appeal has raledi that a motor oar owner who Permrits anther to delve his auto- mobile while Intoxicated is equally panty to an, offence. This judgment which was handed dawn last week is believed to have established a precedent in, Canadian jnris>nrudence In, this paaitlouler ease three of the personale, the oar were killed] and only' /the owner, a Windsor jeweler, who was riding to the back seat, ea. caped, The judge ruled that lie Seaforth Monument Works (Formerly W. E. Chapman) Now Operated by Cunningham & Pryde Exeter and Seaforth You are Inbited to Inspect Our Stook of Modern Cemetery Memorials Seaforth - Tuesdays and SattWattys for appointment 'phone ne. ing The Brussels Pout -