HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-5-7, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE MORRIS Presentation !On Wednesday evening, April 30t11 the neighbors •and Sierras or ;rack Stith) who was home oar leave from UplandAirport near Ottawa where he had receved hie "winge" gathered at SS, No, 4 Moris to spend e social time, During the evening Jack was called to the platform and the Nolltrining address was read by Jim Davis and the presentation of a chronometer wrist -watch made by Roy Thuell. Dear jims We, your neighbors and Mende have gatthered here to -night to ex- press to you the high esteem in which the neighborhood holds non We are glad to be able to meet with you for a social hour before you start on your long Journey to help overcome the monetor who is at present trying to overrule the world. You have always by your dili- gence, your faithfulness to duty and high character set before us the high type •of manhood any cammun_ try is proud of and add to that the further stimulus of having donned the 'Royal Blue,' winning your wings so quieltly and becoming a valued member of the R.C.A.F, signifying 'your willingness to sacrifice all, if need be, lir defence of your country and loved ones. Thus you find the reason of our meeting here tonight, to express in a tangible way that which we find so hard to say. Please accept our stet, may bring •you blessing end happy thoughts of your old friends when you are in far countries. 13e assured you will be often in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless) yon with health and strength and bring you safely home again. 'Let not your heart be trouhlsd ye believe in God." Signed on behalf of the commun- ity Roy Thuelt Jiro, Snurrle. Tack made a suitable reply thank- ing his friends for their lovely gilt. The remainder or the evening wae spent in social oboe cards and dancing. The music Ives supplied by Messrs Ernie, Sas. and Howard )Siib and Miss Mabel Fear. Jack expected to be •home till Mee, 10 but got a telegram to be in Montreal on May 2 and from there to Debert, Nava Scotia. A telegram to his parents on Saturday, MaY 3, from Moncton N.B., informed telcos of his having received a commission, pilot otfteee. c==I Let's Go A New Travelogue by the Toll Brothers 'Hiking Through South America' Motion pictures in colour. in Duff's United Church, Walton Thursday, May 22nd at 8 p.m. auspices of Women's Assoc. Admission only 25c for Adults and 15c for Children. *sea REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Ont. NOW !PLAYING— Double BII George O'Brien Virginia Vale —IN— Stage to China -, Jean Hersholt as Dr. Christian Remedy For Riches moN., TUES., WED. Errol Flynn Olivia) OdHavilland Sante Fe Trail They cat1ved a path through the wilderness, and paved It with bullets and lives. —x-- iNeXt THURS., FRI., SAT. Starring Mr and Mrs. Smith Robert Mentabmery Carol Lombard' Gene Raymond . North West 2M—OUtited Pelted * * * a * * * :0 * ------ PEOPLE WE KNOW 1 * '0 '1,* Ask Yourself— Wednesday. May 7th, 1941 st61.19.1R ws Items The War Effort En, Garon, Godericis is on a, few desist leave and le Wending them af0 ca 411* home on M111 St. ,edsavalaspr•Foopupoemsommeitariemmumf Brakeman Russell C. Fog of Paltn. ernton anent )0lie week end at his home in Brussels, Dastd Ila,ebinns of Pete - wawa Mikan' Ofrinli spenl the week end at his home. Plte. Cardiff of Me Elgin Regt„ Valcarlier, Que., )sPent the week end at hie home in Brussels. Pte. Wan. and Mrs. Cardiff !spent Sunday ariernaon at Seaforth Hopi. tad visiting Mrs. jam Csediff and baby ,datishiter, who are both doing fine. Pte, Evertht Lowrie, Cams Boyden spent the week end with hl Pereatn Mr. end •Mrs. C. Lowrie. Pte. Harry Bowler of Camp Borden) )spent the week end at his home in Brussels. Mrs, L A. Weight of Toronto, was a gueat of her sisters Mrs. W. P. Strebton. and Mrs. Pringle. Jack Baeker, Toranto, has been vacationing at :lids :home here, 'Sgt. 0. Topharn, Valeartier, QUR., was a Seturclay visitor at the home or his envie N. Chapman and with other relatives. Pte. )Ste wart Lowe, Voice Hier, Que„ was a week end visitor at ble home here. Mr. and Mrs. Deadman are plan- ning to leave for Merlin this Friday where they will look after their bees. Dr. D. C. Reid left early last week for Chicago, Ill., where he is engaged in small animal pretice. Mrs, Reid will join hint !the end of June. Friends and neighbours called on May 4, to wish Mr A. Tennant much joy and thappinese on, the occasion of bis 95th birthday. The Post' albs extends cougratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Roszell, Toronto, Er- cournanied by her sister, were Brussels visitors on Wednesday of this week. Their Mende were glad to see theca again. Mr. Roszell was a farmer principle of the Brussels. Continuation .Soltool. The ashei o the late T. Allen. Bktwkina, were brought from James- town, N.Y. and laid to rest in the Brussels cemetery on Friday of last week. The deceased, who was a well_known Music Master or James- ileWn wens a former resident of this village where he commenced his) teaching of 11111010. He was =r- ifled to bhe late Martha Rogerson Bodies also of this locality. It Is about thirtysix years since the late MT, Hawkins left Brussels, He died at the age of 78 years. ' ATTENTION! You are invited to come and enjoy an nve.ning's entertainment at ETHEL UNITED CHURCH TUESDAY, MAY 13th at 8.15 p.m. The special feature of the program, will be under the charge of . . Rev. S. Lewis, of Brussels who will present an interesting and varied series of moving !pictures with sound effects. EVERYONE WELCOME. Admtssion—Adults 25c Children to 12 yrs. 10c St, John's Church Fourth Sunday after Easter. 11 a.m.—MornIng Prayer and Sermon 7 p.m.—Evening Prayers. Melville Church 11 a.m.—The Christian Home.' A mother's day Service with a mother's day choir. Tne Sacrament of Baptism at this Service. Sunday School In at. tendance 7 tem.—"The Pearl of Great Price!, COME & WELCOME. United Church 11 aan.--Mother's Day Weide, Church School and Contra, station sharing the Bernice together Sacrament of !Baptishi. 7 rem„ --"The even-batanced 1' YOU .ARE INVITED. Notice Of Change Of Shipping Day Beginning Saturday, May 10th will load Hogs on Saturday instead Of the usual 'Wednesday, Thos, L. McDonald, —x -- NOTICE A :meeting for the purpose of oe ganizing a fire brigade will be held in the Town Hall on Friday; night at 8 o'clock. This is a very important part of the protectdon of every muni- cipality and is an organization :which thould not be overlooked in Brussels and is worthy of everyone's suport. Four More Brussels Boys, Join Fighting Forces Pour more of our focal boys have .lecently joined the Active Service Force. Harald McDonald and Del. beet Hall have gone to Guelph Where they joined an Anti_Aircraft Unit. Bowman Galbraith has joined the Navy and George Galbraith R.C.A.F. All the boys will be Missed from their home town. The young men of Brussels and community have shown a keen desire to be among those to serve !their King and Country and the home town is proud of them all Lookout Mission Band The meeting of the Lookout Mission Band was held on May 5111 in the basement of tie United Church. IVIrs Cousins read the opening theme, Men the first !two verses) of Hymn 18 was sung. The Scripture Exodus 20:1-17 verses read by Jean Altar, Annie Stiles tben led in prayer. A duet was then sung by Imogene and Marjorie Sanderson and was en- joyed by all. The minutes of the meeting were read and ,adopted. The Roll call, business and offering was then attended to. Mrs, Cousins then read an enjoyable story eatitlrel Bob's Day—A ary or Gladness. Hymn 587 was then sung. 13enedie- tion was read by Nora Lowrie, Main Street Repaired The bridge at the Noith end of main stret just vast the Insiness section received some much needed repairs last week by way of having some new plant inserted in the floor and the first of this week saw ths3 tarvia truck and a gang of min patching the large Soles both on the bridge end the )epproaches to it and which were hard to mins while driving over. This event will be 1 welcome one to those coming 19 town to do their shopping and wile haven't acquired an to with the latest shock -absorbing !devices at- tached. Referring to an article enrich appeared a few weeks pref. ions 'about constructive criticism. this Is an example of such, would it not be better to have the buying public come to shop here without breaking something on their car and have tbe price of this possible repair to buy things they need. —x— Legion Meeting Held A meeting of the looal branch of the Canadian Legion was held in the Public Library on Tuesday night, with a fair attendance. The meet- ing was 'called to order by Comrade Frank Shaw and Comrade Roy Thuell read the minutes of last meeting and 'financial etatement were read and adepted. Correspntr. dance was dealt with and followed by general btheinees,. Various items, were discussed one being whether or not the organization be carried on and et, was, voted nor, no matter how few the members. Election of *Mom for the coming year was as folliewse—Ressident, Comrade Kelly; Vice Pres., (Comrade Winne(' Willis; Sgt Arme. Com. rade A. Oakley; Secretary, Commas IVIdtchell; AseteSec„ Comrade Toe Illatell;Executive Committee, Corm rages F, Maw, R118. Knight, Ceo Johnston and 1 Spiney; Auditor, Ralph Shaw. Thle retiring onlicers Comrades F. Shaw and Roy niltuell, bath flanked their comrades for their supeont 'in the pest and hoped the new' dries Would carry on. The !fleeting canto to a doge with 'Carry On Canada,' and: flinging God Save The KAMM Vanishing Card Party Is Held Here Lielet the auspices of , the Red Creels, a vanishing card Party was held at the hone of Mrs, B. 0, Walk- er, on Friday evening, with Mrs. R, Thvanson, Mee, R. S. Hamilton and Mrs. James Armstrong, as hostesses. Nine tables wane in play. —x— SABOTAGE! Sinister Chat. - lenge to Scientific Crime Detection How plots of foreign agenic against our defense industries have intensified the alertnees) of our investigatore ansi how scienoe'n new - 01 devices help checkmate Oleg criminals!, 10 revealed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in The Ameeiran Weekly with the May 11 issue of The Detroit Sunday Timer. e sure to get your copy of The Detroit Sunday Times this week Sed every week, —x— CARD OF THANKS We take this opportunity to tharn tire friends and neighbors every one for their kindness and help and frr the beautiful flowers sent at the lime of our sorrow and bereavement. e I assure you we all feel we herr never clone anything more than was our pleasure or our duty to merit such kinclnees. Now all we eat do i to think Yen a7garienv! aan.s1 feel we owe you a debt or gratitudth e at we will never be able to Jas. Melnadzeam —x— Melville W.M.S. • The regular monthly meeting of Melville W,141.S, was held on Friday, May and. The President Mrs. Deadman was in the cheat), anti site opened the meeting with prayer. The Scripture, the 4111 clhapter of. 'Mathew. was read by Mrs, S. C. Baeker. Prayer was offered by Mrs Straehan. 'Dire Secretary's report was read, followed by the Treaser- er'n report. The caresponnence was presented and ararngements were made for the Presbyterial whirl is to he held in Kincardine, May 20111 The paper was) given by Mrs. Thos 'Walker in Which she dealt with hew the monies that came in from "The World Day of Prayer," were used in send Christian Literature to neetiy parts of the earth. .Current events were given by Mrs. Robert Thorn. son. A duet was rendered by Mrs. Wm. King and Mrs. sno. Meadows The meting was closed by the *tree of the Lord's Prayer. * * 5 * * * * Obituary * * * * * * * Mrs. James Burgess Mary Ellen Taman. beloved wife of iltames Burgess resident or Grey Township and Brussels Ontario, mimed away Monday afternoon her home atter a short illness. The late Mrs. Burgess was bora on july antile 1869, near Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada, She was married hi 1892 to James Burgess, Brussels, who ourviires. There also remain to mcnum (be death of a be- loved mother eight 'children, Mrs. Mary Lamont or Brussels, Samuel Burgess Or BTOSISelai Mrs. Hazel Sproule, Grand Bend, Ont.; Mrs, Fred Cox, Betuesels; William Burg - ores, Goderich; Mrs. Ddward Murray, St. Catharines; Mrs, Earl Brodeur of Ton•onto and Miss Greta Burgess at borne. The funeral serMices were held at two o'clook Wednesday afternoon from her Williaan Street home with Rev. S'. Kerr of Melville Presbyter- ies Cluirch officiating. Pallbearers were, Walter Scott William Gillespie, George Baeker. Wan, Wright, Sohn. Simmons and Jno. Greens Tthe beautiful floral tribute* were castled by Leonard, Zanies end Graham Lamont, John Cox and John Sproule and Graerne Scott. Ansa DIED —2— In lerusedle, on Wednesday, May 7, 19'41, William Downing, in hie 73rd year, Funeral from the reel - dente of his eiatern, oh Fridaan May nth, 110e1 Service at 2 P.M - BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Huron County Prepares For 1Nhat Does It Mean To Me. Victory Loan Dear readers, do not miscalculate le Meaning of war effurt or tee words contained herein, but read it thoroughly sud absorb the true ineaning—pet as the earth absorbs the moisture after a good rain and look what it produces—RESULTS. • Let us the people of the greatest natinn in the world and reduced to the people of Bruesels and commun- • ity put forth even more effort to- ward the cause of democracy and fa - seinen a large number of our Well boys as well as those others in the Empire at large who need all the aid possible. Some are already doing what they may figure is titter snare, the question is ARE WE DOING IONOUGH? Some May have grown to accept the question as a dully happening' In the routine of their passing Ilre but are In a position to waylay the • pinrh of war enough to make it feel like a mere tickle. There are the numerous branches a/I worthy of all the aid possil"e and as space will not permit to review them all in detail for :biz week let us take the War Services 1 Campaign with which all dee familiar is being carried on through Mit the Dominion for the salvaging of strapfor war needs, So far 15 Brussels no adieu has been taken but now we the people of Brussels have the .services' Of Fire Carter Cordon Sanderson and the volunteee fire brigade at our disposal with .he truck to gather the salvage, ninny people are at a loss as Is what is needed and are disearding certain things as u,seless that are really vitally important. Take Household bones for in- stance. They are turned into glee for aeroplanes and into Glycerine for explosives; yet how many of our housewives thought for one moment that these would he of any use as a war material? Rags, old clothing, sweaters, woel -eon, RAC., provie rugs, blankets ant greatcoats. Clean waste Is also greatly in demand. Metal, br c,ourse, is something that everyone knows should he saved. including silver Panes tn foil. tooth paste containers, brass enols of light bulbs and aluminum pots. These and many other articles are valuable to the war Wont. So. 11 can be plainly seen that all kinds of scrap can be saved and made use of. Sort it one, and lay to one side. A regular pickup N, scheduled to take place the lost Thursday or each month under the supervision of Flre Chief Gordon Sanderson and will be capably handled and disposed of no matter how much extra work is required Or the part of himself er his helpers. Here is all we have to do and it is not mach when you consider all you hove to slo is put it in a box and et it out right after dinner on the last Thursday of each month. DIG IN AND DIG OUT THE SCRAP it is nitre valuable to your 'country than you Imagine. Thunder and Lightning sounds better than ,Dunder and Blitzen, even Canon Roar; But would it be good to hear Hitler at our Shore. CANADA HAS THE ABILIT 1 es BUT IT WILL TAKE BLOC SWEAT AND TEARS, • the announeement 111Misers by Finance elinister Iliniey of the amount or money that if will be ueces. sary for the Government bo spend dur- ing the next year far mac Purposes. the magnitude of the war effort ne- eessary from SS oda has become in - (Teasingly clear to aid. The greatly increased taxes of ibe last few years which must be fueled If we are to win this war and survive have further brought hums to us the tremendous task teeing every Inarai Canadian. Yesterday the Minist4r of Finance in Ottawa to all peietital purposes cons sorts:led Sir. J. 1). 'Plumose of Ganes rich to argallie:P (11c County of Huren for the !eel VI )!!e: lean which it is underetood eel; be ewer:nixed early in June. 1 air. Til sr:a), P, of enteser ,ted Mr. Herber) nalllie 11 of Wingliam will act as vice chaise, n of the eommit tee necessary to :impulse ',211F county. Air. George Sehaeer will .)el as Sec- retary and Mr. Harold C. Serums ai Assistant neorstary, i1011; ere from Goderich. ' Canadians 00 eerier merehern of the ereateet Empire) the world has; eve; known have a tremendous part to play in order that the Carmen nation and the Nazi ideals and principles may he conquered. I 'Fills War mast he von ivy its and Until it is the life, happinos:s and fritiluo or each inclivicleal Is In constant clanger, We have the ability but it will necessitate the expenditure of every ounce of energy of every Canadian- sst=e BRUSSELS BRANCH Trucks; will eall at every name 'a town on Saturday of this week for the collection of salvage. Magazines and papers must be bundled separe ately and tied securely. Cardboard boxes and tin foil must be flattened and tied iu bundles) also. This requires a lot of work on the part of the collectors so please have materiels ready as it will not he possible to make repeat trips. The regular monthly tea was held in the workroom last Weduesdae afternoon, the receipts being USA A dance was btu last Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Finance Committee which realized $27.75, llhe following is the list of completed work Shipped for the month of April -160 pr. socks; prseamen's socks; 10 ribbed M.! mets; 10 turtle neck sweaters; 3 sleeveless sweaters; 30 pr. two-way mitts; 10 scarts; 4 pr. wristlets 10 washcloths; 18 prs, pyjamas; 20 handkerchiefs'; 9 quilts, A School Music Recital will be held In Ethel United Church On Friday evening, May 9th at 8.15 p.m. Proceeds to Red Cross Admission -15c Children FRE 0.m...mwomar.moll•nolpmaylasolownwwitemt....m.o...uem.taitipamo• ffifOUPIZe ineld • • • It has been rumored that we, L. & W. Jackson Motors, Listowel, Ont. are not the Ford Dealers for Brussels • • • That rurnor is incorrect and — — WE ARE STILL FORD DEALERS FOR BRUSSELS - TERRITORY. To our Brussels friends and customers, we thank you for your patronage in the past and will continue to give you the same service in the future . . SEE OUR AD. IN TODAY'S POST L. & W. Jackson Motors Ltd. - Listowel (flaviera gratefully declined) • .