HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-9, Page 7Pere "Yes, yon do," thought Baba, 1 1 trutimimimgdzipitallm111410 EMPIRE SERVICE COLU104 MN IIM-11- 14 14 141RAMIPMEMIM 1000011 Cin; o;' an address before the .,Qn- devilish implements of a Sake to tineConseevatlon and Reforeata-' n destroy lnanitlnd These men will ti.❑ asoclation by J. D. Thomas, not went sympathy, they will not Godc,:ch, Ontario, at the King want huge suras of money but Edward Hotel, March 24th, 1941. rather an opportunity to adjust This is the year 1941 and le we themselves into the sphere of civil - could transpose the last two ilggres Ian lire again, Under the plan and precede the "one" with the which I suggest, no Man would be "four+', (1914) 7I atn of the oa,nion discha ';cd bat rather ;•c,:ltd his he h�T that the eeleee nC -;ieicness" we bevrr (hefted to a Cell: nreatiee (:um, with this memorandum, setting khat been •suffering fi:.r11 for the past where Ile would have .he npiiartun• they join with us in a mutual study twenty-three years would have bee itY of se tidying the changed condi- of the problem, prevented and we would not hive none to whirli ho had returned ani and mental. suffering experieneet bY potent ni Canada is a mighty Emat she gone through ,}10 economic, sar:al afforded,In.,truttive council by come—making wall groat Promise for the i of DEAF Or DISABLED ANIMALS Phone "Colle+:t"to this number. BRUSSELS - PH'oh4E'72' or 21 INGERSOLL 1VV It'L SEI I an d i. +' future, but we mist have suffice.. rr luauen n a v sire- Y the risen wino placed the pante of capacity for this special work by the Canada on the Empire's highest lel: Government. These social rebel -Ste of"honour. tation instructors would act as I refer to the rehahikltation of our let'son officers •between' the Coe - great citizen army who matte the servation Corps, industry and the name of Ypres, the Sonune, Hili CO professions. In this manner no and Vinty Ridge, synoininous with group would bo crowded and an bravery, fortitude, and a nation's orderly .procedure take place as in - safety. It is not my purpose to dustry and the professions ee criticize actions of the past but absorb the market for their respee- ratlher to draw upon our mistake In tive requirements, order that we may intelligently pre The urgent need of .conservation pare for the future. At present measures 10 Canada in respect to Canadians inevery walk.. of .life are soli -erosion, waste control and wood giving of time, and money in an meditate demands need not 1 e all out effort to preserve thooe elaborated upon to an Association of fundamental ideals for . which we this+ kind but I would take the will perish rather than lose, 'Our opportnnity of pointing ut another young men offer the supreme seen- Phase of your deliberations for .flee gladly,.r'0lb.er than have the heel earnest consideration and that of an oppressor crush our women relates to our tourist industry. At and children in the dust of slavery the present time our Federal and and bondage. This .is the p.rese1 bat their will be a tomorrow whoa the night of sufforkng shall bring the -dawn of victory. And towards that tomorrow I direct your atten- tion. Aa a veteran of the last war I know something or the metal suffering that these men experience. friends from South of the border Wounds of the mind that cannot bet come to Canada to enjoy our s -one• 'healed with the medicine of clan .'1'y, our fishing, Our hunting end line but from which some measure of hat✓pefaL'ay to be found within the comfortis to be found in close as- i confines of this Dominion. soeiation with nattli•e; in the woods. If we are to continue to maintain amongst our lakes. hills aril valleys ' this great invislble export, we must with which God has endowed us su I preserve our wildlife habitat au plentifully in this great land of op• t(t- the natural scenic beauties of 01.1i• portunity. A heritage that we have III country. This can only be. ;lone wasted like a spendthrift son. i by active measures of conservation 'y'ou Gentlemen present here today anti in asking the Government for and thousands across this vast i its earnest consideration of a pro Dom.nton realize that some active l posal to establish a 'C'onservation measure mast be introduced to con. (-Corps we can do so as a .measure of serve our natural resources, fit eeonmic necessity, any expenditure Canada is to continue to be a laud o11 t retain the natural wealth of the fertility, a land of wealth and a Iand I Country is a sound investment 701• of beauty. What greater measure, any national ,fnstittetion to melte. I ask you could ,be utilized for this ; In addition such a plan would merry purpose 'than the formation of a ; with it a constructive :solution to one Civilian Comm as a means of re- I of the greatest •poblems we will habilitation for this great army of sooner or later have to face. Young men who will be returning to j I submit to you Gentlemen that we the cradle _ ' j Provincial Governments are e&pend- ing huge sums of money to attract American toldsts, as a war measure, and lightly so; i11 order that- we may Use their dollars to help pay for the material wo have to Purehave from the United Stales, In the final analyses these good elr birth after the volunteer our services to study this Hell of war. Are they to be given I problem along the lines I have Ind!. a gratuity and industry substd'zed 1 rated .and that we today "draft a to me -establish men who ai•e mental- .r•esolufton to this effect and further ly sick and unable to throw off the that we acquaint alt other Associ- ations interested in wildlife, natural facing a foe who is using all the conservation, game protection; etc., BEFORE YOU BUY ANY TIRE ...SEE US • We'll show you the tire that will save you money. It's the low-priced Goodyear Path- finder- ... built to give you honest value for your tire dollar! Pathfinder has the essential Goodyear qualities that give you long, trouble-free, low-cost service. See it today! GOODifEAR PATHFINDER WE, ARE SAYING MOTORISTS' MONEY WIN MIS sic ERWRA YAM MIRE Anderson & Elliott Brussels; Ont. - vision to •prel:are for that flum' ancl- no greater measure can be in- dicated to my mind, than the preser- vation resources and the social security .ef .those heroes who hold our firstline of defence today; Resoluton adopted at the Annual Meeting of the O.C.R.A, At To- ronto on February 24th, 1941. "Realizing the vital necessity of COL?erving our natural resources and the problem of rehabilitating a large number of ourpopulafion 1'ol lowing the war, therefore be it resolved that the O.C.R.A, recant. mend to the 'Government of Canada that this work be • undertaken through Canadian coaser'vatiolr corps and that a committee to draft 1 a plan be appointed by the Chau' to. day. "And be it further resolved that the committee endeavour to seethe the co-operation and active support of all other Interested organizations: The resolution: was carried and the Chair appointed the following com- mittee, - - J, N. Thomas, Gederich (conveum•l Monroe Landon, Simcoe W. H. Casselman, Chesterville A, I -I, Richardson, Forestry Branch, Toroao. Resolution adopted by Zone meeting of the Canadian Legion held at London, Ontario, May 27th, 1940. "Be it resolved that this Gonven- tion endorse a resolution in favor of establishing a natural Conserv- ation •Corps, for the put'pose of preserving our forests, restooking our lakes. and streams, prevention '11 flooding and erosion of soll, Provd• ing a permanent medium of atteac- +tion for our enormous tourist trade and protecting a national • Heritage. This corp would fulfill a Dominion. wide need and provide a enediuiu-of soldier re -adjustment, Acting as a ;buffer to returned men witO1011 positions secured to theist cr whose mental and .physical condition re (Mired a period of healthy out -of dors , wool before being' absorbed into cirvilian occupation." - � +Don't Mail Matches Don't include matches in your parcel maul to Canadian lighting mein overseas, Postmaster -General W. P. ,Mulo:ck warned as a result of a recent mail +sack blaze at Ot- tawla.'s: lral5e pest office. The Sire was due to a parcel containing "safety" snatches, along with ot11ee articles addressed to a Oanadian unit in England. Tills was not tate first.time that matches and cigaret lighter fluid had been found in malt bundles. Such a practice is contrary to postal regulations, and the Pots brrueter.General is asking the co-operation of the public In keeping such things out of the malls, Hod the mail seek burst in- to flames aboard ship, the fire might have destroyed the vessel, it was pointed out. ii`..eauscancesog, ACTIVE SERVICE Alderson. J, Bell. W. H. 'Bid' Black, tinned . Brynn, RuSeell Brothers Lyle Brewar, J. Bowler, Harry Cardiff, Wm: Campbell Jim. Dohl, 0 Dohl O. i Chits, Mose Gibson, HarvoY Henderson, Archie Hall, Russel Harman,. G. - Harden, Sohn Hastings, Dave Lowrie, Everett Lowe, ;Stewart Locking, WM. Myers‘ Dr, 0, A. Machan, Willis (R.O,A.F.) McCauley, L. MOD:mall, Mao 1 n!Tfrrrwnl! .!Yln.r,Nlr!-.n! st ethh sof reebor . 4 Ring every Sunday, in Canada "In many lands this year bells are silent—altars are dimmed. : r RT. HON. W. L. MACKPNZnI KING. It is your privilege to attend the church of your choicer :: to worship as your conscience wills. A Nazi world means the end of the church you love. It means compulsion to accept a form of worship prescribed by political dictators. In the words of the Prime Minister, "When we speak of the preservation of democracy, of Christianity and of civili- zation, we use no idle words ; the existence of all three is at stake." Freedom of worship is one of the price- less privileges that all Canadians enjoy. That dearly -bought right is in jeopardy: Therefore we must all unite in supporting Canada's war effort in order to preserve this Freedom. Keep up YOUR PLEDGE!:":: Increase Your Regular investments in WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Remember—in addition to your pledged amount— Von can buy extra War Savings Ccrdficatea from your local Post Office or Bank, or direct from the War Savings Committee, Ottawa, Published by the JVar Savings Committee, Ottawa Palmer, Jas. Palmer, Wm. (Cpl.) Plum, Carl Prost, T. A. Rutledge, Hartley Rowland, wm. Speir, Jack Stret;on, H. Salesman, E. Sanderson, Lloyd Tunny, Chas. Thompson, A. Thompson, Nol'm. R.C.A.F.) Thomas, H. Whittard, R. Wilson, Stan, Workman, Gordon (R,N.) Non Permanent— Bell, E, D, (Lieut.) *Campbell, G. R. (Cpt,- ElIiott, W. R. - Glazier, Fred Nesbit, Fred Thompson, M. Lowe, J. Woodrow, A. • Awaiting call' for Active S Warwick, D. C. Refected- Gil1a, 0, Fischer, Wm. Hawkins, Herb. McDowell Jadr both unnatuaral and difficult. The onette or etooks will perfume this grass will almost certainly wash whole garden, away, and even mowing will be im• NISOOT WEEK Don't work Soli possible, too early; spread out the vegetables_ Try a New Vegetable + ,t In vegetables, as in flowers, select- quiz Can Help - + tiara have been giving us many , int- Nation To:Health t • pravemenits Their k h been re wor as carried out in two directions: first the introduction of vegetables un- fenniller: to most Oanadians, and second, and probably more Import- ! ant, vast improvement in those varieties that have been grown in . ;this country for years. i Of the vegetables new . to most Canadians there are several worth a trial in any garden. Many es per encod gardeners make it 0 , habit to try at lea;st one new kind each year. Full descriptions will be found in any Canadian seed rata. logue, • In regular vegetables there •has- been imiprovement all down the line, with the object of getting- more Ossy1s., favor, succulence and a longer season, -Corn is a typical example. At one time 1 twos possible to get only one variety of Golden, Bantam; Cabs were shout and the season also Now there are offered three or four different Bantam types, some extra early, some regular season, some 1 late. 'Oohs have been lengthened, 1 kernels made bigger. One non enjoy the finerlt table corn for over a month instead of -but a -week or two as in the old days, i In The Garden _5_ Steeply sloping, narrow lots are not et matter of pity but of practical landsicape gardeners' main- tain. With this sort of ground, the dietitian oe a really unusual and iu- dividteat garden 1s made simele Experts• do not advocate car'rying " as it is, however, but would sharpie divide- the different levels,. To do this a variety of devices is ree001- inended, such as a stone wall, a less ornamental but stronger concrete wall screened with a hedge; or a. rock garden, with a few Stone steps cone(tingthe leveis. ISometlanee, where the slope is very great and over a few feet- wide a combination or all three methods will be the most practioal and els Sec€tive, Big trees will be depended Upon to hold the general slope In place, with here and • there extra suppOnt furnished by steps or short bibs of wall. To fattetnpt handling a slope es an ordinary lawn of flower garden, Is There are gardens mat fit almost .any situation. For - .those people who have neither the time nor in. elinatio t, there are plenty of annual Rowers that thrive on neglect. A little digging of the ground in lete I Spring is nil that is required. Take such things as nlyssuln, dwarf marl - olds, portuleca and Califormi poppies tor edging. These are little dowers Mat 'al.;nowt feed themselves, crowd. out weeds, do well in any location• but Ureter sun and light soil. Once started they will look atter them selves, For the centre of beds or near the Back, large ifowens such as calendu- la, nasturtium, poppy and phlox will make a, good (showing, and. for hcreens pastor beans, dahlias, • 00s, mos, sua!lowetr, tall Marigolds are rot, scent, especially ih the even- ing, d, few tikotine ,cath,ationa, mtg It Should Se A •National Ob. jective, Says Director of Health League of Canada. Women Needed in 'Parliament If .health were to . be a national obj•eetive in Canada the • doctois. needed the help of women, Dr. Gordon Bates, director of the Health - League of Canada, said in an ad. dress before the Local Council of. Women in Toronto. "In all our municipal - affairs it takes men and women together to build a world that makes sense," he said. "Men cannot do it alone. We need more women, to give, thought to the things - that am - worthwhile." Resolutions Not Enough - Groups of women passing rasa- batons estslutions was "not enough." Wo- men by themselves were - no - mores capable of settling the affairs of the world than wane men and women in such groups in the long ran had, little political influence, "We need ,women in our political. assemblies and in all of our serious. national deetberationsy" be said. "We need women in parliament; we, need women, to work with men ta. decide the future of mankind." j r r Try standing on a cushion for a long ;stretch of ironing, and - yotte fent wont get either cold or tired. MONUMENTS High-class Workmanship Designs that are different F. W. Kemp AUCTIONEER (Licensed) Some Conducted Anywhere In Ontario -Atone 38 - Listowel