The Brussels Post, 1941-3-5, Page 9cat ley bon rg, a3 - do tt se. - ids of ,es', dud doM to - - i; out fu - au! to .te Cu. in igh and the u1d 1 tut �i f �c nt CANADIAN CERTIFIED SEED GOOD seed is the first requirement for an excellent crop because only good seed will grow vigorous and productive plants. Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes are good seed potatoes: By planting them, higher -quality, cleaner, smoother, more uniform potatoes than those grown from ordinary seed stock will be produced. ' So, this season, to harvest finer potatoes - and more of them, plant Canadian Certified Seed. Be sure to select the variety most suitable for your locality. 'Ask the District Government Inspector, Plant .Protection Division, for full information and list of nearest distri- butors. INSPECTOR FOR ONTARIO District Inc tor, Seed Potato CertiGtoion, c/o Horticultural Department, Ontario Agri. cultural College, Guelph, Ont. Marketing Service DOMINION DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Honourable James G. Gardiner, Minister. I50 Look for this certification tag on the bag or container —the only way of being sure of getting Canadian Certo find Seed Potatoes. Examine it carefully. Registered Egg Grading Stations Benefit Producers One of doe benefits of the Regist- ered Egg GradingStations under tha egg regulations will be the improve - anent in egg quality required to MONUMENTq High-class Workmanship Designs that are different W. F. Kemp AUCTIONEER (Licensed) = Sales Conducted Anywhere In Ontario phone `38 - Listowel bring further prosperity •. to the poultry industry through the stimu- lation of increased demand. One of ,the chief difficulties in the egg trade has been to ensure keeping their grade after grading, panticular- ]ty during the summer months. By being kept cool In the registered stations, eggs will retain their grade better than in the past. Heat is one of the chief causes of low egg quality in the summer months, but with the establishment of the regiet=• ered lsttions eggs will ,pe kept at below a temperature of 67 degrees, Fahrenheit, this ,maximum of 67 degree below •the print at which degre blow tli• point at which eggs eggs begin to incubate. Producers have always, been . ad- vised to keep their egg cool but grading stations. -have not always set a good example in this respect. Now, under the: regulations, produo- eee and reail store keepers, seeing eggs, properly haadled at ail the atationis, will have greater encour- agement to do .likewise. Also, this For Small Farms -Big Farms -All Farms1 MASSEY -HARRIS 109 JUNIOR The SUPER VALUE TRACTOR IN ITS CLASS Rugged 4 -cylinder Continental Motor Self Starter Battery Ignition Twin Power For SMOOTH, LOW PERFORMANCE COST, DEPENDABLE PHONES Residence B2rl8 Business 61i6 The low cost, dependable fq It power made available ii, this Massey -Harris 101 Junior trac- tor is being praised by large and small tarnowners alike through out Canada. It,dare- ops full 2-p1ovc power, on the drawbar and Itgexcluedve Twin. Power feature provided extra Power for belt .work, Its self-starter and battery ig'sI. tion systedn give time and money -saving advantages, It is economical bn gat and oil, is built strong and rugged and la', as handy to drive as a motor ear, Now on Display at J. W. FISCHER'S MASS EY-HARRiS DEALER care in keeping eggs cool will tend to eliminate dealers who enter the mar'ket .when it ds geed and stet' away when it is poor, If these dealers are eliminated, it will he only because they do not see fit' lo assume tete responsibility of equip-, ping ;premises to Bantle egg properly. With regard to those dealers, it should be ;noted that in the past any alightly higher price+ which a few individuals might have receiv 4 from 'them, inure possible by the Mat that they have virtualy n0 overhead, was snore than onset lyy'ttile adverse influence which tbelr operaitione had on the market as a whole, In order to sell eggs, they had to undercut the regular trade and usually sold an ungraded or lin- properly graded, produ:et, The regulations, as before, pro. vide tliat a producer may grade his own eggs tor sale to retailers or consumers, but now. when he sells to retailers lie is required to put his name and address. ,On the grade fag, do the container. This is as a protection to himself.: There have been many instances of pedlers who have posed as producers when selling eggs to retailers. By idents. faing his eggs with his name and address, the bona fide producers will assist in correcting a praotice which is detrimental to his, interests. 300,000 bu. Seed Corn For War Time Planting Ontario Seed Corn Marketing Assn. guarantees purity of strain. Desplite adverse weather condi- tions in Essex and Kent counties the home of seed corn in Ontario, dike newly formed Ontario beet' Corn Marketing Assn, announces their member will, have in the neighborhood of 300,400 bushels of seed corn for war time requirements this year, 'through regular dealer channels. • New regulations—both fedra and provincial-ahave resulted' --'in• ' con- siderable change in the .production - and marketing of seed corn in Eastern Canada and has brought late being the Ontario Seed Corn Growers' Marketing scheme and the +formation of the Ont. ,Seed Cern Marketing Akan. ONiew regulations guarantee tba ;purity' of the strain .and make it ;possible for the buyers of seed he sure he gets the same strain each year. Until the present system was started this could not be done. All inapeoiton is done by ',facials of the Dominion Dept, of Agriculture. The corn will be all definitely Hugged and sealed as a true variety according to the type produced and. sold through the Association. t i Your Dollars Canada needs yours dollars. Your quarters, yes, your dimes, To help stop Adolph Hitler, His atrocities and cremes. Canada needs your dollars, She merely asks a loan, To be returned with interest, Then again to become your own. •Canada needs your dollars, For spitfires, tanks and. guns, ,Ships and ammunition, To protect you from the Huns. , Canada needs your dollars, 'For bacon, cheese and wheat, Batter, beans and beefsteak, To keep ibhe army onits feet. Canada needs you dollars, Whatever you can spare, To train amen for the Army, On land, cm sea, in the air. Canada needs• your dollars, 'Tis' up to Y.Ou to choose, .Should Hitler win, what then? You have everything to lose. Canada needs your delete, To on Hitler, put the clamps, If you can't afford certificates Wonit you try to buy seine stamps.: —1, W. Gray, otMlt IG J THE. BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, Marcie Gita 1.641 of DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS Phone tolled' tothi5 number BRUSSELS PHONE 72 or 21 INGERSOLL Jack Miner: f`A National Benefactor" Kingsville Naturalist Is Ac- claimed by Head of Canadian Travel Bureau Jack Miner, famed . Kingsville naturalist, was last wek elected president of the Essex County Tour- ist Assoetation at Re annual meeting in Windsor. Beautification Urged "Let us see how much we can put into Essex County by beautify- ing it and forget for the time being what we can get out of it,". Mr. Miner urged in accepting office. He asked for continued beautification of highways and farm properties especially those bordering heavily traveled highways, "Perform Greatest Workot Tile 7.6 -year-old conservationist was pulblicly acclaimed as a natt`on- al bendaat0r by D. Leo Dolan, direc• for of the Canadian Travel Bureau. principal speaker. "I hate known for many years the value Of the work you have beeu doing," Mr, Dolan said. 'No man is •better known and none snore highly regarded .than Jack Miner. I desire to pay You public tribute for the work which you have done' to make Canada known • throughout the whole of North America, You were at work on this business of tourist promotion long before I was thought of and I consider your work in con- servation to be among the greatest performed anywhere on the globe. • eta FARM NOTES FERTILIZER BOOKLET CONTAINS POINTERS Recomendations of Advisory Fertl- Iizer Board of Ont. for 1941 are now available in pamphlet form. A forty page booklet containing 1941 recommendations for soil man- agement and use of fertilizers, pre- pared by the advisory . Fertilizer. Board for Ontario, is just off . the ,press and may .be obtained ba fanners trona the Asgrioultural Rep- resentatives in their county, or by waiting direct to the Staistios ,and Publications Branch, Ont, Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto, There is no charge. With farmers everyiwtere anxious to increase production this year in order that food supplies may be kept Rowing in adequate volume to Great Britain, this fact -packed bock - let takes on spedial signdfleance, The Fertilizer' Board is composed of experts headed by G. N. Ruihnke, Professor ' of • Cibemistry, •O.A.C., Guelph, and has examined experi- mental data from all relible sources. The booklet' contains recommenda- tions justified • by such data and ap- proved farm practice. Fertilizer, recommendations are outlined for cereal crops on heavy and idght land, hoed crops, pasture and bay, vegetables, canning, muck tote crops•, tree fruits, sdrawberies, r•ajpberr res,' grapes and tobaco, 'The iibalnlet undoubtedly ,has a ;plate 'tbii>Jbvery fawn book shelf and will •-mike Drofiltable crop -increasing letaling ter every farmer, Write fda 1C.11.471. a r , ' I' :ilatiiieacher Make a sentence with ithe words "attack" and "heroes" it' IQ' silex; 'A man' sat oda a tack and he rose. Little Wadden, aged our, had bean invited to an open house for pre` Bohol dhildreu. • Upon hie return home he wet asked how be had 04' joyed the occasion. "It wasn't open hotted at al11,'' he said la a disgusted tone of voice. "Everything woe closed—not even the door was spell.' 1 NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE.. YOUR HARNESS REPAitED *T CHAPMAN 4. Bruesele. Ont. .. WE W-.-.JtT SELLYOU too winch fire insurance—but we'll sell you sure protection and quick service. WALTER SCOTT Brussels Representing Ul(1)i Writing selected risks in—Automobile, Fire, Plate Glass, Burglary.-, Public Liability, and other gentrnl insurance. Head Office, Torordr ••. I.1111-1 ► I MPhNY Outlines Home Method 11 Of Testing Seed Grain ..,.Dr- G. P. McRostle, ..OsA.C„ ,.tells how farmers may test germination qualities of grain at home. 'Ontario farmers are being advised by the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture to test all seed for germination be- fore planting this year, With Yarm help scarce, every acre tiled Shonid be made to produce snore bushels per acre, Fanners can test seed at home and there is no time like the .present. Any method wllich keeps seed moist and at average room tempera- ture for six to ten days should re - alit . in satisfactory germination, Bays Dr. G. P. MdRostie, Field Husbandry Dept. •O.A.C. Guelph. Hs states a five inch or larger flower pot makes a suitable container. , This can be filled about three- quarters full of either sand or loamy earth which should be firmed down. iblcatter .the seeds, to be test- ed over the top of the soil, spacing them as evenly as possible; then cover the spaced sed with another halt to three-quarters, of an inch or ` the saane kind of soil. Paola family . and keep moist but'not wet. Set ia< some suitable place not too near t1 - stove or window. Count the geruninaited serfs at me end of six days and again at the end of ten days, The total number of the 100 seeds which produce sprouts' will be percentage germination Anal' ' siprouts which are weak and sick37 looleing should be discarded and not included in theflnal percent germin- ation as they would not likely pro - duce healthy planta. It the germination is about 85 Derr - cent, the seed should be quite satis- factory to plant at the regular rat of seeding. If it is between 60 and 85 percent, the rate of seeding •should be -Ito creased in proportion to the percent of kernels that do not grow. If germination is below 60 percner, it would seem advisable to secant* other seed planting. If this is im- possible the rate of seeding would- have to be increased as paesdausll suggested, gtatee Dr. McRostie•. qbeSNARSTOT GUILD. TAKING FLASH PICTURES With flash, shots such as this are quick and sure—and'your subjects •n don't have to'pose In bright light. A NN turned up with a camera 1"' problem the other night. She had been trying to take some snap- shots of the pup—a lively little rascal—and he wouldn't stay put. Id fact, the warmth from the phbto lamps made hint even more skittish than usual, and by the time she was ready to shoot, he was usually out' aif sight. "Ali right," I told her, "we'll fix him,•We'li•use a flash bulb, and get lira down'on film' before he even kiiowe it," So, we arranged things, and in about three minutes she had just the •picture she wanted, Maybe you've taken flash shots —maybe not. If not, winter is a good time to get acquainted with this type. cf picture -taking, and you'll find it mighty useful, For most.lndobia.shots, 1 use tete, regu- lnr. 11006 Whet but for some shots, flash 1s much better, • - • • 'I'r'a'' simple to use, too, exon if you fion't have a Sash ,synehro- niryer,':Just int• your camera on a tripod', or table edge, and set the shutter for "time." Insert the flash bulb in a 'TiiiiYae lamp fitted with the regular cardboard.reflector you use for, s apshots at night ---but be tittle the s'tVitch 10 off at the mb- uiehtl.Now open the camera shut teal—snap on the switeb. to hash the bulb—and close the shutter, That'a:a all, and you have your picture. Moreover, you can use. e s • you prefer—the quick flash Is bright,-: ! enough tor box camera exposures:+• with daytime filar; when the bulb is. • seven feet from the subject. Aud :` if you use high speed film, the hunt. can be seventeen feet bank.,-. ' With a flash synchronizer, Raab r, bulbs aro even more uaeful Yow can even use them in the daytime,. to brighten up the nearby' details.. in a shady scene, And you don't. have to put the camera on a tripod. —you can hold it in your band, and_ take snapshot expositres. Some ef.- the most attractive daytime •;sltorsi you see in the magazines are made: with the aid of Synchronized dash, and it's a real help. I didn't have a •synchronizer tom- s long time, because they used for be high -priced --but I bought one last year as•soon as the lnexpeto• aide medals began to come rsezl!. Now Ann wants one too; she ktanusz, a good o'amera accessory when 'eho- sees one. And maybe there's a good hint for your Diva Camera kit. rsi certainly hate to part with my syn- ehrsnizer-3t has already paid for itself in flrat'rate piaturea. 109 John Voll 'Guilder