HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-2, Page 4,• voowtox.colry....AA . , OP AT THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, April 2od, 1941 1 Week end vliers with Miss oodOck were Dr. and Mus. Me, I services in Hotted church were VItreeLL Ofltfl held .on, Stuffily Ref. A Sinchtir...4n, charge, At the evening servid"the JM )WARNING NOTICE subject of the serfnertl yas rth, AE CORN BORER Modesty Maloof," At the Sunlay, school .sepsion an open: schq91: war held When temperance program Ntsli presented by the commlibtee„..„App5 H A Voices Dave on illnistrfvtle& address showing 'on the screen m may be, ;nest either l'i)telent;erLereel,ati!xl:hGtolaith.teerriPIL113'14- t':habid up ,an'a burned • ligare n'tplotiglied. under compl*ly pr' loaned'hy Gordon•Ross, ,A, duet, was, 'May-.29tb, null Lbtfailure to do 'so sung by Misse Alberta sod ,Jer/Sti, leaVeS the offender liable to ' prose - 4iAllttoorla-grawers, whether on, the sngar-cane and 'beelmittilorn 'included, are hereby stoftiifte,dahat, all cern stubble or "btlftirl,dorn 'remnants, no Inattoy. Richmond, In the Anglican church serplee was held at 7 p.m. wit1i the choir .presenting a much -appreciated on- e-, avage'S them. Sunday school convened at 2 p,m. The Guild of the church met at the home of Mrs. Frank Rogerson on Thursday, With a good attendance present. Recent vests atethe home of Mr 7s—rap ME IF— and Mrs. Arthur Barr were Mrs, Tourist: "What a quaint little William .Graliam, .Stratford, ana village! Truly one-half the world Mr. and Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan, isignorant of how the other half. Ashileicl. ry.es." Miss Josie Woodcock atenaed Native: ',Not in this vflluge the funeral of her brother -is -law, rFter, not in this village!" Mr. Dawson ai Dundas, oii Satur- IT PAYS Our Diamond Room Affords Privacy When Buying • Less than 2 weeks to go until Easter! The weather turning definitely milder suggv:ts a new spring wardrobe for Milady. If you are planting on getting a new spring outfit, it will be to your,•:-..r.tage to shop around before you buy, then you will agree that not only will you find the • largest selection of fine spring coats, suits, dresses, millinery :t and all the dozens of smart accessories but at prices that definitely spell S -A -V -I This Pre -Easter sale, which incidentally is combined • with our 9th, Anniversary Sale, has been carefully planned for your benefit and prices on a great number of items, of which we carry a large assortment, have been re -adjusted to make it easy for you to decide where to buy your wardrobe. 4 A reasonable deposit will hold any Garment until you wish t to take it out. re -Easter Coat Sale Among the 335 coats on our racks, you will find Polos, Reversibles, Sport and Dressy Coats, Tweeds, women's and half sizes and the shades, of course, are the newest including several shades of light blue, rose, honeytone, 11 British Navy and Black.. Specially selected for this rale are 2 sections of misses . and 1 section of women's coats, both to retail at $19.95, which will be sold at •.z $14.95 All alterations done free in our shop. But no charges or exchanges, please. Sizes 11 to 19, 12 to 20, 38 to 44 161/2 to 261/2 In the Made-to•Measure Department, we offer fine boucle:5, English tricotines, and imported Novelty materials at F7201121 $1.9095 t $29.95 re-Ezster Suit Sak Dressmaker's suits, worth $16.95 .... • $12.95 Tailored Suits all misses size en to 20, at $14.95 to $275 Bgeolal GIP t $19.95 10 In The Dress Section Better Dresses and women's dresses from • $4.aq Up 'I 2 Very Fine groups at BLOUSES White Sheer, Pastel Shades and Candy t 1 95 Stripes with long sleeves • and up Washable cotton Slubs, White and gypsy $100 • stripes Sizes 12 to 20 .. • • each . SKIRTS Well made in sizes 12 to 20, any shade $1 .9 $6.95 and $10.95 5 and up Extra consideration will be shown to those who purchase their complete Spring outfit. Discounts on complete Bridal outfits. 1 1 in The Millinery Section We offer the largest selection we ever carried in fine chic millinery for all ages and all t 1CM headsizes. Prices for felts and straws •`'' and up In The Lingerie Section Satin Slips, Sizes 34 to 40, White only, 69c Regular $1.00 Special price • Ceflusuede Panties, Small, Medium, Large, Regular 59c Special sale price Over -size Silk Vests and Bloomers 49c 79c' . mon Please note that the Children's Shoppe will open this week -end with a brand new stock of little boys' and girls' coat sets, Dresses, etc. We also carry a large s selection of gifts for the newly born. For Bigger and Better Values in 1941, Shop at The PARIS LADIES SHOP,y, Listowel's Leading Ladies WearStiVe'"'' Where your Dollar Buys More elution or to 'having to pay the cost Of Sending a, man in to do the work. This law will be strictly enforced. V R. W. THOMPSON, Provincial Zntomoiogist ROSS JOHNSTON, b County Inspector, Zurich, 0"-11,—. 4-_,... 05aSSified Ad ' Patriotic FOR SALE— Large Pecan Duck Eggs" 50c per setting, Phone 421-2G Baxter Stevens= • —7 -- FOR SALE— Seed Grain, Alaska Oats & 0.A.0. No. 2 Barley mixed, was. registered I 3 years ago. Harvested dry. Blyth phone 31-r-7 Robt, Wallace 'FOR SALE - 12 pigs about 65 lbs., the right type. phone 160 John G. Spelt WANTED— .4. young 'girl for light house work, needed at once. Phone 90-r 11 FOR SALE - 11 Piwt. 6 weeks old. phone 3S -r-5 L. Frain Lot 8, Con. 4. ----- A truck license plate numbe7 4.92390, Finder please call phone 29-r-10 Ross McTaggart FOR SALE— Vanguard Oats with barley, int - proved Banner with barley. O.A.C. No. 3 Pure Oats. phone 49-r-15 Geo. Whitfield .„. FOR SALE— ., 1 Gray Mare, heaby dratft, rising live, sound and quiet ; 1 Bay Geld- ing, rising 2, Percheron, well broke; 2 Percheron colts rising 1 year old; 1 General Purpose Mare rising 12, in foal; 1 quiet driving Pony in foal, 8 years old. apply to Leslie Chambers Lot 28, Con. 19 Grey FOR SALE— ,600 Cedar Fence Posts varices sizes, also anchors, braces and poles. J. E. 111.artin, lot 14, cnn. 6. Grey- .. ..... phone 40-r-7 FOR SALE— Cook Stove in good repair. Apply at The Post. FOR SALE— ixed Grain, Banner Oats and Two -Rowed Barley. phone 34-r-12 Peter Lamont FOR SALE— One work Horse 4 years old, quiet. Con. 1, Grey Murray Ross FOR SALE— Seed Oats, Ainerican Improved Penner also Brban Oats. phone 23-r-16 Dan McKinnon, R. R. 3, Brussels HOLLAND ELECTRIC BROODERS Raise your chicks the electric nap —no smoke, no fire, no gas, no worry Write for illustrated circular to Noble Holland & Sons, Clinton, R. R. 4, GRASS FARM FOR RENT - 100 acres. running water, plenty of shade. PPly to , phone 33-r-11 John Clarke Brussels FOR SALE - 1 Good Pure Bred Jersey Cow. 4 veers old just freshened; 2 Pure Bred je'rsey Heifers freshen April 7tb, AB 2 sired to a pure bred Mir - ham; 1 colt 3 years old, eligible Tor regis tratton. . phone 13-r-15 Torrance Dundas A.R. 2, Illyth FOR SALE— Mare 1 years old soun.d and right: 114.a..4ev Harris Seed Drill 11 hoe good condition. LOST 1 hound ell tan. 1111000 , Norman SI emlym Dthel, SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE— Farm on highway detour between Brussels and Atwood. 4 Thomas Iterr, Ilentryo I. ' Auspices of Huron County War Services Fund Seaforth Sunday APE" iSaiN2011121a1331:ra Parade begins at 2.15 From Town Hall, and will include Bands, Units from C.A.S.F. in the County, R.A.F. and R.C.A.F. The Rally will be held in First Presbyterian Church at 3 p. when prominent speakers will address the gathering. •11-10711==227 EVERYBO D Y WELCOME Plan Now to Attend 11./.MEMESMUOMIZESIMMEETiaM5B1 0. Municipal• Notice As All Taxes not paicl by April id,, will be returned to 9ederich, those arrears "ar, asket1 to maiii an effort to pay their- ta-rxe'S. themselves further expense. By Order of the Council ..v....so,igafebastlitAregMATeinad2.1•.1.1.4•611.1.1suatal.Cf.,...11 CRANBROOK BELGRAVE The Young People's Society met in the school room of the United Church on Wednesday night last with the fellowship committee in charge. The meeting was presided over by May Frisby. Bruce Scott read the lesson and the prayer was taken by Mrs. O. Logan, The tonic for the evening was a Devotional /Witless bY a former member of the Society, Mrs. E, Wightman. A shipment of finished goods. was forwiai,ded recently by the Meal Red Cross Society, to Headquarters in Toronto. In it were the following articles: 4 sweaters, 8 scorns, 3 pairs long seamen's stockings, 6 helmets, 4 pairs two-way mitts, 2 pairs mile any mitts, 1 pair gloves, 27 .0511' SOCkS, 37 quilts. usrarnuaowsz.amn.g.ammattax..- .lasmousganmimrcagrefte.mongsa.v.xar-zaram....,+ .-.,e.ce.twe*rosenriem!r•••• MMEMEEtrrna=" gamairmass..,1*._,/gossni=errajaz=ar uy Gwent -tent Approved 143kS mad PuIlleals Barred Rocks, White Le.*horns, Light Str.sex Red 84 Rock Cross Breeds PHONE O WRITE FOR PRICES. C vervxy's Chkli Hatcimry phone 132 Mitekeitil, Ont. Ecx 57 1 1 ,0,cm .,1-7,4-nv-'====AMISSESIMENS20421806% 2 'rhe P. Y. P. S. of Kuox Church held their regular meeting on San• day evening, the meeting being prepared by Miss Alice 3. Forest ou 11111010, "Hymns and their Authors." With the ores., Miss Mae Fischer presiding, the meeting was opened with the singing of Hymn 717, "Come let us all unite to .sing" Tha Lord's Prayer was repeated in ant - son, The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secretary, Mrs, L. H. Gordon. The leader gave the topic 011 ,The Writers of Hymns.' Hymn no. 129, "Let tts with a glad- some mind" was sung. The 50111)- ture lesson, was read by Hartley Fischer taken from Matthew 18, 10- 14. The story ibehind the great hymn, "The ninety and nine" W0.0 read by Miss Vella, Fischer, Mrs. Clara Omstead ring a solo entitled "The ninety and nine". Tile enuring was recelbed and Rev. J. 19. Taylor lead in prayer. The 11re Of the Author , who wrote, "How sweet the Name of Jesus sou.nds," Was given gy Mrs, Engel and this hymn no, 457 was sung, The S101'Y 67 the Author Who wrote "There is n green 11111 far away" was given by Mr, Sohn Schnook and this hymn no. 134 woo sung. The 147e story of the Author who wrote the hymn 'Wear- frlY God to Thee," was given. la Miss Alice Forrest arid this hymn was sung no, 470. The story of 1116 life of the Author who wrote "Eternal Father Strong to Save was even by Mrs, L. H. Gorden. The meeting (dosed with the singing of this hymn no. 709 and the, Mizinth 130atettleilon was repeated in unison, eCrearn rcd c Until Further Notice Creamery in Be Open -From 7.30 to 9.30 Saturday Evenings To Receive Cream BRUSSELS CREAMERY PHONE 22 BRUSSELS .4147 -4:46r -0l-- ever atisfi For years we have been known as having the Best Equipped Optical Establishment in this part of Ontario, but still we weren't Satisfied. We realize that THE VERY BEST was None Too Good for the only pair of Eyes you'll ever have. Continuous Study, of Eye Errors and new Methods pf Correction has necessi- tated many changes in Examination and Corrective Proceedures. To keep up with this Rapid Advance in Optical Science we have had our Examation room completely rearranged. New Precision Equipment has been added and old equipment Modernized so that we can NOW offer you Even Better Eye Service than Ever and at no greater coat than you pay for the old time guess methods. Why not have us examine YOUR EYES NOW We can relieve your Eyestrain, and give you clear Comfortable Vision. • F. F. Homuth, Phm. B., R. 0. Phone 118 UARRISTON frinsisnwm, w Ittiri ' 4