HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-9, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, April 9th,1941 BRUSSEL,S ONTARIO Contributed Well To Appeal For War Service Fund Tide returns to date on War Ser. Vice Campaign are as followat- West half Grey $412.20 35aet half Morris 333:55 Brussels .............. ... 485,00 TOTAL ... $1220.75 The 12th con., and 2nd on., of Grey has not reported yet, also part of 9th con., Morrie and a few scatter.. ed. donations, The committee is grateful for diose who helped so willingly, especially the canvassers, R. J. BOWMAN, Chairman The east half of Grey has been organized with Alex Alexander as Chairman; Geo. Dunbar as Treasur- er. With the following canvassers- 2nd con. Grey to County Road. Watson Brown, Charly ,McIntosh, 4th con. Grey to I{eger's sideroad- Jas, Pearson' J. Cullen 6th on. Grey to Barker's school- Rob Bennett, Jack Savage 91.11 con, Grey Ethel to Pete La• wont's -Leslie Earl. Ethel 'Village -Alex Pearson, Win, Spence. Ethel to Boundary -Glen Eukznler, 9tlh eon. Grey Boundary to Oran - brook stderoad--Wm. Speiraa Ross Cunningham. l2th on. Grey Boundary to County Road -Percy Ward, Tom Ward, 14th con. Grey Boundary to County Road -Vallance Inglis, Blighton. Ferg. 16th con, Grey Bonodary to County road -Archie Mann, Alex Mann, 17th. con. Grey Boundary to County Road --Ken McLean, Earl Machan, BELGRAVE The agriculture meeting of tbe Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday, April 15 at 2.30 P.M., at the home of Mrs, J. B. Townend. Convenors of Programme: Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and. Mrs. Wilbert Procter. Roll call, something new I have learned ;bout gardening and exchange of slips. Current event; Mrs. Cliff Logan. Address, Mr. 5. C. Shearer, Clinton, Music, Miss Binine Wa•Ish. Lunch Com., Mrs. Wilbert Procter, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler Miss Edith Procter. This is the last meeting of the year when the annual reports will be given•, and a goad attendance Is hoped for all the ladies of the community are invited to atend, l"0 CONCERT & DANCE LUNCH Brussels dpera House Wednesday night, April 16 auspices of 14th concession War. Workers. Funds fair War Work Admission - Adults 35c • Children 15c HARD TIME DANCE Foresters Hall, Belgrave a: a :I: WEDDING ro * at. * ,r * * 41 * Sine Mine -Day In the presence of immediate relatives, a. quiet but pretty wedlln, was solemnized on Saturday, Apra 5th et 12 o'elook at .the home of the brid'e's parents(, Mr. and 'Nps. Cecil Day; Gerrie, when their only daugti- •ter, Julia Minnie Bernice was un•lied in tnair'riage to Mr. Clarence Wailaee Sparling, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Sperling, Gerrie. The Rev. R. 0, Copeland pastor of the United Church officiated, • To the strains of the bridal chorus rendered by the bride's. only boy cousin Master , George Gregg, the bride, entered the parlor which was decorated in pink and• white, ,with pink roses and ferns, on, the arm of her father, wlio gave her away, She leaked charming in a floor length gown of Lily-af-the•Valley emboe'sed chiffon over ivory satin and wear- ing the veil in cap effect, which,11e,• mother had worn 25 years ago, Her boquet was talisman roses( and fern, Her train was carried by her only girl :cousin Miss, Errand.. Gregg, gowned in yellow crepe 'and wbite lace. Her bridesmaid Miss. Jean. Sperling, only sieiter of the groom, wale beautiful in a floor length gown of Canyon Rose love lace and white accessories and bognet of rose carnations and fern. • The groom was supported by Mr. Jack Holland of BeImore. The bride had the unique pleasure Of hewing the pee -once of her 'lath grandmothers and one granerather in attendance. After a sumptuous wedding dinner the bride donned a frook of Queen's blue crepe, with matching hat, navy coat and accessories and fox fur. The bride and groom left for a :motor trip to Niagara. Falls and other points south. Upon their return they will take up farming ou the groom's farm Con. 2, Howick. The bride Is a cousin o Mrs, Ida. Lowry and Mrs, Percy Tyreman, Brussels. -x-- McLeod x-McLeod . Ringsdorf Wearing a gown designed in, the same style as her mother's wedding gown , worn in 1013, Miss Betty Madge Ringsdorf made a charming brine Saturday when she was united in marriage to Sgt. Pilot Ehner Jobn McLeod, R,C.A.•F. The ceremony was solenutized at 4 o'clock at All Saints Church in a setting of palms and white stocks with Canon A. A. Bice officiating. The bride, a form- er member of the Wossa basketbuil team for the HAI Beal Tecitntral School, is a daughter of 1VIr. and Mrs. '5. W. Ringsdorf, Inkerman. street, Loudon, andthe groom eyho also played for the Tech basketball Wossa team and nt West- ern, ie a son, of Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod, Princess avenue, The bride was given in marriage •by her father and was a lovely figure Tuesday, April 15th under auspices Belgrave Branch e Red Cross Society u her gown of white chiffon fashion. d wiith a yoke, edged with a deep JS'i11 end forming a high neckline The •sleeyes were short and largelyuffed. From a small waistline the ldrt, trimmed with frills, fell . in aft folds to flare into a slight train, face veil was of white tulle and tvas held in place with a bale' of Door Prize Admission according to costume. .s Good musk by local talent. Ladies bring lunch. s Dancing to commence at 9.30 A No tickets given on door prize, after 10 o'clock. g REGENT THEATRE Seaf Orth Ont. ardenias, She. carired white cella lies bound in White satin, A marl of honor, Miss Joan Ringsdorf, paster of .the bride, and three brides- maids, the- Misses Miry Jane 31c - Cormick, Louise Everitt end Daphne tyles, ('St. Thomas- attended the ride, Miss Rin:gsderf wore sky due organza fashioned in a style similar to. the bride's and her en. enlible was completed with a gold uliet cap, She carried white car.. nations, The bridesmaids were charming --• all gowned in identical models of orchid taffeta and net eat w0111 bouffant skil'te, and little purred sleeves. . Their 'turbans were of the eine maternal and their bouquets of right yellow daffodils made a strik ng accent, The beat mite was Fred Y•anderland and ' the ushers, . Sgt. P11ot James Riddell ,(Windsor) Sgt. Pilot .Robert Norwood, (ISOrnt'l), hd Donald McLeod (St. Catser- nes), Mrs, A, A. Styles was. at the onsote of "tire• organ ' and glee Margaret Ctllriatie was the vocal oloislt, A reception was held at the ttmtnistt'atio '- 13111 A tt rife the of t1 g Y.W,CA. *re, llinglsdort, wearing a blimp ensemble accented with a Now PLAYING - Kay S Kay Frances Jack Oakie b Little Men b -x- MON„ TUES., wEo. s Paul Muni Gene Tierney. j Hudson's Bay Laird 'Cregar John Sutton Romance that spanned two continents -drama at Its mightlet, , "� s Next TelURS., FRI., SAT. b double feature 1 Weaver Bros: and Etivey In Old Missouri See the Hill Folks Outwit ,the City Slickers a The Three Mesqulteers ••In 1 Covered Wagon Days 'c Three sone of action ride to new 'thrills COMING -x Young People I'17 LocakNews Items. Women's .Institute . CARD Ok' THANKS I The April meeting 01 the WO- Please accept our sincere thanks men's Iuatittete will meet on rridaY, for your kind warily of sYm112•ttty April 18, in the Library basement at 2.3o o'clock. The Majestic Institute will be the guests 01 the l;ruasels Branch, Please note tate change of I time to allow the Brussels Branch I to complete business . before the. regular time of the meeting Good Friday Service At 'Melville Church On Good Friday in Melville Church a service will be bead commencing .,t the hoer of 10.30 aim, Good Friday is a day full of sacred. menhores. Let its meaning sink into your spud by sbaring in ,this service of wor- ship. In remembrance of the. Saviour's death the Sacrament ofthe Lord's 'Supper wi11 be celebrated The congregation- who are' uniting for this •Service are urged to attend. A cordial invitation is extended to the people of Brussels and , the surrounding country to be. present. -x- L.A.C, Robin Thomas Spent Week end Here While motoring 'from Clinton last Friday Mr. R. 5. McLauchlin picked up a bay, in airforce uniform, his name Robin Thomas and upon Sn• quiring as to where he was going, the answer was, nowhere in Dartictiu- lar. Upon- invitation he came' horns and spent the week end with Mr. and "Mrs. R. J. •NIcLanchlin, Mr, Tboanas had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,' Gordon Sanderson and was driven hack to Port Albert Alr- Port by R. J• McLauehlin Sunday night, • Dance -Held - The Tawn Hall was, tastefully decorated in spring colours of mauve, green, yellow and pink for thesuccessfuldance held there tin Friday evening under the auspices, of the local Women's Institute. A splendidcrowd attended to thoroughly enjoy dancing to the delightful music of "Adam Brock and his Columbans.'" Prize winners were Mrs. Bill Mc• Nair and Jack Cameron for the Elimination Dance and the Best - Waltzers were Miss Alberta ;McLean and Bill McNair. o x bti'. Editor: - Turning off the hydro, to Mon. venience people may be a joke al amusement• depends on the capacity of the mind. The more shallow the mind the more easily amused, 1 would not like to think any person, 3n the community, had given so low in the scale of humanity to do snob a thing, I would- rather think the airplanes in the vicinity bad jarred the installation of the hydro and the lever had slipped cutting off the light, If the aotion of discourtesypar patuatted is of any amusement to the panty or partieswe will endure the itaaonyefdence, It lea •matter of an instant only -to readjust the lever, - Annoyed corsage of sweet peasand roses., was assisted in receiving by Mrs. Me- Leod, who clhose a- grey ensemble with blue accessories, 'The llridal couple lett on a trip to Toronto, the bride traveling in a. aqua blue cards.. roy cin•ess, large picture hart to match and a black princese coat and gray squirrel furs. They will reside In Trenton, Out-of-town guests were Mr. and ,Mrs, C. Riddell, Detroit P. Ringsdorf, and the Misses Ann Pauline and 341kla Ringsdort, perald ,Styles, J. Brun ton 'sad Frank Rice, of .St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs, 5, Hinz, Broadha,gen, and G+ Wesen1erg, , The groom ill aa. nephew of Mrs. Thos, Ryan Jr., and Geo, Wesenber4' and will be remembered 'by many in' the„ Crarnbrook district where he attended sobool for a year. Hie en- trance exams Were written at tbe Brussels school and deeds' of kiaduees,: also flowers, fruit anon many other things, during my recent illness. They will neves be fo'gotten., - Mr, and Mrs, Bert Johnstone Donald .McRae, Gets Western Charge Donald Smith McRae, of Brussels. has been appointed to the charge oe Dnnleaddh in $askatclhewan by the Mission Board of the Presbyterian Church In, Canada, Mr, McRae will leave alter -this week for his; new, field where he expects to be located for soma time. He has carried on considerable work in London, hay- ing taken services on numerous ce• 050ions in Chalmers - and St., George's churches. His work toward obtaining the degree •of B.A. has been eampleted and this' honor will be conferred "in absentia" in -Jane this year. -Upon his return from Western Canada he will resume iris studies leading to the degree of B.D. at the University of Toronto. New Radio Programme .Radio listeners in Canada will now have the . opportunity of hearing than laugh -provoking, refreshing weekly programme, The Aldrich Family. - 'Standing in sixth place for all radio shows, The Aldrich Family. is written by 'Clifford Goldsmith and starring Ezna, Stone. - Built around the happenings of the average family, in which life is very complicated by the enthusiasm of Henry and his friend ' Homer, each weekly episode is a complete story. This truly enjoyable half -OMIT show will be heard on the Canadian network each Thursday evening, comencing Thursday, April. 10th. t * * * 1 * * * * * Obituary * * i:.. rk * ,a 41 ADAM POLLARD Adam Pollard of 1007 North James St., resident ol! Ludington for 51 years,. passed away date Thursday afternoon in Pauling Stearns hospi til, where Ile had been: a patient Cor some time. . Sebenty-nine years et age Mr. Pollard had suffered a long illness. Mr, Pollard was born an May 26th, 1861, in Mitchell, Out,' Can. He •came directly to Luddington from Canada and hss lived . here , since, At the time of his death he was retired from his occupation, that of plumbing In which be had -been en- gaged tor 40 years locally. He was a :member of the Church of the- Later Day Saints. Predeces,secl in death on Oct, 15, 1093 by hie wife - (Ella Lawson; of Mitchel) he is survived by their son Charles E. Pollard and their daugh- ter, Mrs, ICharlatte Budreau of Lueldinglton, Three granddaughters and three great grand childr'en,. His brothers and one sister: 'Henry of Ladysmith. B.C., Gan.; Rufus, of Daawetl, Alberta, Can,; Wesley of Stratford, Ont„ Can.; Bli of Winni- peg, Man., Can.; Joe of Van eouver, B.C. , 'Can.; Benjamin of Seattle, ' Washington;, Edward of Brnseels, Out„ •Can,; and sister (,Fl4t.ntis Esther) Mrs. N. McCauley Of Brussels, Out, Can. Two sisters (Hariett Melitta) Mrs Ohas. Pratt and (:Heaolta.) Mrs. David Tyerinan prececleased Mr. Pollard in death some years ago and one brother 3 William died last Novembet, 4• months ago, 'Funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock ,Satirrday afternoon at Dorrell Chapel, Eider John Rendell Otlficiating, The remains 'will rest alt Dorrell Chapel until time of the service. interment will be made 1 In Lakeview cemetery., This notice was 'opted from Tani. rlington Daily News, of March 28111 and retells to an old resident of 6th con, Grey, and will be remembered $ by friends and schoolmates in filtJlel d1 and Grey res. well as in- Brusselet Edward Pollard' and•Mrst Either 950- t"iaule of Mor' s ° „ 'n rl t( totter' a $ Y 1 late of s r donees � V - ed to �'�Ich we e . tend our sympathy, , ,4•' 13. C. S Winter herrn Results dips• rips oe the term examivatie and term work are announced Belo .ell parents are urged to eaaurine carefully the detailed report tie Council Holds monthly Meeting ns note with each student and to co cult the prinplpal if the Student not leaking satisfaetory progress, Grade IX- Donald Black 76,2% Ruth MacDonald 74 • Clayton Sellers 70 ;Bary MacDonald 63.8 Annie ;Stiles 66.5 Donald Speir 61 Laura Yuill 59.8 Isabel. McCall 57.5 • Edith Fletcher 57.5 Norah Lowrie 55.4 Kenneth Nichol 54.3 (Margaret Bell 53.5 . Gordon Blake 50.3 Edith Jewell 47.S - Bill Sullivan 46.8 - Carley Lake 46 Douglas Gemmell 45.4 Donald Clark 44.8 Mac Seeker 40.6 Dorothy Jardine 39.7 - Hantley Fischer 89.4 Donald Duncan, 36.7 Jean Allan 35. Gordon Stephenson 22.2 Dean Earnigey 31.6 Grade X- Helen Armstrong 79.6 Idella Bl•yans 73.1 Jean Yuill 71.6 Psabel Bowman • 69.8 Imogene Slanderson 68.9 Barbara Thynne 65,1 Graeme Scott 64,3 Jolrn Blake 61.5 Ross Lawless 60.6 - Veronica Blake 57.9 Oliver Riley 56.8 Dorothy Turnbull 56.6 Myles Kelly 54.9 Clara Russell 52.4 Alma Jermyn 52.3 • George Baeker 42,8 Grade XI- Jean MacDonald 78% Joe Stiles 73,5 Helen Mc0ntaheon 62.8 Jack Kelly 62.6 Tena .Armstrong, 59 Leslie Rutledge 58.1 Helen S2reir 56;8 Jean Farquharson 55.8 Jean Turnbull 55.1 - Mary Helen Eeltmier 52.5 Mary Helen Herr 48.1 Sack Pierce 44.8 ' Doris Armstrong 40,7 Grade Xt Those taking one or more subject of Grade X aro listed separately. Jean. Speiran 59.1% Josephine VanNorrnan 57.S Dnrersion Miteheir 66 Margaret Gibson 54.8 Lloyd Armstrong 54.3 Louis Blake 58.2 Jack Allan. -52.8 Jim ?rest 49 Harris Bell 47.5 Grade X11 13eause of the diversity of sub ects taken students in Grades. XI nd XI1I are not ranked in order o enerit, but alphabetically showin the grading of the •subjects. First class honours 75-100 •Second class honours 66-74 Third •class honours 60-65 Credit 50-+69 Failure -below 50 Elizabeth Backer: 1st -3; .2nd -1 3rd --a; C-2; F-1. Gladys. Davidson: let: 1; 2n0-2 3rd -8; 0-1;. P-1. IElwin Hall: 1st -O; 2nd -2; 0-1; F--••1. Donald Lawless; 1st -1; 2nd -3; 3rd -2; C-2, IGeo'ge McNichol: 1st -1; 2nd -2; 3rd -4; 0-1. Frank Marshall; 1•st- 1; 2nd -1; Ord -4; , C'-1; 11-2. Luella Mitchell: 1st -2; 2nd -1; rd --0; 0--2; F-1. .Alice 2nd -.3; 3rd --2 Della Tbyn'ne: 2nd -l; it'd --•1; C-1; --1. Gibson Willis; 1414-'1; 2nd -•'3; 0-4; F -"t.• , ; ; x •: Grade XIII-, Dorothy Armstrong; 1st -2; 2nd-. 3rd' -2; 0-1; --1, - Janet Ring: let -2; 2nd --2; C-4, Jim Lamont. lot --5; 2nd• -12; Ore --1. Barbara Michie: 1st -3; 2nd -1; rd -0; 0-1, Lois Phtnu 10-6; 2nd -2; SSrd-1. 'Jeanette ;Sanderson. rat=i; and - Ord -it; C---2. Jeant Scat ' . 1st --,2•,' 2nd•' --2; C-••3; Iti 2 ° aitel Trrrn'bu I 1st -2; 12ntt-4t;; a Brussels, .April 2nd, 1041' nt The regular monthly meeting of, 11' aha Brussels Municipal Council was la held In the Public Library on.. the above date, All ` members beteg„ present, The minutes of the previous: meeting being read it w.as: moved by W. Willie;- seconded by F. Sarnia that the nvinutes be adopted, The following bills were present ed:- G. McDowell, March salary , 60:00 Geo. Campbell, March salary 7.50 R, S, Warwick, March salary 30.00 Brussels Hydro -Electric, Street lights 108 00 Ha: Giias. 'Dll avlightsidson, Tress, Bond 10,00 Ed. Henderson, snow plowing 20.00 Dr, WIS. Jamieson, Medical attention 5.00 K. Coleman, labor 1.00' Relief far March 65.:11: Moved by F. Santis, b 111r• 'Willis that the accounts.seconded fs r8243y he paid, -Carried, - Moved by W. Willis, seconded by le. Semis that By-law No. 1, 194/ authorizing the borrowing of money. by the Clerk and Reeve from the Canadian Bank of Commerce be read the third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by W. Cameron, seconded by H. Champion that the Brussele Fire Dept. be asked to meet with the Council on April 18th, at 8.00. P.M. in the'Tewn Hall to disease tbe appointment of a new Fire Chief' and reorganization of the Fire Dept Carried. Moved by F. Semis by W. Willis that 'taxies for the year 1936 amount- ing to $75.18 and taxes for the years following amounting to $26.71 be. written off as unoollectable. -Carried: Moved by W. -Cameron, seconded by H. Ohempion that the roll be a•ccewted from the Collector. Carried, RED CROSS BRUSSELS BRANCH The ladies of the Workroom wish. to express their appreciation to Miss Margaret Downing and her pupils for the beautiful afghan made by them and donated to the work- room. We realize the mak,ng this afghan most have reguired a great -deal of patience on the part. of both teacher and pupils, The following knitting quota has been received for April, May and June: 5 pairs 2 -way mitts, 3 sweat- ers, 5 pants sacks, all to be made in kakhi yarn. Don't forget the dance to be held in the Town Pla11, April: nth under the auspices of the Finance Committee, 3rd 1; C-,1; 7-1. Jeanne VanNorman; 1st -1; 2nd - 1; 3rd - 2; C-2; 7-3. "HE IS RISEN" United Church 11 a•m.-'From Tragedy to Triumph." Special Easter Music .,,. 3 p.m. -Church School and ., Bible Class, • 7 p.m. -Sacred Drama "The Crown of Thorne' by Atwood Y.P.U. COME AND WORSHIP. Melville Church 11 a.m.--"The Resurrection to Christian Experience.' 3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m. -"The Risen Christ and Mary." Easter Music, Easter Message COME AND -WELCOME, St, John s Church (HOLY WEEK Maunday Thursday, 8. mm. - Ante -Communion and address: Good Friday, '10.90" a.m.-. ,devotions, Intercessions and address✓: Saturday, 8 p.m -First Even- sbnp' of Easter:: EASTER DAY ' 8,20 a.m.--Holy Communion, • 10.15 a.m.•--Matins. 11 a,m.--)Holy Conitnun'lon and. Sermon. 7 p.m, --Evensong, and; Sermonr,