HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-3-26, Page 4,KM . utela(91.1h, BBBycB1C11 140 writing. No money orders. No bother, Just call or phone, 1.00%'eve delivery guaranteed, Gilbert E. N ethery R. R. 5, Brussels MORRIS Notice to- Contractors The Township of Grey is aelibet for Teltdels for orashiug and lraulin, 1'2 400 ,q1' 'more yards oe gravel, to b detivereil on `the ToWni91113 roads a� the road sept, may direct. 11re gravel ito pass theleagh ?, screen 9'n 1n. sC1.19,191 or 1 in 4ounld1•, perforation,.. certified cheque fors $f00: must alCemPalty each tender. Tlio ender seed cheque .of the su0ee;p?':�„t• , 4 er will be retained until the e ntrae- is completed, Tenders will be e• celved by the Road Sart; up ; to 2 o'clock, April 5th, 1941. Tenders will be opened et the Township office, Ethel, 'on SaeturdaY, Apr;i 8th, HughSmith, 13, Road Sept. R.R. 2, Listowel, Miller McArter, 5th line, who ea- fered a severe :Injury to his: foot recently is able to be arouud again, Mr. McArter gave his foot a severel r' gash with an axe Thee cut wood in the bush. d seven stitches. A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Oran Russell oe. Tuesday evening, of last week, when over 26 neighbors and f11Bds osAny la to spend the evening and nay goodbye to Mrs. Robert Clark of Calgary who has been a visitor with her brothers Herb and Oran, and sister Minnie, for the past three months, After spending the evening in social chat and games' a :---;1y lunch was nerved by the ;; , as and. before leaving all joined ere;;ds in the singing of Auld Lang lY-,e and wishing MTS. Clark a 'ale rel pleasant journey home. Mrs. Clark left on Saturday for iter home near Calgary, g i' d e e.. Wednesday, Nlarcit 26th, 1941 THE BRUSSELS I'AST wl•th the "Co-operative Program;' The ,socia] part of the program was Dawn of a New Day R - C00 under the leadershlir of Mrs- Gari, Spring and Y Irish' 613et 1 tessAtldt a rp G e <<.oe by 4 'For ' R'ci Cl i o fi ....nva and coneietted 4 MOTORING Die meet• • I tug to a close. MO 911k1. A LliStellerS r POSIT SA1 C ; ,; ' LOST—. A sum of moneY in Brussels. Finder leave at The past FOR SALE-, F . 14 Pigs, ready to wean.. , Phone 25-r•18 Dan Glassie* WANTED-- Experienced ANTED Experienced Farm” Band, wants employment for sevea ingn'ths. apply at The 'Post.' Notice to Creditors In the estate of Emma Robb, Tate of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 27th day oe January, A.D. 1941 --x— TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above-.tent:oiled deceased must mail particulars and proof of same to the undersigned executor or his solicitor on of be- fore the twenty-eighth day of March, A.D. 1941, . upon which date the .said executor will proceed 10 dis- tribute the assets -with regard only to those claims which he shad- then have received. FARMS FOR SALE,'¢OR RENT— 203/4 acres, Natural drainage. Good buildings. Good water. Adjoining Cranbrook, Mrs: Scott. FOR SALE -- Heavy dratt ALE—Heavy'dradt gray Mare, rising five, Four -inch iron wheel truck wagon phone 84-r•-16 Charles Simpson will soon be here again' Choose now from this list of. Used Cars . LciST— A robe on Saturday night belong- ing to John Aiceelt. Finder leave at The 'Post,' 1-1940 Willys 2-1940 Fords 3-1939 Fords 6-1938 Fords 1 - '38 Studebaker 1-1937 Ford 1-1935 Ford 10-1929 Models Used Trucks Used Tractors Horses L. & W. Jackson Motors Ltd. Phone1161 Listoearel Mrs. Jac1c Boyd of McKillop and daughters Margaret. . and Marjorie Jean, ,spent the Wet t-lorweelte with• . her neetbe Mrs Margaret Nlil}eF, lath eon +' A. very,Jpleasant time was, enllorei Tuesdtay1Veuing et the home u1, Mr, and 114r'5. Fred Ooxs,ile con, Guuy when Mies Helen 'Cex entertailted the yoixug !people of 'Union United Church, ie. honor of Mrs. Uri Intim formerly Mills Jean Meehan a popu- lar -]ember of the Soetety. given- ing was spent in games, oouteSt4 and slag song and a Pr'eseutat'lon of silver 'cream and sugar set on tray was made to Jean, who in turn thanked the young people for their kindness and gift. A delightful Mach wss served by the 11oet099 after which all departed, thanking Mr. and Mrs. cox for their hospital. , ity and wishing the bride and groom; many years of happiness, , jieuz Rp910 Dust+ su7vos , Wlbh RASE o Bly E, REAaI/us7n. Phone Year order cur Parents' Night Held At School The Annual Parents' Night held in the Brussels Public andContlua- G. H, Fogel Is Laid To Rest Well KnoWn Resident of Grey Township Passed Away a, In Clinton Hospital, at Age of 89 The funeral of Mr. Geoege'Henry Fogel, a well 7enowa and respected resident, 'was held from .the gamily residence, concession 16 Grey, Wed- nesday, March 19, Rev. Mr. Gilbert 't3 pastor of Walton United church, had charge, an.d interment was made in Elma.•Centre cemetery. The pall- bearers were Messrse. Wilmer• ,Cu'the11, Win, Knox, John McDonald, Jinn M,oDonald, Andrew Turnbull and Edward Nolan, T.be flower bearers e evening was i were Messrs, Robert Bell, George' tion School on .Friday Hodge, Layton Murr and Harry For - largely attended by the parents am friends of the pupils. The 811092 program began with the s,:nging of t11e National Anthem. FOR SALE— I A single furrow riding plow, ;cod ! musical was 0si g eatlby enjoyed,Dol Three phones new. apply to l compositions, written by pupils of 21 -r -S Stanley Wheeler I Grade XI and X'II were read ny e Helen Armstrong, Clara Russell and Gladys Devitt -sou. The Athletic Medals were - pre- sented by Dr. Jamieson to the 231- lowing—Elizabeth Backer, Sr,;Girls winner; Jean Sar9uharson Intr.; Margaret Bell Jr.; Sim Pses;'i Sr., boys winner; Gibson Willis 'Int; Graeme Scott, Jr,, Idella Wrens favoured the -aa;li- ence with a solo. In a .talk on Marionettes, Mary Helen. Wender described many .interesting ;things about these dolls, which the .pupils of the •Continuation School must make, string and operate. Singing Games were given by the pupils of Miss Backer's room .A. .mus4 al number WO given by twelve pu ell •--- FOR SALE— One Kitchen Stove, 'wood ' only; one Kitchen Stove, coal or wood, in good condition. Phone 91X Brussels for , lla'ticu- lars. re r • I FOR SALE—•''4'r °`.1: , 600 Cedar Fence Posts various sizes, also anchors, braces aced Boles, for sale. s a 8 young pigs, J. E. Maretn, lot 14, con. .6, Grey, phone 40-9-7 , SHORTHORN; BULLS FOR SALE— Farm on hi 4 ,t our between Brussels and Atwood. Thomas KSrr, i DATED at Brussels tile 8th day of March, A.D.'1941. John Work, Executor. by his solicitor ELMER D, BDLL, Brussels, Ontario "Notice To Creditors • ;In the estate of Thomas Clerk, late of the Township of Morrie in the County of Huron, farmer, who .died on or about the 7th day of .March, A.D. 1941. —x— 'TAKE NOTICE that all parties halving claims or demands against the estate of the above-mentioned deceased must mail particulars mad proof of salve to ,the uni�rsigned executors or their solicitor on or before the twenty-ninth day of March, A.D. 1941, upon whit date the said eXecutors will proceed to .distribute the assets wito regard only to those claims which they shall then have received. DATED at Brussels this thirteenth day+ of March, AD. 1941. JOHN II, CLARK' WILLIAM PIPE, Executors ,by their solilitor ELMER D. BELL Brussels, Ontario `a1 e Auct'•on Sr 2 u.,_, Of Farm etdd1 inipicments Lot 13, ConceSSlOr 111,,,Grey Typ. t FRIDAY, MARCHe 281�i man. The late Mr. Fugal passed away in Clinton Hospital ' on SundaY, March 9, in his 90,1,11 year, He .had enjoyed good health prior to an op- eration in the hospital on March 2nd. He was been February 29, 1S52 in the township of Vaughan, county of York, and when a 'young man came •to Ethel with his parents, -where his nether' operated a 'saW mill, Hollowing his marriage to Annie .Ross, they tool: up farming near Ethel. Mrs. Fogal passed away ,twenty-one years ago, and five Years . later he married .Mabel Hodge, you, Next day Mussolini visited the Surviving are his wife, two sons No one knows the bitter pain camp and 'snook -rands' with the and three daughters from the first .We have suffered. arnce we lost you Albanian, awe remarked: 'So you marriage, A,rchie Fogel, Saaka'oon; 'Life has never been the same,' I are now an officer of the gloat Robert LaFleolie, Sask.; Mrs. Wm In our hearts your memory lingers ,Italian ai'n>1 •" Murr Gm ,Sweetly ten er, on d true; Sale commences at ro'ofeek LIVESTOCK s . Brown Mare 8 years 3Oka ypreloal Grey Mare -3year .,fir hayed ' Bay Colt, y Calf, year old in June i • (Sioldtaip_, i y*y gerdiord)• Holstein Cow''&49L•1o1 '-due'"April 11 Holstein Cow, 5 yrs. otai bred "March 10 Notice to Creditors —x— persons hawing claims against the estate of William Watkinson late of the Village of Brussels iu the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, -deceased, who died -ad 11r about the tenth day of October, A. D. 1940, are notified to .send to' H.. Crawford, Winghaan, ,1,h leed0, •o - or before the .fifth day of Apri, A,D. 1941, full panticu les of their claims in writ- ing, Immediately aOter the daid Rfbh day r6t' A,prll Lire assets 'ei Lh'e se,td testator will be distributed amongst the panties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of Willett the execators shah tlten have notice. DATED at Wingham, tints leeltirteenhli day aY March, A.D. 1941, J. H. ORAWPOR.D, Winghatit, Ontario, .-Soltultor for the executors, A Clear '`Right -of 41,a) get the If you still don't smooth unmolested reception after March 29th it will be the fault of your radio. It xnay be loose or faulty connections and calibration of tuning dial. Have us restore your radio set to its 'Original `,erformance, so that you may enjoy the better reception which will be available on the new station channels. Ph - U� T!,$ -clay For A "CHECK' UP" RADIOLOG FREE Call in and get one P hone 17 e usse€�s Pte ,z1:' ing are four sisters, Hicks, Cochrane; Mrs, Lena Morgn',t and liaise Bertha Fogel, North Illy and Mrs. Phoebe Keifer, Et el., Two brothers and one sister pre2e ceased him. In I enioriar;n In loving memory of Lois Margaret Waite, Helen, only daughter of W and Mrs. Messer, Palmerston, whr will keep your mouth she passed away one year ago, alarch be make you .an officer of the Kat - No1940, tan arniy, No one 'knolls holy much we miss "0. K„ said the Albanian, TRUTHFUL An Albanian was imprisoned by the Italians, I2 annoyed his cap- tors intensely because he kept saw ing: "Anyway, .the Greeks gave you a bashing at Koritie.' One day ,the officer in charge of the peisen camp took him aside the other' and said "Look here, if you from from Rfr. Mitten's room. _ .A. short.nl"ay wase Presented by three pupils of Mr. Ashtons room, Ruth Jewell, Nancy 'Cameron" load Jack Willis. After the program. the parents inspected the pupils' work, which was on display. Mary Helen Eck - miter operated one of the Msrtoa- ettes. On display in Miss Downina's- room -vas an afghan knit by the. pup%Ls from her room. ,Many ,other interesting things were on clielnDY in all the rooms. Cow 4 years 'cat 1 Red Cow 4 yeal'eAld r Roan Cow 4 year ofd Red Steer 2 year old d J ' Red Steer 8 year old . ' ' 1 Pair Clyde Mares doming 2, (well mated) Sow not bred yet r• Hog 41 Pullets Hyb-eds 19 Leghorraidle 4 r IMPLEMENTS Massey Harris Binde'r, 6 -ft. Massey Harrls Mower' 6 -ft, Hay Rake. Wagon Hay Rack,,1 t ,t 8 ft, Gang Plow Walking Plow almost' new Seed Drill Set 4 -section HarroWs, Set Team BreechingEllarness Set Single: -Harness a ' ., A quenalty ef w0odi girdled Bed and Springs 3 F ' Clothes Flinger 1 Cream separator� Milk Milk Pails Team Bi•eeehing set of '3 Irons Kitchen eprele m� 1,,a TERMS -CASH Sale Unreserved as Proprietor giving up farming. WM. SOOTY, Auctioneer LORNE ,CAMERON, Proprietor. GREY Mr. James McNair, 14th con,, is 'i suffering from the results 'of a stroke His many friends hope for a rapid recovery. Majestic Women's Insttiute The March meeting of the Majestio Women's Institute was ,Held at the home -of Mrs. Chas. Lake on Thursday afternoon, March 13th with twelve members ,and a number of visitors present. Alter the opening exercises •the roll call was answered by ",Something Our Grandmnothens Missed,' ' One of the business items decided, upon was ,the purchase of a -War Savings Cer- tificate with part •of the money -' made at our ,social evening at Crambrook, It was also decided to aoceeplt the Brussels, , Womenls Inetttute'e hind. ;iuvlltatiien to be ; present at their April meeting and a, conimittee Wad• anointed to arrange for the pro. grams. Arrangements stere made for the preparing and sending, of .J box to Eddie Salesman whb ie now, overseas,, The . April meeting le to be held et the home of Mrs. Wan. `Wake and among other interesting -11elas on. the program will . he a 44 demonetraMon on the malting of •4 cream puffs. An interesting paper 44 'An. Easter Message' was then givers ee 1 by Mrs, Wan, Defies anti tits wife o4 folloWed by a reading by Alm Bell Walton; Mrs. henry d fond an t•ie, and Mrs, Artlmr' Forman, 6211- There is not an hour, dear Lois con. Erma, and from the Second That we;r to not long for you. and " Messrs. Emerson and Sadly missed by Mother, Daddy Leslie Fogel, at home. Also surviv- Vernon, "That's right," came the answer. "Brat, oh boy, what a battling those Greeks gave us at Koritzel" 4. .4. •Y• •• 4. • .'• • •• 4: 4,4 4_4..•-4-•^4--• •'1'e 4' • 4 '. •4 4 4 . H4. ♦ �.♦ �� 4N�N�N•N•N•N•• N•N•N•..•M.N•N+H•N•N•H•N•N��N.N"N.N••N•N•N...•f.••,•• _+ ._ .4. .Z�• •s•4 4 *it •2• 4=4 •• 44 your Township meeting. XIII • FARMERS OF HURON COUNTY NMI •Z• ._• 4 If you are interested in the formation of a non-political Farmer's Organization so 44 Agriculture may speak with a unified voice in solving agricultural problems, attend �_� that Ag sts you • wine and family are ,also invited to attend. .4 Y Meetings Commence at :: 8 S M. •.. . March - 26th ... ; , , • • • • Town Hall, Zurich 4. Hay Township Walker's Hall, Brucefield March 27th . Tuckersmith Township • • • • , Twp. Hall, Varna • March 28th .• Shanley Township • "' Twp, Hall, Ho]rtiesville 41,. ..March Mat ..... • Goderich. Township q 'Hal, Carlow 44 April 1st . . • . , , ,:.., , . , 4Zs Colborne Township ' ' 3' S.S. 9. - 9th Con, Ashfield 44 Township Aprile 2nd . `41 W.AsWawanosh Towns , • April 3rd • • • .. • • • • • • •' Comtnunity Hall, St• Helen's 4. W 'Township April 4th • .. , . , , . Forester's Hall,' ;'Belgrave 4 E. Wawanosh Township .. • • � April 7th .. • . o• . • . , • • • • . Community Hall, Londesboro ..4i4 Hallett Township Hall Winthrop o1,+ April 8th , McKillop Township 41,4 shi .... •.• , • • .••• • April9th .•n,r,- ,•, ; Township,,Hall..,- 5th Con. Morris 44 Morris Town p Hall, • Ethel 4 ip •.,,,• • ••'•.1./A.prilloth ,• .... , ,. Township i• Grey Township •.',,, April.iitli Council Chambers, Wingham 44 Turnberr.y Township ♦ 4 Hall, .. • , • , April 14th't;4 Twp. Guerre Howick Township 41,4 ....$• Above meetings sponsored by rite Agricultural Committee of the Huron County. ' Council., i4 CHAIRMAN—J. W. GAMBLE ,S4 .24 COMMITTEE --Percy 'Passmore, Sam Whitmore, Fred Watson,Alex McDonald, s WARDEN -4 JAMES LEiFER 4. is 4;. 424 4;4 iiarold Spof i'. Mra, ` Andrew % 4 4444.4.4.N44}.�4.�4/�.��.* Lament than gave a paper dealing H44H44.4 f.l