The Brussels Post, 1941-3-12, Page 4THE B"RUSSIA POST
We fl
y, Mi
rola 12th, 194
Buy Goverment Apprav d
Chicks and Pullets
Barred Rocks, W hate Leg"horns ,
Light Susse,? Red 84 Rock Cross Breeds
Coveriey's Chick !Hatchery
Mitchell, Ont.
phone 132
Box 57
Team Bowled Over
A truck, a sax', and a team of
horses were in a rather strange
aocident Thursday night two miles!
north of Brnssel8. Carl Bondi
driver of a truck, was proceeding
north immediately behind a car
driven by F. G. Haman, a traveller i
of Toronto.
Harmon 'saw a team drawang a
load of cogs and driven by Charles i
Definer. Rapson pulled' up to let the
team areas the intersection. Bondi
was unable to stop, hitting the
Hapson cam and turning it into a
. owbank. The truck went en and
Qct the 'team of horses, knocking
li em over.
No one was injured in the acct•
nt, but .a fender and headlight
were smaohed from the truck and
the hack of the Toronto man's car
was smashed. Traffic Officer Lever
Car Strikes Child
A motor car accident that might
have had more serious results as
curred at 4.15 p.m, Frid.ty on
No, 4 highway, four miles north
of Clinton, at the Loniesbora
school house, township road inter-
section. A car driven by John
Thynne of Brussels; Ont., was
proceeding north and arrived at
the school corner just after school
was dismissed and while the :chli-
ilren were still about the yard.
Betty Peekitt, young daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Peckitt, darted
out on to •the highway from behind
the high •snow banks piled up by
the highway plows, just as the 'car
came along, The driver jammed
S. W. P.
Quality Paint
Factory ClearOut
Special 1.49
agy Gal.
Colors—Ivory & Gray
in gallon tins only
C. Zilliax & Son
Phone 40 — Listowel
The Store with the Stock.
Good Health Products
O •ders gladly sent by mail
between regular trips.
e. Payne Denier.
Phone 58, Brunei's
that are
F. W. Kc rap
Setae Conducted Anywhere
In Ontario
-hone 38 - Listowel
the bxakes down bard ` aria :.slowed
the car to a skid. The chilli was
knocked down and when piplce.l up
was sound to have suffered, fore-
head abrasions and aessibiy other
Injuries, Tlatfic Officer ( Taylor,;.
'Clinton, was called and' Made aft'
investigation. The drivel' ,of the
car .took Betty hone"and then on
to Blyth where Dr, 'McLean, attend-
ed to her injuries. ,S1titohes' wore
required to close the head gash.
Other injuries earislateta of body
bruises. The accident :recalls to
mind the flatal accident which oc-
curred at the Baine' place and in
like manner, when Marguerite
Snell was fatally injuerd.
This is the first accident Mr.
Thynne had had in 'five -hundred
thousand miles of driving.
Congratulations Extended
To CIever Student
Our congratulations are extended
to hiss Lucile Clarke of Hamilton.
Lucille is the daughter of 11irl..
Clarke who was formerly Lava.;
Sinclair of Brussels and is a grand-
daughter of Professor D. K. Clarke,
-bliss Clarke made a very fin
showing in her last year at Dear
Collegiate. She was winner of tits
"Wheeler Scholarship in Mabry"
valued at 9700.00 and the "Thome=
son Scholarship in English" value
9700.00. both of which were province -
wide. The f
immortal laii1 its it ahinea forrv'ard
19 guide u'a fa ualknvwa vouturee
^glad backward to ealeaur+,•ape and to
;plaice ua with the effarta Pi etheare;
.'beacon for the world and a aearAh-
light tor our own hearts.
• Tire candle has iiiekeretd, to otaaser
'yore 'same ,the onslaughts, of lust -
Jill 1144i921s in the hot dextro for
•_Denver; 41.has ialtexed but not failed..
lay Gotl"ei-grace,and by ,our•lfrra will,
It ehail never be put oust, an eternal
symbol of that'•avhich is dearer . to
ns than. life l elf, *state blessed. plot,
this. eauith, ' this : realm,.' this i Beg -
to 4 years free tuition at McMaster
university and cash besides. 1n
addition she also won the R. L.
Smith gold '' pedal •,. In modern'
language, r,.aa
Miss .O1aike,, is associate editor
Of "The S I4iiette", McMaster Uni.
versity paletK"rh d'- the following
editorial iYr t'he eb' 2lst issue of
that palter. "••17 :1
tightjp a- t.atrte,
Four centurlas i!$1' passed since
a galaint de$@rlll Al his faith cried
out to a fellowsufferer and to a
slowly-awekep¢p ,vj9rld ,1,`,play the
man, Masker„ B,i lay„'. We shall tars
day light: mach cantle .. liy God's
grace in lyj1glan #ps T trust, shall
never be put out"
A challengeattearyl , ,s.thunaer-
ed down througli-`11ie' resounding
years enalytaajagagcatq,dlay comes
with powor o E;tieeottr d1.n lagging
hlririts. For sonar, these words are
a present inapip ¢Midas rand a future
hope,tot t ma<•ta31.liter. are merely'
the deathries' di' relrgious zealot,
yet we whose jsodies are threatened
with •disersttctl nthrongh the insid-
ious viri of" susirecion and hate and
fear, cannot refuse the challenge et
one who wast himself destroyed by
the flames of bigotry and perse-
ctutdon. Rather let ua find in
Latmiera+;co deuce a., panacea for
our sickness a i1 a restoration to the
ideals •of liberty, equality and
fraternytia,, .l
We '1}acia_sy._lately :tome to realize
how much of our every day life
delseude Q1l 'she , COMearting know-
ledge that England lives. To speak
of our duty as a member of the
famtty of :natfona,'tlhat is the British
Empire is ne longer to sentimentaa.
fee taatelAe eraidly, for by the wan
ton tlestructron of nfstoric churches
and tladltioiii-landmarks we have
ibeen jolted out of oitr lethargy of
smug complacency. We see that
upon us rests .the otitis of defend:ng
our legacy of political institutions,
religious toleration' liferarp beauty
and aehievemeut.
Tet the lamb df perseverance
kindled dnpl16. 0 beansmore brigaly
Manatee/OfManatee/Of t'do lays ,1 by the same
beams that lit the way for our
Where tfl'Alr,o,a tun tluer•s in the last
World 't tr•`is otie'Elrat hto•day ilium -
inert npr1w?1y cheered by the
gloriisuP'erlaat;fi Of the brave then
anrl women who have gene before.
We pledge ourselves to keep our
lamp always trimmed and burning
with the all of Chrigaian faith ao•l
fellowship and to cherish it, this
* * * * * * *
s * „ u * * * Os
Miss Ruby Plum is Visiting in
* * * ,
Mrs. A. J. Lowry is visiting in To
rent° this week.
114r, Joshua Bateman of Toronto
was a week and visitor at the horns
of his brother Mr. Tohn 13atemau,
Mrs. A, T. Helv• e who has been
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Wm.
Wilkinson, returned to her home in
London on Monday,
ars, w
,Mrs: John Oliv • * suffered a sudden
illness on Saturday evening of last
week, Sier n fir sdepli epf oa
week. Her friends hope for a
speedy recovery.
* * *
Ma. and Mrs. Chas. Ball of Blyth.
Were Sunday vitiators at the home of -
Sir. and Mrs, W. J. Procter. On
their way home •they tet iiith a bad
accident. Mlle ear bit something
which threw theist over a culvert on
the 6th line of Morris and both were
thrown tarn' the windshield; Their
many friends hope for a speedy. re•
* .* *
Mr. Earngey was called to the
hone of, his aunt near Gorrle one
day last week to find that a peculiar
accident had happened, The old
Lady had stepped on her cat's tail
and thinking the cat waif, caught in
the door she area trying to get it
away from the door when in its pain
it bit and scratched her very badly.
They had the cat shot but it will be
some time till the aunt will be
Beginning nerst Thursday a Folk
School will be held In the home of
Miss. James .Anderson, fifth line,
Morris. It will oon'tinue for four
days, March 13, 14, 15, 10. Ab,rttt
fifteen young people will attenl
from the northern part of Huron.
Some of the subjects taken will be,
Federation of 'Agriculture, Municipal
Taxation, Producer & Consumer Co-
operatives, health Services, the
place of, the there'll in the rUtal
community, Also 'special periods
on "public speaking, Art and music
appreciation and supervisedrecre-
.The afternoons are open to every.
One' and there. will be a spefiitil
speaker each ,dayware will deal 'with
one of ale above farm probletns.
The pr'ojec't la sponsored by the
0411106 an. Association for Adult
Education and the United Farmer
Co-operative Company, Coyne and
enjoy the leadership and fellowsli:p
of the Folk School group.
Mrs. McCauley, fifth line, who lure
been lard up praotieaily all winter
is feeiiitg much better, her raanY
friends ere peened 90 know,
Don't forget the "Family Alberti"
presented by Walton U.x",W.O, on I l l
In Memoriam
In loving memory 04 my lather
John, wire lett 1118 'three years
ago, iiw'411 14th, to join my det!a'
Mother who died manly 700,5s, aga,
'rawly lteughha were all so lull of "rn:e
They Dever could forget, .
And *o I think chart"where flIPY,aX0
They 11111st be 'Watching yet
etching till I came hone to theist,
Anxious i1 T am late
Watdaring front Heavehi.s wind* ,
Leaning from Heaven's gale.
Ilver renre]ntbered by daughter,''
DAVIDISON—in loving memory n a
dear wife and mother, Myrtle
Davidson, who passed aray two
yearn ago, March 15th, 1989,
Her faint last wish we shout$ like
to have heard,
And breathed in her ear one last
,panting word;
Ouly those who have lost are able
to tell
The pain of the heart in not saying
Sadly missed by Husband
and Fancily.
DAMSON—In loving memory 01
a dear sisterand daughter Myrtle
Elizabeth, who departed, from tl'is
• world March 13th, 1939.
Two years have passed, dear Myrtle,
Since you were colied away,
How well do we remember,
That sad and wealy day,
The blow was great, the .shock
We little thought the end was near.
God took yo uliome it was His will,
Bat in our hearts you liveth still.
A faithful daughter, Ono of the best,
May God grant you eternal rest.
Sadly massed but lovingly remem
bered, •
Mother, father, sisters and brothers.
Exhibition Game
Wingham Vs. Brussels
On March 7, the Juvenita team
-took on. the Wingham High School
heae. The two teams were very
evenly matched as the score of 6 to
4 for the visitors shows,
In the first Period the two teams
played evenly with a score off. to 2.
Rolles and backer scored the .'pals
for Brusels while Templeman and
Lloyd banged in the goals for Wing -
The Wingham teaks' was a little
faster than the home team in the
first two periods. Northwood amt
Prest of the Brussels defence kept
the Wingham team in check.
In the second period • the boys
began 1* loosen up; 'playing fast
Farms dor
South % lot 20, on. 4, Hibbert. 75 acres Small 'house Price $1550.
Lot 35, Con, 3, East Wawanosh, 200 acres, All eeedgd
excepting 12 acres, Some 'bush. Buildings of little value'
Watered at front and back of farm Price: $2800.
East'' 1/e Lot 23, Con.11, McKillop 50 aprea,pasture with
sorne wood. Small, frame house, Price $1QOQ, {,
Part Lot. 27 and. 28, on 14, Hullett — 233 acres pasture.
Some bush. Frame house, no barn. Watered by good
well and windmill, creek and spring. Price $4750.'
South 1/2 Lot ;0.6, Cop*. 3, Wallace -- 50 acres all cleared.
11/;y storey brick house. Barn 40 x 60. Price $3300.
Part Lots 16 and a7, Con•13, McKillop. About 68 acres
cleared, 7 acres bush. Frame house, small barn. Price $3000.
Jafes McFadzean, or Fred Moloy,
James McFadzean, THEDFORD, Ontario
clean hockey. However the Juven-
iles scored only one goal and
Wjnghaw scored two goals.
In the third period the home
hewn speeded up with, Northwood
scoring a sensational goal. The
Wingham boys however scored an-
other goal making the score 0 to 4.
Hockey Sans who saw the game
said it was the fastest, cleanest
hockey played here this year
Goal Summary -Relies uuaasistedt
Baeker, assisted by Northwood, for
Wingham, Templeman assisted by
Lloyd. Iu •the• second period Roles,
unassisted; Chit/tick, 2 goals unas-
sisted, The third period, North-
wood unassisted; Lloyd 2 goals um
The Teams
Wingham—goal, Falconer; de-
fence, Beecroft, Johnson.; forward,
Lloyd, Hamilton, Chittiek; subs,
Templeman, FitzpaVrick, Matte,
Casemore. -•
Brussels—goal,. Lawless; defence
Prest, Northwood;' Forward, Baeker,
Relies, Marshal; subs, Bell, Scott,
Ken Ashton, manager'-_ coach.
On Friday, March 14th the Amen- CANADIAN
Iles start their play-offs. The R E D C R A S S
Brussel}s;,boys meet Wooxeter iu a
series of two out of three games. the
first game to be played in BrUssels.
If the seriesgoes to a third game
it also will be played in Brussels.
The winners of this aeries win
the Irwin Cup. It the home team
wins, it will be the first hockey cup
held by Brussels in thirty years.
,Come out and help the boys bring
home the -silverware,
Don't 'forget the "Family Album"
presented by Walton II.F.W.O. on
Friday, March 21st.
Friday, Murch net.
Ford Ferguson Tractor Meeting
Wednesday, March 26th, At z P. M.
Come In And See The Pictures Arad
Hear The Educational Talk On This
Tractor And Implements !.
See Qur Tractors before Buying
T alk to our 36 owners of last gear)
Carload coming.. in shortly with implements attached
We have 3 New . Tractors in Stock
We are in the market today, for horses
on trade-ins: tory New Tractors
L. & W. Jackson Motors Ltd.
Phone 161 Service With A Smile ' LISTOWEL, ONT.'