HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-9, Page 5'THE BRUSSELS POST
4 •
Gilbert E. Nethery
R. R 5, Brussels
How brews of ehemistry, hidden
game mists, erep-destroying. para.
sites, and Infe'eted birda, are waiting
to be unleashed while ePies Week
to diseever to. which of these barber_
Wee la no counter -agent, ,will be
deserybed in The American Weekly
with the .Aprll 13 Detroit Sunda;
'Planes, Be sure to get The Detroi'
•sunday Tinies this week and every
• Floeoded roadways have been a
menace and haudicap •for several
days for R. M, D. re Idihel route.
A fernier rtaident of Grey Twh;
whose husband is ,serving overseas',
best known here as Margaret Row•
land, eldest daughter of ex -deputy
reeve Fred Roland of the municipal-
ity, reaiding on 'Con, 6, Just north of
Dthel some yeara ago, has been
happily enjoying several days' visit
with Mrs. Eddie Gill, her girlhood
friend and renewing old acquaint-
ances in. the community.
Sunday of a week ago Ernie Sap.
well who was a citizen of Ethel and
vicinity in his boyhood days, now of
Hamilton spentthe day pleasantly
with friends in Ethel.
Not so very Inany years past it
•would have been a' safe bet to take
thta if a neighbor butchered to ac-
quire a supply of meat for hone stee,
some other neighbor would be ra
membered by some especially tasty.
part which is at its best when frelb
being sltared with them. That the
spirit of reel neighborliness is rot
'altogether died out was shown
few days ago when a village neigh
bar dressed a ready to be butchered
Porker and sent a. generous and
much appreciated treat of pig's liver
to a neighbor who has been one of
the shut_ins for quite a long time.
Yum yum—Thanka very much.1
At the 1st of the month, Mrs, A.
E. Icing and ehree daughters with
ell household effects moved by
transport motor truck to 'Brantford
where Mr. Ring has been holding a
good position which is likely to be.
2 permanent one.
The property vacated by A. F,
Ring and fwnitly.. belonging. to Mrs,
David Milne was Immediately reoc-
cupied by 3. T. and Mrs. Nicholson,
who have come to the village again
after being resident for a year •or
more on a, farm on Con. 8, in Grey
Monday of host week at 8.30 p.m
In Grey'Twp Hall with Rev. Mr.
Shell as chairman a good program
was presented. at a nalscellaneous
shower tendered •the newlyweds
Mr. and Mrs. (nee Jean lVfaclien)
Earl Dunn. All •of which WS grace
tuUr aoknowledged by the recipi-
ents. Atter lunch was served
•other adtivities were engaged in for
a short time.
ce:3 —1125=0
The IT.F.W.O. will meet at the
home of Mee, James McDonald on
AlPril rem, The topic on • "Byron
Sanitarium" will be taken by nurse
Shoetree& 'Roll • Call, "A wise
•view of Leisure Time," A demon-
stration on • "Things made Croat
flour sacks'will be given by Mrs.
Gordon Elliott.
.0.Mt IrMr.0
Parade of Military
Units Is Witnessed
BY Crowds; Appeal
' 'Made For Fund
.Seafeeith, April 7.—A:ulnae inspiring
•aed well attended patristic rally
Good Health ,Products
Orders gladly sent by mail
between regular trips.
e. Payne', Dealer
Phone 58, Brussels
Ontario's Students
Offer to Help Relieve
Emergency Need for Farm Help!
Already more than 6,000 of Ontario's sturdy High School
stridents have volunteered their services to the Farm Service
Force of Ontario! They are devoting their summer months
to help farmers meet the greatest production demands in
their experience. Students will be relieved of school
responsibilities as farmers require them. Especially pre-
pared courses of study have been offered to fit these
willing young people for the summer's work on the farm.
Britain is depending upon Ontario's farmers to supply a
great proportion of their needs for cheese, bacon, con-
centrated milk, and other farm products.
After one week on the farm, these
sturdy, young volunteers receive this
distindive crest upon application to
the Fano Service Form, Department
of Labour, Toronto.
Farmers who have not registered their requirements for
student assistance are urged strongly to do so without delay.
Simply notify your Agricultural Representative or local High
School Principal, or write: Farm Service Force, Department
of Labour, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto.
was held in, Mat Presbyterian
Church on Sunday afternon at three
o'clock comencing with parade at
2.15 la which were branches of the
Canadian Legion, county bands, de,
tachments from active service units
in the county including the R.A.10,,
the RJO.A.P., "0" ,Company of the
Middlesex -Huron Regiment and She
First Hita1l8 et Exeter. The.auditer.
rum which was reserved for the
.military and the galleries were
filled. D. "S. 'Copeland ot Wingham
was the 'chalfrinfta. The assembled
congregation stood on arrival of the
parade and all remained standing
while the totem were pretiented,
received and placed.On the plat -
forth were Mayor 3, 3. oar, Rev,
Hugh Jaeir,, Squadron Leader- A,
Hopper, R.A.F,, Poet Albert; ltev.
lit, Beeeroft, wirtgbam; J. D.
Thomas, and Warden James Leiner,'
The invocation was pronounced
by 'am pastor, Rev, Hugh Sack,
'civic welcome wag attended by his
Worship, Mayor j, 3 CIO& atter
Which prayer .,was offered by Rev.
HtIgh Jack. The elvairartan,
served in the lad war, spoke in tip-
pieelative teen% of the wank done
then by the , servile° organizatiens
in the bats and canteene, whish
he intid, were like 'Mises in the
•Alesent to Itts Men.
• •
The generous response from the.
people of Huron Comity to this war'
service appeal led the zone reVe-
s.sirtatibta, A. Pooley, to predict ,tlun
greater support W,ould be terthl•
coming for the work we will have
to do in, 1941. A' birds -eye view •of -
the work of the Y, M. C. A, was
brpugibt by A. Lee, Y. M. C. A. of.
titer, 11 A. F., R. C. A. F., Port
Albert and eky Harbor airports.
There are 322. places in Canada
New Zealand and. Great Britain
-Where the Y. M. C. A, now tae a
centre compared with 73 centres in
peace time. The local Y. M. C. A.
roms• are also open to the soldieral
50' air foree stations, 114 Atlantic'
and Pacific coast stations are rip
(ted regularly and 5 mobile ult.,
teens in Canada ',serve hot • toffee
and bun's free of chetge.
Life le Britain •
'Squadron Leader A. Beeper, R.
A. Poet Albert. Who arrived
three weelos ago frele England,
gave a very graphic ' otto thrilling
impreasion of what %hinge are like
In England and the contrast be
tween. life Imre and life' there. Ite
pictured n peace robing people
Ing under the eliodeqv of terror ,uu-
speakable, cruelty sand ieftei0
brought beck trent the lyir)t. ee
by Hitler and the N'eZies Who knee
trampled down God and men and
waded to their present position
through seas of blood, men that ,
have no notion of honor ar decency,
treacherous, deceitful, lying, who •
have prostituted the line arts of
modern science and used them .
•destrutitiVe purposes and have done
more evil in this earth than qll
other since the world began. Bri-
tain is the last Int:heath of defence
against this inhuman • monstreus
evil.'The speaker paid a • line tri-
bute to the dauntless Writ of the
people in Britain, some of 'whom,
returning from the shelter to find
'their homes bombed, stuck a Unite)
Jack up on the mins. 'Those people
he remarked, have a eptiit that
will never break and it is very de-
sirable that that spirit slibuld he
Salvation Army's Work . .
Major Howell spoke briefly en
ithe wprk of the •Sateation ArillY,
Wherever the raids are thiCkeet in
tegland, •the Salva.tioil Army MI.
teMIS'are bualest, Rev. Mr, Bee-
t:rolit in: his Address emikesineri
'the mpt, that It we wish to win this
,war eyerything we have must gc•
1 iu lt. , We 151101 bank it up with all
the reaotalves ef this con'tinent.
,I. TV Theme repentect that on
, •
hist Friday night 62 per
Huron •Coun•tyIs quota of 620,000
had been secured. Exeter has the
only full report, their amount hal,.
ing been oversubscribed 25,per cent,
Wingbant and Brussels are over
subscribed bat • not completed, and
Seaforth has gone over the top
but is not through. The men at
Port Albert airport have 'subscrib-
ed $100, A vote of thanks was ten
cent. et
tiered the speakers, and all who as-
sisted in making .the rally a suc-
cess, also to J. F. Daly for the use
of his microphone. The choir, as,
slated by James T. Stott gave a
fine rendering of the "Hymn of
Peace," 'The meeting closed with
the hymn, "0, God Our Help In
Ages Past," the National Anthem
and the benediction,.
mot $0fi..71'
baking- •
gartstr^rNmanzisgrarr""-"vneersz•,. ,17-.Exiamro=neastm...'
Start Ustng Easifirst
Mrs. Housekeeper: -
This tried and approved Short-
ening is just what you need to
be better satisfied with all your
SOLD in Brussels at
A. D. McDonald Meat Markel
Quality Meats Always on Hand,
Please phone your order early for prompt delgivery.
nommisiaw •Ammumnissavaiminsomommmiommommo