HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-5-14, Page 1- BRUSSELS, ONTARIOPOST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesdayf May 14thi�194 __, ,..._ --�x ..hti The t Liu Fire Brigade Organized EMPIRE SERVICE COLUMN A;L+ter an absence of four months Oc d we again take up the task of wrltiu; this weekly column, So mao'h bas occurred during that time that it ie 21e'S hard to peek up the tangled ends and to properly analyze the course 23c took of events, We have seen some 15e `' drastic changes an every continent, 18c: i some of which have caused eonsid- 'to G+oderIch with his family in 1874, 25c ere,blo alarm •to us'at amen and yet Willie quite young be went to the 21c i't Is safe to .say that despite many 'United States, living in 'Chioago, St, • 9c reverses; we are still confident of Louis and for over forty gears, in 19c ultimate yictorY• New York: 25c • Nothing has Happened to destroy j Owingto failing health he return - 27,x, those hopes, in fast, as we look back ed to Brussels about two years mei 15c over the oast months we should -feel to make his home with chis sisters. • 9c anyt'hing but downcast, When we Ailthouge of a quiet, retiring'11spost- 25c remember that Mr. 'CJhurchill ware- tion, he made many friends during; ed us last January that the "nest bis residence. hare, 90 days would be critical" and and He is survived by one brother these 90 days past without any its- R. F. Downing, and two sisters, estrous effects apparent, we should ,Misses Elizabeth and Hattie Down - feel greatly relieved for frown now on ing, all of Brussels, ttse' current mil it swing in our The funeral service was conduct favor. Now that the major problems eci on Friday, May 9, by Rev. C. i .' of 'United States labor -anions have Lewis of the United Church. The been smoothed out, production will. pallbearers were G Baeker, J. Gib - step up In such a manner. that we son, W. Loerry, R. J. McLeachlin, J. will soon be oat of that state o' Wilton and W. Williamson. inferiority hi this war of "machines,' ��, e. z, Man for man, tank for tank plana Public Urged To Decorate Nor plane, we lnlow we are superior During War Loan Campaign to anything the Axis can produce, Premier Hepourn is longing him We know our people can "take Jt;' self wholeheartedly behind th:e Dem. we know that we can also "give it" :inion War Loan Conmaign which is and That- our enemies cannot take expected to commence on June 2n4 anything like ajar own people have He declared that the seriousness of already suffered. The "Crack-up" the war to Canada cannot be over - will come suddenly as it did in the emphasized and it is the duty of last war. Therefore we must work everyone to lend hi'e full support ao and •sacriflae day in and day out the raising of money necessary to until •that glad day arirves. provide planes, tanks, ships, amu_ munition and most important of all -This community may wet be proud .to beak to the limits the efforts of record to date of Jack Spier, son of those who are fighting our battle. of Mr, and Mrs. John spier of Morris Mr. Hepburn+ asks the mayors ot Twp, Jack at the age of 18 enlistel Ontario to issue proclamations urg- wiih the RaC'•A.J'• in Sepltember 1940•, ing the public ,to decorate their a In 7 moults of training at Manning homes and offices with flags during Concert and Dance Pool, Toronto, St. Hubert's , airport the Dominion War Loan Caanpaign. Walton Commrmity Hall Quebec; Engttngtou Hunt Club. I Its May23rd (-Toronto. Crumlin and Uplands air. Firemen WiII Collect Scrap Friday, pont, Cbtawe, he received his wings presentation to be made to the Falling in tine with an urgent re- on AP•r1d 18th, being first in• a dross quesit from Mrd Government for a voys from Walton and district of 53 in "Ground Work" and 6th ,n sarap salvaging oaanpatgn, the task, in active service the "Wings" parade. Music by Arthur's Orchestra. • On May 3rd he received his Com - the Brussels has been undertaken b Both old and modern dancing , mission as Pilot Officer ' and was- Lunch as Lunch served Admission 35c A:t a meeting teal Monday night in the 'rove. Hall a are 'brigade was organize• The recently appointed fire chief Gordon Sandeeson the chair, The tOellowing are the appointees; Driver, Dick McQearr e; On the 'C'heurteal Tank, Wm. Mc- Qual'rle, Dick Stephenson, Noselpxen M, Thompson and Bill Stephenson; On ilbe water hose, Geo. 'Davidson, A. Logan, W. 'Cameron, Jao&t (Aug,) tltutledge, Ad. McTaggart, C, Borba., J, (Eagan) Rutledge and J. Kern- aithan; Alt the Pumps, J. Logan. Geo. Elliott and Bob c emmell, The various Parts oY "the firs. fighting emirates were discussed and it was decided to order water- proof coats for the men. .A. propos- ed street dance was arranged and will be held on Wednesday, May 08, with music being furnished by the ,Stratheona Horse Regiment Orplies= tra of Listowel, Th10 is to be a big event and everyone is invited 'ti etttend as it is in aid of The WO' Services fund. Both the Flee Brigade and The War Services are worthy of your -support, so show your loyalty• by being present. There will be tun for all refresbments and booths. Collected For The War Services Casnpaign Obituary T E WILLIAM DQW'NING „•. rf n Pur oyer o year' and a Mala we tion Commitee le Mr. 1}, D, 1400)10)' After en .illness of 'three woehe' i 1 Damadlen6 have beau at war with of Goderich and Viae Charman ora duration, William Downing passed ae Germany and all Germans, yet Yew Mr. I3arper Rivers o3 Exeter, Mr, l•-1;. away at 111s home here, Wednesday 8 O X of us at the 71'reseavt time realize C. McLean od WSmgham, Dr. ]P: J. May 7, 1941,. the im11100 Ity bf tate task 'ahead, realize C. McLean of beadm'h and Ms It, Sr I, Born ie. Lindsay, Cute in, 1863, ale peas Mr, 1]dbtor:,. Mowed of Goderidh', was the eldest son of t to late Jolin Lt is with a spirit somewhat dim 3, ur+Cher members of the various and knizabeth Downing, Ile moved mod by chagrin and discouragemeat conn, „t808 will be ainnormced early nest week Chat I pen these few lines, with tee During the last war the People of Canadaeeeta ti taking her Prada with the the Couwty le Huron responded great nations of the flirt in wag g, h we ing the greatest conflict Mie world admirably to the appeal by the Gov has ever witnessed. A conflict while er'nanent for money to carry on the has •as its. nistigator a man and his war effort es it then was. Now the tyrannical regime and which has al- necessmty is much gveater than it resbdy reduced almost one third of ever was before and as our King the population at rhe European cm. f stated many months ago "THIS tinent to a state of slavery and of TIME WE ARE ALL IN THE'. serfdom, A coaftat in which we FRONT LINE," lire justly proud to tate our stand i in dgining for all that is high, : and i noble, and just; in upholding liberty freedom and in suppressing oppt'e*_ sion. and tyranny. This conflict I fes'• is a. conflict to which a superlative degree any in all oases be aptly ap plied. It demands our utmost 11 prcduotdou, our utmost in financial assltance and our utmost to man- power things which in turn lead 11 the greatest strain and greatest stress, the greatest worry and the greatest 'anxiety. It does not, however, follow that these things must occupy all our thoughts. We must not give way to a sgirit of defeatism in thinking that all rights of tree independent enterprise are lost, This spirit of enterprise is more essential thea ever. The old. saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy might well be applied. We must have some form of recrea. tees and relaxation and so 'guard against what is termed war_nervee, a missile more potent than any weapon that Hitler could hurl, For this recrea'tiou and relaxation we naturally turn .to tate realm of sports Sports in Brussels, Piave in the lost few years fallen into three main divisions: hockey, the girls' softball team and football. In hockey this year we had our promising young, triumphant juveniles. We all are the Firemen, The various articles proud of our village belles when • they usable for this purpose are listed go to work on their opponents en else -where in • this issue; cwt it out, the .diamond. But football is to paste it oh a card and hong it up in Brussels a heritage, We recall with your kitchen. 'Phis is far the War alm,iraitiontliose teams of yore, Services 'Campaign and as everyone I which battled their way on Victoria is in the front lines now, this is only ! park to Western Oavtearie Ohampior' a ,snarl part everyone can play to- l ships and then ,swePt on to Ontario 'ward providing 1110 necessaries for f Championships. We are even be - the boyar who are actually doing 11 ginning to brag about that team bigger part: •Have 'your salvage , which only -three years' ago brought ready for' colledtion en true last' ,home the Stevenson trophy and Thursday of this month, May 29t1i. I reached the W.F.A. flnaLs. Are, we itt will be called for right after ' going to rest content with our laur- dinner. , els and let football in Brussels tile REFER TO INSIDE PAGE a violent death?'. For information Regarding Articles; T111 year the Heron League Prom - of Value for Salvage Collection. I ises to be better than for several by packing their country tock can hot) { years. The class of the league :v'il by paoking their scrap and leaving it �oarentlY be two English teams at the la assets. ters�Sanderson's from the: Port Albert air school Garage in Brussels. which should prove well worth r-- meg' watching play and which assaaredly ,provide an unexcelled opportunity RED CROSS for the local lads to learn a bag of tricks: BRUSSELS BRANCH Are wee going to let this•oppe.- tunity pass? A team cannot be fielded without some degree. of or- ganization behind it and it oan-ner' tainly not be organized without some meeting in which to do so. Two meetings have aireadY been called with an average attendanceof three (persons. A third and .final meeting is being called for Monday evening, May 19, in the (basement of the library, I3 we wenn a team let us all turn out, player, tans, everybody and let its organize a team that will show• the Englishmen that good old Wessels can still play football in the rants of cheenplone, Yours ,hopelnlY, A piutriotip tootball-minded citizen. Prizes To Be Given What Are WE Going To Do About It ? 450 38c 21c °0c 'Me following .aanoun,bs were col- leoted and forwarded to Douglas Brown, County T,reesmrer, Goderioh in the War Services Canvass: - East :hall of Morris , , , .. , , $347,36 Grey Tim 876.25 Brussels 535.57 $1759.18 $58.60 Total Promised Let's Go A New Travelogueby the Toll Brothers 'Hiking Through South America' Motion pictures in colour. in Duff's United Church, Walton Thursday, May 22nd at 8 p.m. auspices of Women's Assoc. Admission only 25c for Adults and 15c for Children. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Ont. —a NOW PLAYING— Carole 'Lombard Robert Montgomery Mr and Mrs. Smith The year's greatest comedy treat! • MON., TUES., WED. Gary toper Madeleine Carroll Nth West Mounted Police In Technicolor 'Spectacle as only Cecil B. OeM111e can describe it. —z— Neat THURS., Fi4I., SAT. A Girl, A Guy and a Gob It's a Harold Lloyd produotton' 0 COMING Foreign Correspondent posted to Debert air 'squadron in Nova Scotia awaiting orders to proceed on Active Service. HATS OFii' 'to Flight -Lieut J. Spiers who we 'mew as Jack Spier a sobool bay only a few months ago. God speed and a happy landing Jack, OW'orship The Lord In The a Beauty Of Holiness. St, John's Church Fifth Sunday after Easter 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon 7 p,m.—Eve,ning Prayers. Melville Church 10 a.m.—Sunday School and" Bible Class 11 a.m.—"The voices ..of ..the present and the vision of the futre." 7 p.m.—"At the cross roads." United Church 11 a.m,—Church School Anniversary Mrs. Wieduttes,'Detroit Spec laI speaker. A choir of the Church .,School will furnish the music. 7 p.m.—"The Burning Bush In Modern Life." COME AND WORSHIP Special Announcement We are still Ford Dealers at Brussels. Our aim. is to serve you at all times. ' "Service with a smile" the importance, to each Individual one of us, of the eventual success. et our was effort. et has oiiten been stated that we are at war to defend our way et linin but ie it realized why wish to do se and how it differs from Cha plans which the Germano even now have for us. Here fn Canada each nne of us tads a rf t 'to bappiness, prosperity and good health, and it is possible or each one of us to 'Have •chew Price- less, assets, but under Germania Plans we would have no hope of ever finding any haoo nesss or pros- perity and even our health would be 4Po NNN•�•8�� Club Ri4tb taken from us, as e, healthy nation 6 would sooner or later become a, re. Monday belltous nation, o Start It we lase this war we will viral - ally be en'ilaved, and as only a free FIRST DRAW ON MAY 23rd people an be Nappy, prosperous and With the weekly half holidays' healthy, it is essential to each Inds-. already in fall swing :and the Brus- vidual Canadian that every ounce of seas stores open each Wednesday energy be expended .towards winnin, night, Brussels merchants have coq- than war, We unquestionably have sidered a Booslter 'Club es a means the ability but we must make the of attracting people to this centro tremendous effort sb very necessary. for shopping purposes. Every small Early next month every loyal ,townl or village bas to fight to hold Canadian will be asked to lend all tamer rightful trade, and unless, the money possible to bhe Govern- some incentive is offered and attrac• went of our country in order that 'tions put forth, ttie buying public the present war may be carried to a' wander away to larger places. successful conclusion as soon as This pian hasproven very sue- posssib0e, Even now in. the County emeriti in other centres and tends ad Huron an organization' is' being to draw bigger crowds 'Mean they set up to organuze this county for have been adeustesned to for some the forthcoming Victory Loan whi :h tame. Merchants and business - it is expected will be announced mem put up the cash for prizes, and around' the first 01 June: everyone seeuns always to• be on Mr. James• Leiper, Warden of the hand when the drawings were made County of Huron is Honorary Chair. dolt Saturday night. men, and Sedge T. M. Costello is BE SURE TO GET -YOUR 'VieeJC'bairman, BOOSTER CLUB TICKETS Chairman of the Executive 'Com_ When shopping in Brussels mbthee is Mr. J. D. Z'iromas of AT -A BOOSTER CLUB STORE Gadelto'h, and Vice Clhairmen are count. Mr. H. 0..Campbell of Wingham, Mr. T SPurchases through the week LiST OF MEMBERS-- tohomas Pride H.teMr. J• to glen's. Drug :Stare Shearer of C1tn'ton, Mrr.. W. L. Why of Seadorth, Mr. Hugh Hill of Ban- Backer's Butcher Shop miller. Mr. G. W. ,Schaefer is Sec-'Cha,pauan'O Ramses Shap rotary Land Mr.'H. C. Williams tZcnler''s Superior Store Assistant Secretary. Eiliott's Economy Store Members of the Executive Com- least Huron Produce mitten are as follows: Mr. Thomas .: Grewar'a 'Cash and Carry Store Pryde of Exeter, Mr. A. Y. McLean Kelly's Service Station of Seafortle Mr, R. K. Wurtele of McDonald's Butcher Shop G'oderich, Mrs. D. S. Lane of Gode- Rowland Bake Shop riot, Mr. R. S. Hetherington of Li<annis 'Furniture Stare Wingham, Mr, D. D. Mooney of ,Sandersenea Garage Goder'tch, Mr. A, H. Erskine of Semis' Egg and Poultry Store Goderbch, Mr. D. E. Camipbell of Seidon's Radio ,Stop Goderich, Mr. S. G. Mullen of Sen- The Brussels Creamery forth, Mr. 3, W. MnKibbon of Wing- ' The Arcade Store ham, IVIr, F. pingland ICC., of . ''pie Farmers' Club Store Olintmo Mr, R. M. Creech of Exeltet, Willis' Baine Bakery Mr. K. J. Il'uenton of ilowick Town- Wood's Store Ship. Joint Chairmen of the County of Huron ,Sales Committee are Mr. H. C, Campbell of Wingb,am. Mr. Thom- as Pryde of Exeter, Mr. 3• C. Shear• er 'of Clinton, Mr. W. L. Whyte ei Seafortb, Mr. A. Y. McLean' of Seaterth, Mr. A. Y. McLean of Seufor-tat le chairman of Huron County Publiebty Committee with Mr. A. 'retakes and W. T. Crutk- shenios of Wingham as Vice - Chairman.' Mr. N. W. Miller of Clinton .and Godeiidli is Secretary. The conrzo'ibtee for the County of Huron to handle Speotal'lames has Mr, It, IC. Wuetele• of Goderich as Ohaiimrain and Mr. W C. Attridge ot Godenton, Dr. M. Graihatm of Go90- rich, Dr. M. Graham o1 Godernch anti Mr, Owen • Combo of Clinton as Joint Vika-Chairmen, . The Employees' 'Oommittee for the County of Huron is headed by Me, R. S. Hetherington of Wingham as Chmirunan with Mr, J. B. Reynolds of Ioderich. and Mr. D. Maltby of Clinton as Vice -Chairmen, Mr. A. Ii, Erskine is Obairnian of the Counity or Iluron ,Adaninietratten and Finance Committee and Mr, D. H. Downie of Goderich, Mr. Alex Smith o1: GOd'erielb and Mr. R. C. Whately of Gedorioh are ant:e- Chairmen.. 141ns. D. 3, Ione is Chairman 'it the Womenis •i omiriilite and Mrs. lda• Sanders of Exeter, Mee, A. i. Close nt :Seaterth Anal Mrs. 1, W 1i'I'eltibib'an or Wingbeen, are Vice - Mennen, The Chalmette of the TrensPot'ta, 1 The Sewing and Knitting Commit, - tees will be of ilhe workroom •Swam - day evening from 9 to 1e p.m. until further notice. We wish to express our apprecia- tion to all who so kindly assisted in the collection of paper's lash Satur- day. Will anyone who foe any reason did not have t'helr salvage eolleete'i please leave same at Mr. Sander son's Garage. CARD OF THANKS R. F. Downing and Misses. E. aid H. DoWning wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their nam" friends for the kindeess anti sympathy shown to them during ,their recent bereavement, cam] CARD OF THANKS We. Oriel to express our aalncere thattke to' our neighbors and -friends for the kindness and sympathy shown in our recent sad' bereave• I 'the decoration may be fettled in thin mere. 'Special thanks to Rev, herr lased and atoms be renal throughout, ,Mt await of $5 dollars is to be given to the best decorated busineeSe place 'or residence in .B'russela and a grand prize of $14' dor the best in Hitron County. The reasons .Lor I3 for brie comforting message, a1$o I by all. Remetniber loud eat as 1 a -Listowel to Mrs, laving and William Siders and Us landed in 9 ond and we wonder cksori Motors ltd. -Lto 'those Who kindly loaned their l "Vot viii Herr Hie tint of duo,',, & W J • oat's. lien's keep him t±tlnkking till It is ' • - James' Burgess and Family' tri lat9 for him to evon try tb think,, HOW IT WORKS— Loma businessmen put up cash for prizes and tickets. It 000±81 the buying public nothing. \'Pith every o'Oc inurenane a customer receives cue 'tdolcet, with a doper purchase two tickets, and 'so on., Every Sat- urday might at 9.30 a 'big draw a*111 be made. 'Cwstoner's must deposit their tickets previously in recep- +taol'es in each Store, and these in turn will be gall/tared and placed' 111 one big barrel. Five minutesbefore the allotted time, the town bell will notify everyone that they should be alt the town ball, (outside if the weefther is lime inside inevent of rain) aa'd ,then 'thiugs WEI get wider Way. Draws will be made by kiddies in the crowd, and drib prizes given.. First prize will be $10. the re- maining nine prizes $1. each. You Must bethere 'to claim yottr prize otherwise another mama will be Mown from the' barrel, 'Commencing Monday, May 1.9th Club memibore will give out tickets with puidhessee. The first draw will be made Friday night, May 2309, at' 9,34. ' 9;nida1 night will be open night the Saturday, 24011 ssbetls, gond holiday, Come o Aare in the fun and P'rtze money. The Bind will be on. band. 1'oOTm-•-^rho Ease Huron Produce, Santis' Egg & Poultry Store and The Brussels Creamery will give 'tickets to the value of dream 0.113 eggs bought by tbean. ,Amy merdhant oan '61111 )oia the club if that see V iisll'.