HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-4-2, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Attention t
Mr. Farmer
Mr. G. A, Moore ],Poultry Products,
Inspector for tide; district, with
'headquarters a Walkerton, 'Ont.,
visited Brussels on Mondayof this
week, stated that the main points to
the advantage oaf the producer are,.
Cleanness and keeping eggs at' an'.
even ,cool tenmetature before iia•
livery to egg grading station.
,So far as could be learned it is
advantageous .in having eggs go
through the process of the new egg
giladhig regulattone now in effect.
but producers also have an im-
portant +pat% to practioe 10 order to
get bigger dividends. The poultry
.houses and yards. •should be clean
and 's'anitary and preferably fenced
yards. It is a known fact that the
quality, of ,food and drink partaken
by a hen is found in the quality of
the' eggs, Hens allowed to run just
anywhere, to eat from any pile of
refuge and drink from any water -
hole cannot lay eggs of good quality.
Only grain feeds, plus recognised
suplementary feeds In the mash,
need be fed. No male birds are
to be kept in pens supplying Grain
Al eggs, before or after the breedi7 g
season -
'Candling eggs may also be term-
ed as sort of X-ray, 43andlers must
pass an examination under the latest
ruling and by holding an egg in
position before an approved light
can look through the shell and
detect anything that may lower
its quality. The cleanness and
soundness of shell is also observed
and taken into consideration.
A Registered Egg Grading Station
is inspected and producers must'get
their enact grade, they cannot allow
It to be too high nor lower than it
really is, according to the new
Through the generosity of Mr. D.
A. Rana, of 'Brussels, a fine piano
has been placed in Victoria Hall
Jamesfiawn. The people of this
'community are very grateful to Mr.
Bann for his gift.
A social evening was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Me
Cutcheon who hospitably opened
their home to the community for the
night. The evening was spent in
progressive euchre until lunch, after
which dancing was indulged in. A
very enjoyable time -ma reported
by all. Proceeds of the evening
amounted to $16.53 and was givento
the Ladies ,patriotic society.
Brussels Opera House
Wednesday night, April 16
auspices of 14th concession
War Workers.
Funds for• War Work
Admission — Adults 35c
Children, 15c
Come to
Cards from 8.45 to 11 o'clock.
Dance afterwards to
Pryce's 4 -piece Orchestra
Net proceeds to the War
Services Campaign
Lunch served
Admission— — 35c
Come out & help a worthy cause
G. McCallum'
c -u rl�
Seaforth Ont.
Wednesday April 2nd, 1941
James C. Shearer, Huron Agri-
cultural Representative, Iry charge
of the popular •casdt or produce
feature of the Huron War Services
oomeeign now in progress.
Legal Action For
Contract Breach
Is Considered
Local News. Items
Easter Flowers Engagement Announcement
Leave you orders for aster t0 lie; . anodunciells; 4B1ic a GouWatkeu,'twl' sl
Lillian, flowering Plaints and cat their •only daughter Margaret 1 ., to
'.Quare now"with Itoi>et•t J. Kirkby, son of Mr, ant';
MRS, M. BALLANTYNE Mrs. H. B, Kirkby of Wallop,
—x— Marriage to take place in April,
'last Recruits - x
At London Joins' Active
Service Force
Enlistments in the R. C, A. F. at
Fa ford, who joined the Perths at Iiant-
" the week ending Merck 29th, 1341 ilton this week is well-known in this
included:• locality. He was editor of tirc-
Cole, William Henry. Listowel; Ont, dietriet page of ieacon-Herald for
Campbell, Stanley I. R,R, 3 the past two -and -one-half yearn and
Brussels, Out. travelling about the district 1n the
ilicN:airn, Lain J, Seaforth, Ont• capacity a news bound and phoro-
'-a— greeter he made many friends. New
CARD OF THANKS he lues forsaken his editorial desk to
Lieut. Frank B. Kennedy, • Str•at,-
the London Recruiting Centre i
Huliett Turnberry, Morris
And West Wawanosh.
Affected By C.N.R.
Line Abandonment
Hingham, Atprfl 1.—Wits, the
CNA. line from Clinton Junction
to Wingham 'Junction reported as
closing on April 12 there are indi-
ndications that action will be entered
by some of the affected municipal._
Ities against the railroad.
Hallett Township had a clause in
its original contract stating that
in the event the line is closed, and
.that service is not given to the
Londesboro station they have the
right to demand repayment of the
825,000 advanced in the first, place
to the railroad. The •sum is' pay-
able plus: interest dating from the
time of the agreement,
Clerk J. W. McCool, of Hullott
Township, stated yesterday that he
• is not in a position at the present
time to give any information on
action which may be taken. He
stated, however, that 'the council
has sought legal advice and the
matter will he discussed at the
April meeting of the Township
The municipalities Turnberrse
Morris and West Wawanesh town-
ships have agreements' with the
railroad also, but the agreements
de not contain dhe same clause as
the Iiullett ono. In the event of
tate 'closing of the line, it is belie\ --
ed by officials of these townships
that they resort to notion on the
basis of a breach of contract.
Action is believed to hinge on the
closing of 'the line. If the line is
closed on April 12, the municipal.
'hies will sesta legal proceedings
their •officials state.
0.-7+ ICs
go on active service with the Perth
Please accept our sincere' thanks Regiment. Frank is a brother or
for your kind words and deems, the publisher R, - W. Kennedy of . 'The
people of .the village for the ,lovely Brussels Post,
wreath and loan of ears also to these —x—
who- came to seeek to me. To Dr. At the Churches
Maimed for his klncless. Tn Rev Services in Melville Presbyterian
Mr,'Snell for his message of emu -tort Church were conducted to the tnbru-
an+d to Mr. W..11. Love .for hes land..ing by the Mindeiter, Rev. S. Herr.
Hess, They will be pleasant neanos'' who'apoke on "Anchors of the Soul;",
les in the lonely days to come. The evening service was conducted
Sincerely Mre, L M. Henry by •the Rev: Kenneth McLean, B.A.,
and Family.
Tyronne Power • • Linda.Darnail
The Mark of Zorra
MoN.,, ",UES., WED.,
Melville Church
Y. P. S.
The Y,P.S. of Melbille Presby-
resbyterian 'C'hurch held their weekly
meeting on Monday evening with the
b ceapeesident, James -Lamont, in the
chair. The Scripture lesson was
read- by Frank ,Scott and Prayer was
offered by Isabel McTavish. Mr.
Laycock, a teacher from the Cott-
tinua.Hon School had the toele on
"Bird Lite," and gavea very in-
teresting talk on our •Canadian
birds, after which games were
played and lunch served.
Mi+s. Stanley Wheeler has been a
visitor during the ,past few days
with friends ill Lonodn.
BORN—on March, 13th, 1941, to
Harold end Mrs. Cardiff, •a daughter,
The Turnbull and McFarlane
Ninnies attended the funeral of the
Kay; Kayser !Helen `Parish
IN -
You'll Find Out
Music and Comedy
That Wilt keep you humming
and chuckling ,fordays,,
Kay Frances Jaok Oakie
Little Man
George Bancroft Jimmy Lydon Hits. James McDonald's on April
_x I lith The, oonoent "Tito Piamily
Paul Mnnt
IlUcison's Bay
United Church
Y. P. S.
The Young People's meeting - of
March 31, was in charge of Miss
Lois Plum. After hymn - 15 was
sung. Barbara Michie led in prayer,
and Jeanette Sanderson read the
•Scripture taken from John
Bar'bar•a Thyune read a poem, hymn
4913 was sung and the minutes were
read, and the business discussed.
The .topic was given by Louise
Stiles•. Aa0ter hymn 504 and God
Save the King was sung the meeting
was closed with the Mie ah Beep -
District Meeting
Of Rebekah Lodge
Morning Star Rebekah Lodge was.
represented by five car loads at a
meeting of District No. 5 in Edel-
weiss Lodge, Seaforth on Monday
when Sis. Betty Dundee, Assembly
President of Ontario made ler
official visit,
The meeting took the form of a
School of Instruction suggested by
Sis. Dundee and arrgnged by bis.
Mabel Jenkins D.D.P., of Clinton.
of Wingham. An anthem was given
late ;Mas, Herold Turnbull, Friday oC Milvertoru, Goderich, Clinton, Sea -
the pasit week to Elnia. twp. - forth and Brussels Lodges partici.
Con:gnatialations are due 'Charlie gated in this work. the Draping of
and Mrs, Deaner, 4th con., on" the -the Charter being the part taken by
arrival of a little daughter, Moonlnb Star Lodge ISlatena Denman
NOTICE— and Edgar sang very suitable duet
Srpecial Meeting of the ratepayere "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere."._ Mrs.
of S.S. NO. 3, Grey, for the purpose Helen 'Stott also rendered an ac -
of the re -siding of the ,school, on cordeen solo. during the afternoon
Wednesday, April 9th ee 8 p.m, programme. A delightful 'banquet
Sahel Board Conranittee.tens served
by the Seaforth Ladies.
�Ji 1 An e'e
v ning session attended by
Douglas.. E. Brown, Mayor o1
eericn who to ir•easurer of the
ron County War S e r vlc e a
Miss Alice Jewitt; resident of
Brussels massed away Sunday,
March 30th.
The late Miss, Jewitt was born in
Morris twp., in August 1870, She
moved with her parents the late Mr.
and Mrs. William Jewitt to Brusesls
about fifty years ago. For many
years: she was an active member of
the Methodist .Church, later the
at the morning service.
Services in the United Church on United Ohurch of Brussels, Sire
Sunday were conducted by the • Min- 'lived -a long life of service during
ister, Rev. C, L. Lewis, whose sub-
ject in the morning wee "The Am-
bassador with a Mission." The sub-
ject in theevening being, "The Duty
of Praise," An anthem was given a:t
the morning and evening service.
Services in St. John's Anglicar,
Church on +Sunday were conducted
by the Rentor, Rev. Frank Watts., 11
was Passion Sunday with Holy Co"•m
mutton and sermon in the morning
and evensong and sermon in the
Spring ?
With all its Grandeur "'-
Bright warm sunshine, wakening
to the sound el birds chattering in
the tree tops outside our windows,
tiny . blades of new green showing
through the dead brown of old
grabs where the snow has lost in
the struggle with 01d Sol; the sap
running and thick sticky buds on
pare broevn limy+s and not so
!pleasant, the mud and water that
intake the going so pad on country
roads—surerly we can't mistake' all
of these signs. )Spring must ;be
just around the proverbial corner.
When the farmer brings oat his
sap ;pails and spiles and goes off to
the woods to start his maple syrup
Making we can be sure that , the
snowdrops and crocus will push
their inquisitive bright heads out
of thewarm earth and soon will
follow all ,that lavish mother nature
gives with the springtime.
So make that diminishing- •coal in
which she took laving care of her
parents. Miss Alice Jewitt will be
intssed.by her neighbours as she
Was ever syunpathetic and kindly to
them all.
' The funeral was held from her.
late residence Tuesday, April 1st,
Reb. C. Lewis, minister of Brussels
United Church conducted the service
and' interment was made in the
Brusesls cemetery. Tlie pall bearers
were her nephews: William Jewitt
Wilbur Jewitt, Tom Waddell,
George Hall, Stanley Hall and Elwin
' •" ttntong those whoattended the
funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Jenvdtt, Winglvaen; Mrs, (Rev.) Geo.
Jewitt, Sarnia; Rev. and Mrs. E. W.
Jewitt, Sarnia; Mrs. (Rev.) Max
Parr, :Galt; Mr. and Mrs, T. Waddell,
Newton; Mr. and Mrs, George Hall.
Flint, Mich.
She leaves to mourn• her passing
two brothers: Lewis, of Wingham
and Reuben, of Iiincraid, Sask. :She
was predeceased by three sisters
and one brother: Mrs. John Wilkin-
son, Mrs, William Iia11, Mrs. Rias
Stttbibs and Rev, George Jewitt,
The regular monthly tea was held
In the Red 'Oros Wom1aoom Wed.,
March 26th with a splendid attend
once, the receipts yeing $22.65.
your bin last Just a little longer and Mrs Wallace Campbell, chairman no m ,re shovelling real in the
'Aresee and teo more ashes to he of the National Women's War - Work
writes the following article' in a
to en out of It for another
now ton recent issue of the Toronto Star.—
,itnriths: Before many days "Our society and the American Red
can put swot' your snow shovel and Cross are now the chief sources of
get out the lawn mower. When
Aid for clothing,
th- ___....,i„
no longer need the one you can. het- and hospitedC
on 11--ou will soon use the r, arge Rr
feeothel alfa
Legion, Army and
Airforce Will Co•opergte.-
In Big Parade
A monster patriotic rally nndiee'•
the auspices of the Huron Counts' '
War Services Fund -will mark the
beginning Of the final few days rig
the drive- in Idnron County, ,aeeer'.J
ing to plans arranged by the Hume
Board at a tweeting in Clinton ma.
Saturday. The oarnpaign has bee'rr •
in urogress a week and canvassers
are meeting with a ready reception:
in every part of the Bounty.
'The rally which is being held 'Iii'
Seaforth comences with a parade at
2.1+6 pm. In the [parade will ars
Boron County branches of the Can-
anadians Legion, county bands, detach-
ments from active serbice unite Ire
the comity including the R.C•A.P
and Tt.A.P., 'D' Co., of the Middlesex'
and Huron Regiment, and other in-
terested parties.
The rally proper will be held rzr,
First 'Presbyterian Church when out-
standing speakers will address the
gathering. George W. 'Schaeffer, of.'
•Goderich, is chairman of -the 'spacer
committee in charge of the rally.
Warden Donate' McCallum, ofi'
Perth County, has responded to the
challenge of Warden James, Letpetc
of Huron County. The challenge .as'
given, by the Huron warden was that
Huron County would have a greats;
percentage over its quota than 'Perth
County. The forfeit of the bet eras
the loser to buy the 'winner's wife•
a new hat—et least a five-troffer—
ve'dol a'"model—as 11 a lady's hat -could he
purchased for less!
Meanwhile, the canvassers are '
busy on the "money or produce'
campaign in 'Huron County for tItn
War Services drive. Canvassers in
the unben centres have already
started their collections, but the
rural canvassers have had - the
handicap of bad roads_
x :!ess
Rev. C*. L Lewes was a Tar*n&r,'
visitor on Thursday,
* * *
Miss Margaret Pearson is ill ne
her home in Grey. Her many
friends hope for a speedy rocovern:
about 160 members of the Lodges of
the District commenced at 8 o'clock
when Bath Lodge, Strattord exam-
The LT.F.W.O. meeting was held at piffled the • degree in a splendid
the home of Mrs. John Marshall on manner,
March 20th. A lied Cross quilt was Very' interesting` tike•- wore given,.,
indtdal et the meeting.. It was , de- by S',s. Dundas AP, &MI Ste. 'Imitate
tided to prepare a bale of refugees n,A,p., also Bra,
'clothing ,to he sent to tho-Salvatibit Site Dundas was presented with a
Army. Mrs, dlelson Reid will attend liestess tray by SM. Mae Derrance
the' Tnalning ,Sahool at Clinton an• eepiaasenting Seaforth and '315,
• Meats in the Menu." Mrs. 'ROA,' Muriel Allen, representing Breese's.,
MoMlchael gave a detnonstnaition on. ; Sts; Jenkins wad presented with a
,Salads which was enjoyed by all piece of :'pottery by Sis. Georgine
'1ihe April meeting will be lteld at Smith representing Seaforth end
Sis. Aletba Mann representing
Brussels. The Very enjoyable
Album" 'which was poetetoned en i evening was broight 10 a close with
amount, of bad roads will be held On a eoeiai half-hour,- the Seaforth
April 18th, - ladies serving a lunclteen,
But at long last We can
in saying --stere comes the Spring
their quotas and follow instructions
Lean their branches"
Although Canada bas been able to
givereal aid to Brittsth air raid
victims, 'the Red Chose Warehouses
in England also kept on hand an
1 adequate stook of hospital su
,k * :k
Mr. Joe. Hamilton has been visit—
isiting in London.
4 t:
Mr. M. Wineberg has been
Oblcville the past week.
• * *
Mr•. 'Laycock was a week end{
visitor In Woodstock,
* 5 *
The many friends of Miss liravere
Bryan ,regret to learn ofi her centime,
ed serious illness.
and woollen coanforts for any emery
etvcy needs of the Canadian armed
forces in Britain- Cables • from
Hnglaed indicate that the Comedian.
Red (Wass le p'ouring supplies into
distressed and bombed areas of
Britain. We must keep up tile.
quotes and work harder than ever.
Remember the bombskeep fallirrg•
from Hitler's planes and ,the -result-
ant suffering is 'Mende.
'The 'Finance •Corannittee are plan'
piing a dance on Wednesday, April.
':34th: Keep this date In mind and
heup,u, worthy causer' 'b ' being there:
The• foliowing is the" work coin-
pleted and packed for ehiptinent dnrr
• hie the Month of Matruh --1161 Pairs
Harry Boyle well known radlo aocace, 3 ialeevelees eWeatete, 7 tank
who with A. sweaters, 6 army sweaters; 11
announcer of Winghem w
Y. Mete= Of Seatorth 15 haridl'n' s°arils, 16 wash ctath.w 17 rililied'hol
t W mots, I Balaclava helmet% 41' pre,
e YiatMat c.
Jesus said: '^He that is not
with me is against me." Which •
side is your choice? '
Melivlle Church'"
11 a.m.—"Welcome the
3 p.m.—Sunday School
and Bible Class. •
7 p.m.—"Cleansingethe -
Come and Welcome•
SerYiees Campaign,ign.
publicity for the Huron Couil y
kerchiefs, 40 pts, p mitts, 13 quilts, 1 afghan', 20' hand -
St, John s Church
Palm Sunday
11 a.m.--Morning Prayer,.
7 pan -,--Evening Prayer..
United Church
11 a.m:—"On to Tritinsple
Sacrament of 'Hold
3 p.m.—Church Schaaf
and Bible Class.
p.m.—"It is later thane-
you think."'
All young people are tures
to be present.