HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-16, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST
/ieDN SDAY,, AWOL 104b., 194 +
Pledge for War Savings
>r stTES* TE,h D RE :h CIskPE* SN
* is s, w;' * * sc *. *
By Anne Allan., Hydro Home
Economist', -
Hello, Home Makers! Well, here
we . are—officially launched, and
we've ,begun a little research for
you already—researoh that will help
you to budget comfortably and etas
supply your family with good
good wholesome food. Lent and
Lenten menus really gave us the
* * *
Meat 10 a large item in our diet,
here in 'Canada, and yet meat pric-
es are bound to rise. But there aro
that are
Fe W. Kemp
Sales Conducted Anywhere
in Ontario
-+hone 38 - Listowel
a eeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeseeeoeeo+
,certain "culinary dodges'? that will
give you excellent substitutes for
meat-flrr'av'cte ,the game nourish-
ment and supplement your meals in
an iutereeiting fashion. And once
you set out to search for meat sub
stt¢utos, you'll find it interesting and
a .4 *
First, check ug. on your knowledge
of nutrition. We know that - the
tissue malting foods are chiefly
meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, nuts
and dried peas, beans and "lentils."
A gond ebamtple of the last namel, is
the valuable soybean now grown in
Ontario, the flour of which may be
used in suck palatable forms as
bread muffins, biscuits, pancakes,
etc. So,if meat goes off the menu,
every oto often --,be very sure than
substitute foods are present which
do the saane 'work meat does in
nourishing the body. As meat .is
the best source of Grade "JO pro•
tin, and as liver, kidney heart and
beef are rich in iron, too, we must
remember to add more vegetables,
especially raw ones, to the meat-
less meals, Eggs and sea foods,
too, are valued helpers. Milk, while
dt contains no iron is a good protein
food, and nutritionists recommend
one quant for each child, daily,
,Since dried peas, beans and lentils
contain a fair amount of Grade "C"
protein, along with valuable miner-
als, and vitamins A. B. and D, these
sultstitution foods are good makers
of muscle, bone and blood. Thus
meat need never be missed if these
suggestions are followed out. Be
sure to vary the attractiveness of I
Daughter's new Easter Rabbit—an in
attachment lets you get close-ups
IT WON'T be long now before the
Easter Rabbit is prowling around,
the cornera of the backyard, tuck-
ing brightly colored eggs• and bas-
kets of candy into snug, concealed
spots, Shortly we will. be seeing the
annual Spring fashion parade .,to
church, and yellow jonquils will be
nodding in every breeze.
April 13 is Easter, arid the ques-
tion now is—have you your cam-
era polished up and loaded, ready
to memorialize that eventful day in
pictures that you will treasure in.
later years?
There are dozens of pictures that
can bo made on occasions like this,
and each one has memory value.
You probably need new snapshots
of members of the family—and will
they pose entthualastically when they
timate, revealing close-up. A portrait
like this. Note the sketch below.
have new Spring outfits to display!
The children's Easter Sun should be
fittingly recorded — in intimate
close-ups (a portrait attachment-^.-
helps there) .showing them with,,:;;
Faster baskets and the brown .or
fluffy white Easter bunnies they re-
Make sure that you get an "off
to ohurch" picture, a snap of Mother
picking or arranging the first bons
quet of Easter flowers. Let your cam-
era write the day's history.. Don't
include too much in each ,picture --
keep your Damara, close, and get '
the little, interesting details that
snake a picture live! And when you
put the pictures in your album, date
each one. A memo of day and year
gives added value to the family's
pioture history,book.
Buck it up right now
and feel like a nilllion
Your liver ie the largest organ fn your body
and most important to your health, it pours out
Idle to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies
new energy, allows proper nourishment to reaclf
your blood. en your of order
food decomposesWhIn yourliver intestines.gateout You be•
come constipated, stomach and kidneys can't
Work properly. You feel "rotten"—headachy,
backachy, ditty, dragged out all the time.
For over 35 years thousands have won prompt
relief from these miseries—with Fruit -..-lives.
So can you now. Try Fruit-a-Lives—you'll be
simply delighted how quickly you'll feel like a
new person, happy and well again. 25c, 50e,
FRUITATIVES la gest Selllnq
Liver Tablets
the dishes with texture, colo, and
* +a
Nut and Cheese Loaf
1 tablespou choped onion
1 tablespoon. fat
1 .one grated cheese
1 sup. choped nuts
1 cup milk
1 pup cooked cereal
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
teaspoon paprika
13 tablespoons vinegar
3i teaspoon Worcestershire sauce '
Buttered crumb's -
Coc,k onion In fat until delicate-
ly brown. Mix with all the. other
ingredients and ,nroistben with milk.
Cover with buttered crumbs and
brawn in electric oven (400 degrees
3'•)• Serve hot with tomato sauce;
Serve with crispy food such as, cel..
1 cup
1 cup
1 egg
.2 tablespoons butter
2 talblespons flour
Separate the fish into very small
pieces and leave in cold water for
three hours ohangtng the water
three times. Heat the milk on, "low'
element. Add the codfish, wet!
drainetd, and cook for ten minutes.
Mix the butter with the flour until
a smooth paste is formed, then stir
it into the milk. Cook ten minutes
Take .the fish ;from the electric
element, add the beaten egg, stir
wel land serve without funther cook-
ing, adding a sprinkle of pepper
just before dishing. Lf Lire sauce
is• cooked 'after Lite egg is added, the
Wilk de likely to curdle. The egg
may be omitted.
Creamed Codfish
salt codfish
Baked Soy -Beans
2 cups yellow soybeans
1 tablespoon salt
1 small onion
2 tablespoons molasses
1 teaspoon mustard
3/a pound fat salt pork
Soak the beans for twelve hours
then heat to boiling and simmer
until tender. Unless the beans are
tender before they are baked, they
will not be good. Prepare as dir-
ected for'"Raised Beans," Eight to
ten hours will be required to bake
1 * *
Timely Tipe
1. Plan to use your left -over
vegetables) for your broiled dinners,
and remember electric broiling is
2. Always use your -electric oven'
•to full oalpacity by cooking several
foods at the same time.
3'. Use free baking time . Cook-
ies, cuttards, eta.. Can be baked af_'
ler the oven meal comes: out of -the
electric oven.
4. ;Double boiler is not necessary
today. Puddings, rarebits, etc., may
be cooked perfectly on the measur-
ed heat of an electric unit keeping
the switch—"Low,"
* * *
Question Box
Mrs. W. D. says— Mu trying smile
Hngltal recipes and wonder how
many twblespoonls in 1 oz,"
Answer -2 Tbs.—,1 Fluid Oz.
Miss Ann B: asks—"What does
the cooking term "Sante" menu?"
Answer—To ,000k in a small
amount of fat in a pan with the
electric element turned on 3.11011;
flood ie frequently turned or kept
moving to prevent to great absorp-
tion oe fat.
Mrs, D. M, asks1—"F7as paprika
any food value,"
Answer—Yes, it is the only spice
that has any vitonin value, it
contains Vitamin "C'."
322 John van Guilder
8, subject; C, camera. Lower two
cameras with portralt attachments.
With many cameras, you must be six to eight feet from your subject to
get a picture. But slip a portrait attachment on the Tens—and you get
pictures at three feet six Inches, or even nearer with some cameras.
Result: big Images of little subjects, and better pictures.
bbl Meat*
Vttateli the window of Mat, D, cl,
Menu'es store for 'Rose of England'
Quilt, Luoko tieltet'to be drawn at
.Thek Thynne'e• •Content, Atprll lath,
Bruseela Town Hall,
Upholstered Furniture
A very good way of fresbeniug.
your upholstered furniture is to ri
dry bi•cai+bouete of soda well late
eke fabric, leaving it fora few ileum
•and then brushing it out with a
Glean, .ttiif brush. Really barde
soiled milts can be home -cleaned en-
cellontly with a paste made from
carbon tertachloride and sanvdnst.
You rub It well In with your hands
and then brush It our: when it is
Do not 'try this, bowevr, on
damask or thin, fine labrios, becauso
you may rub a hole in the material,
The soda method would be betetr,
Q.—How can I prevent apples
from wrinkling while baking In the
oven? -
A,& —lit the skin in three or four
vlaces with a knife before baking.
P. -1 -low can I treat a dish that Is
cracked, but not entirely broken?
A.—,Boil the dish for about 45
minutest in enough sweet milk to
cover it. Any cracks will glue
together and become invisible, and
the .dish will etand almost as much
ordinary usage as when new.
P.—,plow can I impart a brilliant
,polish to articles of cut glass
A.—Add a title turpentine to the
water when cleaning them. Use
about one tab+lesaem to two quarts
of water.
P. How can I keep rugs from
,curling at the corners:
A, -Sew a square of cardboard to
each corner of the rig, and this will
keep it from curling. Painting tits
earners underneath will also hold
them down, gat to the .jour.
Q.—How can I remove a glass
stopper from a bode, without break-
ing it, when, every method seems un-
n=A: Pour a little giaycerine around
the ne'c'k of the stopper and let it
-stand until it lifts out easily. This
may require a half-hour or some-
times a day or :two.
C=a1t__ 11.E
Medical ,Education
Urgent Necessity
For the People of Canada—Would
Mean Great Benefit in Realm
of Public Health
+Nothing in the realm of public
health is of greater vaiue than
tnledtcal education of the people.
From each 'books as Victor Ileis.
_sera "An Aaneriehn Doctor's Odys'
say" thousands - have learned that
the control of epidemics is quite
as fascina ing a conflict as any of I
the wars which have occupied the
attention of military leaders. Iles
star, a native of the United States.
was for 13 years medical officer In
the Philippines following American
occupation of the Islands. The -
Country Was. in a brad state of health
There was mc,ltiria, book -worm
disease and the annual crop of
smallpox reached - 40,000 ease,.
Dysentery was carried to everyone
who• drank water for all the water
of the Islands abounded in the in-
fective amoebae. 'Rickets abounded
because of the lack of vitamin D.
From Ottawa to. Toronto is only 223
miles "as the crow flies."
But the crow, according to experts
in Natural History, .flies only 30 miles
an ,hour. Even the swift carrier
pigeon makes only 40 miles an hour.
The telephone covers the distance
— well, you might say, instantaneous-
ly. The sound of your voice, changed
to electric waves, travels with the
speed of light.
And it's the same between any two
cities of the continent. Whether your
message is to Halifax, to Vancouver,
New York or San Francisco, the tele-
phone makes possible an immense
Jt speeding up — distance is hardly a
factor any more.
Whether for the great emergencies
l . that war brings, or
for every -day busi-
ness, the telephone ar ve s2f Le
meets the need for
quick completion �
of every detail. G,y!�--' tO
A proclamation fixing Monday
June 9--ithe scone' dateaslast year—
forcelebration of the King's birth -
slay is published in the current issue
of The Canada Gazette. The King's
birthday actually falls on December
14, but the official celebration is
held in June. His Majesty was 4•S.
lash December 144.
Neisser set about a "clean -tip,''
He gained, after gree,, 'difficulties
a small appropruatiou for the par
pose of sinking artesian wells. He
succeeded in getiny good supplies of
pure water, but the difficulty was
to induce the natives to drink it,
Coaling as It did from a great
depth, the lshilipines regarded the
new water as •coming fron the in-
fernal regions, Would they drink
it. Not they.
Resorts To A Ruse
So Heissel' wee: ,obliged to resort
40 harmless strategy, It 'bappetied
that at the time titer was a netor_
Sous case of hookworm disease in
the city of Mttndla; the victim ,vas
un 'wdult pian 'whose growth had
been stunted' by the disease; lie
looked no bigger than a ten-yearnld
boy. He was almost transpareut
since his blood had been sucked
out of hien, by 'the worms. 'Everyone
knew the man. Neisser got trim
into Lille hospital, fed him some
thymol which kills the hookwormel,
fed him up so that soon lielooked
like a new man. In sortie unaaootint-
ruble way the story got about that
,that InddtvIdual had been Cured by
the artesian watter. Oversight there
was a ohtinge in public seuttiment.
there was a ran on the new water -
supply. The people +thronged to
secure it, aiming With every con•
cedvotble domesttic utensil to grab
the precious field. The .water
supply problotn Was solved! `the
resgflt was the control et dysentery
The oinailpox prohlein was soh,
ed fry vaciatatieii. Mere then a
Million of the Ftlliphteg wore vat-
ciliated, Never since that date has
small pox been. :a Oxides matter 4n +
the islands. fl
'* Of course not —• but some
motorists do — and somebody
pays. We offer sound insurance
advice;'_ quick, helpful service.
Writing selected risks in — Automobile, Fire, Plate Glass, Burglary..
Public Liability, and other general insurance. Read Office, Toronto..
• We'll show you the tire that will save you
money. It's the low-priced Goodyear Path-
finder . . built to give you honest value for
your tire dollar! Pathfinder has the essential
Goodyear qualities that give you long,
trouble-free, low-cost service. See
{t today!
Anderson +& Elliott
Brussels, Ont.