HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-3-19, Page 5E1)i•T ^ DA.Y, MeaC 100, 1.'842 1 S.PER S RE QUALITY SERVICE •FRECiALS FOR—THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY P.:x1:0 • ••,.,..•••,•,• • .•,., large pack 22c Maten'„ag's Tea Time Sandwich Biscuits • •• • . • per lb 17c St• Williams Orange & Grapefruit Marmalade 2 Ib jar 21c Comfort Soap , , 3 bars for lac Royal York Cheese, spreads or !dices,- 1/2 1b pack. 16e" s, • 10 1$ for 680.„ 5 lb bag 23c °' •, • • per yd 154 • • per ,yd 15c each 25ct 4 yards for 10c per pr $1.35 Sugar , •...., •, . Hemphill's Wheat Berrien , • • ••. Factory Cotton 36" wide , Light Prints ,, Linen Towellqlarge , Rick -rack Brrlid Men's HeavytRubber Balols• • Wm.. Ziegler Highest Prices Paid For Eggs. Phone 22-r-11 Ethel .was Huron County War Services Fund Goderich, Mardi 17, Tames Leiper, Warden of Huron. ' County itas issued a challenge, to Donald, McCallum, Warden of Perth, that Baron County will subscribe to a ,greater Percentagethan Perth county in the War Services cam- paign scheduled to start on March 24. The prize will be -a new hat ler :Ile wife of the winning Warden. Warden Leiper voiced his chal- lenge at an enthusiastic meeting in the interests of the War Service, -campaigncommittee of Huron held in Clinton on Friday night, Cash or Produce The campaign in Huron will lie a nnique one os a "cash or, produce campaign" is to be conducted by the agrioultual committee of the executive headed by J. G. Shearer. agriculture representative. Mr. Shearer announced that al• ready be has had a goat offered 'enthusiasm ran • high and before the meting broke np, Thigh Hill, well-known breeder of Guerns'y •cattle of Huron, offered a grade Guernsey heifer calf; and Reeve Fred Watson of Stanley, five bush- els of beans So it is , anticiipated .that farm produce which can be converted luta cash 61I1 flow into the fund. The Western -Foundry at Wing - ham has agreed to take all scrap metal offered the Huron .War Ser• rices campaign. They will use all the scrap iron they can get and will find a market for any ,,outer metal wltfh the exception of tin' cans. Clinton Band Played The Clinton Pipe Band .played patriotic airs outside and the meet- ing epeltecl with. W. S. R, Holme,, acting for the Mayor of . Clinton, in the chair, who e0ttnded a Aral come and introduced J. D, Thomas, chairman of Huron. County War Services. committee. Mr. Thomas explained the purposes of the campaign and announced that the quota for Huron County is $20,- 4100. A minute's silence was observed` rat Pont Albert who lost their lives, in memory of the seven airmen` from •the Air Navigation School 31, when two planes crashed at Bond , 'Head, near Camp Borden. Explains ,War h Andy Ley, representing the 1 ,C,A.at Slay Harbor and the Air Navi- gation -School, told -of the work of the various services, Y.M.C.A., Sal. vation Army, Canadian Legion, Knights of Colrmbus, Y,W,C.A., and I.O.D.E. He introduced three Royal Air Force officers of Port ' Alba. t, Flight Lieutenant Burbridge, Flylag Officer Wiems and Pilot Officer Glover, D.F.C., all of whom spoke' briefly, Mayor E. D. Brown, et Goderich, shade a vigorous appeal and Brigs- d er .Ritchie and Mayor Flannigan Of the Salmon Army at London, spoke briefly. It was stressed at the meeting that there will be no further cam- pa:gus this year for any of the auxil- iary services, including the Rail Cross. , ithe campaign will be `mousy or produce,' ,for instance, the agricuh- tural -commi•ttee points out a farmer may not have ready cash 011 him when the canvasser -calls, but with the generosity of all farrn folk he will be glad to glve•a pair -of dres:,el chickens, a few dozen eggs, a fresh port ham or whatever may ---,he handy at the tine." Will Sell Produce. Adequate means will be provided by' the agricultural . conianittee, beiixl ed by Mr, Shearer, -of Woking 4'11'1 produce • and marketing it by the opening date of the drive, Marcil,w4, . The committee sends' its appeal with; "There are plenty of banks in the County of Huron to take care of the "cash oolleotions,.• . but agnlculthral ;representative, the• Shearer, is scratc'hin• •rirn. nerpiexlty at the thought This head :ie, ,tone or ' ough�t 'aP the 4r'oduce that will be rolling It :war owever, the will be ready for �llte plenty of..stoj•age'spa.ceii? meeting was most r•epree1F ative of the county, The district canvenots, Hugh Hill, W. L. Whyte, Herb Campbell and Tlhoruas Pryde were introduced, 'who in turn intro STILL GIVING Formerly a pleasure paddle- 0hi5 little British ship was attaeged These two sailor lads, aged 20 ar.1 the Brat burst from their gun, sliet MOMENTS 01 PLEASURE eteatfer• -and pow a ntinesweei)er by a Gainful dive -bomber. 22 years, scoring a tllreot hit tv.t' dowp (be enemy into the sea. SHOP AT, avuge e( i41 the home of the bride's percale, sten,, and Mrr,!, Maeluan, p71 0074. 11., 1n Grey Twp,, Peat Wishes for, a ftaIIPT and proaperou'a m0411. Menial career are tendered the 110W1ytvedS. Mns. It, L. McDonald Was en the sicdk list during' the 'Week. Heavy roads 'rave been. eu, countered en Tithed rurai mail route since tiae -Stormy weather of the first o; the Week Vial -tots in town over the week- ends art their rlhomea. were; Stanley Wilson of Hamilton, ]:label Barton of Hamilton, Ivan and Mervyn Baby et.,Kitchener, Calvin Kreuter, of. Galt, '4'atanley Alexander of R.C.A.F. at St, 'Thornes, Cor total Cecil Pato- man of R,C.A.F. of Brantford and Mervyn Stephens of Tiverton, at the home of Leonard ';Sinclair, 9 r Q Vils�torsi out 0f town; Mrs. Shanley nici al Notice ,a a All Taxes not pard by April 7th :will.:.# .; rbe rettarned to Goderich, t� ' � arrears are asked to make an ;10li fl',!'�• 1 n effort to pay their taxes and save cilia} themselves further expense.. By Order of the Council Speiran at Hamilton, Clifford Duna. - bar at Hamilton, Jean 'Osborne at IT PAYS 11ipley. E ��- _�_ Our Diamond Room Affords Mjss Bebty Dunivar of Norm- In many inetanoua,, fat• !ho lnfur' Privacy When Buying al `Shctool at Stratford is teaching motion of 'the; `Earnlel', ihdlv'dual i this week at Brussels Public School aat�cass weights: are recorded on the The /severe week end storm cams- settlement form, and by the use of ed many week end visitors in the symbols, indicates why the carcasses district to be •storm stayed until gradedas' they did, roads could be opened up and trains These statements are forwarded to plowed out. 1 the whimper along with the settle afteSchool was canoetled Monday meut cheque; Thus you .will sea becau,00n and Tuesday of this week 'that .a grading J; hos ynt has bean because of 'the storm, (Weed ,the district or town ohairne'l Meanwhile each municipality to Setting up local organizations and planning events designed to make the people campaign conscious. 1n Wiugham next 'Sunday =raise; the campaign wit be boosted when the Canadian Legion, the 99-111 Bit- ,tery and the Ladles' Auxiliary of tate Legion all parade -to the Anglican Church for special servicer. Local chairmen arranged to slate are asi follows. Zone 1 Belgrave, C. R. Coultes; Turnberry, S. Prydo; West Morris, East Grey and Brussels, R. J. Bow- man, Jone 2-.Ashlteld, Alex McDonald; Colborne, William Thad; blast Waw- acosir, Thomas Webster; Goderich T•wm., Ben Ratlnvell; Goderich Town, E. C. Attridge, Zone 3-Siullett, Ross McGregor; Clinton, W. S. R. Holmes; Sri -earth, Father T. P. Hussey; .McKillop, Gor- don 11ScGavin; Tnekernn,ith, . S. -H.. Whitmore; Blyitit, W. H. Morritt, h-- ---1[ ETHEL Motorists were glad to see the big snow plow conte through, opening up reads after the heavy snow and 'windstorm of Monday of this week. The Pearson store has histalled an up-to-thwtnin« to egg cooling equipment and by previous expari- Once •Ute man -ager has practical 'lenowledge of the system. The death of Harry Ward oc. curved .Friday, ,March 7 at tile' family residence on Con, '12 in Grey Township, . The funeral teas. held Sunday afternoon, March ..9, from Union 'U•nitedchurch to Elena Centre cemetery, • The ,services :.were condnoted by Rev. H. Snell,• tine de- ceasedIs pastor.- W. If, Love of Lthel was Y funeral director. The motor cortege trade the trip - over the uncertain roads. without mishap - Wm. and Mrs. McInnes. of Ethel south .are_,?just naturally thrilled ia their new stattts as grandparents, In Listowel hospital on March 9th there was born to Mr, and Mast Stan. ley Fischer, of Craubrook a 80,1 'Mrs, Fischer was formerly Dehiu'i McInnes bf Ethel. 'Congratulations everybody, ' The euchre party held March 10111 in Grey Twp. Hall, sponsored by. 1Dt11e1 Red Cross, group, was not as largely patronized as had been hip• ed for. However the games progress friend. 111 Bob. Be Careful. more than average happy mien was struck and in mirth and 'merriment quietly controlled, every one ,pres- ent„ apparently had a good time. In the Presbyterian manse. at Cianbrook at early -noon Saturtlly, March 8111 with Rev, ' Mr, Taylor officiating, marriage vows were con- summated between. Edythe . Kreuter or 1nt11e1 and Claris -Cardiff of Morris Twp. Miss Elizabeth Fear and Noss Canuiughatn both of Ethel were the attendants supporting - 111 eridal couple. Later, a cholee wedding repeat teas unceremonious- ly served and genially partaken o, at the parental home of the bride In Ethel, Congratulations and bee wishes are extended to the . y01110 benediets, At high noon Saturday, March St:. at Ethel United Church parsonage tate . wedding nuptials of 7oau Meehan of they Ttvil•, and Bar. Dunn of Cranbrook 'were solemnized with ltev.• 11. She11 perforating GI. ceremony. • Miss Helen Cox of G0i1Y Twp.: was bridesmaid and Willis Machan also of Grey Twp., grooms Man, Then following tate function a tnietly 's2rved, second to none, wet. •t!trg dinner Was happily enjoy. issued: on every ; lot 'Of hogs which has- been efficiently graded by a Dominion Gaverdment hog grader, and the farmer ,shoule insist that he CANADA'S WAR EFFORT • A weekly review of developments in the Home Front Feb. 27 - Mara. 6, 1941. 1, Government-owned Housing Com- pany formed to deal with shortage of living accomodation for war workers. Joseph M. Pigott, Ham- ilton, president designate of com- pany. 2. Contracts awarded during week February 21 by Department Some weeks ago, announceme:tt get the °statement from his shipper• of ended Feons and Supply numbered 1 Bene cases. t f shippers do not 1524 and totalled' $19,019,249, was made that because of Government 3. Thousands of Canadian soldiers ins ,prices, the on ees ernot to wish. the ferule*. to know too much and airmen arrive a Great Britain proposed to pay a bonus on hags and abotut the grade; and yield of their March 1st. cheese; the bonus on cheese not ;o hogs, and, : '�thteri 1Ore; find some 4 Total of over 90,000 vehicles le: he over Soper 1b„ and the bonus On excuse for net: passing on the sista- military purposes sent from -Canada ment to the fanner.. The state- Ohag'a not over $1.00 per head: to Empire at war. • monis have -been forwarded to the 5, Justice M. B. Archibald, The proposed bonus is now on the .shipper, and if ;the farmer wishes to way of, becoming an actuality. In have the statement on his hogs, he `Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, an - shipper, of this week, 'the bonus 1,111 should insist 011 getting it from h!s Pointed -commissioner to inquire in - WAS introduced in the Legislature. shipper or trucker. to the causes of lack of capacity It is expected that the bonus, ort One other thing should be met.- pr'oductiou in the coal mines in the cheese shall have effect from Febru- toned. The name and address on Minto+Chipman district New Brun 3 ary let, 1041, and on hogs hod April the •statemeht is taken from .he wick. 1st, 1941, and •shall •remain in force 6. Government Bill before Com - manifest supplied by the ehippe^• mons malting pensions act of Great Com - until March 31st, 1942. Farmers should make a Point of see- War of 1014-13 applicable to pros- known the exact method of payia> ins that their name and address, one war. the bonus will not be cleflnite!y number of hogs, and mark of identity are properly entered on the 7, Of 200,000 enlistments linea kno;vn until the Ant is figoverning i opening present star. 10;329 dis- inauife- charged as medically unfit. Means Peed, and Regulations governing It is uuderStood that no applies• adopted to tighten medical examina- tion h have been drawnu1t, from for ling bonus wit be consider - after which have already aP tion of recruits. peered in the Press, it would semi tion unless the application is support- 8. Canadian warships arrive Name ed by the official .Carcass Grading after ten months service in war that it is the intention of the Gov- Certificate. !Since an, official certi- ernanent to pay the bonus direct to area. the ,farmer. Obviously, it Heade is issued on • every farmer's 9 Net revenue from tourist traffic Provincial Hog Bonus cannot lot of hogs which have been be expected that the Government in 1940 estimated at $82,000,000, officially graded, and is available to 10.'income tax collections during will pay a bonus without having the farmer• t hroul hh this skipper or some - satisfactory evidence 100.1 the 1 eleven months period of fiscal year trucker,' SI' i tare "Dormer's res reopir April 1, 1940 to February 23, 1941) Ramon applying for the bonus is bility to see', that he 'gets his cagy totalled $231,179,485, net increase of actually entiitled.'to it. Fortunately of the grading 'certificate from the this ;pntingency has already been shipiie.•"or tiadliet �103,627,of over corresponding 11 provided for.' The provisfions of l man'bhs of previous fiscal year. The'cial'c'aicass' grading cert 11, Munitions and supply contracts the Heg 0arcass 'Grading Regula- floats issued on"Sour flogs is value- ttouS••ivhiclt went into effect cit I n awarded from July 14, 1939, to Nev. able. ifnst $hitt yon get your ;, ember 30, 1940, totalled $1,204,695.-- Septehnber 30th, last, requite 'the cow- i',• 321. Total includes both Canadian .shippei; to mark each . fartner's lot t and 17. Ii, accounts; .also order for of hogs; Matto forward to the grader , r• 4 , s.r ,__.:;�G.. a matht`est ' showing the 'farmer's •-ird .11 LI G.1• Canadian oivii aviation on. uame'linii address, number of hogs, 12 Sixtythrae mills treated $I,OI6,- 430 Mons of ore from Ontario mines . and their work of identity. in January, creating alitame month_ Tile ;Regulations' also require that ly record for gold ore milling , in a shipper make out a statement gm, ��,_ Ontario. each. tfarmer's tat of hogs.which - 13. Specie committee of Commons shall show the farmer's name, the i �, l r n'Poo appointed to review Defence of official grade, total weight, or f Canada regulations; law relaf- weight of each grade. 19. actual E ing to deportation and naturaliz�,- praoti,Ge, ,this statement is made sit loon, by the 'buyer, and is combined with. the official carcass grading certifi- cate, The grader certifies to the grade, and the -buyer to the weight and coam,putation of the settlement. , I ill rg • Elf 'IA H HEATeRLens •H-ERMI.4UE En"s' nrl 51.00 and -1.50 n u n Permane t $1, 5, $2.25, `$3.00 and $5, includ ng 'finger wave land shampoo Dried Finer Ti,ave 25c !Shampoo 25c Telephone 55X tor Appointment •RENE PEASE OU#1 PERMANE.NT NTH,rE tSEW Over L. W. Eckr'n'ler's Store Post Would Welcome Overseas Letters • WAR WiNNING SCHEME AT WORK Long lines of British Empire Air ;Scheme men as they were on their way to embark from Australia ler Canada aitd; the completion of thea; training. Thus,`lrom ail parts of the world, men are gathered and trained by a achemdi that will :m the not -se -dist- ant future ermines 11 mighty alt armada,