HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-16, Page 4Ciassi' ie ,Ads
'1'ecaa1 Dude 17a, 49c a setting.
Phone 25-x'-26
Good Work' Horse
phone 18_r-16 Ghee, Murray, trisect, Tomato, wlblt Mr, send etre.,
90h Con„ 'Morrie G. A. Wearying; Dr, Jahn MuuNtn,
Blister visitors; Miss Ronal Vali
Yalsor, Wesbou, with her peagilike
Mr, awl hips. W, i . Vast 'Nielsen
Miss Beatrice Howe, Leanliutaten
with, her sister, 'Mies M, Bowe; 31r8.
A. Wells, Miss dean Wells Axid
Spier anti ;,ZV1i'9. Aontile Rohertsen
ooetrial*• . -t10 plane seleetione.
Regret Ovate wingesee that 1tey, S,
Timothy !Seed:
Phone 36e-6 Jelin Kelly
1 Good Wear Neese, Cheap •or will
e na1sange on a ,driver or other stook,
R. B. Oaana bo11, Cranbrwok
Seed Oats Improved American
Banner, also 9 •good pigs• 6 weeks old
phone 23-r16 Dan McKinnon
A House, fol' further pan ti eu1
Copper Cliff, with his meteor,'Mrs: J,,
Munro; Mr, and Mrs, A. Gold and"
Mao 7eauette Adam, To,pontG,
Mrs. J7 PPulin; Mr. and Mrs. W
Ilam Owe, Barkway,wall Mr. anti
Ml's, Alex Wright; Dr.; end'1ii,5
Spence, Tomato, ause,Mr. sigh, gl'
A, Rann and family, Beussele, 'Yeti!,
Mr, and Mrs, It. J. ?Ran. M{'sse5'
Minnie end Hazel Weir, ,'`I4rdtl e
with Mr. and Mrs. D. le Weut
and Mrs. Nail Car, Wingeain "';t
and Mrs• Len Hayes and babyv -cid
Bess Marior+ie Wa11er, r Tyicintrar
:with Mr. 'and Mrs. H. Waller; Miss
Evelyn M!antg6anery, Toronto: with
empty at The Post, !pbone 31 Mr. and Mra M. Montemnely;
Gold drop seed Gats, 1949 crop,
fi,hig is _no, 1 seed, 65c per bus.
, s"`a
; Our Diamond Room Affords
Privacy When Buying
WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 16th, 1.941
eaves --M
M. Seel,13ineata'tline, anodereter of
the Maitland 1'1'esiaaere, Rev. S,
Kerr or Arussels stud Rev, J. R•
Greig ofAitmood, 0. '+0 filer ,po,etess,
who would hate aSetted wall the
Program, were unarlo to be present
owing .to the band state ofthe revile.
Rev. 1t'. G Fowler; pronown;ced thet
benediction, bringing to a ,, etese . a
111118t 1i vy moisten,
and Mrs, W111tam Parks yV€itit4tl :' Thomas M. Russell
Que„ with Mr. and Mrs519,1!1"; l'Snitied On Wednesday
Maxwell; Mrs, F. Kitchen" with {
relatives in Toronto; Mr., and Mrs.
P. Anent Phil Durst in Toronto; Atav eaalen-
inson, of ,the Bank epiOreamer,
staff. at bis . home, Mian
and Mrs, II. A. !Sawtell and Helm
with !friends in Toronto t 3+t) , BT
ALE-Two registered Hereford Biala fit
for service. (Domino breeding).
apply to Bent Allen, Blyth
Red !Clover Seed Government
,tested. apply to
,phone 28-r-16 Russel Knight.
Qvarllttty of Early Alaska Oats also
late Oats, harvested without rain:
phone Blyth 369 Jaanes •Spate,
Lot 9, Con. 6, Morrie
Large Pekin Duck Eggs, 50c per,
doz.; a tem' bushels of seed Peas and.
Garden. Peas.
phone 42-r26 Baxter Stevenson
On No. 1 Prince Edward Island
Green Mountain and No. 1 Irisn
Cobbler Potatoes.
'16 Reconditioned Pianos' at the
Mildmay Furniture Store'325 up.
Free delivery. Open evenings. Easy
Terms. .Also New Pianos, New
and Used Singer .Sewing Machines.
J. F. Shuett & Sons, Mildmay.
Spedial Easter e+ervicesytiYarkbeTil
at . Se. James' Anglic, Cilttr
both on Good :Friday aid gtae7
.Stiinday. At tbe Good Fsiid'de"i,
vice the infant son oYit a
Mrs. A. 'Gold and Mr. and- f'1Y}est Len
Bayes, all Toronto,( were bap
'!tized, At the Easter , dace sera
omas M. S'uss'e11, 69, for many
Saginaw resident, died Sun -
date at his home in Wheeler town
ah{ ; Gtatiot county. He wee born
Oc . ;10 1811, near Strabford, Out
an; ' married there in 1397 Ness
Ch1'istina ,Seenehouse. Atter rnar•-
1939 'Crop. Banner Oats, also mix
ture ee Banner and Two -Rowed
Lot N ee 21, Con, 12, Grey
phone 55-r1'6 Knight Bros
riaie 'they moved to ,Saginaw. She
died' in 1909, and in 1510 Mr. Russell''
maxited Mise, Flora A. MaCirmirk of
,SekCharlea, In 19'21 they moved to
Wheeler :township where he operaS-
ed • e -gaairage and gas station' until
19d. He was a member of tbe
Sacred Heart church of Merrill: Be
vice Rev. T. L. Ball. reit ,::!rasa leaves his rife two sons • and two
,charge. During the is .dynghtens, Ivlissee Margaret A.
choir rendered an awthenye ? Reeee11 at home and Mary Frances
come Rappy Morning." g y Agsell of Saginaw, Leonard S. and
, With the chancel beataiullyeefe Begh T. Russell of Saginaw, two
*orated with spning flowers for t1- _'.ndchildren, three brothers and
Beater mowing service :that ' sir two sistene, Mrs. John !Paley, and
uY Wroxeter Mated Church ng Robert Russell of Saginaw, ells.
special Easter music. The'Ri ye,°,;? Joseph Long' of Brussels; Ont., . Dr.
M. Grant preached on `L'}ttlei use .John Resell of Elsie -and Leonard 3
of the Resurrection.'' "Vreelataltetv Russell of !Cambridge •Springs, Pa.
to dispentsing Holy elbodentuilan The funnel tool: place at 8.30 pan.
eight new members were received Wednesday at the family home and
Info fellowship with the church 11 ,> at 9 earl. at eSacred Heart churel't,
Ast the evening service• "a-Pegeawf- Menial. Rev. Fr. Frederick Ryan
entitled "The Chidetian .Teail'elt Xwria officiated and burial was in 'St. An
Presented. Two, readers. Elizabeth drews cemetey. Rev. Fr. Ryan
and Sybi11 Grant, :provided,i•the:.pec+ said the Rosary at the home at 8.30
louse. .introducing the :'dialoJU>. pan. Tuesday.
The their, under the edtrectlinetsit
G. A. Wearring .preeedtvin.111e14eAtl•
propriaate numbers interspei%ed;,sed
esesntial to ;the pageant, which has
appreciated by the .g tiglega- Mr. and Mars, Wilbert Mathers and
Helen and Mr, George Mathers visit-
ed 1rth Mr. Henry Mathes and sls
ters and Chas, on Sunday aternon.
Mnas Harvey Role ertson and eon
'Bruce are visiting with friends in
The Young 1?eoptle's , Soo:ety a
Belgr+ave United 'Chitral" suet in,, the
School room of the church on Wed-
neaday night last with the Mission
aiy O•oanimtee in charge. E1sio
Cbokc, presided with Elaine Walsh at
tee. !Piano. Tee lesson, was read by
Thelma 'McGuire. 'The topic tar
the evening eonsietted of an address:
by Mrs. N. Keating an tee Hospital
wont and as origin among the
h, 'C
3ndiens of British,
,Arrangements were wade for a
Young Peogleis. Banquet eo be held
at a, later date.
Rev. J. B. To+wnend who has been
nninteter at Belgrave and Brick
Baited Churches since 1935 an,
nounced •bo the Official Board at its
meeting last week that . he would
seek a:ohange of Pastoral Relation
at tale coming Conference to be held
in Jtine.
The Ladles! Guild of Trinhl r
Anglican Church met at .the home oe
the 1'r•esident, Mrs. C. Wade, ea
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J, Mc-
Gill the viae --president was
Osage of the meeting. !Several
don4tions for the bazaar were re-
ce5vitd. It was decided to have a
quil ing on Wednesday aftternloon• at
the home of Mrs. R. McCrea Ltircit
woasi served by the hostess.
Alaska Oats with Barley, good
clean seed; lgrade Polled Angus, 1 -
year -old bull. 1 Cocksbutt Marrow
riding plow.
phone 49_r-11 Ray Patterson
Lot 29, Kion, 13, Grey
'LOST -•
One logging chain between P
Ament's residence and John ,Allen's
bladkssnith shop, Kindly leave it
at P. Armani:'s residence or at John
Allen's blacksmith shop and oblige_
P. Amend
Early Alaska and White Klug
Oats', grown In 1939, good quality
and well cleaned also mixed grain.
Alaska Oats and Barley that stiff
tooth cultivator for small .tractor
or horses. aplily to
phone' 55-r-6 J, P. McIntosh
!Lot 31, Cons 12, Grey
'Certified Seed Po'atoes, Irish C'rl•-
biers or '!Green Mbun!tainis. 7'he
et the tree from P. E. laland.
phone 5 We Sell For Leas
Cash and Carry.
Howick Council!
Gorrie, A lli 'g'911
ohsTownshipaat, Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Johnston and
Tile Council met in the
Hall, accosting to ala o Ti ent the !daughter spent Sunday with her
members were all iet'seitt, the aparents Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dobie at
Reeve, J. W Gamble, in, the chair.Auburn.
The minutes of iatst.regular meet- Mrs. Samuel Wooda is spending a
img, also special meetings, wee'r"Sv'bile with Mr. and - Mrs. Melville
read, and on motion gtlagertigRtta'Sid ;blathers and son.
Mch.Aum, were adopted. ;, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robertson of
Wengbarm spent Sunday Utmost'
Moved by .Strong tandsx re, i' the,t with his mother and brother on the
the insurance on Tgw3¢t Roads, !1St line.
as carried by the A„,,'E. Wilson. &' Mr. and Mrs. RobeTurnbitl and
Company, be renewiid'4or the year 'daughter of Byron spent Easter`
19 1. -Carried. Sundaywi'6h hey- pssemlts Mr. and
3xl . tt Mrs. Ed Johnston and 'Carl, 1st line.
Maned by Wimtei1,
ff 031
Goes For
Ail Kirtels of
2 Lbs. or 290
Mr, Farmer -if you have any Choice Butcher Cattle call . ••
Phone 6 Botcher Shop iiiroksis
a capable assist occasionally by
George Ieutohinlsan giving pleasing
entertainment to each person iu
ance. •
Bent anti Mrs, Lake and Dorotl.Y
of Bianalten were, Easter Sunday
gueeta with Camieron and Airs,
Cochrane and family,. Mies. Lake
and Mrs. Cochrane are sisters.
!Carl and Mrs. Ames and faintly of
Brusesls were visitors' Baster Thurs.
day at;Carl'5 parental home 'with
Mr: avid Mie. Jos. Agues, Bryan
Ames and listen Bateman.
The friendly visit of Bra Alex
Collins of !Come Ethel, with a sick
•.C.O.F. Bro. during Bastes' week, was
very : much appreciated.
J. S, Leitch ,anti gamily and Mas
McLaren of Norwich ;spent Sunday'
at Wm. Zeigler s, Mrs•. Leitch' an-
oompanied them home, atetel- ,spend-
ing Ibhe winter with her daughter
Kenneth Kranter of reroute'
spe rdieg the Baster vacation at
home. Swift omen,
The earn and ,couteirt0 on. the let •
oe Mr,. George Michel 'at Henfryn,
was ,completely destroyed by iir••e
on Monday night 1t was a !complete
lose. as theme was aict insurance.
Eldon Willem 10 !Con'., intends,
removing to the Cameron' fai'ul near
Berk and Mics, Betsy Oth cone
celebrated their 25th anaiversay of
their wedding day, very pleesaatiy;.
Saturday ebeating, Axrril 10bh, when
only immediate friends, were present
,the family presented silverware in
Yemem;batamce of the event an Att-
ic ble
nicyabie time was spent by all those
' Mi'; and: Idea, Alex Spears and'
daughter ant& son George who ,have .-
specie the east five months, visiting.
their friends in Grey and Morris;
left on Monday mgreing for their
home :roe the States,. they% restd, la
Doc Wardlaw's corse, seance, an
gld'davorite was on the seek list Lor
a few days last week. Doc Wee
snccesful in bringing hint back to
narrnal again, but as the aurae is
aged it is hardly to be expected that
Its usefulness could be continued
very mnolt longer. ,
A heavy motor car parked on the
greeutawaed in from:' of a residence
•held diffiicaltY in making a get -away.
cwbs'kin'g : tip unsightly tranches.
,This condition of things meets with
universal disapprovaL While there
is• not very meth that can be done
about it except filling in the ruts as
compactly as possible ,and awatt
ueaturela, healing growtn yet, surety
;If motorists would exercise a little
'more common sense foresight these
'mishaps could largely be avoided.
Mee. Jos, Ames returned at the
Week end from Brussels where she
has been assisting in waiting' on her
sister Mies. Maude Brya'ns who has
been in an invalid state for, years,
but owing to further critical comp.
Realties), developing places her in ;,a.
precarious cendi%ion.
Sympathy is extended to W. J.
Sharpe, 111th cam., Grey Twp., is
(bereavement caused by the sudden
demise of his wife, formerly Chris•
,tenla Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe
have been long residents of Ethel
:and community.
'Cat:Pored !Cecil Bateman
at Brantford was borne for a few
corms in anitdweek abut had too limit,
led a leave to have the,•privilege of
spending Baster at home.
',' John Bansuld 10''yeer old school
,ady from Stratford, apeat the Easter
;holiday in Ethel with Ads Cousins
Hansuld and slaters.
u !Congratulations are being extend-
ed to the !sponsors and paritcipants
Tin a ilial Presented in Grey Twp•
[ha:B a 'couple of weeles ago by
tGorrie talent. Every phasiTe was well
en'sted and Wain w011 received.
Quite a number of people of Ethel
district attended the 'show 'Gone
with the Wind' ruining ,at :S'tratforii
;recently. Ther is a growing tend -
!ewer emanr- eleties to concede that
lira popularity is on the wane.
' Monday of a week age in Gra•,.
Tw!p. hall a misceileneous shower
n3' nitmermts welt ctt<rsen articles'
;essential 1Ioh' conven(enoe in starting
t no hnnsrkeeni9•g was rresen'ed to
t the mate of honor Clark �1ar fit
!anal 'brute •nee Psivtlie itritti:cr,
which was graciously rnd°'raho2tt,ly
,60m4SWteslced by Mhe °i'eripieiiti
ether features of tbe ,WRI;
tA, shay prmgre,m e1
et, ...041,21b fl At: tale ahiiltwitfa;4sisltip of
Geo, A. Dunbar; 'A tnity lunch ` AS
„arrvpd ltt the traditional meteor of.
'11'141 ltostio and 'ildet ses, Danoirig
f #^it.»wsd in synod qutiltty� i3ilis?e ea'
nitwd by loom: talert, 'Tho rolled
dannes were ander the efftMeat
mta.nAgeinemt of Jolin A. Wtison 'wird:
that the Report of the School At-, Map)" congratulations to Mr, and
tendence Officer Power, a month af;' Mrs, Melville Mather. over the
• February, as read, accepted a:td I . :arrival of baby girl on 'Sundae' in
plated on file. • -Carried. 'Wrngehaim hospital- '
u The congregation' of Knox Pres
Moved by 'Strong and Winter that; biteittan 'Church endoyed a tate*,
the time for the return of the'Col
' `+ga!thering on ;Tuesday evening wheu
•lectors Rolle be exgtee te. earnest one .hundred sat down to a
regular meeting of th 'banquet. The 'Sunday schoolroom
May. Canrie�l° ; and tables were belatiitifn•I with
. Moved by ,Winter , au a alum' i potted plants, daffodils, narcissi,
that the -Road Aceon eeeeltschtemila.ay -t tamales maies and pussy w:lto!a'is. The
be paid:-!garnv q ., pastor,, Rev, F. B. Fowler, acted as
Moved' by Strong ant AWeir that' t0aifnvaster. .Ater the toasts, to
the following accounts be paid: "The ,King" and ho "Canada," Rev.
Car1'lesis C. H. McDonald, Lucknow, proposed
Isaac Gamble, part salary °a toast to the Presbyterian Church
as Clerk a5,9 in 'Canada•, Rev. Jahn Pollock,
iNorm,an Wade, premium on WllStechmrch, replied. Rev. Kenneth
Road Insurance 203 e0''$McLean, Wingham, pi'0pbsed the
To close the estate' of the late, Jai Gamble, OAP � toast to the 'Ladies! which was res.,
Wilkinson his 120 -acre, farm ` : , M.A. 1940 a'''''' . . . 24 50 ponded to by Mrs. Harveyy Robertson
in Morels Township is being' offered Herb IC'oliipai gar: eala7ry as
president cdthe Lashes. Aid. The
!toast to Knox Presbyterian church
j pluevale, wsis proposed by J.''. C:
it!Pil'gin!a, 'their -Mad of. the 'Board ea
eVienagers and vile,+. Velerwed ba' ate
out ,ilansiing feature of tie ei fining
the'' Ittirttiri,� !sots the tndaltga!ge. Those
offmiaithng incltided the trustees,
S'olin lllittidelt, P; •S; li'I'n'c•'tlwen and
dseterr ivk0tfatt, 14irs, 'P. 8', eacalweln
;held !:lie mort1ige and Archie Meaner
leaned i!t .
5tisrrt' rdttnisc4ndoa` were glued
1,y W. 'S. tliavidt6n, *-targh vlitmo,itr,
Asehae !Wieser 'nnd Mies Alive Scott.
W. U. !sister, 13rn8esls fa'vnrett wtt11
verist numbers, alrcolnpdtn1ed by ltfrs,
for 'sale nit it bargain. Persons in• Relief Offices' la
terested, to Abu thig er tear ing• aIh 1y
tar terms at once t'o 'J. "II. Gi'l rPord
,600 Cedar Tdttee-+ pasta varedns
s{'yes, alen unnhees, braces ,and ;Melee..
7 " 33 Martin lot 14, con, 6, Grey
,:, phone 46-r-7
�$Iw1 Cem
� on rust
;d L • ifehse `1f73'uS
N buR iii
Fordwich Shed 1.1Q
`1 b Eto
F . Mahood, re h"[el
fund "1"
'tog. tax• IMc 3e,; na}.:1;.Oa
.eteldef t, ,,...,+k.,,satteellSl8�
Road Expenditures 239A9
�ove„d, by MpCs,v'
des tt>r a Oounclisat n , :' A ' 9f t�
SiiORTtiARN BULLS FOR SALE- meet in the United Church Bolt
'panni on ;h.igltway detour btttveen Tordwiele, bli the IiittOtligrgot 'Mai
4 'or at ,theetall ttsf''the°'heteve.
grusse?s and Atwood,
The•mas Kerr,
Hentrys Tease Gatth's, Clerk.
To the Owners of 'Parrots and Love 'Birds.
All owners of Psittacine birds must have the same"
registered with the Medical Officer of Health of the Munici
pality at once, specifying where birds were secured.
'this is thenew regulation imposed by the Department
of Health, Toronto, and must ba complied with at once.
DR. T. T. McRAE,
M. O. H
. IBrussels
Easter now dying behind us, no doubt mostof the stores
in the country will be having an' After Easter Sa: e1So will e.
Of course you know that when the Paris Sb t just aopemu puts
on a sate, it isn't just another AD.
It waste of Newspaper Space, but it ?a an honest effort to give
you Savings which ordinarily we could not afford to offer.
The Easter trade was so tremendous and so satisfactory
that we feel that it is in order f°ffer the have merchandise
hoped erehb h
is still onthe racks at a Saving youknowing
aree, you will •come here with have never confidence,
to Listowee' h
are in for a treat. If you ,wail
be worth your wlsile. to give us a call as we know .quite
that you von/ not regret it.
Ordinarily $14.95 to $16.95, reduced g i e,9 "
for this;Sale to. i
Alterations,if necessary, Extra
This is includes half sixes up to 241/9
Junior and regular sizes up to 20/.95
Regular $14.95 and $16.95 P
This includes Reversibles, Polos lc ;Dressy Coats. • -
in higher price ranges, reduced proportionately.
In the. Dress ` Section
We have outsanding groups of dresses in both misses, junwr
r;. e '
After Easter Clearance • .' i7 8
No charges, approvals, or returns. All sales final
;Alterations, if necessary, extra.
Striped tailored blouses, long and short
sleeves, sizes 12 to 20:, , and women's sizes. Regularly
sold $6 95
In the Millinery Section
We offer felts and straws in both youthful and matron styles
at $1.75 to $2.50. , A few extra smart',. e
hats sold; at $3.95 or niitgce,: au in one group a • ;:, ,$•Zai 7S'
• TAIILOREO,:SUITS from $14.95 up
' For' bigger and'! better 'values, courtesy and square dealiiigsi
The Paris Ladies Shoppe
Ligtowell Leading Ladies Wear Store r
Where yotr dollars buys more