HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-3-26, Page 7Good Used Separators No. 7 Massey-llarris 600 lbs. No. 12 DeLaval 600 lbs„ No. 2 McCor ick -Deering 500 lbs, N'i'aw is thes, tr t° or r Wilt's Hi -Test Fertilizer We would appreciate it if you would leave your orders with J. W. Fischer Massey -Harris DeaIer Phone Six or 52 lace Starting Low "Is it true that this shore sells everything from a packet of pins to an airplane " "Quite true, madame." "Well, a packet of bins, please." A new safety idea is to mark highway centre lines by neon tithing covered by transparent plastic, visible at night, Tourist My, what a beautitui sunset that is. Native—Yeah,ant bad for a small place like this. This New WAR SAVINGS PLEDGE has been mailed to you 111.10 Ce �p99 a 00,00. o11'ic,.� 4 �,a.W'J ,.",.•a•. tn4 aril) nn w+ Fa4O ,ran° o*"' �,i.e•0; •`" °a,p s" ,Y .* ..s r .w" 1••� v�^•„ rte` l°- 2144 For cath msnter drdaei;'t of `( 54 von rccoivo a cat tit !cats kr 06 I 58 „ „ , 5101 020 „ „ ,• " 140 " ' " " 100 SIGN UP F 1 THE :DURATION in Canada's Argy o 25000,000 Regular War -Savers Be one of the first to enlist. You will be receiving your official enlistment blank—the new War Savinss Pledge, Use it to instruct your bank to make purchases of War Savings Certificates for you every month — automa- tically. Your bank looks after everything for you—reds your money to Ottawa each month, and the C: t tificates are mailed direct to the registered holder, There is no charge for this service, Here is an effective way to serve—and a sure way to save. And remember, too, you are not giving year money, but lending it, and at a good profit to yourself a full 25% in 7% years! So watch the nisi) iter this new official War Savings Pledge. When it arrives, lite It to Help Smash Hitler. Additional Pled,ees ere avail- able at your bank or from your local War Savings Com- anittee. Sign tip now! "You Sierve by Sapli g" Invest Re,At Ilia A War Savings Certificateg 1 THE BRUSSELS PAST News ,;l t : ms From The Ontario Weeklies Saw Six Deer On Monday as Measles, J. H, iters, Henry Mogk, James Ileanings),. and. Sam Smith were returning from Strastford they, spotted a herd of ads deer in a field on the west side of the road several mites south of Topping. The deer were eating as unconcerned about the oars passing to and fro along the highway as u head of enttlo. ,Milverton Sun. C=lam---- �1�•-0 Up On Wages Charges A Walkerton law officer, who since his arrival thole last Sete tember, has employed a house- keeper to take charge of his nine and three children, was brought up in court last Friday on a dharge of nonipayntent at wages, ' Magistrate Waltzer, after hearing the evidence, gave the defendant two days to ,make settlement. Failing ie this, au order of attachment of his effedts .would be issued. —(Mildmay Gazette, CSI A Large Egg On Wednesday gateman Harold Stodk o-1 East Zona brought a largo egg into the office, which measured 8 Inches around•the ends and 6� in. ches around Me middle. It tipped the scale at three and three-quarter oun- ces, W0ien. one takes into conslera tion that the weight of au average dozen Jo about 24 ounces, one may be able to understand that the egg went a long ways towards Ye Ed's supper that evening, The egg wee' laid' by a Barrell Rock lien, Mr. Stock told The Gazette, —Tavistock Gazette Lake Huron Fishermen Prepare For Season Kincardine, March 24.—In prepay atlan for the spring fishing season, which will open as soon as harbors are freed of ice, commercial fisher- men along Lake Huron .are getting tugs and gear ready. George Mc- Gave's tug 'Onward' here is being made ready. At Southampton nets' have been over8rauled and boats aro being put into. condition. D. G. Rossi is having his two titgs used in construction work, tirade ready here. There is still a fair amount o£ ice on the lake and harbors are still frozen over, but a little favorable weather will clear Eh em, car cera Mr. Hepburn's Rabbit Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn has putt ed a rabbit out of the Queen's Park het. He announced in his budget speech yesterday a .surplus of over $12,000,000 dollars. If Mr, Hepburn is proposing to go to the people this Year, and apparently that is what he is planning, it will be a great talk- ing point on the hustings. From the standpoint of sound fin- ance, however, and the welfare of the country as a whole, it is quos• tionable whether such a surplus Is }vise. 01 is very evident that the people of Ontario are being taxed more titan Is necessary at a time when Dominion. taxes for war pur- poses are going, up by leaps 'and' bound's. --London Free Press, C-fir•—roc=.."'�7L���• GETTING MARRIED A young couple gradually got married in the columns 0f the 114oi )bridge, ,South Dakota, Tribune' Miss Jennie Jones and Bob Hen- ry were nrat'ried at 'the Ansa mansion last night. The bride is the tinghter of •Constable Josses I who has .made a goodofficer and undonbtediy will be re-elected ih,lg spring. TIe offers a fine horse for sale in another comma of this issue. The groom runs a grocery 'store 00 MainStreet and is a steady patron of our advertising columns. He says he hes a good line of bargains in his ad, this week, All summer he paid two Dents more for butler than any otter store bo town. They were married by Reverend, Josiah But- terworth, rluo last week called at the °taco told gave tt5 -a nice order for bandbit•Is. Ile is,..nlso going to give some time 40 the ren) estate businessandwill write fire . Maur - mice, `:So 'say the business cards we recently printed for Mini. Jennie and Bob: lett on the 10 o'clock train for Milwaukee to atilt the bride's male]°, who, we understand, has lots of mon°y, 'Eclipse Of Moon A partial eclipse of tite moon, the first eclipse of 1941, took plane en Thursday morning, Marcia, 1$. The greater part of this eclipse was v's flee thl'oaghout moot of North Amer. Ica, except the extreme northeast- ern section, About orie4lhlr'd of the anann% disk was darkened by the eaptlt'e tahenanteuon was olearlY v'sibie ,at 4$7 u,tn, , (E,S,T,) when the neon entered the penumbra. ehllverton .Sun Local Drillers Brought In Oil Well Last week an oll well was brought in by. F, L. Davidson and son, Bili, who have leased the 124 -acre farm of Lorne Eastabrook, 5 miles east of Watford, At 298 feet natural gas canto in at about 4,000 cubic feet an hour, and oil was struck at 393 feet The well wag drilled to a total depth of 430 feet, The pumping test pro. duced•3 barrels a day (35 gals. to a barrel) and, in two days increased to 5 barrels and Is stili increasing. The od1 ie of high quality, having a gravity test of 38, and rices 185 feet in the well. This is the only well that has beer drilled in Ibis locality, the nearest being one mile to the north and several wells four miles to the east and west. — Wingham Advance -Times Too Much Rowdyism Street fights said other disturb- ances wore numerous in 'Goder1ch last 'Saturday night and while nine people were taken in by police lar questioning only two were detained and they were released on bail on Sunday. They duce disorderly counts, arising out of an argument over who was to escort two young girls. Four airmen from Port Albert and one civilian were picked as ringleaders in a general free-for- all on South street, in which faces were bruised, eyes blackened and 'blood flowed. In this case too, the argument was said to have started aver "girl friends" supporters going to the aid of the respective disput- ants. :Since Monday a special R„A.F, patrol has been on duty In Goderich 111 late afternoons and ev- ehings, and this force is to be Au - bled on Saturdays and 0000101 oc- casions. Police said all hotels had been visited and proprietors sternly warned to `keep hotel., —Gooerdcit Signal -Star onane— La. -0 Cars Collide In Walkerton When William Demerling of Gow anstown was pulling out from the curb in front of the Hartley ,House, during the rush hours of 'S'aturday afternoon, his car contacted the car of George Sahnurr of the Bobbin Factory staff, travelling eastt, and the noise of the impact attracted a crowd to the scene practically block- ed ,traffic on Wal'kerton's main aisle for a time. As each blamed the other for the oollislon and there seentecl Tittle or no possibility Of say decision being reach on the matter, Chief Oonsitable Ferguson was sum- '•`•oned and, after listening to the dispute, persuaded each to assume his own costs in the affair, which waled amount to something between a five and a ten spot apiece. Adopt- ing this: advice, atter some hesitation the wordy clash closed, and the crowd of onlooker'sslant away and traffl0 once more resumed its norm - 01 colfase over the asphalt. ' -Walkerton HerakaTime3 LC What Everybody Knows (Some, people are very disturbing charaotens. For years and years You believe.something or other is nai- omaitic—one 'of those things that "everybody knows"—.and then ono of these disturberry comes along antl closets the thinking habits of a lifetbne, Only the outer day we were die - alleging • this and that with one of these gentry, when, the subjeet of currency inflation Dame up. Alter a Itttle pmnislp;at character relisltoppiodary us C0 ash,rring "Whahist is a Canadian dollar"." That seem- ed silly, because even slimids know what dollars are, 1314 this chorae- tet• .insisted on Tru answer, Being such an easy one, we didn't ihositivte at fleet. 130101y we an- nattemed that a dollar Is a piece of paper wallets3s legal tender In this country and used as a medium or exchange, That disposed of Mot Wed slay, Mai' 2Gth, 1041 ire 31 "Every datr,well awl bowelly dose, i, o contribpllw, to victory," THE PAINE MINISTER DP' CANADA. " VEIY 1f E E 1 G u p a99 We know a man who travels across Canada several times a year. He meets and talks' with literally hundreds of people of ell classes, "The more people I meet," says he, "the clearer it becomes to me that folks in the main want to be kind and help- ful. They're a pretty decent lot: "But for unfailing courtesy and helpfulness _I would pick the men and women in the telephone service. I've yet to find one I wouldn't turn to with perfect confidence in an emer- gency. They seem to put courtesy first every time That 'voice -with -the -smile' phrase is a matter of actual practice- not just a phrase" Well, it's fine to hear anyone talk like that. It makes us try all the harder to deserve such prse, ecial- lyaiwhentele- ax cge�3i4a''rc'4 4 phone service is so vital to the nation at war. Odds Gkleitat •a —we thought. Not so, This char- acter demanded that we read what is printed on what we thought was a Canadian dollar. This is what we read; "BANK 0'8' CANADA WILL PAY TO BEATIER ON DEMAND ONE DOLLAR." As the character ,pointed out, that piece of paper ob viously wasn't a dollar, but a bearer security _ a mere promise to MY dollar. Now we are wondering what the governor and deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, whose signatures appear on these pieces of paper, would give us if we took them at their word and presented one or these promisory notes to them for redemption. The disturbing character says they would probably give us the gate. —Fort Erie Times -Review. Here Are A Few Tips For Amateur Painters There is nothing painitable that does net look better with a fresh coat of paint. Paint and a sense of humor may transform the drab - est room inito a thing of beauty and a joy forever (or at least as 1 long a time the paint will hold oat) Remember this when bhe urge to paint hits for you. For the little jobs you do for yourself read instructions an, the can. For the big jobs consult a reliable painting contraotor—it pays in the end, • Stir the paint thoroughly—thin it according to the constructions on the can. Be sure the surface is clean and dry before Tainting. The perfection of .the paint job depends on the paint and the brush it is put on with, Be sure you select the right one for ••the purpose. If the surface has not been painted before find about "undercoats" aiad let the first coat 417 before putting on the second. Color effects lighting. right colors reflect more light than dark colors. Flat fluishes are best for large wall surfaces, high gloss for woodwork, furniture and 'floors. Semi -luster paints are excellent fel- walls arwalls of bathroom and kitchen because they are easy to keep nice and clean. To Use Fast Cars Hon. Gordon. Conant, attorney - general of Ontario, addressing the 34th annual meeting of the Ontario Motor League said that "adequate new enforcement is a big factor in preventing highway accidents,, The atorney-general revealed that with- in n month 46 motor cars, vanguard of 125 which will go into service in the nett time years, will be patrol- ling the highways in place of motor- cycles. He hoped the presence of the cars which will be effectively mark- ed ass pollee cars, would have a bens. flolal effect in reducing highway accidents. , • Motor On Inside Airplane Wings Deveopment of a new type air• eradt engine designed to fit entire- ly within a thin airplane wing wale announced here yesterday by Starry Woodhead, president of the Aviation ,Manufacturing corpor- ation. The new motor develops 1,200 honse grower and has 12 cylinders in two 'hanks each.. The banks 180 degrees apart so the motor is said to be one of the first to ever de- rveloped of its. type.' Woodhead said the engine was 87 inches high, 44 inches wide, and that it was built se that it could be installed in a thick root of a bomb er ar transport plant. The engine is liquid cooled. Power 4s transmitted to the pro- peller by an extension shalt. Tay its use in multi -motored planes, he said, speeds could be increased 15 per cent, Good clean seed, mixed grain, Alaska Oats. and O.A.C. Barley; Banner Oats and '0.A:C. Barley. Minim Oats and 0.A.C. Barley apply to R W. Whitfield phone 49-r-9 Brussels MONUMENTc High-class Workmanship Designs that are different F. W. Kemp, AUCTIONEER (Licensed) Sates Conducted Anywhere CANA LIZ M "aIN1 I in Ontario R E CO en SS S j 'hone 38 « Listowel iiiiMINOMMUMEMNIM♦4414444444444444 4 4'4444.1