HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-3-19, Page 4ft Thert L. Nethery
Auction Sal. e
will sell by
.at lot 19, South half, Con, 3,
Morris Township
2% miles West of
Brussels Gravel Road
Wednesday, March 26th
Sate commences at 1 o'clock sharp.
1GaRSES ''t
Bay Gelding 1'0 yrs. old
11 Sorrel Gelding 9 yrs. old
16.Sarrel Driving Horse .
d.de'Mare 9 year old
1 Durham ..cow, ,due ..to -.freshen
June. 13th
.e.tolstein Cow, due to freshen
lISay 2
:1 -jersey cow due to. freshen April 16
3 Durham. cow due to freshen April 1
t Holstein heifer due to freshen at
time of sale
• Slack cow freshened in January
11 Roan heifer 1 year old
Holstein heifer 1 year old
4 Durham steers, 1 year old
1 Durham calf, 6 weeks old'
1 Cultivator
1 Set Harrows
11 Frost and Wood Binder 7 -ft.
1 Tudhope Anderson Riding Plough
1 Crown Gang Plough
1 Massey Harris No. 21 Walking
lrMassey'Harrih 6 -ft. Mower
1' Scnffier
1 International Manure Spreader
1 Colony House
11 Cutter -
1 Set Sleighs
1 Steel tired Buggy
• 1 International Hay Rake
•1 Wagon
1 Hay Rack
:'1f Gravel Box
3 Set Sling Ropes
1 Crow and Chain
11 Hay Fork
8 Car and Block
140 -foot Trip Rope fu;nits'
155 feet of 1 -Inch Rope
3 Steel Pulleys
1 .Wheel Barrow
T ,Renfrew Cream Separator
1 Clinton Fanning Mill
A number of Pitch Forks, Manure
iForks and Shovel.
1 Set driving Harness
1 Set Plough Harness with tugs
nearly new
1 pair Brass Mounted Bridles
1 Set Brass Mounted Breeching
Also Collars, BItt, Bridles, Etc.
Whiffletrees, Chains, Neckyokes
Other . artices too numerous to
A quantity of mixed grain
A quantity of mixed hay
,: Z5 mixed Hone
1 Dining room Suite
i• Gramaphone with records
1 Couch
1 Sideboard
2 Coegoleum Ruga
1 Fottol Rug
A quantity of floor oilcloth
Wicker arm chair and rocker
12 Kitchen chairs
2 Kitchen Tables
2 Small Tables
1 Kitchen Cab'net
3 Bed Outfits
2 Dressers
"i Wash Stand
Day -bed
1 Singer Sewing Machine
1 Renfrew Cook -rite Range
1 Alr-tight Heater
1 Playmate Washer
-Sealers, Dishes, Pails, Lamps
Vther articles too numerous
Notice to Creditor.
In the estate 9f Emma Robb, late oil.
the Village of Brussels ill the
County of Huron, widow, who died
on or about the 27th day 9f.
January, A.D. 9941E
TAIOE NOTICE that all partiee
having .claims or demands against
the estate oe the above-mentioned
deceased must' mail partieil'i'ars P#sU
Proof aP sense to the undersigned
executor or his 'solicitor On 01 be-
fore the twenty-eighth day of March,'
A,D, 1941, upon which dale, the
said executor will proceed, 1e di9^,
tribute the assets with -regard only
to those• claims whioh lee shad then
have received,
DATED at Brussels this 8t11 day
Of March, A.D, 1941.
John Work, Executer,
by his solicitor ELMER D. BELL,
Brussela, Ontarii
Notice To Creditors
In the estate of Thomas Clerk, Tate,
of the Township of Morris in , the
County . of Huron, farmer, who
died on or about the 7th day of
March, A.D. 1941.
—x --
TAKE, NOTICE that all partes
hawing claims or demands agaMet.
the estate of the above-mentioned
deceased must mall particulars and
proof of sante to -the un I -.reigned
execwtods or their solicitor on or
before the twenty-ninth day ,ef
March, A.D. 1941, upon whie r date
the said executors will proceed to
distribute the assets with regard
only to those claims which they,
shall then have received.
DATED at Brussels this thirteenth
day of March, A.D. 1941.
WILLIAM. PIPE. Executors
by their solilitor ELMER D. BELL
Brussels, Ontario
Notice to Creditors
xAll persons having claims against
the estate of William Wilkinson
late of the Village of Brussels in the
0ounty of Huron, Retired Farmer:
deceased, who died on or about: the
tenth day of October, A. D. 1940, ars.
notified to send to J. H. Crewfford,:
Winglhaan, Ontario, on or befode ,1h;:
Stith day of Alpri, A.D.1941,, full
r g, Immediately after the said HO;
with porcelain
Quality Paint
Factory ClearOut
5:€,cial 1.49
`G �!
Colors—Ivory & Gray
lin . gallon tins only
C. Zilliax Sou
Phone 40" — Listowel
The Store with the Stock.
What other revenues do war
service organizations received?
None. The services are support-
ed entirely by the "'folk at home:'
How is the Canadian War Services
Fund Organized?
•The patrons of the united cam-
paign for funds ere His Excellency
the Earl of Athlone,' K.G., Governor-
General of ,Canada, and Her Royal
highness Princess Alice, -Countess
cf Athlone. A National Campaign
Committee has been ,set'up to dire,'t
the drive and to - provide national
publicity and adverttsing. Provin-
cial -chairmen have been appointed
and in Ontario, county, district and
municipal organiaittous have been
established, operating under County
chairmen. The district and mea -
1 1 ti constitute the There. passed peacefully on at her leave last week.
Empire Service
(Continued from Page 1;
r" a *
e'ney of Mr, J. W, Murdoch, KC., of
fronto, •has been granted letters
Stent by ,the Secretary of State anis
egleteredetuider the War C+hirlties
et, to serve as a trust in the. hand -
ng os the funds subscribed, it 4
a' non-profit corporation and its
function is. to receive these funds
al to distribute them in accordance
vetli' the approved, authorized
udgets. Every dollar is safe-
ung •elleeaaateen Mr adrninietr€utlon
e:apenees, Any •etarld1$ after these
dedleetione, is placed in a inlet feud
5Q the benoflt •of the men,
Orga'niza'tion'„ for tile Bawl
county, War 'Services ,Fund Cont'-
paign was comanenced s t a Meeting
held 111 Clinton Friday evening,
When menthols of the Huron Board
were named,' "lite organizations
neellielpa ung Area The 'Q04 eelia0
Legion, Wye:'lion Army, 1{.nighrs pi
Couanibus, .Y.M.C,A,., Y,W.C.A. and
I,O,D,E'. 1
A oounty'w d '
e meeting of epras-
entatives of tate participating argnnt-
za'tione, together with efenicipal ef.,
betel, has been called FPor FridaY1
evening at 8 P.M. in Clinton '''awn
Hall, Detaitse of the organization of
hnlulicipal comntitteea will Jae°X-
peened and the various •aspects OE
the Six -ill -elle drive thoroughly. W1S.
cussed, The campadgn opens on
March 24912,
Heading the Huron Board is J, 1).
Thomas, wel-known Goderich husl-
nessman, Secretary is Gel. Selmer -
Ler, while the •treasurer'is Mayor E.
D, Brown, of Goderich, For purposes
of the campaign the county llac"been
divided into fohr zones, with R. E.
Pooloy, of Exeter, as zone chair-
man. Mr, Pooley is zone command on San. 284h, 1$55, She was the
er of the Oauadian Legion. ' eldest daughter of the late Mr. and
,Convenor' of Zone 1 is H. Camp. Mrs, Thomas Lott. In Jan. 30th,
bell, of ,Winglhaan. The Zone cam- 1g77 she married William S. Miller
prises t lowick, Turnberhy, Morris, . who predeceased her in 1929,
Grey, Wingham and Brussels. . Six ohiidr'en 'survive to mourn the
"Hugdh Hill, of .Colborne Tolmetin, death of their another, Charlet-,
WEDNESDAY, MA,lbOH 19th, 1941
Bring Or Send Your
Cream To
Your Patronage is
u ste d
esgefzm. ,,...,,•,,,,s.,_rcmyngpslca,.•r 4 -,2 '" nr+"-. "' �E P.at'i' -vf
,t * * Y 0 •' Y 4
Louisn Jane Lott, widow of the
tate William S. Miller, passed away
at her house on Tuesday, March
1811h in her 87th year.
Mrs. Miller was born in Darlingt"n
will convene Zone 2, comprising Asir Brussels; George, Souse, Man.;
fled, Colborne, rest and West Way -
:St: Thomas; Franrk, Lon
Min -
anode, Goderich and Goderich 'Town, Branch; Mrs: Alex Edmiston
-ships. Zone 3 includes Hallett; C1iu- ole), Kincardine and Welter of
tan, Seaforth, McKillop, Tucker• - London. Also remaining are twa
smith and Blyth. W. L. Whyte, Sea• b'o'thers, Levi of Wingham an:d
forth, is cone convenor. Tharnar, Walter o8 Whitechurch and 'four
Pr'yde, Exeter; is convenor 09 Zani sitstees Julia (Mrs. Palmer) Wrox•
4, which includes 'Osborne, Stephen, cher; Mary of Brussels; Ida (:lir„
Hay, Exeter, iiensa-1l and Stanley.
Agricultural convenor is ASricul-
tural Representatibe J. C. Sheaeer
Clinton, while publicity w'll be,
handled by IIarry J. Boyle; Wing-
, grandchildren.
Tram and A. Y. MoLean, Seaforth. 1 The funeral takes place from the
'McKay) Brussels and Addie (Mrs
Ferrier) of Lueimow, One braille
George., passed away in 1937, There
were seventeen grandchildren, three
- of whom are deceased and 12 gree'
Pt will be the purpose of. Ilia
Huron Boaad to consolidate and
assist the efforts . of the municipal
committees taking part in the. drive.
The Ontario objeotive, amounting
to $2,553',2110, was fixed after budgets
of the six participating organiia-
tions..ehnbraced was examined by
,eine .r or za ons prominent businessmen and approv
.them will fall the responsiblity for and.eenunimpae
Pewit line of the campaign and uponquotas will be su-
ed by=the government. The county
Wailer Funeral home on Thur slay
'afternoon, March 20th at 2 p.m. iii„
ferment in Brussels cemetery.
their loss (Mrs. -Carrie Taylar)
Wingham; (Herbert) Beigrave;
(Ernest) Leitithridge; (Leonard)
Vancouver; (Jesse and Cecil- of tire.
4th line of Morris; +Mrs. Nelson
(Lena.), Higgins, Morris land Mrs.
John (Myt+tle) Anderson, Beigrave.
She is. also survived by 3 sistere
(Mrs. Lizzie Anderson) Morris;
(Mrs, .Elim Procter) and ' (Mrs.
Rotr�t. McCiea- Beigrave. ' '21 grand-
children, and 1 great grandson in
e The funeral service was held an
the Beigrave United Church on
Tuesday afternoon and was condu0t-
,ed by the Pastor, Rev. J. B. Town -
end at which a solo was rendered by
Jas. McCrea, a nephew.
The floral trtbettes were beautiful.
spray,, Knox United Churdh; spray,
the Sisters; pillow, the family;
spray, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott and
Andy; spray, Mr, - and Mrs. H. Sher -
bandy and Mrs, Ford. The flower
bearers- were four grandsons Charlie
and Norman Higglns, Kenneth
1'i'9ieeler and Ross Anderson. The
pallbearere were her . three sons,
Herbert. Jesse, Cecil, a grandson
Geldie Wheeler and two sons -in -lair
Joltu Anderson and: Nelson Higgins,
retrial took place ill Brandon
trier^erY, Belgrave:
MRS. MARY A. WHEELER 1' * * a' s: *. w * 5
Gordon Harman was home un
secnri1Yg the funds from the public ( nmeeed'shortly.
t bsubscription cards?
W II here a r, ,
panti•cul!ars of their claims •in ' ( , ' rt CO
ing. • How yyill receipts be issued?
day of April the assets of ;the,.aeldi lire. stub on the subscription card ; NOTICE ?O CONTRACTORS -
will be distributed aipq>�gs 4 Tile Municipal Council of the
the ; . rA temporary receiipt..
panties entitled ;thereto b v ng, ,T t Township Of Morrie are asking for
a he permanent secretary will mail 4
regard only to claims of which the an official receipt after the caul- tenders to crush and deliver gravel
executors shall then have notice. on Township roads as the. mond
314.TFiD at Wingham ee,Will a permanent office be set up Superintendent directs,,
thirteenth day of . Ma't'ch, Ate' A. 1/3 to take care of deferred The gravel is to be crushed to N.
J. H. ORAWFOI riil0 .sybscriptions? inches or less in size ani to be
Wingham, 01.earto, yen, delivered up to'a distance of ars
Solicitor for the,iHel i,at are, the functions of war miles from the pit. The contractor
'spice H11i 13
;trlr,ur �+}' service organizations and why to furnish the necessary machinery
tk01e 11:,,clenthey merit support? men' and trucks to do the work,
�, rJ u n Their chief function is to •susta.x Please make your tender- lu 2 parts
aY rs ±tlier,reotale of •the men in the armed (a) -for crushing only,
r'lln Mali9r'ces by Providing educational pro- (b) 'for delivery only.
•,anrnrta bin grarn�s, recreational facilities, spirts' and enclose a $100.00 good -faith
t er 'Nhb 1 ylkateiia•1, bolos,, huts, canteens, and cherene„ The Township will use
ether _amenities calculated to . pro- about 6000 yds.. Tenders to be in
vide a healthy atmosphere for men by tApril 10th and they will be con-
t'tink,tI aining and overseas. Trained .si.dered at the April meetuig April
officers in these services organize ie.
off -parade activities and help the
men with their problems. The or -
FOR SALE—"'gndf1ations merit all the support
that can be given them because .ha
helping to anain4tain high morale,
they art contributing towards win-
ning the war, In providing educa-
tional programs for the men, they
Mixed grain Barley and Oats are helping to solve the problems ,9
Never got any rain. war's aftermath.
Phone 17-r-10 Lawson Kearney Who gets the profit from the
__ operation Of War Services
FOR�SALE— Canteens?
Canteens. are run on .a non-profit
basis. Five per cent oaf the grass
A bunch of Chunks.
phone No. 6 Brussels
Sele unreserved as Prop. le giving
• •curl farming.
IF W. KEMP, Auctioneer
if 1RB. GEO, HARMAN, Prop.,
MR, By Brunets
OST Gold watch and bracelet, Tuesday
night. Finder please laid-. a1I1:31'
The Pest. Atees
Boy's Bicycle in good condition.
Phone 3.1-r-8 Mrs, Geo. Harman
Extension table and other 'house -
bold articles. apely to
Mrs, Allan le, Lamont, proceeds from sales goes to tare
. Brus$eli I Commanding Officer of the 'Unit
served by the canteen for the bene
FOR SALE— ! Ht of th emen. lE more than one
unit is served the 5% deduction '9
White Leghorn Hatching Eggs, administered by the Camp Com -
phone 111X hnendant. Two per cent .01 the
Mrs, Wesley Stephenson gross proceeds from sales le ail -tired
to the service' organ:Sttlion operat-
Goad Olean seed, nixed grain
Alaska Oats and O.A.C. Berle);
Banner Oats and 0,A:C. Barley.
Erban Oats and C.A.C. BarleyY
apply to' R W. Whitfield •`
phone •49-r-9 Brussela
Farm on tiigltway detour between
Brussels and Atwood, 4
Thomas Kerr,
�1' ..;,
' it eq qI
Good Health Products
Orders gladly sent by mall
between regular trips.
e. Payne a Dealer
Phone 58% BrusselsAle
Bluev'le, March, 11, 104,1
A. MacEwen, Clerk
home in Beigrave early Sunday
morning, March 9, Mary Ann. Wilkin-
son, widow of the late Chas.
Wheeler after an illness of •about 3
menthe.. Prior to that -time she
had enjoyed the best of ]health fel.
one of her years. If she had live(
until,March 16 she would have cele-
brated her 86th birthday.
Mrs. Wheeler was- born on the
Irisilt Sea as her parents were
enroute to Canada. After a month's
voyage in a sailing vestsel they
an•ived in Canada corning, directly
to the 41.11 Con., .Morris tw'p.. ,n
which vicinity the rest of her Iifp
was spent.
Atter her marirage 65 years op
to Mr. Wheeler, they as a young ,
couple took up residence on the
farm now owned by her son Jesse
After her husband's death 28 yearn
ago Mrs.. Wheeler spent about 2
years in ,the West visiting her sons
after which she took up residence in
Beigrave. She was a member of
Knox United Ohurch and an active
worker in its organizations and else
a memiber of the Women's I4hstatute.
There is a family of 5 sons and 3
daughters who all survive to inotir'n
* * * •
Orville Stanley, Brampton, pas
been visiting in town.
• * * '• .
I wonder how the man was that
carried the pail of water for his
friend, Iii Bob. Be Careful.
* a
Messes. Ernie Seddon and George
Davidson attended the Westinghouse
,Oonyention at Kitchener 'Thursday
of last week.
Muss Isabel Stephenson spent the
week end home with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stephenson fend'
• e e *
Lieut. F. B. Kennedy, Stratford
and Miss Z. Dunlop, Seaforth, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Kennedy. .
* * *
Mrs. Archer Grewar and son Jack
are visiting with Mrs. Grewar's
mother, Mrs. Relit. Go/health, 6th
Ube of Dims. We are sorry to hear
Mrs. Galbraith had the misfortune to
Hall on the ice in Listowel on Satur-
day, resulting in a broken shoulder.
Troor•;e .09 an
- aDoeits on. Ilhe
suceet�Pnl acliorrl
Indian Infantry
Eritrean bordee
against the tial'
fire ar-nein„ the River Atbnra,
Brigade stationed in one of Britain's
Th8y have 115011- in several recent
Ian forces. I11 this 'Acture they