HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-5-14, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST "Every duty, well and honestly done, is a contribution to victory." THE PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA. MANY A "JOHN DOE" IN TELEPHONE WORK A subscriber writes— "The other day 1 read that John Doe had completed 30 years with your company. "John got where he is by inlet. ligence and industry. But your company got John where he is be- cause it also was intelligent enough first to choose, then to promote him. "To me John Doe is the tele- phone company." We are quite content that this company should be judged by the people who work for it. Their skill, courtesy and devotion to ser vice account, in ON ,gct'e -gewit-e large measure, for the progress of the telephone. !aaaa al."' April Was Most Unusual Month The month of April, 1941, will be officially recorded as an exception- ally fine month. In fact, there are likely few Aprils on record that ea- Proadh the past month in this res - pent, Most notable, is the fact that tbere was no snowfall during the month and at the same time rainfall was quite light, totalling only 1.5 inches. The bigbest temperature was rec- orded on Easter Sunday when the mercury soared to 80 degrees. The lowest for the month was three days, later when the temperature dropped to 16 degrees. The month generally was bright and unseasonably warm wall a total of 21 daps or sunshine. IIIIMMIIIIIIM!latjategataggunggz2, MANY users say that their Duro Water Supply Sys- tem is their best in- vestment because it furnishes constant running water; has reduced the drudgery of housework and permitted the instal- lation of necessary sanitary conveni- ences so essential to the health and com- fort of a family. Are you doing without these daily requirements of family contentment? It so, a small expenditure for a Duro Mater Supply System will remedy the condition. The Duro Al- though the design can hasnot ebeen gdrastically ht with nchanged, the quality has been constantly improved. Thousands of owners have had years of satisfactory service from their Duro Pumps. The Snow-white 20"x42" Enamelled Sink, illus- trated above, including faucet ready for instal- lation, costs. $34.90 Sink and Cabinet with faucet. (Trap, iron pipe and fittings extra) The Duro Special Pump has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour; is supplied with a 25 gal, tank and 25 or 60 cycle motor. It costs only Running water throughout your home makes it possible to have modern Zmco Bathroom and Kitchen equipment. Emco products are quality built in all price ranges. The Duro Finance Plan enables you to spread the cosh over a period of three years. $65.90 $86.00 r�J For Sale By ,WILTON &GILLESPIE 541 EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.; LIMITED London Hamilton 'Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg - - peg Vancouver By ,iy Miller "Do you thiuk you'll be happy, 'here ualoug sv th ine—just us two?" he wlhiepered. "You're tura a clear, Janl" "Kiss me. like you did last night. Pat your arms around me;" be plead_ ed, "We're going to :be so hapPY, aren't we,? Qh POPPY, it's going to be bard to leave yam,' "Don't let's think about that -- yea" '710, but you'll marry me as soon as I can get it fixed" up, won't yon, darling. so that I oan bring you home here, You'll come soon ! it won't be long we can be together," Involuntary the arms about ht. neck clung closer. "Yes, Jan, I'll come soon." "My little angel girl!" • Poppy had never before been re• garde() as an angel, and she found it very agreeable. Her will was Jaa's law. Prom being an insignificant unit in the overcrowded labour ma.,'- ket site was suddenly raised to a throne, Only in one man's heart, i; is true, but he was henceforth, thn only Person of importance in her sphere. "Jan, there's someone coming." He was wakened from a trance of hliss, and he let her draw away from hien, and rose 'to meet the old la1,a 'Who came up the garden path. She was rather a frowsy old lady, Poppy thought, and she regarded th' girl with some surprise. "This is Poppy„” •said Jan, proud• ly, "She will he Mrs. Wildairs next time you see her I hope, Mrs. Bsn- sitead. ' "Dear me," croaked the old lady. "she looks very young to be mar- ried." '9SIhe's too young," said Jan grave. ly. "But I'm old enougth to be able to take care of her, so it's hest for us to get married. She likes this arouse so I'll take it es it stands for the winter. And if you like I can pay the first month's rent nom'." Mrs. Benstead was quite willing,, She considered, herring crept along the garden to reconnoitre, and glimpsed Poppy in the act of em_ bracing her future ,husband, that girl was a forward young hussy, .and Jan a victim of ,her wiles. But the cottage was not easy to let in the winter, and Jan had not haggled over terns. He had at once con- sented to a higher rent than she h ever had, even in the cum months. So she Was pleased when t agreement wase signed, and so five Jan and • Poppy. Her ibltlier placed no difficultuies in the way of the marrisee. Iii answered Jan's straightforward letter at once. It seemed to him a very good tilting to ;rave Poppy taken off his hands." as he expressed it to his wife, though, to do hint justice. He Thad had no idea of her desperate position. That she ,had, to a. great exte brought about herself. Had air spent what money she had on be ^ fare home she would have had food anal .!better and the same chance of finding work as in Southpool. But sae had not wanted to ret'trn to leer nagging stepmother and all the drudgery of her Bonner lot as tate eldest of a large family, She wee not Wanted there, and rho knew It, In Sonthpool She bad freedom,antl there h!a,d always been, et the back of her mind, the thought of Teddy conning back. 'The emotional excitement of Jan's determined wooing had given her little tame to think of Teddy. Ile could not .matter to her now, Silo wets going to he Jam's wife, and mistress of eat dlrarmtng 1t ase Imam, Sale omild appreciate all that the simmer tenants ban Clone to ft, an'i Jan .SSW that *he Should have' ever'r- taring to tier own *ate. lie bought her a picture she had ottani admired in a Shop window in the High iStreet, and .tome luminous witch bowls for her to fill with flow- ens from the garden, and pretty china, and glese and linen. He was irlassfully happy, otiol,lptntg with her, Rad pretending to help to choose, trio adtuniiy leaving It all to her She knew what was right, he tihouglut, and he would have bought What was all wrong, having no taste fn euoh miters. !I- 5e thought o2 all sorts of treat• a ores that he migalt have bought for her in the course of his wanderings If be had known' that be was going to meet her, But Mal collected milling. NOW he would have Poppy to think of and send presents to, A few odds and ends, some ca no intrinsic value he lad kept as souvenirs, He brought them to show Porpa one day—a hand of Patima— a bit of bead work that spelt a charm- ,a bent cigarette .case that had saved his We by turning aside the knife of an assassin. There WAS a curious ring that the sometimes. wore, and a stone of which he did not even know the name which had been an Indian's token. of gratitude for a service he made light of. "Isn't it beautiful." cried Poppy, turning it to catch the"light, 'Toni can hare it dear, It's never been cut. I'll take it to the �esvat ler'is to-mororw and if it's any good 1'11 have it made in a ring for said Jan, So it was that Poppy came to wear, as a betrothal gift, a gem a queen mig'b!b have envied—an opal of rare lustre. set in platinum. Jan those platinum, too, for her wedding ring and he hurried matters 0n so effectively that only a week after she had given her promise Poppy went out one morning, with Baba in .attendance, and was married M one of the old churches near th' harbour. He had sent her her weddin, dress, having secured the advice of Barbs concerning it. It was a simple white flroek and there was a girlish hat to wear with it, 'She carried a nheat of lilies. seat on the weddfny morning by the adoring bridegroom San brought the second officer of the 'Donna Clara' has his best man and alter the ceremony there was a merry luncheon at a restaurant in the town. Then Poppy, having changed her white frock for a blue jammer suit went off in the motor boat, as befit- ted a sailor's bride, anti so home M The Nest - Jan thought it a lovely name for the tiny house. If ever human being svgs perfectly happy he was in those honeymoon days. Possession brought no disillusion . ♦o fo him, His wonder' never ceased �? Conveyancer that such a girl as Poppy should oda have been given to him for his own WedzesdaY, May 19411, 941 HANDY HINTS a * * J Web gz'avy stains as hard zo You can 'the moment they are made Or 1 blot 'them up with blotting paper, and most of the dif3ouldy will be averted; usually they wash oat quite simply if the *Olid coloring matter is moved like this. oil RAI Tlli.m 8e#tsr With OGDEN'S c/OARETTE TOBACCO 0 * Have you ever thought of using the. cardboard tube in' the 'centre of toilet rolls. for keeping ribbon. un - creased? Wind the ribbon round and round to tube and secure with a small pin. * x: * To tighten the handle of a knife take it out and $11 the cavity in the handle with three parts pow dered resin and one; part powdered. baitblbilok or with equal parte of resin and. shellac. Beat the shell till' 'very hot (not red -tacit) and then 'neem into the handle, pressing firmly. • * * 0 iA, milk stain, en arti'tidial silk ehould be soaked to equal parts, of ggiyoerine and water. Rub with your finger tips until it loosens; lhea waeat it out 1n tepid. water, WESTERN CANADA Special aargai.n EXCURSIONS FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA GOING DAILY — MAY 17 28, 1941, INCLUSIVE Return Limit: 45 days TICKETS GOOD IN— COACHES at fares approximately lilac per mile. TOURIST Sleeping Cars at fares approximately 1%sc per mile STANDARD Sleeping Cars at fares. approximately 1%c per mdse Cost of Accommodation In Sleeping Cars Additional - BAGGAGE checked, Stopovers at All Points enroute Similar Excursions from Western to Eastern Canada During Same Period Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations, and all information from. any Agent. ASK FOR HAND BILL CAk`t,IADI N 1M lTIONAL ♦ a O 4 p4:0+:0 e, 40:46°0459,4:00:04,04:7-0P„AOgyq,�.y,.D ,1 t q g, r, 4c® o 0 o w 4 4 4 ay,Ni�I�reyya�oasaya4o°eo'o y A 6 4 o m, 4opU m asine% e, O tl fiaax r S r ♦•� • .I4 ALLAN A.LAMONT 4 e♦ Agent for—Fire, Windstorm,"and Automobile Insurance. �t , .Y. Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy ♦2♦ for fanners. �2! °�° 'Phone 657 ♦_♦ 4�a Queen St. Brussels ♦ ♦ `o S. Donaldson Licensed Aietioneel %' o�v for the Counties of Huron and Perth j< Y phone 3S -r -l3 – — •Atwood, Ont. 4t 02; • All Sales Promptly Attended do ♦2::, ♦gm CHARGES MODERATE ♦i* ' ' For Engagements phone 31 The Brussels Post' and they els ♦♦ will be looked after hnmediately. .to WILLIAM SPENCE 4an Estate Agent sto ad Inrnasalened lover as he was, he treated her mare as a chilli than a mer woman. He spoilt her thoroughly dur'nn- the brief ,time they were ha re n e together. 1 -Ie gave her her own way in everything. Ile waited upon her fanobedient to her every whim and cy. The little house was bis joy. But Poiapv's dainty ;lands must not be y "'�rlef• IIs swept and polished and hammered with a saflor'e skill and neatness. - He Wal a capital cook, and the would serve up the most ap- petising meals, and Commissloner tap m$a GENERAL, INURANCE OFFICE a•�4 4. y:° MAIN STREET, _ ETHEL, ONT. 04 ado .�....♦o ♦Yo CHAS. T. C�,cIld'9GtEcN .'r 'I° INSURANCE AGE NT F- tr e$e ePa CANADIAN GENERAL EMPLOYERS GENERAL INS. +I0 0�0 ZURICH GENERAL DOMINION OF NADA PERTH MUTUAL a*e 40 CONSOLIDATED pp ea4 els :Poppy was not a tidy person In the house. She left iter things about for San to fold up and put away, and he would handle everything belong- tne to her tenderly as if it was part of her, She found it all ready fcr 'her use, as if she had had a skilled lady's maid in attendmnee. Site hati mo work to do. It was always "let 010 da that. sweettbeanta" if site evon alternated to carry a tray, or fill the flower bowls with fresh water. B,aba coming to visit t'hean, decid- ed it w e4'tn't Mat. I1 wee down- ' right nilly, to see the 'Ivey Jan went lntl'ting Poplhy lift a finger,. Papal find the difference• when he went .away. travail?. new a 11110and's. privilege TM„ 1jn ,4,erred mills anon bast wife. II" tnnlr her to the best situps • in Lite ,taxa r" range s1. winter outfit, ilor In fm" nn"ro.q,l Wesir of the honeyauoon tap manta,,,,• broke up suddenly; colt; 14 4 1 ""14: TM"""Trait lisavoo sanongat the r"are" r"nv„ra: rain beat against the Sots Rmmar of The Nest. r 'isa the darker evenings and n"«S'"a"' i" the roomi where he and "^ a' "°'t hsnnllglhit fresh fibrilla This wl1Ar he could refit by his. 0'w71 b„s^+tfi, wifih tete darling on his 'haat,. Nati would see it so often (ri tan,,,. affirm he was far owaY. I* la,nnhled him mare anti mn"s ,that its had to leave her. He had bardiv rnrdidsed, at 141e beginning, that k woad he so hard, TO SIO 00t'1TINtLt'III. Og 'PHONE OFFICE 92X STATE FARM MUTUAL Brussels, Out, o Harold Jackson ;Y SPECIALIST IN FARM AND 'HOUSEHOLD SALES. 61 (Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties) e♦ P'PilCEa REASONABLE; SATISFACTION GUARANTEED • ♦2� FOF information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, 12 on ,658, ♦• 8tforthpR,R. 1, Make arrangements at The Brussels Post o r Elmer :b. Bell,BrucefiNe. ♦. ♦ Barrister office. _ ter.. e4; ele; ♦• 4a♦ RESIDENCE 87.s-2 0,74,adotaniangneszr a° e$4 D. A. RANK ♦o FURNITURE ♦♦ FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer aha e♦ PHONE 36 or 85 exs♦ , — BRUSSELS ONT ♦2♦ 46 Fay.. , 0a t E .�' °4 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. e♦ •PHONE 29X •— ._ BRUSSELS, ONT ati ' LMER D BELL B.A. $, . 4o♦ ♦Zi ♦g. JAMES McFADZE4 ,1 Howick Mutual Fire Insurance 4,tllso I 0+ I. 0♦ Hartford Windstorm, Tornado Insurance Automobile Insurance 4j4 PHONE 42 A. O. BOX 1 ' •RNRERRY ST. — s.._ r ♦!r4e TUBRUSSELS, ONT. it r♦d++DO444+ 4:444+♦:w4+4iDyifw•`♦` :•-••4 +