HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-30, Page 5.,.., .-�,.--... --...� THE MUSSELS POST In Memory of Mrs, W, F. Stewart - b , Gilbert E. Nethery IR. R. 5, Brussels IN MEMORIAM Mabe ,STRUT23j3R,S--Sm loping memory at Mrs, ,Basil Struthers, who died on May 4th, 1940, If you should go along the trail a bit ahead o' me, call back, 'twill help me keep the path, and look ahead eo see elle beauty of the mys- tery -land that inveigled you. from, me. And if, perchance, my tantera- light 'should suddenly grow dim, the echo of your dear voice, I know will help me win. Should my heart grow tired and weary, a climbing up the steep, call back, the tenderness will spur my tagging, tired feet. And when the sun is sinking, if I but see your smile, I know for sure that 1 shall make the long, last, lonely mile. Sadly 'missed by Bast and your Brothers and Sisters, CLEARING Auction Sale . OF HARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS .AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. -At lot 25, Concelsiou 8, Morris Town- ship, 11/ miles north and 11/ miles west of Walton, on Tuesday, May 6th. Sale starts at 12 noon SHARP. HORSES -_1 black mare, 8 years old, in foal; 1 gelding horse, 8 years -old; 1 horse, CATTLE -4 cows, calves at foot.; 1 cow milking; cow to calve soon; .calf 3 months old; 3 heifers 2 years old; 2 steers 2 years old; 2 heifers' 1 year old.. 2 steers 1 year old; 1 calf 6 menthe old. 10 pigs, 3 months old; 1 sow; 6 Digs just weaned. 1 set double harness, 1 set single_ harness. , , IMPLEMENTS -6 foot Massey Harris binder; 6 foot Massey Harris dnnup rake; dfassey ilaa'ris hay load_ er; Massey Harris bay redder; Massey Harris seed drill; McCor- mick cultivator; inthrow disk, M•li ; Massey .Beards manure spreader; Quebec sulky M. H. plow (new); 1 scuffler; set 4 section harrows; 3 draw bars,, 1 walking plow, 2 fur- rows; circular saw frame; 3' -furrow McCormick tractor plow, new; Mc- Cormick Deering tractor, 15-30, in good Working order; single furrow walking plow; tanning mill; pig crate; bag truck; turnip seeder; 20 - tech clutch puleys; 2 80 -rod spools barb wire roller; wheelbarrow. Quau,tity of 2 in. pine plank 12 feet long 2 in. plank 14 ft. long; 12 'foot hemlock planks; 12 foot hem- lock lumber; used ,planks and lumber. 5 inch wide rubber belt 20 ft., long; quantity of inch pine lumber, 12 toot long; inch pine lumber 14 ft. long; 1 gate; 3 inch rubber belt 112 ft. long. Cream separator; 2 wheel trailer; cutter; buggy with rubor tiros; steel tire buggy; stock rack; 6 h,p. Fairbanks -M. gas engine; light .wagon gear; -muck ecraper; elepor- ator pan; sap palls; 2 sugar kettles; wagon with roller hay rack; gravel box, • wagon box; benok sleighs; grind stone; low wagon -sling Cork and 'sling ropes; corn cutter, 'oat roller;hay fork w121e car and, steel cable and .+pulleys; set 2000 lb, scales; cedar posts, 75 hens, colony house. 3 straight ladders, 1 extension ladder, Blacksmith outflt, post drill, forge, anvil, vice. •3 stone hammers, tool ,table, taps dies, Lawn mower, ,logging chain, . 2 smeli• chains; tools, shovels, forks c rnw bars, numerous other articles, HIOUSEHiOILD DETECTS - •4 bed- room suttee 4 springs, mattresses, 2 single beds, 2 springs mattresses; 2 couches, dining room suite. 4 rocking chairs, 2 small tables; kitchen table, chairs; washing • machine; quantity linoleum; stove, eburs, sealere, battery radio, cattle, ' clippers, quilting trameM1 toilet sets; dishes, glassware, 'Perms cash. loser PE 'UF I,JA,TE GliffelM433 KELLY. Mee, Geo. Kelly Mrs. Garvin Smite Execs, Darold Sauekeon, Auotloneer, by a Friend GONE HOME Gone 110111e, 11.0)1 resting Wilily Amid the loned ones •there. Gone home to bo with Janis And all that's brig'lt and fair, Gone where leo earthly shadow Oan eyer enter in, The pain and wearines>;f all past, No blight, no grief, no sin, I Gone just a ei'ossiug over To yonder heavenly land lay. The lamp of life safe guided. Held by a Fetreee hand. He saw I'Us child was weary, The tont dismantled lay, And stooping •down 'a0 lovingly, i -Is carried her away. Away with her dear Serviette, Forever more to be. Lola Jesus, help us gatefully To give her back td`Thee. C assif ed,Ads FOR SALE- .' 'Stove suitable for snlnmer kitchen• in good repoir, phone 59-r-13 L.:Sleightholm, Ethel WANTED- Respectable, capable woman de- sires position as housekeeper, plhoue 31 apply The Brussels Post F'OR SALE— Maple syrep, choice quality mae din an exaporator. Limited quantity, Order It now, Grewarts Store, phone 5 FOR RENT-, Good grass farm to rent in Grey Iwo. Watered by spring and artesian well and windmill. All wire fences apply The Brassels Post. FOR SALE - Gold drop seed Oats, 1939 crop. this is nee 1 seed, 65c per bus. P. Amtent FOR SALE - Red ,OIo°er Seed Government :.t bet, imply to' 4ine b8 -r-16 Russel Knight. FOR SALE- 1 Mare rising 6 years sound and right; one Buckeye Incubator 350 - egg capacity; one Simco 450 -egg capaolty. Both in good condition at a bargain. -phone 50-r-6 ' - J. H, Bryan SEED POTATOES= • Get your Seed Potatoes at Grew- ar's this week. Every Bag Marked and stamped with a Gov't. Seal Cenbtfied Potatoes, Irish Cob. or Green Mountain. A. GREWAiR, Cash and Carry SEED GRAIN FOR SALE - 1939 'Orap, Banner Oats, also mix ture of Banner and Two -Rowed Barley, Lot N ere 21, Con, 12, Grey phone 55-r-18 Knight Bros LOST One logging sham between le A,ment's residence, and John Allen's blacksmith •shop+ Kindly leave it at P. Ament's residence or a2 John Alien's hiacksmith shop and oblige. P. Amewt FOR SALE - ,600 Cedar Fence Posts various sizes, also anchors, braces and poles. J. E. Martin, lot 14, con. 6, Grey ......... phone 40-r-7 , . ..,,a Auction Sale of House and 'Household Effects on John Street, Brussels on SATURDAY, MAY 3rd Sale commences at 2 o'clock. 1 wooden bed Springs and Mattress 2 Washstands 1 Bureau 1 Settee 1 Sideboard 1 ,Extenslon Table 5 Dining Room Chairs 1 Arm Chair 1 Glass Cupboard - 1 Fallen, Leaf. Table e Kitchen Chairs 1 Large Rocking Chairs 3 Small Tables 1 Beatty Washing Machine 1 Coal -oil Stove with oven 1,. Heater 1 Small Cook Stove (nearly nese) 1 Kitchen Stove 1 Robe 1 Rug 1 Dog Pictures, Dishes, Sealers other articles toonumerous to mention. TERMS CASH The' property which Is slteated oft west aide of John Street with frame' house and henhouse WIII also be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. F. W. Kemp, Mrs, Herb Hawkins, Auctioneer, Proprietress SHOP AT - IT PAYS Our Diamond Room Affords Privacy When Buying Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements and Household Effects Lot 23, Con. 11, Brey Twp. • MONDAY, MAY 5th Sale Commences at 2 P.M. 'HORSES - Team of Mares rising 3 years Gelding rising 2 years LIVESTOCK - Durham Cow Fresh Jersey Cow due Sow, bred February 11th 5 Pigs, weaned 75 Hens, year-olds IMPLEMENTS - Steel tire Top Buggy Open Buggy Juniper Cutter Light Harness 'Horse Blanget Stack of Hay Grind Stone Sugar Kettle Lacta Cream 'Separator 1 Riding Plow, 1 'furow. Forks, Shovels, Barrels 20 gallon Can 1 Bushel Yellow Clover and Timothy, mixed HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Cook Stove 3 -Burner Perfection Coal -Oil Stove Coal Heater, - 2 Beds, Spring and Mattresses Extension Table Fall Leaf Table 3 Small Tables _ Kitchen Chairs 3 Rocking Chairs Dining Room Chairs Sideboard 2 Couches Goderich Organ & Stool 2 Congoleum Rugs 9 x 9 Linoleum 11 x 12-12 x 16 Carpets Sausage Machine Sink Bread mixer Lamps, Crocks, Pots & Pans Washing Machine & Wringer Wash Tub 6 gallon Crock, Dash Churn Sar Iron, Gasoline Iron Gasoline Lamp Buckeye Incubator, (144 egg cap.) Raymond Sewing Machine Phonola Battery Radio A number of Cedar Posts 3 Screen Doors 3 Storm Windows Other articles to numerous to mention TERMS --CASH Farm will be offered at time of sale, subject to a reserved bid F. W. Kemp, -Auctioneer W J. SHARiPE-Prop. John Krauter-Clerk. 4- Dri f'v A inc. The monthly meeting 01 the Red Cross Society was field to the world room en Friday. Anvil 25th. Discus - :Mon was held over 'various routine netters rad npnropria.te action taken It was decided no'o•benin a surely of official Red Cross workers' hnttonr to he (WHIM terl to all Workers in tea Society, The cost to tine soeiefu will he veru smell enol the buttons ora nnite atteaetive in annenrnnee. The regular meeting' of the Bel grave Young IPeople's Sooiety was 'held in 11)0 eel,nnl-room of f11 �r+h+eh m1 Wednesday evening with the Citizenship in charge. The chole Wee +niton; by r',lareitee Yniil v,i•t1i Vprnnl•pi RealNe at 1',' newt; 11, Phe leemne wq reed by Mary Ynila. Tie'. 'tome for the evening was 'ekes. by a1601•r6 reesen,i ease ansa. ee ,nhl' nee interepflnel• ,address on Tempernnee see it effpnta vert? neen.le 4o'lnv, Ther urns en attendance 'of 27. ,inl,h 'serene re 54.1, 11",', Mnrrla Was the Tenho winner or the Ral»rnve '°"hordl, Pieter Re<i Crone, nnitt draw, The net proceeds, Prom ilie sale of tickets has been donated to the JJclgeitee Led Cross Memell, Mess ISatlilaen bteGill c1'. 118St NormalS'cltool spent the pout 7lractice.teachlug' pt 13olgrave III School, A meeting oil Yal'iotla 0Om110 1n roma to the financing of the grave Red Cross Society was at the home of the Pr'esideut, Coultos, The finance comnite arranging to• have a play May '23'and a big night with 005 forms Alaentertainment Tune 27. The salvage cemmitte sic met with Cecil Wheeler chairmen and discussed the. ening of materials as rags, n papers, magazines, metals and her, It was decided to collect 't week of.e'19th of May end it hoped all will keep their col buttons for the Red Cross f Allan Patison, Lawrence Tay Vernon Chamney, J. 35, McCai Orval Taylor, Wilbert Proc Cecil Wheeler, Nelson Higgins Robert Stonehouse are the m bens of this committee amd will glad to give any information a one wishes on 'this question, T committee which was to parch the yearling heifer for the Mcticket draw, 350 of the prize which was donated by 0. R. Co testi announced they had purchased' White Durham heifer. Mrs. James Taylor has dispos of her store business and reside tial property to T. B. Johnston, Fordwich, who takes possession May 1. Mr. Johneton's store, w destroyed by fire at Fordwich r Gently. R. Yule, who has been C. N. agent here for the past twent four years will be on the sp board now that the line Brom CH to Winghem run has been cies and will keep. his home in the vi loge for a time. The lack ` of th railway .service will be a great di advantage to the rural communit which is a great livestock centr and to the drover, C. ,R. Coulee who shipped over one hundred an thirty carloads a year.�,0 c�7��-"l-•1 'Slrednesday, April 30111, x941 lat'fer 1 week 'nide) ittees 13e1. held C. +t, o are about ysiri on e aI as gate e,154.s_ rule the 1111- und. tor, lural ter, and env ray- - he ate 'v . 0. PI' a ed en. of on as e R. 9• are ed. • I• is y e d TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE 'Sealed tenders addressed to the Undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal,'' will be received until 3 P.M. (+E,D:S,T,), Thursday, May 29, 194X, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Onta,11, Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained trout the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Archi- tect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the Porins supplied by the Department and in accordance with department- al specifications and conditions attached thereto. When the amount of a tender ex- ceeds ,the sum of 05;000.00 -whetter it befor one building only or more - the tenderers must abta,eh 4o thei+- tender a 'certified cheque on . a chartered bank in ,Canada, made payable to the order of the Honour- 'able the Minister of Public Works, equal to lO per cent of the amounteof the tender or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion or Canada or of tea Canadian National Railway Com- pany and its constituent companies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Domin ion of Canada or the a->oreinemtioned bonds and a certified cheque, if re quired to make up an odd amount. The Department also reserves the right to demand from any successful tenderer a security deposit, in the Porro of a cent fled cheque or bond as above, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of his bid, to guarantee the proper tulfilnnent of the contract. By order J. M. SSOMMERVIILLE, ;, Secretary: Department of Public Works, ' Ottawa, April 29, 1941. Com. -Ito L. ETHEII • For a week or more now green onions and fresh rhubarb from the, llama garden has given additional variety to the menu on many tables in the community and with lettuce` and 'radishes and other vegetpbles and frUiits coming on, apace 'ivlll help greatly in solving the food problem, The more toilette model of •iisieeid motor car was recomMissdonod An .Ethel recently, when Doctor Rich nn 07rd secured a 1915 Ford, for tile on the bad roads. _' Partners are into the spring grails seeding in fail swing, W. le Love is the first as usual or among the first to have gareear vegetable seedy planted and )the general operations of gardening Well 1 py.n:=ns oa dB6 di ^10 ed Coes 1940 Deluxe .Ford Coach 1940 Deluxe Ford Sedan. 1940 Willys Sedan, new car condition 1939 Deluxe Ford Sedan; 1939 Deluxe Ford Coach 1939 Hudson Coach 1938 Ford Coach 1938 Ford Sedan 1938 Hudson Sedan 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1937 Plymouth Coach 1935 Ford Sedan 1934 Ford Coach 1932 Chrysler Coupe 1939 DeSoto Coupe c�- 1935 Ford Panel Truck 7 Good Trucks 7 New Cars In Stock ' 1 3 New Tractors in Stock c=r• '--11==.o Grey Horse Rising 4 years L. & W. Jackson Motors Ltd. Wallace St. Listowel, Ont. Phone 161 in Maud. Saar] Baby's was the first garden in the village to be ploughed this season. The job was done by Melvin Hamilton who operates a term 5,1 mile west of the village. Corporal Cecil Bateman R.C.A,F,, Brantford, was home on a four-day leave at the first of last week. Calvin Kreuter of Galt and Stan- ley Wilson of Hamilton were visitor; last Sunday at their respeotive homes in Ethel. Cuthbert Hutchinson of Wallace Twp., was calling on odd friends in the community at the first of the week who were pleased to meet him and see him. looking so good, The Women's Institute will meet oro Thursday afternoon, May gth at 2.30 o'clock et the home of Mrs. W. Whitfield. The motto, The way we live, will be taken by Mary McIn- tosh, The Roll Call will be answer- ed by a proverb, verse of poetry, or gem of thought, Topic, It you have knowledge let others light thele candles at it, will be taken by Mrs. J. Bremner. Question plate. Come prepared with a question. Lunch Committee, Mrs. Howard, Mrs, S. Baker, Mary McIntosh, All ladies are iuvtted to attend. 4•4•414•440+44,014+4.74.4•4•4•444•474,4•-•-•-•-•`"..NNNNN��r ��N�N�N�N�NONO• Pearson [Economy Store eae ETHEL - PHONE 22r7 See Our Grocery Specials Fresh Vegetables, Lettuce, Tomatoes on Hand Fruits — Pineapples, on hand now Honey Special • - • - good quality 79c & 39c Full line--Mangel, Turnip, Garden Seeds Certified Seed Potatoes --Cobblers, Geern Mountain, Katandin We have full line Seed Corn Boys' Fancy Windbrealcers .. .. $1.25 Highest Cash prices paid for Eggs - Poultry � •N•N•N•H:N•N•N•N•N•N•N•NN�N�fN•N•N•N•N•N*j COMPLETE SATISFACTION WITH GLASSES Is Yours when 41 Glasses are Fitted by R. A. Reid, Stratfords Leading Optometrist for 22 years. Latest Methods of Eye Ex- amination, Newest Styles and Lowest prises Await You Here R. A.REID D 1 Brussel R r �/ r Every WednesdOfficeay EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Afternoon 2.00 to 5.00 OPTOMETRIST MISS HINGSTON's Store Phone 51