HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-30, Page 61 HI BRvssrli$ POST
high.gloss Finish for all
suruaces inside or outside.
28 sparkling tutss.
••. PAINT 100% PURE
sxvu9l PAINT
For all outside home paint.
ing. Gives greater prefer.
tion end lasting beauty.
Sall Gloss a
I' —x--
`later Easter always comes a little
extra en'tertain.iug, The hostess is
then eper looking for something
new and sprightiy--Nathiug satisfies
anis requirement better than the
cereal recipes. ;So why not try the
• Cocoanut crispy Cake
4% cup shortening
%,4 cups sugar
ggs, separated
of DEAD or
Collect to this number
3 cups flour
2 eggs
1 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
31/2 teaspoons Calumet baking
% teaspoon salt
1 cusp milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
iiteaspoon salt
1 cup shredded Baker's cocoanut
1 cup Kellogg's corn flakes
1 cusp chomped meats
Cream shortening and sugar
thoroughly. Add unbeaten egg
yolks, one at a time, beating well
after each addition, Sift flower
with baking powder and salt and
add alternately with combined milk
and flavoring to creamed mixture.
Beat well. Fold in egg whites.
beaten stiff but not dry. Pour batter
into greased cake pan, with waxed
paper in the bottom.
Corn Flake Crunchies
3 pound Ba'ker's sweet chocolate
2 cups Kellogg's Corn Flakes
1 cup chopped dates
lie cup chomped nut meats
Melt chocolate over hat water.
Measure other ingredients into a
greased bowl and add melted chorn•
late, Mix well. Drop on waxed.
paper or buttered cookie sheet using
a measuring teaspoon. Set iu a cool
place until chocolate hardens. Yield:
45 small candies(
Corn Flake Macarons
2 egg whites
1 cup brown or granulated sugar
teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups Kellogg's Corn Flakes
1/ cup choped nut meats
1 cup shredded Baker's cocoanut
not dry. Fold in sugar add flavor -
not dry. Fold in sugar; add .flavor_
ing, Corn Flakes, nut meats and
cocoanuts. Mix carefuly. Drop by
spoonfuls on well -greased baking
sheet. Bake in moderate oven .35
degrees F.) 15 to 20 minutes. Re-
move immediately from pan. If
macaroons stick, place pan on damp
towel and remove macaroons using
spatula or sharp knife. If macaroons
become hardened to pan they mal'
be returned to oven for a few min-
utes to soften.
Yield: 1% dozen macaroons (2
Running Water is an
Everyday Necessity
in Kitchen, Laundry,
Bathroom and Barns
ADURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under
pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running water,
sanitary convenieaces and modern facilities, so essential to health and happi-
ness, are not available to your family.
The coat of EMCO Bathroom, Eiitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings is
very reasonable and can be spread over a period of time under our Easy
Payment Plan.
EMCO•praducts are modernly finished, of high quality, and will give years
•of satisfactory service.
A THREE=PIECE EMCO BATHROOM—Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall
'Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as
(Soil and -Lion pipe and fittin§s extra)
THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP., shown above, has a capacity of 250
gals. per hour. With 25 gal. Galvanized Tatnk and 25 or 60 cycle
Motor, ft costs only $, $86.00
For Sale By
kiuclt it tip right new
and feel like a million f
Your liver is the largest organ in your body
anti moat important to your health, 1t pours out
lilt to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies
new energy, allows proper nourishment to reach
Your blood, When your liver gets out 01 ardor
food decomposes in your intestines, You be -
Onto constipated, stomach and kidneys can't
work properly. You feel "rotten" --headachy,
baekachy, diszy, dragged out all the time.
For over 35 years thousands have won prompt
relief from these miseries—with Fruit -a -liven.
$0 can you now, Try Fruit -a -fives you'll he
simply delighted how 9uieldy you'll feel like a
now person, happy and well again, 25c, 50e.
FRU [WIVES rir,Efial
inches in diameter),
Wedneaday, April $tth, 10
Honey Krlsp Cookies
IA cup shortening
3 cap honey
2 eggs
3h cup s0n1' cream
1% cups flour
1 teaspoon Calumet baking powder
3 teaspoon salt
Vs teaspoon soda
3 Cup shaped nut meats
% cup chopped dates
3 teaspoon nutmeg OR
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup Rice Krispies
Blend shortening and honey. Add
well -beaten eggs and cream. Sift
flour with baking powder, salt and
soda; add to first mixture. ;Stir in
nut meats, dates flavoring and Rice
Kriswies. Drop from a dessert spoon
onto Lightly greased baking sheet
and bake in moderate oven ('75 de.
rees F.) about 20 minutes.
Yield; 2 dozen cookies (4 inches
in diameter).
o= :1J ICS
Modern Kitchen
Aids Housewives
Old -Fashioned Arrangement
is Unnecessary and A Drag
Many homes, built as recently as
ten years ago, now have kitchens
which have been outmoded by pro-
gressive building practices. An
oldifashioned kitchen is a drag 'on
the housewife --a burden that takes
a heavy toll in fatigue and energy.
It seriously depreciates property,
while a modern kitchen generally
adds dollars to rental returns and
resale values. Remodelling kitchens
is pofitable wok which every car-
penter can do easily and economical-
ly for his customers. With ne
equipment careful arrangement and
a minimum al structural change, you
can "emodel your customer's kitchen
so that it is es modern as that
of the newest home.
The basic elements of planning an
efficient kitchen are the same no
matter how large or small it may
be. These elements are the three
"centres" which every kitchen
should have. They are;
Basic Elements
The storage and preservation
The preparation and cleaning
Tthe coking and serving centre.
Every builder and carpenter will
find scientific kitchen -planning easy
because of his years of 'knowledge.
The preserpation and storage centra,
with the refrigeator, should be near
the dining room entrance, and the
prepartion and cleaning centre
should be conveniently located be-
tween both the refrigerator and the
range. With such an arrangement,
the preparation and serbing of ebery
meal progresses easily, with a mini-
mum of steps, energy and time.
T.eecb Child To
Finish His ,lob
Youngsters Should Learn to
;Stick With A Task Once Be-
There is one .point about chdld_
ren's Work that needs attention, It
concerns the good beginner and the
bored finisher.
This tendency to "dabble" is reced
ing as special course in training
come to the fore. With attention
directed to a. s'pecial vocation or
trade or pofession, there is less
tendency to fool away time and qui';,
Discourage "babbling"
1't is in childhood that this mental
habit needs to be jelled, if the future
career is to be a success, It Is the
"personal,' quality that counts in all
gond work, •
This is no day for dilettantes ar
tiddlers. The roadside icy full of the
weak staters who quit. Only the
firm In heart get there, Only the
child taught to carry a fob through
w'll be infested suOficiently with the
virus of determination to amount tt
anything later in lite.
Pledge for War Savings
Bomb -Shocked
Little Minds
•England's Most Heartbreaking
Read how 'the blasting of cities by
Nazi air attacks is not half so des-
tructive or pitiful as the shattering
of the mentality of hundreds of
children—and how the, daughter of
famous psychiatrist Dr, Sigmund
Freud is working day and .night '10
salvage the young human wracks,
as told in a feature article in The
American Weekly with the May 4
issue of The Detroit Sunday Times.
L— 0
Now's The Time
To Do Cleaning
Empty Out Desk, Medicine
Closet, Dresser Drawers For
Springtime mesas, spring clean-
IC's time now to empty out that
desIt, medicine closet and those
dresser drawers. The atic and
basement you've been neglecting are
due for their annual cleanups. The
stimulating brightness of spring
sunshine won't mean much to you
if the house Is gloomy inside. Now
is the time to brighten things up.
A ruthless cleaning out of all odds
and ends in the cellar should be the
first step. Start off with those
bottles and tars you've been lc-
cumulating—and treasuring — for
many months. Throw them out.
They constitute a fire hazard and
aren't worth a second thought.
Glass containers nowadays should
be thrown, away like old tin cans
or paper bags. You'll find that
your cellar is not nearly so de.
pressing when you get out those old
boxes. unneeded glass jars and the
hundred and one other odds and
ends that clutter it up.
Same In Attic
The same routine goes for the
attic and here you'll do yourself and
some worthy a fapor by getting rid
of those old clothes, jars and other
thir-^s you're been saving.
When you get to your desk, throw
out those old party favors and those
letters you aren't going to answer
ms'e. T^ari+ers Sign
Salary Pledge
Will Not Accept Less
Than $800 a Year
A Canadian Press despatch from
Toronto says- Executive committee
on the Ontario Men Teacher's Fed-
eration repotred at the annual meet-
ing here recently that members
throughout the province are being
asked to pledge themselves "to
teach for not less than $800 a year."
The. pledge is part of a campaign
to raise the .salary standards of tho
profession and the committee re-
ported that 871/ per cent of those
asked had indicated their willing -
nes to sign.
By resolution members decided to
petition the superannuation corrl-
mission of the Department of Edu-
cation to amend pension regula-
tions so that widows, of deceased
retired teachers may receive one.
hall o2 the pension of .the original
beneficiary. Alt present payments
Cease on death of the retired teach-
A total. of 137 public school tea.
cher. in Ontario have enlisted for
active service, the ,meeting was told.
Empire Service
(Continued from Page 1;
Alcock, John
Alderson. T,
Bell, W. 52. 'Bid'
Black Donald
Bryan, Russell
Brothers Lyle
Brewer, 2.
Bowler, Harry
Cardiff, Wm.
Campbell Jur).
Dohl, C.
Dohl O.
Doll Mac
Earngey, Dean
Gillis, Mose
Gibson, Harvey
Henderson, Archie
Haul, Russel
Hainan, G.
Harmon, John
Hastings, Dave
Lowrie, Everett
Lowe, Stewart
Locking, Win.
Myers, Dr. C. A.
Machan, Willis (R.C.A.F.)
McCauley, L.
McFarlane, Walter
hicDawell, Mac
Palmer, Jas.
Palmer, Wm. (Cpl.)
Plum, Carl
Pierce, ROY
Prest, T. A'.
Rutledge, Hartley
Rowland, Wm.
Spear, Jack
Stretton, H.
Salesman, E.
Sanderson, Lloyd
Tunny, Chas.
Thompson, A.
Thompson, Norm. R.c.A.F.)
Thomas, H.
'Millard, R.
Whdttard, Earl
Wilson, Stan.
Workman, Gordon (R.N.)
Non Permanent -'-
Bell, E. D. (Lieut.)
Campbell, G. R. (Cpt.-
Elliott, W. R.
Glazier, Fred
Nesbit, Fred
Thompson, M.
Lowe, J.
Woodrow, A.
.. of •'»-� .
1. 1331
T' ^4.
, '1
Awaiting call for Active Service -
Warwick, D. C.
Gillis, 0,
Fischer, Wm.
Hawkins, Herb.
McDowell Zack
that are
F.W. Kemp
sales Conducted Anywhere
In Ontario
-►hone 38 - Listowel
Buy Goverment Approved
Chicks and Pullets
Barred Rocks, White Leghorns'
Light Sussex Red & Rock Cross Breeds
Coveney's Chick Hatchery
Mitchell, Ont
phone 132
Bet 57