HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-5-14, Page 5I'liB BRUSSELS MST klA041014011.4016104011046100 113-:0 Ford Sedans' coaches, coupes 1939 Ford Sedans and Coaches 1939 Plymouth Coupe , , 1939 Hudson Coach 1938 Ford Sedans and Coaches 1938 Hudson Sedan 1938 Chevrolet Coach , 1937 Ford Coach 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 1933 Ford Coach 1932 Chrysler Coupe 1932 Chevrolet Coach Several .-"sr'fi� Later ModelS In Good Condition Several Good Milk Trucks Buy YourlNew Car Nov See Our Display 3 New Tractors In Stock L I &W. Jackson Motors Ltd. Wallace St. Listowel Pi13ne ibi Weduesd Y, Ma TEL * s 4, * ♦ * * The latest car (at 1915 Fara) a"=. R OS RE • SYi3ss I74 0, ilistop has returned to 9uired by Doctor Richmond has SERVICE all the gadgets necessary for fres QUI ,[T'Y Miss Susan IxMar , air service throughout t1Pt chassis) SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY e do L. MarYs holOp day in spent 'i ba^' as well as ,the tires, with the further 2 16 -os .tins for sic er leen • Stratford, reaornmendartion that the faster' you Country Kist Peas 112iss 7Joris Arnrstront was a 'Fri' axiv5 the more assured you will bo Hillcrest Lard 2 1 -Ili cartons for l lc' day visitor in Toronto, : at this serirlCe, Maxwell House Coffee • • • 1 ll tin for 49c McCurdy Lowry of Tprenta spent I Super Suds, with relish Dish c• • , .. •:.. , • , • • - each 24e eSunda. at dtie atozme here, Mrs, Dick INhtcneta was hostess Hemphill's Wheat Berries, fresh 5 Ili bag 23c y to Ethel Women s Institute at her 1 per yd 39c Mr, Alvin Pride of Waterloo spent Organdy, white and colors the week end 'ids his family here TwP.. Fug Silk, all shades .... • per yd 35c Miss Betty Best spent tiizo . week Tae ad at gat assembly. Titansay tith. are Lace Curtains • • • , , , , per pr 98c end with tier marker Mi's, Geo, Beast g Thanks are Women's Cotton Hose per pr 19c M'as'ter Caltntat Davidson' of Atwood due Dootol Richmond and M. Hewitt Ladies' Gloves, silk and c'hamoisette .• 3..S. e. and 69c per pr, was a week and vbsitor''at itis lrakns C. N. R. station la$op+t for lar 00000)- Ladies', House Dresses' .. , • ... • • , , .•,..-•-•,..... • each 98c her sdion in getting the ieatvillage mew. Children's Running Shoes, blue, sand and wine ••• per pr 59c hen's bars too and from the meet4n , Lastvi ;Brussels. ace g. Men's Felt Hats . , • • • • Ivir. and were Sunday visitor* with a of Mrs. lo� SnnsdAy o8 a week ago Rev. Mr. SEED CORN ON HAND No. 1 --Inspect Lake, occupied the pulpit ♦ ----- -"--. "."— 7 Mus. J, Parker, Toronto, has been in Ethel United Church at the a n- h �i� %yY� Ziegler %; � g sw visiting with iter aunt Mrs, James hour of worship, stressing the tern � FY E Jii a • Zi iii 1IC Grant perance theme. Rev. Snell conduct- Highest Prices Paid For Eggs. Rev. P. 'Watts has been in .London ed the averring service 80r Mr, Lewis Phone 22-r-11 Ethel this week attending a meeting of the in Brussels United Church on the �� same dente. Synod. Jack Dunbar, recently of Brant 20th at the 50th anniversary of the MT, Bnt�t Ga Funeral of John Perdue ford was driving the motor delivery tveddiug of BarrY and Mrs. Speiraa 'Held In Morris Township trust for Ethel economy store a few + was tote (attendance of Mus.' Wm, The funeral of Jahn Perdue took days last week. Slemmon, who is nearly 80 year's of place to WGngham Cemetery on Fri - Some weeks peen, when trying it age and etas been confined to an day from ,the homy of 'his brotther-m- n- invalid s Chair, .ger years and John law, Henry Bosman„ Mrorria Tow Ming over 89 years old who, too, also ship. Rev. O. Ta.vener, of Ebenezer tor years stay been restricted in church o8 which Mr. Perdue was arbtllty to take part in the activities a member, affioiated. Mr. 'Perdue of life. When they with remark- fell from a beam in a barn, in 1914 able exuberance so desirable in life. and since then has been unable to but not always retained past the walk, He limed with his sister, Mrs - more youthful years, presented Bosman. Born on the Perdue home_ greetings, personally, to the bride stead, second line, 75 years ago, his and groom of 50 years ago. entire life wase spent in Morris. each $1.00 ved. immage London. was a WALTON Don't forget She. U.F,W.O. meeting at the home of Mrs. Jas. Bewley on Wednesday, May 21st, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Lacombe and Miss Winnitred Drager visited at Ciassified Ads FOR SALE— Seed Garden Peas. phone 55-r_15 Robt. Locking FOR SALE— Seed Buckwheat, early variety and Dooley Potatoes, phone 840 . Wni.Hollinger FOR SALE - 4 good Sows, in pig, showing up good. phone 13X Dan McDonald FOR SALE— Certified Seed Potatoes, Irish Cbblens and Green Meuntadn, P. M. Saints, Brussels, Ont. WANTED— Stoek••Rcom Man, meohandoally inclined, To take charge of stock ]room. . "•*f•,+•� 0 Brussels visitor for a. couple of days last week. Miss Mary Baeker, London, spent the week end with her mother Mrs A.:0 Backer. Bev. S. T. 'S'trachen of St, Marys visited at Mr. Crawford 'Strachan's. this week. ' Mrs. Jas, Speirs is visiting her daughter Mrs. 'Cora Bell in Toroata for a week or so. Mrs. George 'Kerr spent several days with her son Jas. and -Mrs. Kerr, 6th line of Morris. Miss Merle Sanderson of Fergus spent Mother's Day with her parents Gordon and Mrs. Sanderson. Geo. Backer, St. Marys, spent the week end with his mother Mrs. A, 0, Seeker. Jack Backer left for North Bay this week where the has taken a posi- tion in a drug store for the summer. Mr. Roy McKaY and Miss Helen of 'Toronto Spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc- Kay. Misses Evelyn. and Marian Lake, Elora, were Sunday visitors with their parents, Mr, and MIs. Chas. Lake, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Dawson of Pori' 'Stanley were ;Sunday visitors with Mrs. Dawson's parents, Mr. and Mrs, P. Anent. Mrs. May Richards and Miss Jes- sie T?lliott, Stratford were Sundry guests with Mrs, Jas, Cardiff and Miss Addie Cardiff. Miss Madalon Simian Reg., N.; e tate General Hospital staff of Toron- to is having a six weeks' vacation at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. IId. Matthews and son Raymond of Forest were Moth ere Day visitors. with Mrs. A. J. Lowry. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKay with Mr, Roy McKay and Mies Hetes spent Sunday visiting ' at • White. - church and Wingliam. Mr. and Mrs. David Cunningham and. Miss Potts motored to Oshawa to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe and lclaugh,ters. Mr. and Mrs. Sam .Walker return. ed Meme after spending the winter with h•is . daughter Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Humshrey's in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown 08 Clifford were visitors one day last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. ' Cliff Busohien. The ladies are sisters. Mrs. Donald Black hes secured a Position in the Oreamtery as book- keeper. Mrs. Black will he . able fill the position having :previous me rperienee. Mr, and Mrs, Go a 'f Baelcer who, spent the winter at their home _:r Florida visited the Backer faintly fora few days while enroute to their summer home in Port Frances.' Pte. and Mrs. Palmer, 'Sommerville', and family; Mr. and Mrs, Geo. hart of Atwood; Mr. and Mrs, Percy' Arnett and 1510811' of Ethel were week end visitors with C, R. David' son and .family. Miss Carrie Hdngston is in Wash- ington where she was summoned to the bedside of au aunt who is very' fit. Mr§. A. C. Dances is in charge of her Miillinery Store during her absence. Mrs. Wes. herr Miss Mary Helen Karr and Mr, Jas, MoLadsean war's in Stratford Friday lest. The hotter' two attenders the Crowning of ih> lifav' Queen et "normal." Mr. Tom M'I adzenn 'returned with them to Spent the 'week and; Miss B110 Kerr Reg, N. spent:the week end in Toronto with her coneins• Tairs. Garry Wileen site also !Wooded the fimeraii of her cousin Geo. Riohartison Of Weston, n former 13runsellte, Mks. W. 81. McCulley, Mrs. W. Monti and Mrs, Geo Levi s1Sters'of Geo, Rioltardsan of Gni attended the funeral. Children of the lade Mr, and Mrs. Mat, Richard• the home of Mrs. Charles Drager. Leading Aircraftsman R. W. Bry- ans or 'R.C,A-F., Fingal spent the yeek end at his home, Mls. M. Hoerle and Misses Mil- dred and Ruth Merle 'spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Oharles Sellers. Sergeant W. 'C, Bennet of Rook- cliffe spent a week tut tole home, Sergeant 3. C. Drager, son of Mrs.' Charles, has been promoted 'to the rank •o8 Stott Sergeant. His next step up will be Sergeant Major. Congratulations are extended to Jack Tilt Ladies Guild and W.A. of St 'George's Church held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Marg- aret Shannon on Thursday last with a good attendance. Mrs, Haintihries presided and the meeting opened with the singing of a Hymn followed by a Scripture reading by Miss Kilby and prayer by Rev. Wttttts, Brussels, Business disenssed after which a Dutch Auc- tion was ,00nduoted by Mr. Watts, The 'article sold was a dresser Scarf donated by Mrs Shannon. The Person receiving .the scant was little M•a,e Jackson, Bach member brought a plant or bulb, These were ,all sold at the close of the meeting, 2. & W. Jackson MetoP' 1g Mrs. Shannon donated a lovely pair Listowel Phone 101 of pillowcases on which are to be FOR ------'- seven donations diving the year. SALE --t The W A. held (their meeting A moldier of Asparagus Rentswith Ma. I oliin years aid, ready ,for use 3 ger presiding,1,g sir and Plaut. 'nese was discussed regarding the /"o'• ISturdy plants o. Deanery wench 1st* be held in Blyth Phone 39-r_ 1, M, 53 8. Sell ers FOR SALE-.`�'` • Gold dren seed Oats, 1939 crop, this tano. lse d in June. The meeting closed, with player by Mr, Watts, sifter• which lima was served, Mr. Watts tender. e, 66c per ed a vote of thanks to Mrs. Shannonbus, for the enjoyable afternoon spent in P Amemt her home by all present. OR SA Cert EL r � � ct IC3ss0 Petite slzns, 1> Posta kartorta Human tBabies Bro ht U also anchors, W6 P 115. Martin;. "aces and poles'. By Baboon and Bear Mothers lot 1d, i 01i, 6 Grey �� phone 40-r•7 head about the ctentting eases ie_ FOR SALE vestigated by Prof, R. M, Zingg, dile; '+Ya Waoon,lidioneA Pt§ viva-IF/rhea antltropolegiet, which MdhTumay. 1 nrnilnre n*5„ 18 1135 prevail Ehat children can be reared ri''''pe delivery,Store R25, up, .by wild endntale, ata told do a feauro Ono, evenings. Busy artiote in The Amerlca.n Weekly Marmig, Aro nap/ anna, New and wii0h time May 15 Issue of 'lthe De• i'ran,y Rittper q•A c t Y- Y "I Song, Mildmay, week andevery Week. . ._... 'nett & get atnotor engine into operation Jim Dunbar had the misfortune to have his left wrist severely sprained. while improving asnicely as could be expected it is to be hoped he will be aria O.K. soon again. The musdoale; given Friday, May 8'th in Ethel United Church was pre.. ducod through the !personal tuition and direction of Arnold Earls, musi- cal instructor in public schools. The participants: were massed from Bart. . Isobel'Balton was home over errs, Union, MoncrIeff, Oranbrook ,Sunday, Mother's Day. and Ethel schools, each individual 'IHelen Bat'nian spent Saturday doing their part reflecting on Ia- struotor and p01511, mutual credit," by vicinity, r� and was .highly eommended by ,the ' Maihees Ddy ,service in Ethel county public spool inspector, United: o1lurch,was well 'attended. musical instructors from other Stari =Alexander was :a welcome school sections, the chairman and • osee gest, tisiweak end leave from generous sal 03e was 30 kind, so g the large listening audience, Finan- R:O.A.F., at ,St, Thomas, Galvin true, Mal proceeds donated to Red Cross. Kreuter and J.,: Bryan ,Amies from On earth he nobly didthis • best, Arnold and his associate helpers are Galt where they each babe a fob, but Grant him, Jesus, heavenly rest, being congratulated an the success nolewith the same firm. ,Mrs., f;ec11 Batteman made it a Ever remembered by of their effort, Wm :C. and Mrs. ;Stevenson', A pleasrorable feature in oannee- .point to visit at her parental looms Margaret and Kay. tion with the celebration on April on Mother's Day, • and Sunday iii Hamilton and Grins. IN MEMORIAM Ing loving memory of Thos. G. 'Stevenson who pass'td away on.* year ago. He had a cheery smile, a pleasant: way, A helping hand to all he knew; WiRH —444- ie4.4♦H♦N♦N♦N♦N♦N♦H♦H♦H,♦H1♦♦♦ase°at`< +:44♦♦4♦io♦N♦♦♦4.-4, op.cpoopae�eooeo�4toe4mo♦p �e 50© NEW WORSTED, TWEED AND SERGE READY TO - WEAR SUITS rr 1 i I trait Sunday Times. Be sure to act 5c1 nes The DetrOtt Sunday Tinles 111 4, NEW STYLES NEW SHADES .2♦ ♦2♦ ♦_. ♦♦♦ ♦2♦ epi -`----its 2 3-.12 4♦ 414 414 4;4 414 44 +�o 6g. sy> 4;4 4't0 O• ♦♦• • 424• 01. ♦1t *2+1 ♦4 ♦1� 414 ♦e• Where can you go to find the assortment `that we can show you here—New chalk stripe, ♦•• double breasted suits hi greens, brown, R6 'al and Airforce Blue ---mart 3 -button lounge :0.1 models in popular sporty tweed—»at deck and novelty weave cloths in standard and 4 choosing in tails, regulars, shortsand stouts, one trouser • • • • • • • ± ♦♦ regular suits for more conservative (dressers, All are here•for your 23 50 +2' SALE! Regular 2.50 to 3.00 MEN'S PYJAMAS 1tsa . 1 MEN'S NEW Sport Shirts In and outer styles in slash materials in green, blue, g1ey & tan. Matching buttons and hand stitched edges. 1.19 1.59 1.95 We bought a big quantity of these Forsyth•t pyjamas at a real saving --Hence this unusual •1 price on 'these—all colors, of fine broadcloth Siscs A to D in the lot at • • • NE E*EST AnkleSox d'Or Mefl' .t, 0on„st C tt li le silk or wool in every shade and 25c 7e i+ pattern imaginable, all have lastex top, sizes and ♦?D 10 to 12 sloe ,241 ti WART BROS. S'TE t t SEAPORT''[, ONT. +♦4+♦♦+er♦♦♦1♦4♦141�1tf♦♦4♦4♦•4M4♦♦�H�N�N�Mi+?♦♦++�H4M�N♦~♦N♦.♦*♦♦ /f^►'4t!!'i•4♦♦�.♦�ii�1♦�M♦�1♦�N