HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-30, Page 4SU E Your Car NOW Why State'Fiarm Premiums Are Lower 1—We pioneered six-month policies to make Auto insurance easier to buy, You need not pay a fell year's premium in advance, 2—State Farm Mutual pot'cyholders pay the acqulsitlon cost of a pelicy only once—not once a year, but once a lifetime, Savales made possible by renewing the same policy are passed on to policyholders 3—Overhead costs are lowered by concentrating all routine Work in the issuance of policies In the State Farm office builtting in Toronto, Ont. 4- –Only careful drivers are insured. Thus State Farm is ableto minimize its risks—and give policyholders the benefit of t lowest rates cons'stent with sound operation. Before insuring consult :-- s0 To Davi AGENT phos. e 87-r-2 alanIeeKeM Garage, Seaford.' Did You Know? that we are equipped to do all kinds of Fender & Body Burping tin your car al�Spray Painting n Brussels, Ont. WALTON cflZ EBVSSELS POZIT rustling by ales. W, livana. It was I decided to bring either new articles. '!� Of ,ciotniuls• or those in good condi- tia0 to the next meettugle le be Gent to the Salvation Army. A vote of ItutR M was tendered Illus. Blake for tJro use or bar bonne end a'ftor the singing of the National Anthem the hostess served a dainty lunch. You Roll'Them BeHer'With 1NE,. DEN T C`',fG•ARETTT TOBACCO,. WEN AltRAN ROO Mika I3easla Moses event 0 coup'sholdwith ihotra peelingat' of days with :Mr, anti rYrs• Jos', on Siztiday evening goon hoses unUrs. s last gruels, soo 1toPe lenduuse. The President Miss Mae to hear .fir's, ticks. vvdll soon U'1 1. Fischer presiding, the meeting open_ UeUter again, 1spar/logg J'ohneton 8 ed with the singing 08 psalm no, 74. nim,, and The Lora',s Prayer was repeated ie a sella spent ails .Sunday aftur'nnon unison, The Scriptue lesson, taken with her parents and and Mrs. ; iruur the 14th chapter of Jahn, was It Edward d and son. read by Miss Doris Portei, The Mrs, Jas. L Leishman spent a few •10(00105 of the previous meeting days. with Mr. and ales. harry Bos' were read by •tUe secretary Mrs. L. man. H. Gordon, H-Iysnn no. 559 was Mr, and Mrs. Earl Hamilton and : sung and the offering was received. During the business period, it oar. two daughters visited on Sunday I evening with Mr. and Mrs, Alex +`Ie» I ,•led that the meetings close Ewen, 1st line, summer months, it was also Mr, and Mrs. Melville Mothers and i• d Arnold and Evelyn spent a. white I that the offering receive missionary meetings would mi Sunday afternoon with his father Marls the P.X.P S. Mission jeer• Rev, J. E, Taylor led in prayer and Hen= 494 was sung. Tho topie was taken by Miss Mae Final Or choosing for the text, 1' "Jesus who said, "I am the way and ; the truth also said, 1 am the life," ,taken from t+he lith chapter of John iho sixth verse, Hymn no. 091 was sung an the meeting came to a close by singing the National Anthem. The benediction was pronounced by the leader. The people of this comannni,ty are pleased to see Mr. Michel able to be up and around again, after his serious illness. i and aunts and brother. A large number of neighbors at- tended a shower on Friday evening in honor of Mr, and Mr., R. Bolton and presented them with a purse of money. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woods. and son and Mr. Will Woods also Miss Agnes Hastings) visited on Thursday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Melville Mathers and family. Miss Janet Robertson or Brussels spent Sunday with her mother sill brother. In the United Church on Sunday morning Rev. C. Tavener Preached at the service in Knox Presibyteriaa. Church. Rev. F. G. Fowler, occu- pied the pulpit. Mrs. C. Tavener addressed 'the WM!S- at' the regu- lar morning service in the United Church Brussels, on .Sunday. Rev. F. G. Fowler conducted the eve- ning service in the Presbyterian church Teesiwater. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Wray and daughter Patsy, Brantford, with Mr. and ,Mrs. H. Shiell; Miss Joan Scott, Sea1orth, with Miss Florence Fowler; MPS. John Pugh, Mitchell. with Mr. and MTS. H. A. Ramsay; Mr, and Mrs, J. A, Geddes, Bel - grave, with Mrs. Robertson and Miss M. Fraser; Eldon McItinney. Toronto, with ate brother, W. 14, McKinney; Harvey Messer, Toros• to, with his lather, John Messer; Idr. and Mrs. G. A. Love with Mrs A fair attendance was present at the W.M.S. Thankofferiug sneetiug on April 25th when Mrs. Wm. Britton of Constance gave a helpful report of the London Conference. ,Strese was laid. upon' the women's duty in making Dhristlan.homes, and The bet, in promoting temperance. erage room would destroy the church if it could and the church could destroy the beverage room if ft would. 'Miss Mildred Sellers' solo was appreciated. c About two hundred friends and neighbors assembled at Walton Oommiunity Hall on Wed. evening, April 23rd, to do honor to Mr, and Mrs. Bab Kirkby on the event of • their recent marriage. The hours Arlto RepatY¢p s before lunch were spent in dancing g" ' to music supplied by the Blyth Any make o String Orchestra, Atter the serv- ing of a dainty lunch the bride a.sd groom were called to the Platform while Mr. E. Sellers read an ap- propriate address and Herb Travis and ,Stewart Humphrey on behalf of the community presented the young couple with a studio couch. The' Love's parents, at Seatorth; Mr. groom responded in a few well ches_ and Mrs. J. Marshall, Listowel, with en remarks, atter which Mr. 11, B. Mr. and Mrs. G. 0, Thornton; Mr. Kirkby delighted the audience with Mrs, Edward Johnston and son Oarl, a couple of songs in his usual gond and Mr. and Mrs. Snarling Johnston style, accompanied by Mrs. Kirkby attended a shower and social even - at the piano. Dancing was resum- ing at Gorrie in honor of . and ed with the Watson Orchestra sup- Mr's. Clarence Sperling; re plying the music and was continued and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ross till the wee ma, hours and all Btneton, bridal couple of the 2nd eon, otssion oe Morris. gathered at their home and presented them with a shower. The evening Nved5 spent in dancing, Cars, Trucks or Tactors thoroughly overhauled and reconditioned Give us a Trial +4.44004444041 J. F. Daly Ford i3 Mercury for the decided at the WduesdaY, Al>1'i1 41 041 VP P aby Leghorn. Barred P. Rocks ricks Besides offering chicks and pullets for the balance of the season, I wish to thank all old and new customers for their business and continued support. I have not many early pullets for sale now and the chicks are pretty well sold on some hatches.. . _— marcs:+ CAUL OR'PHONE— Alec 'Woodrow BRUSSFJ:S, (77.4) ONTARIO go to- ary Pro' Dealer I dispersed wishing the young couple long lite and happiness. r WESTERN CANADA Special bargain ••EXCURSIONS FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA GOING DAILY — MAY 17 - 28, 1941, INCLUSIVE Return Limit; 45 days `TICKETS GOOD IN— „.COACHES at fares approximately lyec per mile. TOURIST Sleeping Cars at fares approximately 1%o per mile STANDARD Sleeping Cars at fares approximately 1%c per mile • Cost of Accommodation In Sleeping Cars Additional ,.HAGGAGE checked, Stopovers at Ali Points enreute Similar Excursions from Western to Eastern Canada During Same Period Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations, and all information from any, Agent. ASK FOR HAND SILL _CANADIAN NATIONAL We will clean or put a New Main Spring in awn' make of watch for Si Ali work guaranteed for one year Mrs. A. Strettofl Jeweller Brussels IL A. APPEL WATCHMAKER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN CANADA AND THE U. S. A, Alarm Clock Special for Sat. Silverbell Si.40 Givaranteed1 year r .1.4moi GREY FOR SALE -- '16 Reconditioned Pianos' at the Mildmay Furniture Store $s5 Easy , Free delivery. Open evenings. P duo . New Terms. Also New and 'Geed Singer Sewing Machines. J. F. Shirt' & Sons, Mildmay. SUPERIOR S rORE QUALITY SERVICE SPECIALS FOR --THURSDAY. FRIDAY & SATURDAY SSC Blue Boy Gaffes • , .... • ..... 1 M bag • • 25c each Five String Brooms Special each Carnation Milk .. • • , large tin Formaldehyde, for treating grain 1,6 oz bottle 25c 23c Van Camp Tomatoes . 2 large 28 oz. tins 13c Lifebuoy Soap . • . • • • • , • 2 bars for Millett Seed • • ••••, • , ••.•" • • per tb 5c Rennie's Mengel & Turnip Seeds — -- OneH h $1 25 d Ladies Good -Morning Frocks CLEARANCE of Ladies Voile Dresses . , • • • ' .............each ' •"• . each 19c Girls' Sockees - . 59c pr Ladies' Super -Chiffon Hose • • •••• • per pr, 25c Boys' Fancy Satin Caps eac2 lb for 25c Onions, Dutch Sets • • • • • •. Wry. Ziegler Highest Prices Paid For Eggs. Ethel Phone 22-r-11 :44*4N'♦444+ 4+4+4+ 4+ 449 4* 1,999 4+ +o44444 - No•P•• 4e19 ••N jN:49 4,4„4 44 eta 424 44x4 bat • 44 464 • 44 44 44 424 424 424 424 424 ' 424 4*4 4:4 424 Mr. Burnett, Alma, is a guest at *.9' the home of his daughter Mrs. Wm. Smith, 6th line, School at 512. No. 3 was closed Part of this week owing to sickness of the teacher with the measles; the trustees were not able to secure a teacher during the vacancy. Majestic Women's institute She April meeting of the Majesth institute was held at the home o. Mrs. Wm. Blake on Thurs. after. noon„ April 10th. Mrs, Claire Long presided end fifteen members an swered the roll call of a "Haase cleaning Hint." There was also a number of visitors vresent. Atter the opening exercises the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and gave the financial report show'ing the receipts for the year to be $1113.58; the expenditures $79,75 leaving a balance on hand of $33,83. The election of officers for the ensuing year then followed with Mrs. Claire Long, President; Mee, Thos. Davideon, lst Vice President; Miss Sewall Mcltinnosi, 2nd Vice President; 'Mrs. John Sbeir, Secre- tary. Plans and suggestions for our program for 1941.48 were then given by the members present and many members offered their homes tor the meetings. The May meet- ing Ss Le be held at the home of Alii, Bert Hemingway with the t0p10 or "Farm Home Beautifdeatiom" to be dealt with. There will also be a demonstration on rho making of seeds and flower slips will take 44 • • 424 ♦24 424 '24 • 44 444 44$� 484 4044 .i0.4 • 42P 4�4 .44 4s4 44+4 4♦�4 .24 424 4=4 424 ♦� 9 ♦04 444 ,Smart Nein TJL*RED SUITS 510 to 25.00 Highest quality English worsteds and serges go into these ultra modern mannish suits for women - Faultlessly tailored in single or double breasted styles in navy and black stripes, air force blue, green and light blue novelty weaves and patterns. You must see this wide assortmnt of smart new suits. You'll he delighted with this grand show- ing --All sizes .... 19.50 to 25.00 New Sheer Dresses For Spring and Summer Wear. Here's the first arrivals in summer dresses. Excellent quality sheer dresses in Soldier blue, turquoise, Rose, Beige, and black—Come in either full circle skirts or pleated types—Complete with good quality slip --all sizes • • • • 4.95 C-1, ltd New W ashal§le Celanese DRESSES You must see this new rack of tailored type dresses in washable Celanese. They're gaily flowered, dotted or stripes in a wide variety of patterns and color combinations. AU sizes All have short sleeves 4.95 We've had the biggest millinery season in over 40 years of business. The reason is simply that we have a choice and selection unequalled by any city store—Hundreds of new hats are arriving every week—Come here for the latest and smartest in women's hats - 1.95 tO 5.00 ` • 44 24 42i 424 424 • 2i e2i •2• e2i 42' 4t 42� 424 424, 42� 4+1 .24; i •i• ce( ♦21 4t'i 41 e 4241 42� 1 •+� 4=♦ 424 4t 4=� e♦ ,2, 404 e2 4421 42• + 42�• X41 424 ♦4 4♦ ;l cream puffs and an exchange, ,05 a4 SEAFORTH, ONT. ei• 424 ♦� place, The, need of war work 14 A 4 rr 40,7,4****" 4 4'4' ♦ 4 4 ♦ ♦–.^4 4 4 • • 4 4,4�♦_4_4..4-.__.♦. ♦ ♦ ei ar ticle9 Of Clathing Was stressed to a 44HA~4�♦s�N♦N4N♦N4N4N4NA4*44!44!4!♦4N N 4�J1 N N ♦N N N 42444 4.04:4444.************ 44 N N N