HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-3-12, Page 6Quaint' Counts Most
Vegetal)lea raw; vegetables fresh
ly coked, or vegetables canned,
alonld be included m each day's
Mena. Vegetables in .soane form
are within the reach of everybody
-every day in the year, Vegetables
ail supply vitamins, minerals, wet -
and bulk, ,Some provide cath
ieYdratee in considerable quantity,.
and others furnish protein.
There are many ways to serve
"vegetables, besides plain, boiled and
creamed. 'They may be escalloped,
'served au gratin, prepared as sour -
Buck it up right now
arid feel like a million
Your liver is the largest organ in your body
, and moat important to your health. it pours out
bila to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies
new energy, allows proper nourishment to reach
your blood. When your liver gets out of order
food decomposes in your intestines. You be-
come constipated, stomach and kidneys can't
work properly. You feel "rotten"—headachy,
backachy, dizzy, dragged out ail the time.
For over 35 years thousands have won prompt
relief from those miseries—with Fruit-a-tives.
So can you now. Try Fruit-a-Fives—you'll be
,mnpiy delighted how quickly you'll feel like a
new person, happy and well again. 25c, Ste.
ITATI - Canada's
ladtfs targestscutnq curls made by fastening small pieces
' fiver Tablets of bacon 1n curls with • a toothpick
fie or macedoine, Attractive :Oxa-
lates, variety in sauces, relieve mo-
The Consumer Section, Market -
Mg Service, Dominion Department
of A'gricultur'e, sugegsts the follow-
ing recipes,—
ecipes=Vegetable 'Chowder
1 eup canned care.
2 Daps canned tomato
1 cup oanued peas
1 cup string beans
2 raw potwtoes, • 1 small onion,
stalks celery, finely diced
Salt and peper
Put all together in a saucepan.
Simmer slowly until potatoes . are
tender, Season with salt and Pell -
per. Add 1 cup rich milk or Ceram
Serve very hot. (Serves 6.'
Carrots and Celery on Toast
2 cuss dated carrots •
11/2, cups brown soup 'stock
Salt and pepper
Toast and bacon curls
2 eups diced celery
2 tablespons butter
2 tabieslroous flour
Cook the, carrots and celery to-
gether until tender and the water
is absorbed, Make a sauce of the
butter, flour and stock, Add to it
the cooked vegetables, season to
taste aid simmer five minutes.
Serve on rounds of toast with bacon
=�r sir HASH PoCT UR•ES
With flash, shots such as this are quick and sure—and your subjects
don't have to pose in bright light.
yt NN turned alp with a camera bulb—and close the shutter. That's
£'1 problem the other night, She all, and you have your picture,
had been trying to take some snap- Moreover, you can use any film
shots of the pup—a lively little you prefer—the quick flash is bright
ramal -»and he wouldn't stay put. enough for box camera exposures
in fact, the warmth from the photo with daytime film, when the bulb is
lamps made him evert more skittish seven feet from the subject. And
than usual, and by the time she if you use high speed flim, the bulb
was ready to shoot, he was usually can be seventeen feet back.
outof sight. With a flash synchronizer, flan,.
"All right," I told her, "we'll fix bulbs are even more useful. You
him. Well ass a flash bulb, and get can even use them in pie daytime,
'.him down on film before he even to brighten up the nearby details
knows it' So, we arranged things, in a shady scene, And you don't
and in about three minutes she had have to put the,eaanera on a tripod
just' the picture she wanted.
Maybe you've taken flash shots ken can hold et po your •h Somfl, and
maybe not. If not, winter is a tape she attractive
exposures, Some of
good time to got acquainted with the most attractive daytime shots
this type of picture -taking, and you see in the magazines aro made
you'll find it mighty useful. For with the aid of synchronized flash,
most indoor shots, I use the rest. and it's a real help.
..:lar flood bulbs; but for some shots, I didn'ttare a synchronizer for
flash is much better, a long time, because they used to
It's simple to user too, even if be high-priced—but I bought ono
you don't have a flash synehro- last year as soon as the iuexpon
miser, Just put your camera on a sive medals began to conte out
'tripod or table edge, and set the Now Ann wants one too; she kilo we
shutter for "time." Insert the flash a good'calnera accessory when she
bulb in a house lamp fitted with the sees one. And maybe there's 8 g000.
regular cardboard reflector you use hint for your own camera; kit, Pa
for snapshots at night—but be certainly hate to Part Viti1 n'y n''n.
ate the switch is orf et the ma ohroniser—it has already paid for
. pent, Now open the camera elut itselr. in flrsbrate pictures.
,..ter—snap on the switch to flash the 308 John van Gatilder
and cooking 'under the broiler,
i+r'ote,--93rowa soup stock own be
Made With bouillon cubes or beef
extracts, or eeneed cousttuime,
Escalloped Qnionts in Tomato
6 large oulourl, shoed
6 tablespoons butter
a/a teaspoon salt
i4 ieciapon pepper
2 tablespoon butter
tee, cups 'tomato juice
Arrange hair of enians in case•
role, slnin'kle with half of the Harm,
the, stilt and pepper. Dot witch but•
ter, Finish al ingredients in a SO,
Gond layer, Pour on the . tomato
iuiee, Bake et 400 degreeh I', for
85 to 40 minutes, (Serves 6,)
Macedoine of Vegetables
2 cuirs diced turnip
1 cup ddeed celery
1 cup canned green, beans
2 tablespoons butter
Coow turnip and celery together
and combine with beans and better.
Season with salt and peper. (Serves
Beet Jelly Salad
1 cup finely chopped beets
1 cup finely dhopmed apple
IA cup finely chopped celery
package lemon jelly powder
A little onion
1 cup boiling water
Mix all ingredients. Pour into
individual mould's. When set, turn
out on lettuce. (Serves 6,)
Cole -Slaw
4 cups shredded cabbage
Let ,stand for 1 .hour .in cell
Mix together one cap thick soar
cream and two tablespon�s sugar.
Remove cabbage frim water, drain
well. Add two tablespoons . vine-
gar to the cream and immediately
combine with the ,shredded cabbage
(Serves 8)
Making pumpkin pies? Give theta
topper by sprinkling a new toasted
cocoanut lightly over them fifteen
minutes before they are finished
baking and they're a eight to be-
hold, not to mention the flavour ..
While on the subject of cocoanut
you might make a sweet that wili
not only be toothesonre bet whole
some. • .Simply unix chopped apri-
cots, shredded almonds and a little
lemon juice and place the whole in.
pitted dates, .Coat with toasted
cocoanut as a finishing touch -and
liheyll ask for more .. I p the little
folks are tiring of carrots, try adding
some roasted peasants to the creep
sauce, half a ons Of the peanuts for
each two taps of vegetable ,
And if you never tried banana and
peanut salad mixed in good mayon•
noise you have mussed ...something
you .should have been eating • long
ego, with: plenty of lettuce thrown in
for good measure,
Ask Increased
Cheese Output
Ontario's Department of Ag-
riculture sponsors Vigorous
Campaign to Step -Up Pro-
duction. •
Ontario. alone must increase its
cheese production by at least 10 or
11 million pounds during the ensu•
ing Year, Hon. P. M. Dewan, Min•
later of Agriculture, told members
of the Ontario Cheese Producers'
Asseciartioa Convention recently
meeting in Toronto, Last year On
tarts) produced 98,000,000 pounds,
In announcing a vigorous cane
Paign, sponsored by the Department
of Agriculture, to ensure this' in
creaee, Mr, beware urged the pro.
dueers to be on the safe side and
adept as their objective and slog.
an, "15 per cent up."
The production of cheese anti
baton, the Minister said, were tw,,
es'seettal branches of the farming
Industry in Ontario, "and they must
be saved,"
',Ontario '.has contributed mist
velonsly in establishing a place
for ,Canadian baton iii the J3rittel
"ni'ai'k'et• And nteaeese, it is not toe
much to say, is the very basis et
cru' dairy inclusrtr'y,'r ire .said. W
The immediate .aim of cheese
Producers ie • to provide Great Jlri
darn with at least 112,000,000 a
of olreese, 'George Gardiner,p Seel. L
ey''s Panay fernier, Seel.
prea'tlentiel addresstie
Min. In a social ha
addition, Its said, 4O,OOQUUO
pounds should be provided for de -
Mastic requirements.
Mo'theiWhat are your b
Me doing in .S�o
pantry Tommy?
Tommy: Fighting tenipbl;tion
I the pantry, Tommy
Appointed Chairman
War Service Fund
The nilpointmant of 3, D. Thomas
of Godericb, as 'Huron County °heir
Iran of the 'Canadian War.. Services
Fund, has been announced,
Mr. Thomas to well ltnowe
throughout the county where he has
been active in a large number of or•
ganization% , Tho Canadian War
.Services Fund gill launch a mam-
moth "six -In -tine`? drive to seobr•I
'urgently needed funds for the Can -
adieu Legion, Knights of CohlmbUs
Salvation" Army, Y.M.C.A., Y.WC,A.,
and I,O.D,E• The drive opens on
Maroh 255h.
Mr, Thomas has called a meeting
of a tentative executive board to be
held in Clinton on Friday night, At
ibis meeting the permanent board to
conduct the campaign will be named
and territories determined, The
quota for. Huron has not yet been
Huron County Jr, Assoc.
Of • Toronto Holds
Successful Party
The annual winter dance are
card' panty held by the Huenu
County Jenior Association of '6'o'
roma at Malloney's Art Gallery, To-
ronto, on Friday -evening February
28th Iva slthe most successful party
ever sponsored by .the Junior
Approximately one hundred and
twenty -live .members and then
friends attended and included among
the guests were a number of the
Huron Old Boys' Association. of To-
All of the ground floor of the
spacious Gallery was reserved for
the occasion and there was ample
room for dancing, bridge and euchre,
as wel.leo 'other novel forms eg en-
tertainment, One of the features
of the evening was a Baby Picture
Contest, in which the guests were
invited to test their skill in ident'fy-
ing pictures of a select group of
twelve members taken at the age or
six years or under. Mr. David
Dewar, formerly of Bayfield, dna
Miss Helen . McLean, formerly ct
GoderidL, shared the honours. for
identifying the greatest number of
pictures, and the prize of War
Saving Sitansps Nva divided between
them,' The committee in charge of
this contest was composed of Mrs.
Clare Panton (nee Doris Hill, Gode-
rioh), Mrs. Lloyd Grose •(nee -Mar-
garet ,S'traohan, Brussels) . end air
Fred Elliott ('Clinton).
The car room was in charge of
Miss Jetdsie Archibald (Seaforth),
and a lucky nuanber prize for card
Players •was won by Miss Mary
Walker, formerly of Brussels,
Following lunch a Floor Show was
presented by members of the As.
societion, under 'the 'direction. of
Kenneth Stanbiry (Exeter), Mr:,
acted as' Master of Ceremonies and
musical director. In a brief pro-,
logue he introduced a group.opt
Huron 'County bathing beauties' who
exifiibited their ohn,nis and, sang
deldglrtfnrl ditties Omit different
members of the organization. The
bathing girls chorus was made up
of Bob Leiper and Fred Elliott rep-
resenting Mieses Seafor'tit, Clarence
Lannon as Miss Brussels, Bin
Robin&''as Miss Clinton, and Garai!),
Stewart as Miss Londssboro.
'Next followed a dramatic siretah
entitled '"Fitmilian" In which the
actors, in the grand Shakesperiair
manner portrayed the story of the
Young medieval ,philosopher and
poet "Firmilian" and his three. Lady
loves, The title role was played 'by
Gordon ybwlerg and he was sup-
ported by Doris Bill Parton, Grace
Stirling and John Forbes,
The final numrber in the Roo reliow'
c0ns:sted of a Benet entitled "The
"e of Fauns"
Iluron Count preheated by the
y Ballet, .headed by the
great ballerina, Weselina Mc'Cutcir
onova (Wesley McCutcheon). The
corps de ballet was made up of
illena Hobiuoks, (Bill Robins),
Claire du Lamm (Clarence Lannon-,
Fr'etlerika Dllietsiry (Fred Elliott-,
anti Il:obeito Lepelroff (Bob
miner). The audience was thrilled
with the graceful mevemeots cud
elaborate costumes and an encore
d to be given, The ballot MU Oil
wnas played by 'Kenneth Slanbury
lid the costumes for the entire
show wore designed and produced
y a group headed by . Mrs. Gordon
Much cerdlt for Mire st,ceess of the
party is clue to the sscaigticn's
capable Pres1dsnt, Mr, pardon t .
edneadaiy, March 12th, 1991.
too much fire insurance ---but
went sell you sure protection
pnd quick service.
Writing selected risfcs in Automobile, Fire, Plate Glass, Burglary
Public Liability, and, other geni.rnl insurance. Road Office,' Toronto
Fowler,formerly of Exeter, and
the convenors of the various com-
mittees in charge Of publicity,
tickets and ententainmeut,
a: :k ,kk a: :s - $ * Y:
• effort passed upon co-operative, self-
help. deinanclal prosperity of the
1 Plan would ,mean, not dividends to
stockholders, but increased bene-
fits to sebscrfbers,
The Plan calls for the enrolment
of employed workers in groups at
s' ,the lowest possible monthly rate of
subscrirption coanpatible with actuar•
lel soundness. By arrangement
with the employer this weekly or
monthly fee could be deduoted from.
e s: * * s: * * * e
Considearble interest in plans
reported under way for a Plan for
Hospital Care throughout Ontario,'
was expressed that week by ofiicia:s
of the Health League of Canada at
its headquarters in Toronto. It was
understood that the Plan would r,0
under theauspices' of the Ontario
Iio,'mpital Association,
It was pointed out that a sint:lar
plan is now entering its third sue-
cessful year at Winnipeg, where
more than 10 per cent of the inham'
tenth were enrolled as subscribes.
and that all reports point to r;
having a decided and beneficial
fluence on the health of the co rt
"Any scheme," said a physician:
attached to the League "which
will make it possible for the low
wage earnerto avail himself or
adequate hospital treatment, net
as a recipient of "charity" but as
a natter et right for which 1110
has paid, is to be welcomed. When
at almost imperceptible cost to hun-
self, he can ensure the same advan-
tage for his wife and faintly, it may
be looked upon as a distant humaut.
' tartan advance."'
' -Community Effort for Self -Help,
According to details prepared
by a committee of the Ontario
]] hospital Association, the Ontario
plan wwou'ld follow those approved
by the American Hospital Awe -
elation end now operating in many
centres of ,the United 'States. It
would be a nonprofit, conintuuity
• .,,ace.
In return the, worker would be
entitled to complete hospiitalizatien
for himself or any member of his
family in case of need, and would
have the assurance that the hospital
bill would be paid by the Plan evil/t-
out financial worry or burden to
For Small Fat'ms..dig Fare 5 -AAI 'Farms
Rugged 4 -cylinder
Continental Motor
Self Starter
flattery Ignition
Twin Power
Residence 52r18
Business 61e.
The low cost, dependable farm
power made available it, this
Massey -Harris 101 Junior trac-
tor is being praised by largo
and small farm owners alike
through out Canada, It dent -
ops frill 2 -plow newer en the
drawbar and itsexclusdye Twni
Power feature provides extra
power for belt wont. Its
self-starter and battery I.
tion aystem give time and
money -saving advantages, It Is
economical on gas and ail, is
built aytrong and tugged and is
asp handy to drive as a motor
Now on Display at