HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-3-5, Page 71'a
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to -
GOOD seed is the first requirement for an excellent
V crop . because only good seed will grow vigorous
and productive plants.
Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes are good seed potatoes.
By planting them, higher -quality, cleaner, smoother,
more uniform potatoes than those grown from ordinary
seed stock will be produced:
' So, this season, to harvest finer potatoes and more of
them, plant Canadian Certified Seed.
Be sure to select the variety most suitable for your locality.
-Ask the District Government Inspector, Plant Protection
Division, for full information and list of nearest distri-
Diorite 7nrpcctor, Seed Potato Certifit'ation.
c/o Horticultural AParttnent, Ontario Agri.
cultural College, Guelph, Ora.
Marketing Service
Honourable James G. Gardiner,
Look for this certification tag on the bag or aneainer
—the only way of being sure of
geteifi d Seed ho Potatoes
Examine it
Registered Egg
Grading Stations
Benefit Producers
One of the benefits of the Regist-
ered Beg Grading Stations under the
egg regulations will be the Improve-
ment in egg quality required to
that are
W. F. 1Kemp
AUCTIONEER (`Licensed)
Sales Conducted Anywhere '
in Ontario
phone38 - Listowel
bring tunther • prosperity to the
poultry industry through the stimu-
lation of increased demand. • One
of the chief difficulties in the . egg
trade has been to ensure keeping
their .grade after grading, particular-
yy during the summer. months. By
being keplt cool in the •registered.
slbations, eggs will retain their grade
better than in the past. Heat is one
of 'the chief causes of low egg
quality in the summer months, but
with 'the establishment of the regret=
erect ettions eggs will ,pe kept at
below a temperature of 67 degrees,
Fahrenheit, this maximum of 67
degree below the paint at which
degre blow tri, point at which eggs
eggs begin to Incubate.
Producers have always been ad -
vaned to keep 'their egg cool but
grading stations :have not atwaye
set a good example in this respect
Now, under the' regulations, produc-
'esa and reail.store keepers; seeing
eggs properly haadled ' at all the
stations", will have •greater encour-
agement to do likewise, • Also, this
—r --
For Small Farms -Big Farms -An Farms
Rugged 4^cyl'tndeK
Continental Motor •
Self Starter
Battery Ignition
Twin Power
Reeldenoe 5208
Dullness 51it'
The low cost, dependable firm
power made available it, tits
Massey+Harria 101 Junior trite -
tor ire being praised by large
and small farm owners alike
through out Canada. It devel-
aps full 2 -plow polder, on the '
'drawbar and iteexclusdve Twin
Power feature provides extra
power Cor belt work, Its
Self-starter and battery Igni-
tion" sy0ttem 'give Unite and
money -saving advantages. It is
economical on gas and oil, le
• built strong and rugged and ie
es bandy to drive as a motor
Now on Display at •
care in peeping eggs cool Will tend
.to eliinUi to dealers who enter the
marlttet :wiper it ie geed and stet
away when i1, is poor, If these
dealers are etimineted, it will he
only becausethey do not see lit le
assume the responsibility of equip-
ping .premises to handle egg's
properly. With regard to 'those
dealers, it should be:,nnoted that 111
the paet any slightly higher pricey
which a few individuals might have
received from them, made possible
by the' fact that they have virtualy
no overhead, wan more than offset
big the adverse influence which tbeti
opet'aticne• had on ,the market se a
whole, Ln order to sell eggs, they
had to undercut the regular trade
and usually sold an ungraded or Ii -
properly graded: product,
The . regulations, as (before, pro-
vide that a producer may grade 'Mei
own eggs for sale to retailers or
consumers, but now when he sells
10 retailers he is required to put his
name and address ,an the grade tag
do the comtalner. This is as a
protection to himself. There have
been many instances of pediers
who have posed as producers when
,selling eggs to retailers. By identi-
fying his eggs with his name and
address, ,the bona fide producers will
assist in correcting a practice which
is detrimental to his, intterests.
eemi1 tib
300,000 bu. Seed Corn
For War Time Planting
Ontario Seed Corn Marketing
Assn. guarantees purity of strain.
,Despite advent° weather condi-
dots in Bstsex and Kent counties
the home of seed corn in Ontario,
the newly formed Ontario beet
Corn Marketing Assn, announces
tiiheir members will have in the
neigthlbotdrood of 300,000 bushels of
seed corn, for war time requirements
table year, through regular dealer
New regulations—both fedral and
provincial—have. resulted, in con-
siderable change in the production,
and marketing of seed cora in
Eastern Canada and has brought
into being the Ontario Seed Corn
Growers' Marketing scheme and the
formationof the Ont. ,Seed Can
Marketing Assn.:
New regulations guarantee the
purity of the strain and make ii
possible for the buyers of seed be
sure she gets the same strain each
year. Until the present system
was started this could not be done.
All inspeoiton Is done by officials. of
.Phe Dominion Dept, of Agriculture,
The corn will be all definitely
'taggedand sealed as a true variety
according to the tyre produced and
sold through the Association.
• I
Your Dollars
Canada needs yours dollars.
Your quarters, yes, your dimes,
To help elto¢r Adolph. Hitler,
His atrocities and crimes.
Canada needs your dollars,
She merely asks) a load, • ,
To be returned with interest,
Then again to become your own.•
Oanada needs your dollars,
For spitfires, tanks and guns,
Ships- and ammunition,
To protect you from the Hnne •
Canada needs your dollars,
'For bacon, cheese and wheat,
Butter, beans and beefsteak,
To keep the army on its feet.
Canada needs you dollars,
Whatever you can spare,
To train man for the Army,
On land, on sea, in the air,
of DEAD or
tollect-tothis number
,Canada tteedst your dollars,
'T1s up to yen to choose,
.,Should Sutler win, what then?
You have everything to lose.
Canada needs your dolare,
To on Hitler, put the clamps,
If you can't afford certificates
Wenit you try to buy some stamps.
--4. W. eta+,.
Jar* Miner:
"A National Benefactor"
Kingsville Naturalist Is Ac-
claimed by Head of Canadian
Travel Bureau 11
Jack Miner, tamed Xi:nevi:le
naturallst, was last wek elected
president of the Essex County Tour
tst Association at its annual meeting
in Windsor,
Beautification Urged .
"Let us see how much we can
PIA into Essex county by beautify-
ing et and forget for 'the time being
what we can get out of it,". Mr.
Miner urged in acecpting office. He
asked for continued beatteideation
of highways' and teen properties
especially those bordering heavily
traveled highways.
"Perform Greatest Work"
'the 76 -year-old conservationist
was pulbliely acclaimed as a nation-
al benfaetOr by . D. Leo Dolan, direc•
tor of the Canadian Travel Bureau.
Principal speaker.
"I :have known for many years the
value of the work you have been
,doing," Mr. Dolan said. 'No man is
better known and nonemore highly
regarded than Jack Miner. I desire
to pay you public tribute for the
work which you have done to make
'Canada known throughout the whole
of North America, You were at
work on this business of tourist
Promotion long before I was thought
of and I consider your work in con-
servation to be among the greatest
performed anywhere on the globe.
Little Warren, aged dour, had beer
Invited to at1 open house for pre'
sch01 children. Upoa his rethrn
home he was asked -hots he had en•
jeyed the occasion, ' "It wasn't open
house at alll,t' he said In a diaguated
tone of vette. t'1>3t'erything was
closed --not oven the door was open;
Recomendations of Advisory Ferti-
lizer Board of Ont. for 1941 are now
available in pamphlet form.. -
A forty page booklet containing
1941 recommendations for soil man-
agement and use of fertilizers, pre-
pared by the advisory • Fertilizer
Board for Ontario, is just cif the
press and may be obtained by
farmers from the Agricultural Rep-
resentatives in 'their county, or by
writing direct to the Staisties and
Publications Branch, Ont. Dept. of
Agriculture, Toronto. There ,ia! no
'With harmers everywhere anxious
to increase production this year in
order 'that food supplies may be kept
flowing in adequate volume to
Great Britain, this fact -packed bo pk-
let takes on specital significance.
The Fertilizer Board is composed
of experts headed by G. N. Behnke, •
Professor of • Chemistry, 0.A.C.,
Guelph, and has, examined expert -
mental data from all relible sources.
Thebooklet contains recomarenda
tions justified by such data and aft -
Proved farm practice.
Fertilizer recommendations} are
outlined for cereal crops on heavY
and Light land, hoed crops, pasture
and hazy, vegetables, canning, muck
3;011 craps, tree fruits+, etrawberles,
ioeptberriesa grapes and 'Wheat:.t The` a'aaiefet undoubtedly has a
.plash oliwbveryfaun book shelf and
will mike profitable crop -increasing
rending`ilor' every tanner, Write
for If naw ' ,
i i
Teacher; Make a stentence with
the words "attack" and "heroes" in
it.." Alex; °A shim sat on a. tack and
he rose,
erussele, Ont.'
Wednesday, March 5t' 1, X9
toe much fire insurance^ -but
andquick e
iabilityd riskandsother genar lobile, Fire, Plate uisurance. Hcod Office, Toros—
public Liability,
Outlines Home .Method
Of Testing Seed Grain
....Dr. G. ;P, McRostle, „O:A,C., .,tells
how farmers may test germination
qualities of grain at home.
Ontario farmers are being advised
by the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture
to test all seed for germination be-
fore planting this year, With Perm
help scarce, every acre tiled should
be made to produce more bushels
per acre. Farmer's can test seed
at home and there is no time Ilea
the present.
Any method which keeps. §
moist and at average room tempera-
ture for six to ten days should re-
sult in •satisfactory germination,
says Dr. G• P. NLdIlostie, Field
ISusbandry Dept O.A.•C; Guelph. He
states a Ave inch or larger flower
pot makes a suitable container.
T,his can be filled about three-
quarters full of either sand, or
loamy earth which should be firmed
dawn. Scatter the seeds to be test-
ed over the top of the soil, spactug
them as evenly as possible; then
cover the •spaced 'sed with another
half to three-quarters of an Inch Of -
the game kind of soil, Paoli fisni6y
and keep moist but'not wet, Set In
some suitable place not too near Date
stove or window.
,Count the geminated reds at Dm
end of six days and again at the end
of ten days, The total number of
the 100 seeds which produce sprat:Ms
will be percentage germination- AMA'
sprouts which are weak and sickle'
looking should be discarded and not
Included in thefinal percent germin-
ation as they would not likely past: --
duce healthy Plante.
If the germination is about 85 pew --
cent, the seed' aliould be quite satis-
factory to plant *1 the regular rates
of seeding.
It it is between 60 and 85 Percent.
the rate of seeding should be to
creased in proportion to the pert
of kernels heat do not grow.
11 gertnitnnation is below 60 perenet,
it would seem advisable to seem*
other seed planting. If this is im-
possible the rate of seeding would'
have to be increased as neerrimasfEt
suggested, States Dr, McRostie•.
With flash, shots such as this are quick and sure—and•your subjects -t,
don't have to'pose in bright fight.
A NN turned up with a camera
C� problem the other night. She
had been trying to take some snap-
shots of the pup—a lively little
rascal—and he wouldn't Stay put.
Iii fact, the warmth from the photo
lamps made hint even more skittish
than usual, and by the time she
was ready to Shoot, he was usually
ottectot sight.
"All right," I told her, "we'll fix
hinf.'We'll•nse a Saab bulb, and get
hike down'on filth' before he even
khows IL" So, we arranged things,
and It about three minutes she had
just the picture she wanted.
Maybe you've taken flash chole
—tnaybe not. It not, winter is a
good .time to get acquainted with
this type. 'pt picture -taking, and
you'll find it mighty usefttl, For
moat: indoor'alidts, I use the regu•
1st fitted bulbs, but Bar some shots,
flush Is much better, • - •
It's,'•elmpls' to use, too, even it
you don't havea flash synchro.
niter:',JUBt1-put• your camera on a
tripod' or table edge, and set the
shutter for "time." Insert the taaalt
bulb in a hOlise"lamp fitted with the
refulett cardboard.reiteetor you use
fog aj apshets at night•- ••but be
sgl+o tate a1v1toh 10 Ole at the mo-
mebt.„Now open the camera shot-
tor• ----snap en the switch to flash the
bulb—and close the shutter. That's:
ail, and you have your picture
Moreover, yon can use ;any •Sim • ''+
you preter—the quick flash is bright,'
enough for box camera exposures:,
with daytime film, when the bulb is. •
seven feet Prom the subject Andel''
if you use high speed dim, the hulhv
can be seventeen feet back,•
With a flash synchronizer, flask:,
bulbs are even more useful. You
can oven use them in the daytime,.
to brighten up the nearby details
in a shady 'scene, And you don't.
have to put the camera on a tripod,
you can held it in your hand, and',.
take snapshot exposures. Seine of
the most attractive daytlitiu •thou
you gee in the magazines are made,
with the aid of synohroilized flash,,:
and it's a real help.
I ,didn't have a synoltl'nnizer torn
a long time, becalm° they reed toe•
be high-prided—but I bought ruse
test year es aeon as tate,ine&pent-
sive models began to conic out..
Now Ann want* one teo; she kysnw.ml•.
a good camera accessory when she'
sees one. And Maybe there's a good
Met for your Diva camera kit, tri;'
certainly hate to part with my syn-
ebronizer—lt leas already paid for
itself in lira -rate pleturee,
304 John "Van (Guilder