HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-2, Page 7Medi bus
an hour. Ile
it 20 minutes
g the slight_
itis head
a cold , eye,,
lad -1.20
1.25, $3.00
ager waVe
ve 28c
's Store
Pledge for War Sayings.
:K * * :r * a:
,By Betty Barclay
Whipped Sweet Potatoes in .
Orange .Shells
8 oranges.
4 cups boiled or baked sweet
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons melted .buter
8 marshmallows
Don't you. often wish you had a 'Cut oil tops of oranges and re -
pe for a 'salad, a meat dish ora mono pulp and Juice with a sharp
sertthat would be used to bring knife and spoon, Whip sweet po-
es of unbelief and •gasps of do- 'tatoes-with salt, batter and orange
t from your guests and,.dish- Juice to moisten to desired consise
can be prepared --and without tarty. Use juice secured in Prepay.
y• great trouble, at that, 'They ora lug ,shells.Fill orange shells and
1 wenth eefvring when special stop each with a marshmallow.
este are' being entertained, or ov- Brown in moderate oven .until heat -
why the family enjoys the meal ed through. Serves 8.
ae, there are two typical re- ; Alpine Steak
Baked Oranges
4 to 6 oranges ,
Ye men light corn syrup
2 cups water
2 cups water
on 'whale, unpeeled oranges in
er to paver, tor about 30 minutes
until tender. Drain and cool.
t into halves, quarters or lc inch
es. Mix corn syrup, sugar and
2 cups of water together read
5 anisates. Pony this syrup
r the cooked oranges witch have
n placed on a baking dish. Cover
rely and bake in moderate oven
0 degrees F.) for 11/2 hours. If
nee pieces ere not completely
ered with syrup, haste frequeut
To keep for future use pour in -f
sterilised jars, fill to the tap witb i
up and seal. Served baked e . 1
es hot or cold as accompaniment 4
ham, veal, lamb, pork or roast
ry; or as a salad with cottage
cream cheese, ,
2 pounds round steak, ground
1 can tomato soup
2 cups cracker crumbs
1 teaspoon salt
Ye teaspoon pepper
teaspon poultry dressings
1 tablespoon minced onion
1 cup sweet Iplckles, thinly sliced
Combine meat, soup, cracker
'crumbs, and seasonings. Mix thor-
oughly. Fold -in pickiest Press into
a greased loaf tin and bake in a
moderate oven (325 degrees. F,) fat
one hour or until done. This loaf
is excellent hot or- cold and will
'keep several days in a refrigerator.
Makes an excellent filling for saud-
Three Fruit Cream Pies
Ley cups (1 can) sweetened
condensed milk
Grated rind of 1 lemon or
cup lemon juice
34 teaspoon lemon extract
11/2 cups sliced' orange sections
(4 oranges) tree from mem-
ls, Ont.
d Rolla.
ts, etc.
Problem' pictures—showingamusing situations at home—add Interest
o your a{bumThink b situations
have occurred at your
reenactthemfor thecames
HOW a subject in an amusing the collar button? It has happened
"fix"—a problem situation --and to everybody. And it is worth sev-
ou have an entertaining picture.. eral pictures—a sequence—conclude
11 manner of aiulple everyday Ing with the final triumphant recov-
'oblems eau be used for picture ery of the elusive button. Just
urpoees--and if you neat show the try it!
ituation clearly, these snapshot's Often, be the comic strips or ha -
ever fail to be interesting. morons magazines, you find situa•
IE 'there's an old, Worn-out alarm tions that will make' good snap-
ock in the junk box or the attic shots, with real people in them.
sh it ort, let Johnny take the Some time ago, ora comic strip
arks apart, and then get a shot of showed a mantrying to even up the
im trying to niake everything go legsof a tall kitchen stool, so it
ack in place. would stand level. Bit by bit, he
If there's a puppy at your house, sawed small sections off each leg
ose him with a couple of cans of until he wound up with nothing.
g food, and a can•opener on the more than a footstool, If youhave
or in front of him, Scold him a an old, broken-down stool around
t; ;net you'll get a doleful mite- somewhere, try this—it, too, will
ore that taunter! the picture perfect. Mahe a marvelous snapshot see
Here's another. Once I tried to queues, with five or six pictures all
ake an angel feed cake, and it Sall equally (tinny,
flat we tried to use it for Mite- Just sit down read recaln amusing
(Mile tire 1%100. Now, why not things that have happened afi home
t hubby to don an apron. Then In the past. Does the kitten get him,
ve him hold a cake pan, and pie- Belt all tangled up in Grandmother's
re hits lining a big brittle sugar yarn --Beyond escape? Did you ever
otic out of it, That's the calve— thump your finger With a hammer,
hie heeled expression will revere trying to hang a picture? Note
and you'll have a shot that realty do on'"situationMiele " ah000t put
Inge the beli."
.Again' --how about pictures of arieudid way to have lets of fun
bby or Uncle Jahn struggling with your camera, Guilder
a a full-dress shirt, and losing 326
Jolla ran
a t
Rook it up right now
and feel like a million:
Your liver is the largest organ in your bod,l
and most important to your health. it pours out "
bile to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies
newenergy, allows proper nourishment to reach
your blood. When your liver gets out of order
food decompose; in your intestmea. You bev
come constipated stomach and kidneys can't
work properly. Yon feel "rotten"—headachy,
backachy, dizzy, dragged out all the time.
For over 35 years thousands have won pronipt
relief from these miseries—with Fruit-s-tives.
So can you now, Try Fruit-a.tiyea--you'll be
simply delighted how quickly you'll feel like a
new person, happy and well again. 25c, 50c,
r largest Mets
fiver ightah
2 bananas', finely cut
3. cup whipping cream
2 (baked ,pie -shells 9 -inch)
Blend sweetened, condensed milk
lemon Juice and grated lemon,, rind
or lemma extract. ".Stir until mie.
.tube 'thickens, Cut orange aseetions
end bananas in. small pieces; ad'l
M mixture. Pour '!a of mixture In
1 baked pie shell; ,place other pie
shell overthis and add remainder
of filling. Cover with whipped
cream. 011311 before serving.
, r
Former Wroxeter Woman
Mrs, James Anderson Dies '
nomon, Marcia. 21. -Mrs. lesaoeii
dnut;•i'dan, evitiuW 4q Jaluba Aaaer'•
sou, 48 Vauxhall street and former-
ly a resident of the Wroxeter tis-
r.ee uJ riuton eouiety, oled rrlaay
Jrl d'•arlewood hosp.:tai, She nus
u net 50111 year. Mrs. randersou
wa'.e sots at &sego, 'Scotland, She
came to reanana .asa girl and spent
ane greater pant of her life in. Hur-
on 'County. Far the 'past 18 ye,ots
she had lived in London. Surviving
are tour daughters, Mrs. E. Grit -
nth, this city; Mrs. J. W. Kemp, To-
ronto; Mrs. F. Maud, Philadelphia,
and Mrs. S. Baldwin, Little Falls, N.
S,, also six grandchildren. The fu-
neral service was conducted by
Rev. Mr. Kerr, of Hamilton Road,
Presbyti elan 'Church Sunday, at
10.30 a.m. at .the Evans 'funeral
home, Hamilton road. Interment
was in Wroxeter Cemetery.
* "* a 0 a' 1' W. * * Now when you may be thinking
of new curtains, for the old ones
simply will wear out just when yea
wish they wouldn't, .did 700 evol'
'try putting a piping cord when
hemming the sides ofshort oor-
Banquet Features
Annual Meeting
} Held At Clinton
{ R,, J. McLauchlan, Brussels
Is New President;
Interesting Addres$es
Given' ay Guest Speakers
Clinton, March 22 ---The annual
meting of the Huron Fruit Growers'
Association was held in elle agrical
aural 'bo4rd room' Friday and was
Marked by a largely -increased at,.
tendance over the 1940' annual. The
meeting •opened at 11 a.m. with time
mresidetkt, 1V11•s.. D. A. '$mitt. in the
chair, The minutes and financial
statement, read by seeretery-teasgr-
er J, Q, Shearer, were adopted, The
finanodel Oateenent showed a bal-
ance of 982.09 an hand, The sacra -
taxa' was inetrueted to write a letter
of thanks to the redone Club tor tbelr
support of the 1940 field day,
'Officers. far the year were elent-
ed. *They are: llonoeary presidents,
George '1: ithwaite, Goderich. James
2t. Stirling, Bayfleld and Mrs+. D, A.
Smith, Bloancrest Fruit Farms, God-
erich towntship, dmmediwte past
president; president, R, .1. IVLcl auch-
lin, Brussels; vice.glresident, Wes-
ley 3oynt, Luoknove; secretary -
treasurer, J. C. Shearer, Clinton;
directors; Benson Sowerby, Gode-
rich, R.M. 1; Howard Armstrong,
'Goderich, HR. 2. Fred Middleton,
Stewart Middleton, Clinton, R.R. 2;
James Gardiner, Kirkton; Murray
Grainger, Varma; Clayton Laith-
waite, Goierich; Thomas ,Salkeld.
lack/low; George Johnston, Eae-
field; D. J. 1.assaline Goderich.
Spray sugplfes was" up for discussion
aril Gordon Blatin, Burlingtin, and
John Read, Clinton, representing
spray manufacturing companies, ad-
dressed the group, It was resolved
that the purchase oC spray supplies
be left to the executive.
Annual Banquet Held
At 12.15 the company repaired.
to the McKenzie • House for the an-
nual banquet. The menu featured
roast turkey with all the trimings.
Beautiful red Northern Sirys rubbed
to a thigh polish, presented by
Stewart Middleton adorned the
tables. A pleasing feature of
the atter dinner proceedings was
the presentation to retiring presi-
dent Mrs. Smith of a basket 02
exquisite red eases. Mr. Shearer
e pressed, in well chosen sentences,
tit appreciation, of the association
forthree years' service as.presideut.
Mrs. William b4OGuire made the
presentation, Charles McPhail
who is retiring than the office of
f frust inspector for Huron was pre -
1 stinted With an o.ccasionaI chair,
George Lmithwaite and vicepresI-
dent W. Joynt did .the honors. For
Wednesday, April 108, 1941.
GO: any time Thursday, April
10th, until 2.00 p.m, Monday,
April lith,
RETURN: leave destination
up to midnight Tuesday, April
15th, 1941.
'tale a}}aa 0�°��dqt%T�p
1 A� Take advantsaa al
I this lens Week -end for a visit:
home or away with friends..
Dr. A. J. Simpson a 'patient in Goderich Hospital,
Dies At Kintail The funeral was held on Monday
Heart Attack Fatal, to AshtIeld afternoon et lUmtoil,
Township Physician; Practls-
ed 37 Years; Funeral Held
On Monday
Goderich, Maroh 21—Dr. Alex-
ander Johustoa (Simpson, medical
pra.etttioner at Medeil for 37 years
died suddenly of a .heart attack in
his lath year.
Dr, Simpson Was born near Walk-
erton, ,son of Arthur and Margaret
Johnston Simpson, attended high
school In Walkerton, model school in
Owen 'Sound and taught school in
.Culross for seven years before at-
tending Toronto University frnni
wliioh he graduated in 1903.
In addition to 'his wife, the
former Flora MacLeod, of Ba tall,
four sons and one daughter survive.
They are Arthur Duncan, Robert
and Donald, all at home, and Miss
Margaret (Simpson, schoolteacher et
Dr. ,Simpson Was a Presbyterian,
an elder in Ashfield Presbyterian
Church for many years. He was
a beloved family physician widely
known in As'hfi'eld Township and
beyond. Only on Thursday, the
day before his death, be attended
Mrs. Harold Turnbull.
Succumbs At iistoweP
Listowel, Mereh 27—The dente"
occurred here Wednesday of alra.
Harold Turnbull. a mother of two
deem,. in Listowel Memorial Hospital -
She 'was In her 25th year.
She was a daughter cc Mr. and?
Mrs. Duncan Saundera and was
' born in bile eighth concession a
Blom Township and lived there
until her marriage to Harold Turn-
! bull in June, 193'7. Mrs. Turnbull
! byterlan Church and belonged to
the Young People's Auxiliary. Be-
' sides her husband end two -day-old
daughter, she is ;survived by her
, Saunders, and a 'sister, Ester, Tacefhe
at leerae.
The funeral took place on Fridar
atternoan at 2 o'clock from the resn
dance, fourth. eoncession of Barra
Township. Rev. J. R. Graig was
in chaege af the service and late:a
meat wee in Jaime Centre Cemeteriere
tains? If not you will be thankful -4 ,the musical teatimes Mrs. McGuire
tor thie suggestion when yell have ( WEIS piandst. Warden James Leiper
begun weshing them foe tbe cord (voiced the official greetings of the
prevents stretching and the cense- t 'meaty council. He was introduced
talent untidy sagging appearance by G. F. Penbales, Exeter. Other
they usually haye....And thoee 'speakers were William Dryman,
two-pronged wooden forks that coma
in .dates and mystalized fruit pack-
ages come in handy we learn. (Sonia
them well aad use them for clean-
ing tee not spouts—grand, too, for
cleaning betwee-n the prongs Of sin
'her foeks or for making patterns on
pie pastry Ani you'll be invene.
Ing new ways to use them yourself
you are eae of those gale
wba !believes in hair brushing a hint
about waehing brushes may come in
handea—In the first place if the beck
is of wood smear oil over It before
'washing, just to preserve it, you
keow—Then to save elle bristles
from. softening try shaking out the
:surplus water and dip tbem into a
(saucer of milk—arou'll be delighted
with the result.....And in case
an lollies etain an ootten linea
has been puzzling You. nierelY cover
rwith a. soh paste of mustard Inixel
with water and let stand tor few
hours. When you wash off, the stain
is gone—Jest as slanply as that.
Taken Feom Exam Papers
,A math Is a female mobh,
..A. brunette is a youag bear.
A dolt is a grown -uv person, .
A cypher as a bottle that ennirta,
.A blizzard Is the inelde at a fowl.
The g>ol ilex was a tax on parrot's
An' oasis is a futile ' snot In a'
An adage is a. (thing to keen eate
People go about 'Vallee la gor-
A. senator le half -horse and bag-
Unist la triud Walt the !glee seneea-
general manager Canedian 'Canners,
Ltd., Hamilton Who told of the
world-wide market that has. bean
established tor (Cana,dian. canned
frult. Sitoty .set down to the
At the afternoon session Pro -
entomologist spoke about spraying
for .cleaner fruit; Ba. Bond, Mt.
Brydges, spoke on marketing, and
G. F. Penhale, Toron.to, are new
apple legislation. Gordon Blair,
Burlington, representing the Nia-
gara. Spray Com,pany showed mov-
ing pictures. ot spraying. operatione,
also pietuees talcen et the 1940. bare
quet Mr, Janes, president of the
comiPany was also present enel
apoke briefly. Mrs. Smith, rette
Mg president, was apixiinted dele-
gate to the Ontario, Fruit GrOwetee
Ontario 'Soldier, Mock Captive
Sprawls On race Before King
Somewhere in England, March 27
--Probebly the only soldier ever tn
fall fiat on ins, face in front of the
King is a private from Windsor, rent
Durieg the bilrelt of the King raid
Queen to the Canadian itnd Divisioe
today, Ws maleety was' watchleg
assault platoon capture prieoners—
the private playing the, role of n
As, he was hustled past the King
tbo Windsor lad stumbled and
steamier! on the ground, his tin het
amiling rut the feet Of the royal
vitsitot. The soldier eturried over
the hill like a rabbit. The King
laughed beertily.
air:timer: *Save you Heed In
Pin eville long?"
Why, Mister, yell woa't believe it,
but T lived here 'settee there wasn't a
'single gas statiott town.,"
Hot Chocolate, All kinds of Hot Soups
— Nothing better after skating ! —
Soft Drinks or all kinds—Ice CreamSundaes, Banana Splits
—Vanilla Pineapple,
Coffee and Orange.—Try a boSt7l
Milk for school lunch. EleWobferroYt; c°o1 laat tee
Butter, Buttermilk, Milk and Cream
Se ra rs
No. 7 Massey -Harris 600 lbs.
No. 12 DeLaval 600 lbs.
No. 2 McCormick -Deering 500 lbs.
Now is the time to place
your oredr for
We would appreciate it if you would
leave your orders, with
J. W. Fischer
Phone 513E or 52xr1.8