HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-16, Page 1o6yen, It° 14"
Wedne = day, April 16th', 1941
IRA 1004
McCartney Is Succeeded
By Maj, Sinclair
Col McCartney is 'a Nephew
of the Late Harry Walker
and Mrs. H. Walker of Brussels
(F.orit William T1mes,Journal-
Major Gorti.on Sinclair, Grimsby
Ont., doctor, and one of the out5tanC-
dug soldiers of the First Canadian di.
'vision, will succeed him as officer
comanding•"a• Western. Ontario unit
overseas, e+aid Lt. -Cal, G. S. MoCart-
ney in an, interview this morning,
"1 regret that .circumstances back
home compelled me to relinquish my
.oauunund and ask, ;to be returned
home. Headquarters! of the division
did nus a great favor in allowing me
to cheese my own successor, com-
mented ,Col MdCarteny.
"Tile new comanding officer, who
of course will be pros:feted to lieutan-
enit-colonel, is an outstanding sol-
-dier, 1 can guarantee the people of
the head of the lakes that under Mc-
jor ISiinclair, the unit will retain Its
Mr. 11. B. Pooley, Zone om"mud•
er or the Canadian Legion. which is
one of the -organizations participat-
ing in the Huron War Services Cam-
paign which is flow iniprogress.
* * * * * * * *
C'ews hens mc Ciiitluay N 1 u * *III s J Sh A .L
Church Notes
Special services on Good Cir day
were held in Melville Presbyte lan
Ohurch wifen the congregations of
elle Uitilted Church joined the ., on.
grk;geiiian af. Melville Plumb.. . Rev,
rC, L, Lewis of the United Chubb,
preached the sermon and Rev. S.
Kerr of Melville Church, conducted
the .Sacrament of the. Lord's Sup er..
—x --
Acquires Ford Agency
For This District -,•
Mr. Emerson Nurse, formerly A 01
Listowel, has acquired the Feed
agency for Brussels and territ ry,
Mr. aiid i\Irs. Nurse and sem _ ailly
relayed to Brussels the first of is
,week and are residing in the hse
o'ivned by Mrs. Ramsey, form rly
'aooupted by Wi11. Stewart: i A
drieudlry welcome is extended to
Bold Funeral In Morris
Of George Skelton
Funeral ,serrvdce's were held Mon
day afterm'n at his late residencelin
Morris. Township of George Skel ee
whose death eecurired in .Clinton
high standing in the division- He elosiridal on -Sunday.
went averseas as second In cane The departed man wax tilos elan
"and of a ce straq Ontario unit, and reception they gave hien last night
ore his arrival by train from +flee east.
of Meg, G. 'Skelton: enc the late 'G.
later -was placed on, the headquarters Sdteaton, Copviceeiom 5, malls. Sur -
stale as D.A.D.M1S.,a said Cal. Mc "The reception, was definitely un.
aiitney de/sewed on my part. Though 1 viviwg are his mother, one stater
001. Mc0amtney said he definitely naturally appreciate this wonderful 'Cora and one brother, Albert.
had r0iin,quiebeul command of the 'welcome, I feel it really was le Mr. ,`Skelton was a faithful meat -
unit, and would return to civilian honor of the unit. On behalf of the bet of B1ytth United Church.
life. Unit, I Would like to thank the -s,--.
The second in command of the lae0ple-of the lakehead i'or the coon* This Little Pig
unit is Malar Gordon oY Winirfpeg. less• kindmeses they have shown as Goes to Market
Who had much to do with the early overseas. Ont ' of the main hi a Big Way
reasons wt' the unit has been s'" When ;this .• the pig goes to
•e was an o
m za'bn
olbia ti H Officer
m y market it will help alleviate the.
the 'la'st war, and has had a great saceessRui and achieved such a mat
deal of military experience, said (standard wasthat the men knew uhf
iCo1, MdCamtney, people back home would be terribly
Absent 16 Months •' elissQ'0soluted unless they did their
Glad to be home after an absence )rest," said Col, McCartney.
Of_about srateen mouths,. C,pl. til.?c a ,praises ;British Morale
'Cartney declared that the mon of
the unit of which he was comandcn i 'Concerning his experiences in
are hs3 Y and a5 contented as one
France and in the bombing o Lon -
would ePpect considering the mono- con, •0o1. 'McCartney refused to make
+cony and the absence of action. ' any comments. He said 1te very.
';Besides doing 'their own medical much disliked. "that hero stuff."
work in the division, the unit is, like Sic Wailed the morale of the
the rots of the division, continually people of Brittain. Under the mow:
undergoing hard tretning," he said. (trying circumstances the Britial
Cool. McCartney said he wished td People• had been wonderful, partici'-
then% the people of Fort William larly .since last August. In that
land the la'kehead for 'Lhe wonderful ;time 'a great many have had their
home shattered, their families ]tilled
�-- 1 , and maimed, end exist on greatly
PLAY ENTITLED,restricted rations. -
"UNCLE JOSH PERKINS" "Iu settees months I never heard
will be presented by one Britisher complain, The feeling
the Young People of I of ;the whole population is, grim de.
Duke's School termination to take everything the
In the Township 'ball, Ethel Hanhas. to give them, and eventual-
ly to +achieve a British victory," ne
On Friday evening, April 25th said. -
at 8 o'clock P.M. The British. people were expect -Ill
an, invasion, he said, and they were
Proceeds to British War ready for the invasion.
Victims Fund.
Admission — — 25c & 15c Col. McCartney had much praise
DANCE AFrER PLAY. tier the war serviices organizations
�t �q overseas. Be said he had seen a
A 10000 -Mile Illustrated great deal 05 work done by them in
• TRAVELOGUE the Deist sixteen months and was
'United States and Canada much iangrreseed with it.
in Natural Colour • "We bead an officer of the (might*
By Miss M. Pridham, Mitchell of .Oolumbus, named McDonald, at=
Brussels Town Hall ?cached to our unit for duty in
FRIDAY, APRIL 25, at 8 p.m. mittens. The Knights of Columbus
have done a very good work ,espeo-
'lallY ire athletics and goalies Their
Don't Miss this Family Program
under the auspices of. United
Church Young People's Union
Admission -- 10c and 15c
cut - • Bea>
Seaforth Ont.
The Weaver Bros. and Elivey
In Old Missouri
The Three Mesquiteers In
Covered Wagon Days
Shirley Temple- • Jack • Oakls
Charlotte. Greenwood
' " Young People
Come be gay!
Have a rollicking good time.
(Next THURS., FRI., SAT.
Sizzling adventUre
The Saint 'In Palm Springs
George Saunders Wendy Barrie
The 8 Mesquiteers i +
, Wagon Train
hardships of .lime of the victims of
Elitler'.s cruel bombings. The pig
is ,the properly of -the teacher and,
pupils of S.'S. No. 8, Grey; they aro
selling 'tickets on it at 25e each. Time
proceeds will go to emelt the Brfti6b
War Victims fund of the Toronto
Evening Telegram. On. Friday even-
ing of this weeks there will be a
dance at the School house when thm.
lucky ticket will be drawn. May
this pig bring a higher price than
any ever sold in this district!
United Church
W. M. S. .Til.
The W.M.S.. of the United Mures.
'held their monthly meeting on
Wednesday afternon, Mrs, Lorne
Nichol was in charge cif the group,
Mrs. Nichol led in prayer and Miss
141e.y Skelton read the -Scripture les -
eon and
es_eon.'and Mrs. William TrocEor gave a
Prayer. Miss Skelton read a letter
&roan a mis'sidnazy in Korea, Beulah
Bourns, The topic was "An Apos-
lmstle of the Outpost,: ()liver Ja'c'kson,
B. D." 'Ole Wae a anissionn,ry in
Newfoundland. The tepic was, led
by Mrs. Nichol and Mrs. C. L.
Lewis. Sallee Margaret Robinson
gave a *heat paper, an Temperance.
Plans were made or an Easter thank
odfendng to be held' April 27.
At the Churches
Last Su`nday
Servioesa a Melville Presbyterian
Ohureh on Sunday were conducted
by the minister, Rev. S. Kerr, who
stroke in the anearning on. "The Iles.
affection. in Chitt!stian, Experience,"
The evening text was "The Risen
Christ and Malay." A solo was sung
equipment iso the highest quality I ,at the morningservice by llrs
obtainable, said' Col, McCartney, I Douglas `Reid. Twoanthemswere
Everybody in the division had the 'sire sung by the choir.
highest praise for the Salvation', ;Services he the. United 'Chun•oh on
Armory* tea wagon% be camtdfiued ;Sunday were -condi/Geed by the
+Whenever there wa-s a long, hard minister, Rev. O L. Lewis, who
march', the alien 'could always count ; took for his subject at the morning
on a Salvation Arwy wagon, rolling . 'service, "From Tragedy to Trt•
( mmpli' ' A sacred dramas etttltled
"The Crown of Thorns," was gl•vcn
by Altwoor Y.P;U, anal was much
enjoyed, -six young people taking
parit. Peso anthems were given at
the'anorning service and one Ira -the
• evening..
tap and paesing out refreshing (non-
aloolra]dc) drinks,
The work of the Y. M, C. A, anal
the 'elana,dian Leglan in supplying
weekly cinema shows for the uhit in
-the men's quarters, was greatly. eta
'J'nreciated_, particularly ten days of
ter pts ' day, he said hntmorouely, Ex-
celient concert parties were brought
The Legion's, educational program
of ;special studies. for the men hat
;preiy5df to be a great success, said
.Col. Mo0antney, ;General Peakea has
ICIrats 22 sNAktgit
Mae. Jahnr Ding wets raking, the
lanri the other day, and she hap- - * * *
iren•ed to see it Make, and she went Titer is argent heed for sewing,
to ,klgl it, and behold• there was a hsufidclent work on hand for ail thote
teak, anti they were iiontin'g out of who are willing to ,help.
the *Oiled ea feud as they ecoid,
Strangly svglpotited this movement any, havers she get through, she had. Keep April 36th le mind for the
and excellent instructors halve Leen )t(i)ed ahnlost 22 and moat all of a dance oto"be sponeortrrl by the ttnanee
(300pred lis• Bribattt,n fair size; Who can beat theft? committee',
We Wish to express our sincere
thanks for the kindness and syin-
pabhy'of our neighbours and eviends
during the sicknese and recent he-
reavenent of oar wife. and armed -
Mr, W. J, Sharpe and grand,
daughters and families.
Beautiful' Is The Word
The store window of Mrs, Balla"
ttyne &ormed a beautiful sight to see.
just before) Easter when her stock
of Havers including, Easter Li111as,.
Lillies, Hydrangea, Rose
Bashes, and ICiainarar•i-as, along with
gra—Petra—la malign and pineapples
arranged to form the picture.
xHoly Week
aloiy Week was appropriately ob-
served at St, bolm's Church. Thero
was a Service each evening, except
Good Friday when intercessions
were said at 10.80. Easter Day was
observed with celebrations of 11017
;Communion. at 8,30 and 11 a.m.
Eveeieong was said at 7 pm. The
Rector. Rev. F. Watts' was in charge
of all sertices.`
Women's Institute
The Brussels, Womeias Institute
will entertain the Majestic Women's
Insrtitu'te at their meeting in. the
Brussels Library on Friday after
110021 at 2.30 o'cloak., Please note the
change of hour to permit 'tae core•
pietionr of business before the hour
of the meeting. The visiting In-
stitute will supply the Program and
tea will be served at the close of the
* * * * * * * * s
Mrs, VJT�Iam'„.• arpe'
A life long resident of this coni.
• auunity, Christina 3anuieaon, belovee
:wife. of William "3, Shope, passe6
away cut her biome en the Lith Con.
of Grey ;township on Thursday,
April kith after a lingering illness'•
The deceased was barn in Wee"
;C}ilusonburg, •Sleacoe County, on
January 2Srd, 1868. She was . the
daughter of the late John and
Harriette Jamieson of plthel, Ont.
A son, Russel predeceased his
mother at the age of six years and
one daughter ids (Mrs. Garf,
Baeker- died some years ago. She
leaves to mourn her death her hus-
''bend Wililam J. Sherpa, three
'brothers;, George of: Jamestown,
N.C„ Davhd of Morris township and
Walter of 'Cartwright. . Man, and two
sisters. Mrs, Mary ,Schell, Jamestown
N,F., and Mrs. Dan R. Tracy, James.
toren, N.C. One brother Joseph of
Man., and a sister Mrs. Maude
Swindle of Jamestown, N.Y., pre-
deceased her. Also. surviving are
aitwo +grandaughtes and nine great
Mr. and Mrs: Sharpe were married
55 years on the 7th of March..,
The funeral was held from Union
'United ;Church, with which the de -
;ceased was identified, on .Sunday,
April 13th, with interment taking
place in Elma Centre cemetery.
Pallbearers were Meeks, John
Gorsalitz, 3. P. McIntosh, Russel
Sundercook, Isaac Rathevell, Wm:
-Spetran and Thos Dougherty,
Flowers bearers were five great
graudohild¢en James, William, Ken-
neth, and Donna Baillie and Murray
Baker. i -
xRalph W. Connor
* * *- *
A wedding of 'much interest to
Brussels and vicinity was solemniz-
ed et -one o'clock on Monday after-,
noon.at the home of the Medea.
,parents +when Margaret Elizebetn,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, B. G
Walker of Brussels, was united - in
mlartrage of Mr. Robert Jas, Kirkby
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. 13,
Kirkby -of Walton. Rev. F. Fowler
cf Bluevale officiated and Miss Iona
Seegn r, of Steatford.cousin of the
bride, played the wedding march
from Lohenlgrin. The room's were
(beautifully decorated with Palms,
American Beauty roses and spring
The .bride given. in . marriage by
her ,lather, wore a street length
gomn of Donvder blue crepe, fashion-
ed on princess lines. -She wore a
shoulder bcaquet of Talisman roses.
Miss Jessie Little was bridesmaid.
wearing a gown of Alice blue Crap=,
fashioned on similar lines 'to• that
worn by the bride, she wore a
shoulder ,boquet of sweet heart
roses. Mr. -Stewart Humphrey el
Walton w111s giooalssman, blot- her
daughter's wedding Mrs Walker
;chose an orchid flowered sheer with
corsage of American. Beauty roses.
.Mrs, Kirkby Wore a dress 05 navy
blue crepe with corsage of Tallman
The groom's gilt to .the bride was
a thnee_steand necklace of pearls) to
the 'brideanaid and pianist compadis
and to the groomsman a billfold.
After the wedding breakfast the
'blade and groom left for a short
:malar drip, For travelling the bride
wore a Bieck wool coat with small
white collate bleak off -the -tam hot
and blank accessories. On their
return they will reside in Welton.
Guests ware present from: Kitchell
er, London-, Goderteh, Stratford,
Milvertdh5 Walton, Palmerston,
Mitchell and Clinton,
The people of ube community
.were grieved ,to learn of the death
of a fcnnner resident Ralph, W.
Connor,.wha for the past three and
a half years resided in Toronto
variere'hij SIeath ocurretf`rtta t-iirda tie
"morning, April l2th, following a
brief illness.
The late Mr. 'Comer was born on
the fifth oowee55ion: o Mores, eighty'
nine years ago. Am energetic ma',
even in ehe falter years of his life,
he made yearly trips to las farm at
Melfont, ,Sask.
Hie first wife was Agnes Camp
bell. - His second wife, the former
Mrs.: Elizabeth McGregor- prede-
ceased him about three and a half
yearn ago,
FIB was formerly identified with
the Methodist Church and then with
the United CMrch. He was a faith-
ful member of the L.O.L.
Surviving is one brother Charles
who lives et the borne of John
Beirnee, One 'brother Thomas and
two Matins Mos, Catherine Bennett.
and Miss Louise Conner predeceased
their brother.
The remains of the deceased were
brought from Toronto, by train, to
Brussels, on Tuesday. April 16th, to
the Walker Funeral Home where the
frine:aal was conducted by Rev. C. L
Lewis of the, United Church.
Interment tock place in Brussels
Talbbeereaw were Meagre,. Jahn
Simmons, Rose -Smith, Wm. Bern.
ard, Wan. McCntcheon, Gordan
Samleson .and Ed, Henderson,
Fif ty-Sixth
On Monday evening April'ith tite
home of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Late
wear the •scene 05 a unique galthering
when ;about seventy -live friends and
neighbours mot to celebrate - the
laity -sixth wedding anntvereary or
Mr. and Mrs. ksaac Lake.
Lake recently celebrated his
eighty-fifth birthday and they have
lived all their married life on the
tisane Patlan 0)1 the 10th concession of
Grey which is now operated by their
on1 on
y s Leslie. They have one. .
grandson -Charlie.
'rhe guests were received by Mrs.
Leslie Lake and We. Win; Eel/niter.
while Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Lake, the
latter wearing a beautiud 'corsage'
orf carnations and maiden hair fern
received the guests in- the beautlul
ly decorated living room. , The
bridesmaid of fit+ty-sixyears age in
,the person Mrs, Ralph (wee Es-
ther Lake) was present ,also.
Rev. J. 11. Snell acted as chairman
for the splendid programme- Mo.
Jno..Byers favored with a vielia
solo. Lorne Balmier and Wm
Delsmier watt', vocal selections. Mrs.
John King end Mrs, Jas. Bremner
with readings. Garfield Baker and
William Speirarn gave interesting
speeches reviewing some of the
events -orf the last fifty-six years. At
the end of the programane the fol-
lowing address was read by Mrs.
Robert Bremner:—
Mr. -and Mrs. Isaac Lake: -
Wes your friends and neighbors
have gathered here to honor you on
.this your S5ty-sixth wedding anni-
versary. z I
We are pleased and happy to be
with you on this occasion of which
not many- married couples are per.
Witted to enjcy.
Those of us who are older can
remember you in ''our younger
years as always jovia1 and kind
whom we were always glad to meet.
You were always ready to do your
Part - in 'affairs' -of comm -unity or
church.' In your home life You
have set an example of integrity sad
faithfulness which should be an in.
sipiration to the younger people who
are beginning life together.
As a slight token of the esteem
in- which we lmld you we woad ask
you to accept these chairs and our
best wishes for many happy retueus
of the day.
Signed on behalf of your friends
and neighbors.
A lovely Easter Lily accompanied -
the chairs, Many other beautiful
gifts, many cards and telephone
meesages were received. At the
close of the evening the guests were
served with a delicious luncheon
by tlse hostess.
.Among the guests present were
Mrs. Lake's. brother, Mr. Alfred
Sanders, Mrs. Ii, A. Barnett and two
children, Charles and Margaret Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Solon. Burch and .son
Jack, all of Bay City, Miele,
Friends and relatives were also
present from Attwood, Mouoton, •
Gerrie and Brussels,
Lest Respects Are Paid •
Alexander Walker
The funeral of Alexander Walker,
a highly respected resident of Sea -
forth for many years, tools place atC
o'cloolt on Monday afternoon from
the residence 05 his brother, W. J.
Walker, 1ligh 'Street. Rev. Hugh
Jack et That ;Presbyterian church,
of which, he alas an esteemed Diem
ibex, officiated, Interment being
anode de the family plot in the
Brussels, cemetery, The pallbearers
were Williaan Sinclair, James Bxoad-
foot, W. S Brbadfoot, 5'. it. Welker,
James J3rydone, Buffalo, and 0
Walker, TImaniusc Relatieree `atenli.
tug Were: Mrs. W, 0, Drydone,. Miss
Grace` Walker, Buffalo Mr. , and
' Walker, 'Brussels; Miss
Mary' Walker, Ottawa and Mrs.
Glace Cameron, Toronto,
Colt - 1
QtU23lNIS02 —'1n Korey township .on.
Tuesday, pril lith, to Ma'. and Mrs
K)ooid btabinson-a soul,
THE CHILD: "Daddy, please
watch where you plant your
feet for I'mfollowing after
United Church
11 a.m. "hnfiuenoe-+for what?
3. p.m.—Church School and
Bible Glass.
7 p.m.—.Success or Failure.
Melville Church
1 ta.m.—"The Great Ministry.
of Thanksgiving.
3 p.m.—Sunday Schoo and
Bible Class. .
p.m. --"Living to, the Fall." -
St, John's Church 1
11 a.m.—Mornink Prayer and
Sacrament of Hoy Baptism,
7 p.m.—Evening Prayer and