HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-2, Page 3AIPOMPAP41....AM4.451. THE BRUSSELS POST Wedeetiday, Aril 344,i$41 eseesesssesessesee zoleep. "r -a .eff_a TO WHAT A GOOD DEAL ON YOUR PRESENT CAR WE CAN GIVE YOV. DON'T WAIT...COME IN TODAYNOW! 4101111111111111111111211121WHISSIV ALEX AN '444' -4"-f Vv4 ,K.fl\t`CD N " Brussels, Ont. In The Garden Too ninth stress cannot be laid an 'planning. especially where perennial flowers, shrubs end trees are cen- cerned. All •tbese things are small when originally planted, but in a fete yeats A is ,sueprisieg how much room they take up. The average Person plants them far too Close to- gether anti in the case of trees and shrubs for te close to the house or fences. Aa a general rule, shrubs, trees and flowers should have • half as much room between os their marture height. Tiles means three and t feet apart for geoids this and a 'half feet tor the ovdinery spirea, end twenty-five to fifty feet for the gen- eral run ,of •Canadian hardwaca treeS. At first this may seem far too open but theeepace may be taken up with annual flowers, in the case of e Pez, ermitel bed, and with temporary. quick-groWing ehrebbery and trees. the others. In fact, many gaedeners now use pernumentlY mixture of anneal plants in their Pereaulal borders. In the case of trees, it is a well-esiablished fact that nature uses the quick -growing Poplar as a sort of nurse crop foe pines. First comes the poplar, kill.. ing out +the weeds and grass, end providing ideal surrountlin`ge for the slower growing, shatie-lovIng ,pins. * +s * Sweet Peas As the sweet pen develops extett- sive mot growth and upper vine structure when 015 weather is cool, P. muse be planted Just as soon as soil is lit to work. leentsng titre - tions ere simple but lin:per:tent. iSuccesseul gardeners advise a trench, dug at least a foot cleetti, fill- ed within two inches of the top 'wilt rich Soil, mixed with well -rotted manure or old 'ernes. Seed is pl,entee an inch or ewe deep. Rains will wash more soil into the trench, filling it up gradually and theadd- Mg further to root growth. Flower which staet in July should be picked daily to encourage steady blooming, under the headings—bardy, semi. hardy end tender. Among the first spineeh, all setts ot letuce, radish and garden peas. A little frost will not hurt these. •Once upon a time gardeners, telvised against the early sowing Of peas for fear seed might rot .in wet, cold ground. There is scant danger of ,this, however, and biggest crops invariably come from ' News Items From The Ontario Weeklies ....;-.NIMIM•011121MOBLI.M116110.5.41, Sheep Claim Reduced Injured At Port Albert In en interesting judgment render- lStoker George T, Currie fell and early .plan.teng and bold, wat ' ed in a Division Court action tried , sprained his neck at the Port Albert weather! 1 in Durham, His Honor Judge G. W. ' Atmore He is now resting corefori.- Seconcl planted vegetables will be 'Morley disallowed a claim of Charles , ably in Wingham General Hospital. carrots, beanis, cabbage, Potaoes Might:on, of Reeky Saugeen+ wile ! Heruvicsnteryany friends wish him it speedy and similes. •things. These will ces sued the township of Bentinck for i stet a fair ' amount of cold. Tender sheep killed by •dogs. The total 1 —Wiagham Adveace-Times vegetables include corn, • melons, amount of the claim was $55, which 1 4,---11-------z.... cucumbers, and tomatoes. :Nothing was reduced to 114 for which is to be gained +by planting these meet judgment was given, the . Dislocated Shoulder before danger of frost is over. ; Plaintiff. —Ohesley Enterpriee. With most vegetables it is a.dvis- •csil New Industry At earorth •able, to make at least three sowings S a week or two evert in order to Miss Senate Mann who had the misfortune to be thrown from a cut- ter, was taken to et josephes Hos- sgreed •the harvest that mach longsr . eital, Lenden, where she Was given E. L. Box has disposed of the + i treatment for a ,dtslocated shoulder. aver the genets. With peas this former Canadian Furniture Manatee - spreading mit is secured 1)5r SCAVITS..; I She received the injury near ber turers factory at the corner of three, kinds, an early, a medium and • home on the Loudon Road aud. is Jarvis and Market streets to tee a late variety, which will result In a now progressing favorablye—Clinton. 1-lesky Flax Product led. A Portion i Noes.,Recerd, eontinutes sweele of garden peas fer of the !building has been used since Vegetable Plantings lite table from m1d4une nnthl a .. last fan by the Pioneer Broom Corn 1, t, Jule. „a. rt- ' Company. The limey Clmilla" I In planting, vegetables nine . peeper Chiniving, freqmuent s I hue also 'purchased the lots onTo Purchase Dairy Cows. the 1 t i0 ne I line= et CARROTS AS CONFECTIONARY • Instead of the usual fruit sold to passengers 111 ' English raflWiY slsitloos sWoet carrots at a penny per packet ,aro being sold by roil. wgy platform waitreseee. Here a tritialt airman 18 Seen enjoying ono of the now pecltet carrots, " 4"411lie ton and an imam Tipp, Pa County Home some good commercial fertilizer en • math of the faotory across Market Street, and the former C.M.S, edge keep vegetables growing 'Quickly and on the north. Meleethe County oe Huron ear - chased a herd of purebred Short- horns or the :Comity Home it did not reckon with n censectuene milk shortage at the inetitution, elthough • During the past week the Tees- warning was given. The shortage water and Dulross Home Boys' Gore came about ecouer than wars expect' mate packed etc' mailed seven ed and for sane time milk Imo been boxes—four for overseas, two boxes bought from outside sources to re- er, leurrorcl, and. Mrs. Willis Walker, • Kerte' , , Plenieit the failing supely, ,So on Toronto and six grandchildren, Two "You're 110111, boY," i irri ini ad to the coasts end one box to a, boy Monday of Ulla WeEkli, at Clinton, the sons, George end Donald are le - Rastas. "And .I.se 1 111..,t iiii-alli-1,-:---02-,1-1 ywleitoretlitevteedei areiel:inelloyf ausdox. ha(ml yentr. 01- County Horne committee or Gouge . eensed, one who enlists bas been giver a gntr of sax by this Socloty, So Far 11) pairs have been given since tee fleet of the year. If you knots of anyone that leis net been given 501 er is stationed Inc far away to get borne ori leave., please send the mune and address to Mes. A, Hanthelse Secreittry, —Teeewater Hen Of DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS • Phone tollecrto this number BRUSSELS - PHONE 72 0'21 INGERSOLL Tenders are to be asked for the an,' eel coal supply, Chairman Dorrance anti Inervecitor Feagen bailie given power to act. The oomanittee during an session witnessed s, demoruetration of an automatic lire alarm system, n. deteator-a,nnunciator, and will re-. commend. to +County Council at its June •session that it be purchased and installed. The grand jury et the last fall assizes recommended. that adeitional lire protection be provided at the County Home. ,Those in attendance at the meet - ins; were Reeves N. R. Dorrauce cbagrnwn; Francis Dime - an, Morris; T. C. Wilson, Grey; Pelaed Gyain, Turnberry; Benson Tuckey, Exeter and Warden James Leiner, ---Soderich Signal -Star quick growing makes for tenderness, Not a Sailor Rastus, en his zrst ocean trip was desirous of getting off the boat, 'Say, said a friend, "It's • easy to see you're a landlelsber ail Locals Get Boxes Mr and Mrs. Alex McKay Celebrated Golden Wedding Anniversary Paw years ot 'wedded life were celebrated by Mr. and Aire. A.lexareler ettlety at their home 10 Alweau on aeseey, 'Meech el. Die- ner was served at uoou to the fam- es- teel eatels, inciutimg Ur. and :Mrs, John Hoevard, Mr, and Mrs. Jetnez ,Tit, it„ay \via AiLT:dy and Ale Leslie nt tewnishp. Mr, 001 Mrs. Liam St; ea; itt al.,akti-n, Renee ilare. mel els. and Is. FrFoLillF' mir111:%e1,the dinner, three grand- children, Jean .Steellenseal, Jessie Cleland and Gerald Fraser presented Mr. and 'Mrs. McKay with a gold Masonic ring, gold locket and satia bed pread. Among the many gifts cards, telegrams and telephone Ca113, 11,71,5 an address of good wishes and. the presentatien of a cane and leather handbag from their many friendit and neighbors in Atwood - Mrs. 'Lloyd Valiance read /the 011 - dress anti IVIesers, Albert Gordon and Brace Smith presented the gifts. • ,Over one hundred and seventy-dve friends called during the aternoon and evening, and Rhe time was spent in social chat and renewing ac- elenintan.ces. Mrs. G. M. Phemister attended the doer. The living room and dialing room were decorated with epring flowers. ' The lea table, with its spring flowers. yellow •tepers in eilver holders: and lace cloth, loked very attraotive. Tee was poured by Mrs. Bertha Hanna. &Ins. 8. Bissett, Mrs. Fred Fisher, and Mvs. C. Petrie. Those assist. ing in the tea room were Misses Elizabetb Barton, Marjorie Cleland, Eleanor and Norma, Fisher, Mr. McKay was born in Stratford, the son of the late Mr. and 'Mrs. George McKay. Mrs. McKay is the daughter of tile late Mr. and Mrs. IT McKay o MctKtllop township, and is sixty-nine years of age. Her 'husban,d1 seventy-six. They were married lie Winghain by Rev, 11, Me - Quante, and with the exception or three years during which they re- sided east of Willow Grove, Login township, they farmed in Eines :township. ,Illour years ago they dis- posed of their Tann on. the Sth eon. west and moved to Atwood, and are enjoying a well earned rest after many years at toll, They have four daughters: Mrs. Boy :Cleland, Atwood; Mrs. Percy istembensan, Ethel; Mrs. 1. P. Free- how much I really bibs itl"---61. ,Toho Globe, * 0 * * HALF HOLIDAYS * A resolution 'sighed by 31 5' business meth in the \Aline v.` of lerussels--that the balF 5; holldSys commence the first * week In April and continue 01 ! to the last week In November *1 and open Wednesday night'1 Octet May 7th till 'October ist Si 1041 41 DO 4: 0 * :4 A robe on Saturday night belong- ing te Mooch'. Pinder leSve at The tPost.' Commit authorized the puvoluese of I five dairy COWS forthwith, Chairmen N. R. nominee, Warden ,temes Leiner and Inspector George ireagan else Were instructed to dispose of it heavy team ot Perch. - erns and to nurohaae a new team. Tenders also have been naked 011 a new ltair-ton truele and a new electric washer is to be purchased for the matroili The tender of T. X, Ailey for the Two women were disenselug the heel method of getting vet OE me 'welcome visitors. Said Mr. Brown: "My boar. li'squite simple. 1 always put on my hat and coat when I bear, the doorbell, Then, if It's 'some- f cue I -don't wand to • be bothered. wlith, 1 IM elaY, `Virliat a pity, I'ia just going oat.'" 941 e0011117 of groceries IV841. aceept, ',And suppose 1t someope yen do ed, as were, those et Itoss rilstilm. want 10 :see?" asked the other, 'OIL then X say, igow fortineate.. tbilltwO and IlarrY 13naliff for bro.& nve log; 000kO 141,4 mons for moot, M. 7. Agnomrlor , 1