HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-5-14, Page 7Of DEAD Or DISABLED ANIMALS Phone Collect-tAthis number BRUSSELS W�LIiA1,.�: Pt E 72 or 21 iNGERSOLL City Pioneer Dies One of 'Swift Current's best known and respe'tecl eat time residents, James T. D'ad's, 'Passed away atSpokauue, Washington, on MontldY, in his 74hh year,' 'Former Clerk of mite Court for • the 'Swift. 'Current Judioal 2 'atrict, he had been super- annuated and ouly last fall left for the west °eastt to' enjoy his retire went. The body is being brought back here for 'meal, arriving Wednesday. morning, The funeral will be on Thursday r+ftei•nocn, with services in ICnox church at 2 o'clock. 11e was are of 11 sons or Cbarles end Mos. Purl ts. 13o is survived by :, two dan''t^i , .Mrs, 5. L. Record, of ,Spokane.. W h)t., and Audrey, - who yn;s tonal 1•im; "1cn six brothers, Andrew i?�vt'i Cnrert Peter, Auer- 1 old; G'"••.•, rums. Jaw; William.) dm, pornpornt1. Ci'..:ies, Los An.: geles;Therms, Seattle, , Mr. Dodds had ThlYed very aci;iv0 part in our coanmuuity life, A native of ,Seaforth, ,Ontario. he canru here of the turn of the century and was One of ,Sw1Gt Curi'el4ho hest i ,t:aciters, carrying on for same years. Iu 1816 wheel tlta judicial. 'district was formed be be - carne clerk of the court and tonal is fvtrar, hr rltng that position until auvenanuuated In the fall of 1928. He was a homestead" inspeotor from 1907 to 197.1.. Prior bo 19,15, ire was) ,• ,'+ number of years secretarY- treastirer nEor tbe Swift Current Pub, lie school - and collegiate boards, Atter bis superannuation he still carried on in the public "weal, and Of District rasseo Away ve 1 aeveral terms as a member or D'i bite (Thr. Rosetow,ti Eagle) THE BRuasr.LS Posy' More prounoauced In the earlier dews than since ills retirement. Mr. Dodds sats n cousin of J, T. and D. G. Ross and lairs. Jylln B, Smith <' t•i -., ii,' 1•:,t ii -s eight oral al the age of 18 years. 7te. J,P L:i;;'dn as one alt 13. sons born to Mr. and Mrs, Charles Dodd of MaKil1-ap, He lost his right arum at the age of 18 yeasts. by en acol- ,dent In the West, He taught sonool No. in ' . 3, Grey. for some yeaoa before going to SSw1.ft Current. Wefl-r. nowii Paxrier the school !overdo and fora w Was also truant officer, Death took a well k',own farther He was a long' time stauneh mem of this' distr'ct 011 Mondry night. bor of Knox church eongregati,tn avte4, a `old i?pt serious illness, In .:� "^tet 'n vlr'ous c1'tpaeities on t]+e nerenn es lamest Barrie ohui•ch board for years and was 71ei'het, wbn lied farmed in tits her awed ter ti's arvice Here when1,0 Ro-'h^ern, d'wi'iet fm' twenty yesrs left nmr the roast Ire belonged to and in thg+t time made many friends the I.0;0.1'. lodge in Swift Curt'eist an'rl m niairt nese tc whom Seaforth Monument Works (Formerly W. E. Chapman) Now Operated by Cunningham & • Pryde Exeter and Seaforth aessraesmisissarassias You are tnsvited to inspect Our Stock of Modern Cemetery Memorials Seaforth - Tuesdays and Saturdays for appointment 'phone no. 31, The Brussels Poet hts Miss Tiellie Aclg'ar, of Wroxeter, ocl<, Ont,, by whom Ste is survive+i, tris Others 12010 surdas him are. h1s be - of mother, Mrs. 1lrargaret Jane Moi' aye ICerober:, Wroxeter. Ont; three Me - young sons, Robert, Edggar : and Stewart, all at home, and three av brothers, Tindall,' Bolan and Allan DPe awl 112clfercher, all of Wroxeter, Ont, Alex - for The"funeral yes held in .the Qui+,ed to tri - Church, Rmaetown, this (Thursday) rep, afternon at 2.80, the services being pht in ,charge of Rev. G, Struthers, of was Sovereign, and Rev. R. Malcolm Ran•. f4,:• sort 11aOtor of the Presbyterian nch Church, Rosetown. It was very largely attended and the floral (ri- ail butes were numerolts and beautiful, Interment was made .n the Rose• town .Cemetery. Pallbearers -were James ,Sander- son. Ino. Sansom, Ino, McCallum; George SilPciadr, James and' George IrelantS. The flower -bearers were Tie. and Frank Wicltett, A. 11'IcOehlum, D. Gardner, F. Sinclair and Snot Wilson, Relatives from a distance attend- ing the funeral were brother, Ewart MciKercher, Wroxeter, Ont„ and 1VIh's. M. Hutchinson, Wroxeter, Ont , a sdslter1n_law. 1 it---- the 1- for many yearn had held all lite early passing away is quite a saloon, eha'rs and was a past Noble Grand as lie was a young' lae.n caul of tthe loalge, which also honored hie seriousness of his illness only long time membersbip .when he loft came known generally a few r1 the elty, Iie wstn an ardent curler of bo.i,n h a 4``' u dr/b., the earlier d^vs era active member 7Ie 'aa e, a 1:^tla iia et t et the club. Mr. Dodds 9202 also a ye"rs of age, he{nr .hem 00 charter umber of the Rotary clan; 19th, . 1900. et Winketer. Ont., fr`r wench he acted 'as secretary fnc w.^s the sun cif Mr. au3 Mrs. A srvr,ral firma int ?iia° Cltnn^taller l=r ' 10sreher. Be cense west r,m.1''r P ,r ';n 1n77"natoR of Knight of Py`•?tias. god e, • town in 1P?l, est in -2926 bmt '1- a n",' ry •.° "T, T." as b. :vac : land in the Idaleen nistriet. He rnr' via t nr. Fe ym m^^+v. will 2.e I a trustee of the Molnar Palma' regretted. He left his im,nrint ill • three years and w0s a very staunch 'hn . n -.ani r •,..,,at. shirt servint! •n Liberal... community mitt fellow men being On March 10'tii, 1930. he marrl LATEST contribution of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada to Britain's war effort is the light combat truck, shown above. The truck, designedtiand built by Chrysler, proved its worth to company and military officials oh the proving grounds at Ojibway. The powerful vehicle climbed the steepest grades and raced over rough ground like a speedy tank. At the imp are two Chrysler officials and two officers at the testing ground. Left to right are Mr. C. W. Churchill, vice-president in charge of merchandising; Major R, H. Beattie, M.C., officer commanding St, Luke Road Barracks, Windsor; Lieutenant-Colonel D. C. Warnica, officer commanding The Essex Tank Regiment, and Mr. Kenneth Crittenden, vice-president in charge of production. Below are two views of the trucks in action. McKillop Charge Calls ' Rev. W. J. Patton The McKillop charge, consisting of Duff's, Caven, and Bethel church• est,has invited Rev. R. J. Patton of Oil Ciity, to become pastor atter July let. Mr. Patton has intimated his willingness to accent. Rev. R. W. Craw, who has been minister of the 141cICillop charge for the past four years, is retiring. Mr. and Mrs. Craw will make their home at Fergus where be was pastor of Melville Church for eighteen years. To'our Ontario The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Atssobdatiou will, in conjunction with. the Ontario Travel Bureau and the Ontario Hotel Association,, entertain a group of thirty editors, represent- ing newspapers from eight states of the United States, on a tour of the povince. This trip will be made about the muddle of June, and its ptipose is to show our neighbars tc the Bonds just .what we have to offer the tourists. A similar outing, under the same auspices'. was conducted tryst year with marked success. Another Unique Birth Announcement Several -weeks ago we published a birth anmauncement from one of the Toronto papers whicth was quite out of the ordinary, Another has come to our notice wlhioh appeared in the Toronto, Telegram, Pt is. of a some- what shutter nature: Skugg'-About mid-morning, Wed- nesday', Anvil 9, a young gentleman by the name . of William Arthur IShugg amide his tardy appearance at the 'WItisteru Hospital, A medium - Sized lad, he didn't cause his mother too muchtrouble as he entered this vale . of fun and tears. His father: 0, J. W., slept quietly throughout. 44. MONUMENT High-class different AUCTIONEER (Licensed) Sales Co, ducted Anywhere In Ontario -shone 38 , Listowel Springamessevaissmimisommessomer Time 1:5 4 ee , ream Time � Chu: �;_ T..M�,�,•_.�,,.�. Soft Drinks or all kinds—Ice CreatnSutEdaes, Banana - Splits .- a't Coffee 0 Orange.—Try Mlkh llunch. Vanilla Pineapple, Strawberry, Chocolate, a ee and a bottle of our Chocolate • Milk for school - - Butter, Buttermilk, Milk and Cream Please return yro'xr milk bottles promptly The BRUSSELS DAIRY 4161211110111110011111111111 ETHEL Celebrates 50th Wedding Anniversary (Intended for test week) 011 Tuesday, A ri1 29th Mr. and :Mrs.. Hartwell (Harry) Speiran cele- brated the 50th anniversary of tiler', marriage tut their home in Ethel. Ozer one hundred and twenty -Ave friends' called during the afternoon and evening. Mrs. Wm. Spetnan r'- ceived .the guests. The living room and dining room were decorate l with gold and lvlihhe streamers and White bells. The tea table wit's spring flowers, lace cloth and 3 -story wedding cake looked very attractive. Tea was 'poured by Mrs. Angus Brown and lunch was served by Mra. C. Cleaver, Mrs. Stanley ,Speiran and Mrs. Colwell ,Speiran. As it was reguested that presents be omitted they got a pleasant surprise as ,the dlamily end some special friends brought useful and valuable presents some of which were: an electric lamp, an electric clock, a hall mirror an esamnd reversible blanket, 2 large hydyuange plants a Oaleesolarta plant, boxes ofeh000-, Item, cards and etc. The time was .spent in social chat and renewing old acquaintances; after which was a program con_ stetting of the following with Rev. Mr. Snell in the chair; solo by Mra. Leslie Lake; duet, by Mrs. A. Brown and Mrs. S. Machan. Speeches by Rev. Mr, Snell, Mr. Tilos Doughet+y and Mr. Stanley Machan, a reading by Mrs. G. Dougherty, sang by Maxine Stpeiran and community singing led by Mrs. L. Lake. Mr. Speirtn was born on 16th eon Grey being a moa• of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Spairan. Mrs. Speir- an Was tbe daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Cook and was boo': on the 10th eon, Grey, at which place they were married by the Rev. Mr, ,Smith in the presence of about. 58 guests. They lived a years on Can. 164 after which they purchased Mrs, Speiran's old home front Mr. Cook: They lived 24 yearsl there then mov- ed to Con. 12. dor 11 years after which they moved to Atwood to enjoy a well earned rest. After 6 years eircuis f , Ccs Made it necaaa- son' to move to Ethel where the lash 6 years. have beenapent, They had 4 sons and 1 daughter; Wm. Myrtle (deceased); Colwell, Gordon and Clifford who were all able to be prestnt at the anniversary only Gordon who wee taken with acnte and had to be rushed to Lisitowei Hospital to be, operated on that same afternoon. We are glad to know he ie• on. a fair way to recovery. 91'fend s were (present from ,Sit, Louis',,. Mo., Brampton, See - forth, B'rusoels,, .Attwood and Walton. There are 11 grandchildren, Passed Away At Goderich The deaths occurred in Go-derieh on Thursday last of George Stewart, widely (mown florist. A native 0f Benmiller, he was 81 years of age. He is survived by three brothers and three sisters. Two of the surviving brothers, Charles of Toronto and yds, of Allentown, were former resideivts of Lucicnow. and aro re- membered here by older. residents Charles was a former tailor in the Village.—Luc)mow ,Sentineh Carry Your Registration Card Provincial officers have been ata_ tinned at various intersections on reglujarly travelled roads with orders to stop everyone for registra• tion cards, motor vehicle licenses and drivel's permits. You must have your registration card with you at all tinges. True, it is a bit awk- ward for wk-ward-for farmers and others to see .that they have •their card when leaving their property but that is not accepted as an excuse. Take a tip and save a fine and a lot of bacon venience. To Protect Shrubs Flowers and shrubs in gardens and porches can be protested against damage by cats and ,dogs by the simple use of a dilute nicotine sal, putts spray. 'The spray is harmless, but the smell 1s very offensive to these animals. even when applied so thinly that persons are unaware of its presence. Nicotine sulphite may be bought at any seed or drug store and should be used at the rate of one-half teaspoonful to a gallon of Water. The spray evaporates and Should be renewed after rain. In ordinary weather, spraying every two weeks is sutfiotent. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR EGGS kND POULTRY FIM`SAWS PHONE 80 BRUSSELS (ream Producevs Creamery Will Be Open F 30 th On Wednesday and 444,y lEvening,s BRUSSELS CREAMERY PHONE 22 BRUSSEJ S