HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-3-5, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST !3 UPERIA3R.. ToRE QUALITY SERVICE G •ocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday wker Puffed 'Wheat ... • • G.neer Snaps •.••.•• Aylmer Vegetable. or Tomato Soup . Corn Niblets • • , 14 oz. . • Hillcrest Sodas 2 Quick Quaker Oats . . . . . . ... . , . Brown'Sugar . • White Linen Towelling 36" Prints ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,• ,,,,,,• ,,,,,,,,,• , P. K. Fingering yarn, brown, grey & blue Home Knitting Yarns, all colors • • , Ladies Crepe Hose, new Spring shades • • --- • • per pack 6c .. per lb 10e 2 tins for 17c • 2 tins for 21c 1 ib pack. for 25c Ise pack.21c 10 lb for 68c per. yd 29c per yd 18c 1/4 ib skein 39c 2 balls for 28c • • per pair 69 Wm. Ziegler Highest Prices Paid For' Eggs. Phone 22-r-11 Ethel M. A.I Williams Weds Miss Joan Griffiths Groom's Father. Officiates In Knox College Chapel Ceremony ' Daffodils and palms formed 'an effective ibackground in Knox college chapel for the marriage of .Miss Joan Griffiths, daughter of Mrs. Gritfltaats and the late Albert; Griffiths, to Leading Aircraftsman Maldwyn A. Williams, son of Rev. W. A. Williams and Mrs. Williams of former pastor of Cranbrook - Ethel and 1VVas.. W. 3, Stewart, Mrs. Fred McLean, Winghare, vi'sitett at the home of her daughter, Mrs, F. M. Samir on Saturday.- * * * L. E. Cardiff, M:P., and Mrs. Q.laieliff lett for Ottawa at the be• ginning of •the week. * R. W. Kennedy extent the week end with his 'parents Mr, and Mrs, A, R. Kennedy of Peterborough. * * * Mrs. D. C. Ross returned from Wingham on :Sunday after • a visit Ohurdhes. The groom's father of- ' with her eon Dr. Geo. Ross -and family, et lioiated, with Hugh Creason at the organ. John Thomas sang. Given in marriage by her uncle, J, Campbell, the bride wore a gown of white sheer, with Halo of orange bloasouts and finger-tip embroidered veil, and carried a shower or deep red roses and bouvardia. Her sister, Mrs J. 'Savage, was matron of honor, wearing baby blue sheer, with hale of matching flowers and Miss 1:. -Williams, sister of the bridegroom, -was bridesmaid, wearing pink sheer. with matohing halo. Miss Gleuys Griffiths, . junior bridesmaid, was flocked in pink net, with matching halo, and .ail carried bouquets of roses. The couple was piped from the chapel by students of Knox Cot• lege, where the bridegroom was a former student. William Hendersna was groomsman, and the ushers were J. Savage and Ivor Williams. The reception was held at Dem Sant Welsh church hall, where the tilde's another received ,.in a.gown of ,gray w,itth mauve aocessoriee and corsage of mauve sweet peas and violets, ,Mrs. Williams wore a • gown of rosewood shade, with 'navy accessories- and rose corsage. Por her wedding, trip the bride•. wore a' costume of airrforce blue, `with navy acce05ories. • • * .* * r * * • * PEOPLE WE KNOW a • ... *. * .* * * *, Mrs. E. Garton has been spending the Minter months in ,Chatsworth[ * * *' Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Procter were Sunday visitors, with relatives in Palmerston, * * *• Mrs, Donald Black and son Donnie were week end visitors with relatIv• es in Toronto, * * * 11r. Ed. Jewell, veto has a position in Preston, visited with his family over the week end, * Mr. and Mrs. J, *'Galbaitli were Sunday visitors with their daughter, Mrs, Bredin, Toronto, ***' George Galbraith left this week for Toronto where Ire has taken a position 10 a hardware store. d: 0 * Mrs. Oliver Hemingway is visiting In'rootleto at the home of her son. Mr, and Mrs. Sinclair •Hemingway. a * r MIs's Mary ,Stewart, Plesberton, - was a week end visitor with Mr. GET YOUR PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATLRLEES3 THERMIQUE End Ctrl 51.00 and 4.60 Including Shampoo Permanent 51.75, $2.25, 53.00 •nd $5.00 inoludang finger Wave and shampoo Dried Finger Wave 25o Shampoo 25o Telephone 55X tor Appointment IRENE PEASE Over L. W. Eckmierts'iiftore "• ,1, .. 4.- Mr. ,Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Ewan, Elmer Jr. and Mildred of Toronto were. week end visitors with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan •McNichol of MCIeillop were Sunday visitors with her sister Mrs. Jas. Ifernaghan and family.. * :,a 0. Mr. Stanley Rutledge, who has been suffering from a heart condi. [•fon, for some weeks had another attack on Monday and is confined to his home. * Little Dale •Cardiff, baby daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Ross Cardiff suffer- ed a bad accident on Monday when she pulled some boiling water aver herself. iShe was taken to Seaforth hospital for treatment. ETHEL Me rains at the first of the week anade roads again in bad condition for motor traffic. . In .fact for any mode of transportation. Even walk .Ethel •public• ,school prions who qualified for the atwai•d` for an every- day monthly attendance for Febru- ary, deserves special credit, as Chore was much cold blustery weather and heavy snow•filled roads 'during the month. The distances- trabelled varied from'finite, rods to two miles. Typical sturdy young' Canadians. On Tuesday morning an aeropl•trre flying exceptionally low, few over the village, citizens had the feeling they were going to witness a plane crash. Visitors in town over the week end' were Leonard Sinclair, Lorne Jardine, Elwood McTaggart all of Niagara Falls. Jack Dunbar or Brantford, Calvin and Albert Kreuter, of Galt and Merbtn Raby of I{itehener, all at their s'espestire homes. John Kreuter and faintly are getting again nicely adjustedfn -,heir Ethel home eater an absence et several months at Ayr. A. L. McDonald enol Son, Mir local drovers, ships via C.N.R, tram Ethel on Wednesdays instead of Mondays, as formerly. Mr. and Mrs, Prank Hedkwell an. .ouncethe engagement of their daughter Liladr Muriel to Herman A,, Whitfield, son of George and Mrs. Whitfield, all of Grey Twp, Mar- riage to take place early in. March, In comae -talon with this there ,vas 'staged fi miscellaireous shower field Monday evening, March era in Grey Twp. Hall. A godd program was presented othd, gulls, numerous erne. Mental and useful, were received for -Well aipr•opr'iate ack'owlecige• meat wias'•gkvth by .,tire is'cipiouts. After a bounteous lmtdh was server) dancing follbWed with good quality MIMIC strppllod by Meal talon, As one of lcthdl's stoic peotile was being ' givett the Matta' morning, [deletion 411' 'Innidot ocourerd which ani<ilat Have rOSUite4 mere astrously, 'het ended Only as laughable break in the monotony ill a sick rooan,. The avttendeet .In waiting On iia esick o110, who had inceeonliner} to bed Jor save a weeks scarcely able to move had the anihshap to •have a (pitcher of , hot Water snip from, the Serving tray spilling the co'n'tents over the woolen blankets covering the patient: 'rite patient claimed it was more effeotive than electrical treatment to combat inactivity and quioker too. No bad results followed tb mart' the amuse- ment of rho moment. Tghn A. and Mrs. Snell and `sons Gleno and Lary Joseph were Sunday' visitors lit EtI1e1 with the Ainee and, .Batemah famines. A euchre party under the; auspices of tile Rea Cross will be held In Grey Twp., hall on Monday evening, March .10th. Everybody come and bring a friend. Ladies please bring tz „3„ s-ewt,toutexli No writing. No money orders. No bother, Just call or phone, 100% live delivery guaranteed. Gilbert E. Nethery R: R. 5, Brussels GREY Connell Meeting March let,' 1941 The municipal council met on the above date, Members all •present, lunch. reeve presiding. Mrs. James Pearson had the misfortune to break flet arm last Minutes of last meeting were read] week, and approved on anotion of Alex The Women' Institute will meat Alexander seconded by Geo. Mo. Donald, at the home of Mrs. L. Lake on , Thursday afternoon, March 18th at Moved by W. It. Broadfoot second. 2.80. The motto, 'An Institute ed by /Stanley Machan, that we without girls is like a garden with- out !lowers: will be taken by ( Mrs, M•clnnis)• Roll Call, what- son consider the greatest need in the community. Topic—,the glory or living isto be transient to 'higher life, wil ibe taken by (Mrs, •Snell), fr•ish songal and ejokes, potato r cipes, Lunch committee, -Mrs. J. Bremner, Mrs. W. 0, Stevenson, Mrs. Menzie. Presentation For Muriel Hackwell The Young Women's Auxiliary of Knox Presbyterian Charon, :Ether, held their March meeting on Sates. clay :afternoon, March 1, at the home of Mrs. Dr, Richmond, At the Mese of the meeting the members of the Auxiliary presented Muriel Hacic- wel with •goblets. The following; address was read -by Ruth Dunbar. Ethel,, Ont., March 1 Dear Muriel— We, your fellow members of the Young Women's Auxiliary are ve glad at thistine to be able to snow our best wishes to you and to toll you that we have appreciated your working with us since the forming of tare "Busy Bees.” We would ask you to accept these goblets hoping that when using them you will Welt et your pleasant moments with us. Wishing you all sortsof joy aro .happiness, we are your friends of the Woung Women's Auxiliary. Knox Presbyterian Church Ether. Muriel Sinclair •,n Ruth Dunbar • -1 Mrs. Sinclair made the prase:14f tion. Muriel gave a suitable reply, Lunch was served at the close of the meeting.. ' Shower for 'Muriel Hackwell On Monday evening of lois week a uniscellaneous shower -was 'held ini Ethel Township •Hall • in bonier of the bride and groom to .be. • After a Short program. with Rev. •Taylee as chairntlan, Muriel Haadkwell ; and Herman Whitfield were,- asked to wane to •the front: The, following address was read by Mi•s. Wan: Flood. • Dear Muriel and Herman=- We ermkn-We your friends. and neighbours have gathered here- tonight to honour you on the occasion of year approaching marriage. Many of 'us have known you from childhood day:= and some are schoolmates of other years, and we have learned to ad- mire you In many ways and we are Dread to be able to show our affec- tion for you tonight. We wish you, the very choicest blessing life can offer, .Toy and happiness iu • ytnt 'married life, wealth and prosperity and health to enioy there. Now we would offer you just a word of aJvice on how to stake your husband happy. Now after yeti have married him Study Him If he is secretive—Trust Hlim. I•f lie is sad—Cheer Hinr, if he is •tallettive i tetcn to Him, When he is 0uart•elsoine—Ignore Hiro, If 11e is Jeaious--+Cure Him, If he cares not for pleasure—Coax Hian. If be favors society—Accompany Him, When he deserves it --Kiss Him, When 11e is cress ---.Humour Him But never let him know that he is boss. Neese accept these gifts with best wishes for hourfnture happiness. Signed in behalf of, your friends and neighbors and Knit Presbyter - dart, Church, Etlrol„ - r Joseph Baker and Elston Speltah made the pi•osenitation of the gifts., The bride tie attd, grooan to be made a suitable reply, The remainder of tae evening, wits spent In dancing. give the Watton Library Board the usual grant of $5,00. —Carried. • Moved by Geo. MODonald second ed by W. R. Broadfoot, that By-law' no. 10-1940 known as the Close' Drain Improvement By-law be falai- Passed and debentures issued to' cover the cost of tike work, •--iCarried,• Moved by Alex Alexander .second— ed by Stanley Machan, ' that wet:. call for tenders for crushing and,; hauling 12,000 yds. or more " graver to be delivered on 'the Township' roads, _Carried. Moved by Stanley Machan second' ed by 'Geo. McDonald, that the tax collector notify all those in arrears, for taxes to either settle by cash 01' bond on or before April 5th, After that .date the Bailiff will be instruct_ ed to collect. Moved by Stanley Meehan second- ed by W. 11, Broadfoot, that all ap- proved accounts be paid. —Carried. Moved by W. R. Broadfoot second- ed by Stan, Machan, that we do now adjourn to meet April 5 or at the call of the reeve. --Carried. The ,following accounts were paid Charles Keifer, snowplowing 10,19 Ed, Jacidin, snow removal , ,, 2.233 Melvin Jaoklin, snow re- moval Thos. Wilson, attend meeting of Highway Dept. •at Listowel ., •3,00 J. H. Fear, Highway Dept. at Listowel S.11. Fear, annual road returns Hugh ,Smith, road supt. . . Prey. Teeas., Insulin Wan. Paterson, rep. office roof J. H. Fear, count Of appeal, Close Drain ' 3., H. Fear, relief acocunt A. Wood, erlief account ..... 9.99 Geo. Michel, relief,acount 10.57 Geo. Dunbar, relief account .13 74 bhas, Hansuld, acoount , • • .80 ('Hugh ,Smith, attend Good Road •Convention 1616= Mrs. H. Kirkby, Walton 1.25 3.00 00 .13.31).-; 2.09, Notice to the public Due to Government rulings of Cemeteries, parties , paying for up -keep yearly, please be advised that these fees are due January 1st, of each year and must be paid by Aiwa ;lst,. No graves will be opened 'in lots where upkeep is in arrears, � Parties purchasing new lots must pay permanent up, keep, when lots are purchased. This is $10.00 per grave. LotsThe Board is can be purchased from one to five graves at present, : 1anxious to have levery t possible lot put into permanent care this year. All monies received for rsermanent care must be invested in . Government bonds. All the Management is allowed to use is the interest from these bonds. By this system you areassured that funds will always be available to keep your lot the way you wish to see it. , Will you put your le; in permanent up -keep. BRUSSELS CEMETERY BOARD. • Library .„, 5.00 T, H. PEAR, Clerk. OBEY ,,., .. .. Mr, Percy Tyreman was a week. end viettor in Toronto, 1YIrs, Allister Bis'd was a recent visitor; in =Toronto, • A7tsi. Joseph Curtis visited with friends at Mitchell last week, Miss IsalOel Douglas has 59801 'the week end with her parents at Lack - now. Mr. Spence McKinnon and Mr. G'lea Geo. took in the hockey match at Toronto on Sautrday might.. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers and son Arnold' 'disfted' on :Sunday with his father,• br:ether and aunt. M.r and Mrs. Donald Robertson Qf Ningh'am visited with his mother and brother on Sunday. Miss Rhoda Robertson of Toronto Spent 'the -week end at her home on the buondry, Mr. Alvin Smith of Goderiolt spent the }week end with Mrs. Smith and daughter, We are glad to hear Miss Ler-sena Hamilton is better again, 'The monthly meeting of the Gen- eral •Ministerial Association of Wrag. ham and district was held at the parsonage of the United 'Church Bluevele, on Monday, There was a large and representative gathering of members present. The treasurer. Rev. John Pollock, B.A., of Wh'te- ohardli, - gave a very profound, scholarly and inspirational paper. dealing with the current problems of tlfeology`and of the church. At Ile conclusion of the business part et the meeting most delicious freshmenits,.were served. A very hearty vote of thanks was Je` tetrdliI"' c3"Rev and Mrs. • 'Canna bell Tavener for their kind hos. pitality. 1/0 ` 6iiki Mrs- W; H. MOKinney `-an sitiV-^daughers visited with Mrs. McKinney's parents at Harris hidta'i •A'irnoia C. Lilliow, R.C.A.E., who -has been in training at ' Mone- T9d Milia is having a ten day leave "a�t•"h'fi8�`hr'✓="here. 111 was 'met at Toronto by this • brother Jack and Meaning Black, ' "1....real ,.• Rrlayerels Meeting Theme O.L �lclevale ,W.M.S. In the absence of the president, the viceepresideat, Mrs;. Ettwaru Johnston, presided at .the regular monthly meeting of the W. M, S. of. the. United .Church on :Wednesday afternoon, ,The service throughout was in keeping with the theme. "Finding the Way Through Prayer." Mrs. Arbhui• Shaw read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. C. Tavener spoke on the Study Book, 'iLivthig Epistles 1n Korea,' 'dealing with the life and work of two Christian women, Maria Kiri, an outstanding Korean Christ_ Ian and Miss. Maud McKinnon, oae of the anisisonaries of the church Mrs, R. Nicholson sang a solo and' the roll -call was answered with sentence prayer, lSpeeial prayers were offered for the Korean mission. The ladies of this conunity de- livered a numberof articles et cloth- ing' to the Red Cross Society at Wingham this weak, a=t1. WALTON Messrs Gordon Baux and Jean Turnbull of the Ontario Veterinary- College, eterinaryCollege, Guelph, spent Sunday after- noon with the latter's parents Mt. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. The U.F,W:O. met at -the home' or Mrs, J. Campbell on February 21tlr. 14 ladies answered the roll call which was responded to with a "Valentine verse." Articles were read from "Our Blueprint" by Mrs. Marshal, Mrs, Rowland and Miss Simpson. Plans were made for a concert taking the Remy of a family album to be held in the comnivatty hall on Maroh 21st. It was de_ cited to send $10 to the War Vic- tims fund, The topic "Making the Most of Life" wae, given by Mrs. Harvey Johnston. Mrs. W. Turn- bull demonstrated a fancy dessert The February meeting will be heldat at the home of Mrs. J. Marshal. Fib FARM FOR SALE OR .RENT.— ^` 1S0 -µere Farm, .village of Gear (brook, 5 Hailes from Brussels. Stone house, good bank barn. Haurdwoo'i bush. Hydro and water system phone 52-r-8 Brussels. lc, Mrs. Wan. Cameron, --' , t; t R.R, 3, Brussels r j'►.�N�NjN�N�NjN�N�N�N�N�N�H�F.�N�F?�i'.�N�e.�N�N�N�N�N� Sen'sati�n'aI Paint Offer 4: from February:'' 8th to March �. 15th 2: 600 Quarts 55 avereign aints Varnishes & Enamels 'Per Quart The Product' is Good « n Price Sensational By special arrangement with manufacturer we are allowed to offer this amazing• sale QUICK DRYING ENAMEL White, Ivory & Pale Green PORCH & FLOOR ENAMEL Light Grey, Dark Grey, Yellow '& Tan Light Oak Dark Oak and Medium Brown .. FLAT WALL PAINT GROUND COLOR White, Ivory, Nile Green Clear A1l.Use Varnish HOUSE PAINTS White Ivory, Light Green Buff and Cream VARNISH STAIN DAVIDSON'S HARDWARE Phone 17 ), > ; Brussels •�N •-• •• ND1 ti ••• *w I�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�M1N•N�N�+�+�++•N�N•N�N•N•N+N*N•NI*.NDN+N*+�NeN••1�,