The Brussels Post, 1941-3-19, Page 31i •3 *SALVATION ARMY *,(W.C•A• NADIAN jCES N WAR CA SER Co4xDiAN. of moo tots e.>E•1.O.D.E... e Service *Includes ee tern Provinces OrlY Your rousing response to this united appeal will be the cheeriest word you can send him • Private John Smith is through with drill aqd duties for the day. He is tired, maybe a bit "fed up." He is far from home and lonely. He longs for a dash of gaiety, a bit of cheer : ; q yearns, perhaps, for a homey nook where he can read, play games, listen to the radio, write to the folks back hone, It is the job of these six organizations to see that discomfort, boredom, lopeliness have no place in the precious leisure molhents of our men in. uniform. Wherever they go these services go too, come •bomb or battle. In camp, on the march, on the ranges, these services bring them hot drinks and snacks, smokes and other comforts. Recreation centres are setup sports and entertainment organized ...reading and writing materials supplied. Comfortable canteens provide extra food. There are educational facilities. Hostess houses enable the men to enjoy healthy social contacts. Understanding, Experience and Dollars! Understandingg hearts, organization and experience: backed by your dollars can do the job effectively. Let the volunteer helper who calls on you carry back your pledge of fullest support for our fighting men. - - You never have failed them—you will not now: s THE ONLY NATIONAL APPEAL FOR OUR MEN IN UNIFORM National Heeidquorters, 200 Boy St. Toronto 3D In The Garden- -x - Once again war is bringing to Canadians the vital value of vege- tables. So important are these in the average diet that besieged Great Britain is now stressing homs- growil, fresh vegetables above al-. most any other food. They are, essential in any diet, and when prop- erly grown are the most flavourable of our foods, as •well. The secret of high-quality vegetables, the kind that will take us back to the.supper delights of our childhood. is quick, unchecked growth and ''reshness. If we can - keep carrels, beets, beans, peas and such things growing quickly and s'teadiiy, then there 15 no chance for woody bre to de- velop, Having done thin the only other thing necessary is to make sure .that no time is lost between picking and the table. (garden Peas and corn, for example, fresh picked, have a flavor that is impossible to get when these salve vegetables picked one day and used the' next. By that time the natural sweetness has disappeared. Most. For the Money For sheer volume per square yard of soil employed, vegetables are the biggest yielding crop one can grow. Not only can most lines be grown close together, butwith some things like lettuce and carrots, for instance a second crop can be harvested in a tingle season. Small vegetables like lettuce and radish require rows 15 incnes apart. Beets, beans, carrots, peas and spin- ach need 18 Inches between, while potatoes, corn and staked tomatoes ,must have a couple of feet to thirty- inches. Space may be saveJ with the latter type if something quick -matur- ing such as lettuce and spinach are planted in between. Tite bigger thing will not need the full room at first and by the time they do, the early crope will be out of tie way, Lawn Work Now Because grass is a enol -weather plant, any work -with lawns should be started just as quIcklr in the ,Spring as possible, experts point out. This does not mean, of :muse, that the soil should be workei while it Ss still wet. "_ That sort ' of thing never helps in any kind 'a1 garden ing. But once one can walk over the ground without getting shoes muddy, then the rake can be brought into play. - In both new lawns or -patching, the soil should he raked fine ,and level. Authorities advise sowing only the highest quality' of send mixtures and as thick as directions specify. To get even results it is best to make a double sewing, , one across and once lengthwise. Small patches can be protected from the birds by brush. • Both new and old lawns benefit from rolling while the ground is still soft. Grass, like any other pant, benefits. from rich sol and an annual application of fertilizer. This improves the growth and also the color of the grass itself. Building Up Sell Perfect garden soil is a light, rich loam, which means a mixture of sand ciay and rotted vegetable matter. - The Lotter is technically BRITAIN'S ,One at the most gpeotacular OW' nodes of the war has been the free- eteteahle sweep toward of the British forces against the Italians at .Sidi Bement, and Bertha, VICTORIOUS AUSTRALIANS In these actions a great part was played by the Australian •meelrhniz, ed units, and in this picture a de, taohment la seep roving over the Western Desert 'WA act:0l1. J.y11WO as hulmS.. 'Unless' one is Nay it is riot mail to dart such a perfect eombibatiQn in Otte 10 own garden, 731tt with a Wile Care, acenetiliing very similar eau be created, Frequent eulti'ration in it- self will ge 'rar 'towards creating a ,good garden s!oll, 1'lowing or sped - Mg plus harrowing or raking, will loosen up the tougdres't clay, anti after a few years it is amazing how m'ueh easier it will be to work. Another simple corrective will be the inmot'poratlen ori- human. such as well -rotted manure, green vegetable maatter like a crop of weed,; clover or green oats, * t ill- * * WEDDING 5 . * >K * Hi 5 * * * BENDER—GREEN A prettywedding was solemnized at Wroxeter pa.i7a.tge on Wednes- day, February 10th, at 11. a.m., when Rev. A, M. Grant united ' lu marriage Dorothy Pearl Green, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Green, Wroxeter, and Nelson John Bender, of Mount Forest, son of Mrs. Catharine Benldr and the late Mr. B. Bender, Go'wanetown. The bride was smartly attired in a dress of crater blue crepe. She ~yore a corsage of white carnations Miss Jessie Greet' was her sister's hridesanaid, wet, In; a dressof air- force blue crepe and corsage of pink carnations, Air Nelson Helbein, nephew of the groom, Was best man. A reception was held at the home ,1 the bride's invents, The -table. a corsage' of whitt carnations was peautifully decorated and small plink and white baskets were used as. place cards. Mr, and Mrs. Bender left on e trip to Toronto, Niagara and other points. The bride's going -away Costume was navy ,trimmed with rosewood, and black accessories. They have talcen up residence in Mount Forest. —Fordwich Record. Cir= -_11==> Empire Service (Continued from Page 1; ACTIVE SERVICE Alderson. J. Bell, W. E. '15Id' Black, Donald Bryn, :Russell Brothers Lyle Brewar, J. Bowler, Harry Cardiff, Wm. Campbell Jno, Doha, C. Dohl 0. Gillis, Mose Gibson, Harvey Henderson, Archie .Hall, Russel Harman, G. - Harmon, John Hastings, Dave Lowrie, Everett Lowe, Stewart Locking, Wm. Myers; Dr. C. A. Machan,. Wdllia (R,Q.A,F.) McCauley; L. McDowell, Mac Palmer, Jas, Palmer, Wm. (Cpl.) Plum, Carl Pratt, T. A. - , s. Rutledge, Hartley Rowland, Wm; Speir, Jack - Sti'etton, H, Salesman, E. Sanderson, Lloyd - Tunny, Chas. Thompson, A. Thompson, Norm. R,C,A.F.) Monies, H. Whitford, R. Wilson, Stan. Workman, Gordon (R.N.) Non Permanent Bell, I7, D, (Lieut,) Campbell, G. 9, (Opt.- Elliott, W. R. Glozier, Fired [d; er. NOW Is THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR HARNESS REPAIRED 11‘ t CHAPMAN Breerete, Ont. Nesbit, Prod. "1'borPeen, Lowe, T, Woodrow, A, Awaiting' call for Active Sprvler Warwick, p, 0, Rejected— O. Flasher, Wm, Hawkins, Herb. McDowell .fact• - -it=o Urge Purchase Now Of Seed Potatoes Ont, Agricultural Representa:lves have list of growers with oerttiti.ed oast. , The Ontario Dept, of Agrioultui'a is encouraging farmers to Purchase certified seed potatoes NOW, before much .oR the present available stooac h*a�s Deed sod for table purposes, Many growers will require a change of seed. This itt specially true in Western Ontario where continued wet weather ruined many potato crops last fall. There should be no delay, the Departanent cautions, )t, arranging for seed potato supplies. - Results of 57 potato demonstra- tions over a four-year period show an increase in yield of over 100 per cent WHERE CERTIFIED SEED WAS ,PLANTED, wdth the proper ddxture o commercial fertil- izer with manure and keeping the planus well protected from insects 'anti late blight, To auccesstuliy meet the competi- tion in Ontario markets, only the best quality potatoes will sell. This can be accomplished only by using disease-free seed, properly protect. ins the crop 'while growing and grading well before marketing. A recent survey . by authorities chows more seed potatoes for sale this year than last, with an incre.rs lug demand each week for , goorl quality table stock. pg •ietiltural Representatives to every county have a list of growers 131;10 expect to have a surplus or certified seed potatoes for sate. Prospeetive growers are advised ' TO consult their nearest Agricultural Representative or write direct to the district inspector, seed potato certification, Ont., Agricultural -Col- lege, Guelph, for a list o1' Ont, seed potato growers: -r— 7r� WALTON An enjoyable evening was spent by over eighty friends and ne'gh- bora et the home of -Mr. David t . Crawford on ivtondav evening. last week prior to their leaving for their new home in Brussels; later in the week.. The evening was spent playing progress•ve crokinete, 15 tables playing. Ladies' Brat pries Mrs, Duncan Nc\icbrl, men's first' prize.. Earl Bolton; - consolation prizes, Mrs, George Dundas anti Murray Mills Mr. and Mrs. Craw= ford and Alvin were called on and M1. Geo. Dundas read the address: Dear Mr. and Mts. Crawford 'find Aldrin—When, 111 the course of events a family such as yours an- nounces its intention of moving groin a community, those remaining behind anal a sense of inipenaing loss and realize what a. gap is about to appear in ..h' circle of friendship, During your lea;the residence here you have mars than fulliled y: ur duties as citizen. Particularly will you be missed in Bethel Cltut:b where each „l y t hastaken as rx eevtionally important part in the vet .ens: adtiti,.1Fd•- and ors aniza.l'cns A healthy, hungry, fast-growing chick eats only 2 pounds of Roe Vitafood Chick Starter in its first 6 weeks! Why take any chances with your 1941 chicks, when so little of this complete, farm -proven feed will ensure life and vigor? It's madefresh daily—is always fresh when you get it. Give your baby chicks Roe Vita- food Chick Starter, the tested food which means so much to their fast growth, future health and egg -laying. ability. See your Roe Feeds dealer next time you're in town. Ask for the free Roe booklet on raising chicks for profit. p ei3e( STARTER Sold by: EAST HURON PRODUCE Brussels WM. ZIEGLER Ethel GEORGE ©UNBAR Ethel VITAMIZED FOR HEALTH,.. JARM • : '5?Z F' PROVEN FOR .. j%A,CRi RESULTS i CJ't 1 T' of the church Such. Ialthfaintss • •u goodMt t' •^sti'p cannot, be re- p.'d In a ma`"rial wa , Nevert1.,ie- we ask you, Mr, and Mrs. Crawford. to accept these chairs as a small token of the -good wishes of your neighibors. An we ask you, Alvin• to accept tails set of military brushes as a memento. o'b the many plessaat hours you have spent with. the - Woung People Society down, at Bethel Church. We wash you all wany years of hapiness and good health in your new home and we hope to 'see you in, ourmidst quite frequently. signed on behalf of your neighbors and friends. Geo. Dundas.. A social hour was spent while lunch, was served. M ,IN BRITAIN DUTCH Admiral Furatner, at the Dutch leaves the home of Queen Withal - to • his ruler on the Netherinntl's now that -Martially has driven OELSRATE FREEDOM ' Navy, aecoMpanled by his A.D.C, wins. In LOnclon after paying a visit Preecloln Day, eelebnated ill Britain freedom front .their native .1and.