HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-16, Page 5Gilbert E. Nethery RR R. 5, Brussels A. A. LAMONT Agent for—Fire; Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance. Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for farmers. 'Phone 657 Queen St. Brussels Tenders Wanted The 'Council or the Township e' Grey are',esding iOr tenders for the Wore •.o be done on tu'e Close Drain, Planus anst specificat.on's may be seen at The Clerk's Office, Ethel Ont., or at the office -of the Engineer in charge, Geo, A. • McCwlrim, O.L,S., Chatham, Ont. Suitable Bond will be required. Tenders Will be ,re ceived •t>ry 'till 2 o'clock PM. on ,Saturday, Mayo 3rd. The Lowest or any Tender not necessarily ,aocepted, J. H. FEAR, rlerk, Etnel, Ont. AUCTION SALE At °C. Va"nNorman's' 'Home, 'Brussels SATURDAY, APRIL. 19th 'Sale Commences at 1 P.M. ` ' Garden Tools Wheel Barrow Sugar Kettle i `s Wardrobe Lawn Swing Iron Cots Cupboards Tables Small Book Case Beds Bed Springs +Chairs Antique Bureaus and Etc. Other Articles Too Numerous 'to mention. TERMS• --_CASH ESTATE of the LATE •MRS. DOLL W. S. ,Donaldson—Auctioneer. Auction Sale Household Effects of the Late Robert "Shedden Queen 'Street, Brussels SATURDAY, APRIL 26th Sale commences at 2 P.M. 1 Coal Stove t x 1 Kitchen Stdve 1 Bed Couch 1 Glass Cupboard 1 Writing Desk 8 Rocking) Chairs 3 Little Tables' 1 Round Table 2 Library Tables 1 Bed and Dresser 1 Feather Bed 1 Wooden Bed 2 Bedroom Suites 3 Bedsteads 2 Couches 2 Sets of Bed Springs 1 Kitchen Cabinet' • 2 Kitchen Tables 2 Extension Tables 2 Dining -room Cheats 2 Looking Glasses ' 3 Mattresses es, 'mow 1 set small Beam Scales 2 Clothes Wringers 1 Flour alp t 1 Boller 1 Carpet Sweeper 1 Sewing Machine 1 Coal -oil Stove with Oven Number of Kitchen Chairs 1 Wash Tub. 2 -Burner 'Hot •Plete 5 -gallon :Coal -old Can 2.Gallon Coal -011^ Can 1 Sugar Kettle 1 eight-day -Clock 1 Congoleum Rug 1 Linoleum Rug S'dozen quart Seelers Quantity Linoleum 15 x 16. 2 Tea Kettles 'Dishes, Kettles and Pans Number of wooden Bekaa OtherAAftictessto numer*Us to mention TE!f?M A'SH rat 'P '. W. KEMP, Auctioneer PCR SALE - 0. A. C, No, 21 Seed Barley r•" 1 Good Pule Bred Jersey Cow t9 years dttl'1 tst V.0811014'1 2, time 13red tetstiy I- eiters freshen A IDI! 7th. All 3 Sired to a pure bred Dui, hash; 1 Beit '3 years OM, eligible for registra•tion, phone 11,7-15 Torrance Dundas MR. 2, Blyth TIME 1. C A BA'VM1( Miss .1 try Truethor .is fipendiug her vacwtioe at bhp ,home of her parents, Miss Mimed Williams oe Valetta. is spending her Beater 'vacation. sat the 11ome of Mr, and Mrs,. Jacob lnisciier• Mr', Lorne Cameron ways a week end .;vieetor with his wire and child- ren here. Mi, and Mrs. Stuart Noble and daughter Batisieia, Mr, and Mens, Sno, Noble and slaughters Yvonne and Mary ,Silo, spent, Easter a eek end with Mr, and"Mrs.:Janx'6 Noble, 11r13, John, Noble,. and daughters are exterpdfrilg their visit. A Queer Echoes Of Uncle Sam's CaII To Arms Read orf India,nls wlio thought there 'was a war, and brought their totna- hawks; of the man who was "two people"; of mysterieus. "Mike" and lilts ,post cadds , and other unieue problennts: oaf harassed abaft regisF- trars, as told in •a feature ariecle to appear in The American Weekly with the April 20 issue of The Detroit ,Sunday Times, ,Be eare/iia get The ,Detroit Sunday Times this ,week and every week. • Auction Sale Stock Farm Implements and Household Effects will be held on Lot 16. 17, ,Con. 10, Grey Twp., 4 miles East of Brussels. THURSDAY, APRIL 17 Salescomeeces at 12 o'clock sharp Matched Team -1 bay mare, 1 bay horse 1 General Purpose bay horse CATTLE—all well bred' Durham' 2 Durham Cows—in calf 2 Durham Cowe-fresh 3 Durham Cows -milking,. in calf 2 Durham Heifers—in calf 2 Durham Steers -1000.1100 lbs. 3 , Durham Steers -900 lbs. 2 Durham Steers -800. lbs. 4 Durham Heifers -700.800 lbs. 2 Durham Year-olds - 2 Durham Calves—two months IMPLEMENTS, - 1 Frost and Wood Blinder 7 -ft. 1 Wagon, w'th roter hay rack 1 Wagon, with gravel box 1 6 -ft. Deering Mower 1 10 -ft. Dump Rake 1 Hay •Loader 1 Hay Tedder 1 'Hay Fork, pulleys, car, rope 170 ft, 1,Stiff-tooth Cultivator 1 *alining Mill r 1 International Fertilizer , Drill 13 diso 3 Secttans Drag Harrows 1 Stuffier 1 Gang Plough 1 Disc 2 Walking. Ploughs 1 2-furow riding Plough 2 Sets Sleighs 1 Cutter 1 Buggy 2 Root Pulpers 1 6-H.P. Gilson Engine 1 Wheel Barorw 1 Set iDriving Harness 2 Sets Team Harness` 5 Horse Collars 1 Magnet Cream Separator Milk Pails Forks. Shovels and Many other articles GRAIN &FEEDS - 20 ton Hay Quantity Feed Wheat and Mixed Grain Quantity of Seed Grain ' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 1 Dlriing room Table (estenslon) 6 Dining -room Chairs 2 Drop-leaf Tables 2 small Kitchen Tables 10 Kitchen Chalra 4 Rocking Chairs 1 Spring Couch 1 Lounge ° 2 Feather Ticks 1 Walnut bedroom Suite with Spring &. Mattress 2 Iron Beds with Springs and Mattresses 1 Matresa 1 Bureau 2 Spool Beds 1 Wash Stand 1 Dresser 1 Clare Jewel Range (nearly ,new) 1 Kitchen Stove 1 Wood 'Heater 1 four -burner Coal.011 Stove & Oven - 1 Linoleum Rug 9 x 12 ft. Linoleum 15 x 20 ft. 1 Glass -Top Kitoheh.r.Cupboard 1 Woden Sink ' • 11'Ffeur Cheat' 1 Beatty Washing Machine '(nearly new) 1 Copper Boller 1 .Wringer, Tubs Churn;' DWi :'<Ct king Utensils 1. CltenLsicle Toilet, ``�-2 Tollet Sete V f hiftraii Criat3 °5 r ills StatF':'Udder i, Gt as rmpr$/iII piiT, t bit Jsrar 1 Set Scales 60 Ib. wk."'i tf " illy SpASeh Cupboard rr 1 Kitchen Clock, Steve Stands fi Curtains and Bodies 4 1 Many :Arttcfes `4ao ntii"rfprates to• mentlo'n r.. ,,„ �TEHM'S(<,-•CASH 1`-tOMAB CAMERON .ESTATE. 4 5V' q ,JEAN 4.'" SACK CAMERON, Eze't, HAROLD JACKSON- Auctioneer, nc..t T'E BRUSSELS .POST of DEAD or DISABLED ANIMAIS Phone Zolleceto this number BRUSSELS Pl•i'ONE 72 or 21 INGERSOLL WILLIAM ST ti LT Many Pay Last Respects To Mrs C. Govenlock •heator.th, ,April 14—The funeral of the late Mils. William C. Govenlock of Egmnardville, whose death occur red at Scott Memorial hasp'titrai on Wednesday night after an illness of two days „took place on Saturday afternoon from her lade residence. Interment was made in the Egmend- ville cemetery. Rev. Hugh Jack of First Preslbyterian church ofii'ciated During the service James T. Scat sang "That Beautiful Laud." The doral tributes were many and beau. trials The pallbearers were Thom as Jackson, Harry Stewalrt, Russell Sproat, Roy MoGeoch, R. B. Holmes and Ill, R. Rennie, Those attending from a distance Were •Mr; and Mrs, Wililam Ghnrlesworbh and daughters &aye and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler and Jean r of St. -Catharines,' Mr, and Mrs. Gavin Green of Godreich, Mr. and Mrs' William Ferguson and Miss Mar: garet Ferguson of Windsor. ' east Auction. Sale Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects Lot 15, Con. 16, Grey Twp. • , WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23rd. Sale Comences at 1 P.M. HORSES= , - v 1 Team Grey Mares 1 Grey Mare . -CATTLE- 2 Cows supposed'to freshen in May 1 Farrow Cow 1 Heifer rising 2 yrs. 2 'Head rising 2 yrs. 3 -head rising 1 year IMPLEMENTS— McCormick Binder McCormick .Mower ; McCormick Side Rake McCormick Dump Rake Massey ,Harris 'Hay Loader ,Noxon Seed Drill Wagons Roller Sleighs Harrows Cultivator • Disc Harrow HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS- 2 Cook Stoves 1 Coal Heater Beds Chairs Bedding Dishes Cutlery Pots Pans and a 'Host of other Articles TERMS—CASH JOHN A. STEWART, Proprietor. Harold Jacgson, Auctioneer. ver_ t�'V Auction Sale so Horses aria Implements Lot south ,Halt 2d, Con. 3, Mersa 1-RIDAY, APRIL 18th Sale Cowences at i P.M. HORSES-- 1 ORSES 1 brown Work Horse '1 Bay Work Horse • Bay Driving Mare 4 yrs, old HENS - 2 Steel Pig Troughs - IMPLEMENTS- Deering Binder' Mt. cut McCormick. Mower 6 -ft. cut 12 -ft. Deering Rake Deering, Stiff -tooth Cultivator Spring -tooth Cultivator Riding Plow (Oliver) Frost and Wood Gang Plow Walking Plow No. 21 5-seceion Harrows 2 draw bars 1 Disc Frost and Wood, 11 -hoe Seed Drill 1 Turnip Pulper Cutter Steel -tire Buggy Rubber•ttre Buggy Stoneboat Hay Fork, Car, Rope and ,Puteys Slings Pea Harvester Flat Hay .Rack 14 -ft. Grindstone Wagon 'Jack Stock Rack Long Ladder Fattening Crate Colony Nouse Cream Separator ' Wheel Barrow iGr vel Box Horse Cetera M 1l}L' Tl :!{ C1t8etollar Tops, nearly new T`1am Nai•neas 1Skt;Siylgle ,Harness 1 Set'Team Bells , Shovel 1 Set, Cutter Bells v. Grain Bags Forks,, Robe and Horse Blanket {Many Articlesrtoo Numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH gale Unreserteed as `Froprletor Ls giving dp farming JOSEPH HOGG—Proprietor. F. W .KEMP,—Auottoneer. ° q IKFJ,mT2, ill A . !` `k +k s, an whe 6' M # 'k This r', Luke Mpeh`aire haft be0a seriously 1111» improving. Mrs. J,• S. Aranatl'png10443 SIM Jr were ):aster visitors in Louden. ft Muss Wanda I•Iabbe, Poroonte was an 1,as'ter guest with her aunt 4241, D. Brewer, $, :k * Mr,•and Mre. D, Ewan, Mildred mud Elnrer, Toronto, Were Easter vilsitore Here, Mr. ansi•Mis;`J',' 0, Bielby have returned to their home in Keltield, Sask. 14 3, * N, * * * ,k * Mrs, Mason of Ripley was all Easter guest with Mrs, Annie MltchelI. Mr. and Mrs J. I3.k McLaughlin of London were week end vis5tors with Mr, and Mrs. Manning. * * * Miss Doris Bates, Toronto, and Sack Bates, IClinitom are spending the vacation' at their home here. Judge .McFadden of Chatham spent the Easter holiday with his .sister Mrs. David, Walker. * Mr. W. B. Strachan, Toronto', was an Easter visitor with his mother, Mrs,. A. Strachan, * * * Misses, (Shirley and Nora Lowrie 'sere spending the Easter holidays, With their uncle near Auburn. * * * Mr, and Mrs. •Douglas Reid of• 'Dna.yton were Easter visitors with her parents, • Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Logan. * * * Mr. and Mra: Harold ,Chapman;' Ketchener, were Baster week end guests with the fornrer's. brother, N. Oloapman. . . * * Mrs. J. Ballantyne and 'son Jack `Stratford visited wrth Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne an Tuesday and Wednes- day of this week. Mr, and Mrs. D+11iot Breden and 'Children Peter and Jane were Easter guests at the hone of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Galbraith. tS ▪ ,., Rem. F. Watts, of St. John's Argil - "eau Church, was heard over CIiNX Wingiiasn, on Good Fntclay afternoon ,al 'Good he took part In the'theee-hour 'Good Friday service. * * * Trooper Lorne McCauley who has been transferred from R:C R, .to 'Three Rivers Tank Battalion, Active, Force, Camp Borden, spent his 4 days' leave at his home in Morris. • * * Bent Black, whc,-attended Continu- atdon school here', left recently for Font Erie to commence his duties in the Personal 'Office of the Fleet Aircraft there. Friends wish Bert' every success sin, his new position. ;k * * Miss Laura Manning of Kitchener also Mr. and Mns. A. C. ,Knox and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sho1ibrook and )title son Charles of Blyth spent. Sundaywith their parents Mr, and Mrs, H. J. Manning. * Visitors over the*week end at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Foe twere; Miss Luella McCwtcheon, Mrs., •tBlmer Williams, Mies Pearl Haines 'and Mist Exclue Palmer all of De-,. itroit and Mr, John MoCutcheon of ;Wroxeter, e Mr. and Mrs:" Robt, Hollenhecic ',(nee Mamie McQuarrie•) and daugh- ter Mary. Lee of Ridgetown, And Mr, 'end Mrs. Gordon Ademrs (nee Eileen McQuarte• of Toronito spent the Easter holiday with Mr. and Mrs, McQuarrie. Mets, (Dr,) Myers, or Brampton was a• guest this week at the ,hohle of Dr. McRae and Mrs, McRae on William et. Miss Dora Smith, Mr, Norman Smith and Miss Ruby Smith of Borden, 'Sask., are alt present on a trip to Vaucbnll^e s ' The body of Robert Douglas, a former resident of Brulsseisl was lyron'ght to Bresse1s an Wedneatloy of 'this weak for `burtai `in the Brussels cemetery. Mr. Douglas ,palsied away. 'e,t `his home iiel:r Guelph on 'Monday+ oi,,0tf4 Miss Msrgar et Russell lveg• w; agent a few,dayl at her home here , prior to leaving for Ntiii~an'a Falb%•, ito nittend . the eOaventioii ' of the Registered Nurses' Association6f Ontario et the General Brc,ek i iotel. Miss. Madeline baiter., lieg, N,, and Mash Angela Kelly Reg. Were ale() chosen as delegates from Sit. ro. seph's Iiraspltal Alumnae. s'''cars 1940 Williys Sedan 1940 Deluxe Fold Sedan 1940 Deluxe Ford Coach 1939 Mercury Sedan - 1939 Standard Ford Coach 1939 Deluxe Ford Ccaz,h 1939 Hudson Coach .1935 Ford Sedan 1938 Hudson Sedan 1935 Deluxe Ford Coach 1938 Standard Ford Coach *Model A Ford Coaches 1929" Chevrolet Cabriolet ,1935 Ford Pick Up Truck ,r 1939 Ford Sedan Delivery rat"O Good Stake Trucks 4 Gaod'Plows 1;f ;Tse4,Tractor Plow (=MI grey Gelding rising 3 yrs. 101yde'°Mare rising 4 yrs. p ,'Team of Work Horses Choice teneral Purpose Grey Mare Dr"iviwg Mare 5 yrs. • r3 "al 0:1:5 I'll .ICO E L 4i:WI. Jackson Motors Ltd. (Walla ^St. Listowel, Ont. Phone 161 ;SUPERIOR STORE r QUALITY' • SERVICE SPECIALS' FOR—THURSDAY. FRIDAY & SATURDAY Hillcrest Shortening 2-1 lb cartons for 25c Aylmer. Vegetable or Tomato Soup • • 2-10 oz. tins for 17c Kellogg's: All Bran, large pack & 1 measuring Jug free 23c Arctic Pastry Four 24 Ib bag for 63c 'Country Kist Peas .. • • •• . , • , 2-16 oz. tins for 17c Peanuts in shell •• • • • •• • • • , • , .. . per ib 10c Lace Curtain Materials • • ... • • • • • • 25c & 35c per yd Lace Window Panels , . each 75c per pr 69c •• • ••. per pr 15c each 59c Ladies Crepe Hose 1 Girlst,'Knee.length Socks Men's Dress Shirts, to clear at Men's Navy Work Shirts •.• •• • each 89c Rennie's No. 1 Grass Seeds on hand. Wm. Ziegler Highest Prices Paid For Eggs. i h sne.i22-r-11 Ethel • ,,raring Time Is lied ieeni sev- SoftatDrinks' or all kinds—Ice CreamSundaes, Banana Splits 1).0.144, —Vanilla Pineapple, Strawberry, Chocolate, C$ffeWirand Orange. --Try a bottle of our Chocolate n.%• •Milk for school lunch. 10 Tr, Butter, ;-0 rt Buttermilk. Milk and Cream i Please return your milk !orofe11:1611' 41 ottles promptly ys Ice Cream Time 1,,t1i17 141 The ateUSSELS DAIRY BA R .tyi*ct •roil sees ,sisterse. 1•', sot 1, 41,, J, 4't1• ' COMPLETE SATISFACTION 'iiWITH -CLASSES :r • Is Yours When the Glasses are Fitted by R. A. Reid, Stratford$ .4Leedtng Optonietrlst for 22 years. Latest, Methods of Eye Ex- • Itheination, Newest Styles and ''Lowest Piloes Await You Here ` REID RO 1 EYESIGHT :SPECIALIST 1&4PTOMETRIST Brussel Office Every Wednesday Afternoon 2.00 to 5.00 MISS HINGSTQN'3 Store — Phone 51 10'