HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-3-5, Page 3WeaadaklarCh DDI, 1941 • When you take the lid off that box of baby chicks, cant you see your next Fall's strong, money- making layers? Well, right now is the time to protect yourself and these future egg layers. Roe Vitafood will give them a safe start, a head start. It is sweet and palatable, of medium texture, mixed fresh daily. Follow the example of Ontario's largest poultrymen—feed Roe Vitafood. Ask your Roe Feeds dealer for your copy of the 32 -page booklet of vital information:"Let's Grow Better Chicks and Pullets." CHiCIC STARTER sad by: EAST HURON PRODUCE Brussels WM. Z/EGLER Ethel GEORGE DIINZAR The ' Author Of "Rebecca" Broadcast From London • • hecett," They LAW read the book, Seen the 111111, and now Were able to hear the voice of41i6 Well-known author in iler first brOadeaat to Canada. Daphne du Manlier is the we of the youngest brigadier in She )3ritish Army and =Aber of three smell ohildren, Seeking te pee the gl0L� o4 her pen for National an* , viee, Mr. du Maurier has Mulled from fiction to write true stories of men and women in Britain who hare stood firm uader fire, She has ae'en romance M the lives of tbeda loyal workers behind theh eadlices 111'131.MM—the Miners, the honsp• wtves, the airtime Who have given their sots to serve, the doctors, eel ^the tradesmen, syho In following the common daily nand, have ttarnel the dangers and difficulties of 'war- time iota oPportunitiew to spread spirit of victory on the Home Front, From her experiences, with these people she has written her latest book "Come Wind, Conte Weather", which in a few monthhas become the war's beat seller in Britain, and it is of these men and women that she will speak to Canada ober the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora tion's network on Saturday. , cr=ii fr:o Two Cents a Day To Pay Hospitalization' Costs In New Ontario Plan Inauguration of a, scheme wherebY wage earners throughout Ontario may insure themselves against POS' sible hospitalization expenses for less than two cents a day was an- nounced by D. 1. Decker, pre-. dent of the Ontario Hospital As- sociation. •Announcing the plan at a moot. ing of the association in Toronto, Mr. Decker said enrohnent was oir. en to the group of employed work - era in the province, N. IT, Satin. ders, of Toronto, has been named managing diredbor 'of the plan. "Similar community services 10 the 'United States have about 0,000. 000 subscribers, enrolled in 69 ooni. inanity and state-wide plans," ho Stated, "while that operated 11‘ Manitoba is now entering on its third auccessful 'yeer," said Mr Decker. The plan guarantees its subscrip er- s comidete hospitalization for 21 days In any 12 month period in re- turn for a subscription of 50 cents a month for individuals or one dol- lar a month for families. 'Standard hospital accomodattan will be provided and subscribers will have free choice of hospitals and doctors. The Plan , was, described as a non-profit community organiza- tion for self help." Benefits consist entirely Of hospital service. No cash indenuilty is paid and tho hospital bill is paid directly by the plan, In addition to the routine services of the hospital, the subscriber will be entitled to: Use ,of operating room as often as necessary, an- aethesta material and 'equipment, routine laboratory service, all or- dinary drugs and medications,' dress- ings. and plaster casts, one-half the hospital charges for maternitY cases, including delivery room ser- vice and ordinary nursery care or the baby. The board of administration for the plan, serving on a voluntary basis, Includes: R. F. Armsti•ong Kingston; J. C. -Keith, IVIndsor; F. R. Holmes, St. Catharines, and 0, 3. Decker, Dr. G. Harvey Agnew, J. II. "T,he Britain Behind the Head- lines" was described by Idiss Daphne du Maurier, to brilliant young •English novelist, in a radio broadcast from London on. Satur- day evening, March 1st, Thousands of Canadians have been fascinated by her prize --winning novel "Re- ,~11•1•Maleapalah'. W. Bower, 1-)r. W, ,J, Dobblo uw Fmanwo4, all or Toronto. Reproseatative>s 02 the Ontario Medical AsSeciation serving On tne board are D. Harris lYfePhedratt and Dr, W, M. MoCuiteheou, 01To- ronto, and Dr. A, B. Whytock, of Niagara pulls, Raimligh's Good 'Health Products Orders gladly sent by mail between regular trips. e. Payne Dealer Phone 58, Brussels County Council Met Wednesday A speolal meeting of the Comity •Couricil was called for Wednesday, March htll, by Warden Jainea Leiner, to consider plans and, estimates for the revamping and refurniShiag 01 the large evert room or the Court House, This matter was tentatively dla cussed at the January seision and refeured to the property committee with power to act. The • committee was told to "do a • good ono that would ilittlagly mark the. • hundredth anniversary of the birth of lite county, to be celebrated late iu Jame of this year. The connnIttee has since met on four occasions and visited court' houses" est Stratford, Walkerton and London, and had planet and esti- mates prepared by experts, News Items From The Ontario Weeklies Young Horse Hangs Itself Mr, Harvey Dibeon, Second line east, sustained the loss or a fine driving colt, rising two years, a weak ago Saturday night, The animal "iwv"ith rIlliunmilleg17,but thIter :0, selii: box Xi 8285,510 tothe tied, Ip 'acme manner the colt lie - came entangled in its mother's tie - rope, banging itself, and was dead when found, Reo?rd $59.01 Hockey fans attending the Sea - forth -Waterloo game here Wedtles. day night contaibuted $59,01, to the British War Victims' Fund. The collection was arranged by B. C• Boswell, and during the second in- termie,sion a blanket was carried around the ice by Mr, Boswell, L G, IVIullen, Dr, F. S. BeetelY, .1, IL Stewart and J. F. Daly, into which contributions were tossed. —Huron, Expositor, Seaforth These plans, however, are much more elaborate and the cost greater Burned By Flaming 'than anything heretofore discussed, Celluloid Toy 7 so mach so that the Warden feelhsn s the whole County should pass on 10: tjhtook fiereb:a/417:'.5 (1)r,) W. ,wAa! 1110(1 110.1 them before action is taken. The tender of Grant Rath, 02 Clinton, for the redecoration of the County Clerk's office has bean accepted by the committee. Get the Words Right! When the National Anthem is sung in this town, the words used are almost invariably in- correct Most people use the word "our", in front of the word "King, every time it is used. The correct text gives "our' in the first and second line ,only. In. the other rererenees to his MaJesty the word is "the,' The correot wording is as relieve: Cod save our gracious King, Long live our noble King, God save the King; Send him victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reIgii over us. God save the King. 1 TO BE SURE •—• QUALITY — PLUS :— VALUE • • • - THE PALACE BAKERY Phone 32X W. WILLIS—Prop, Brussels, Ont. • OFFERS BREAD—brown & white, fruit loaf, Buns, Scone and Rolls. PASTRIES— tarts pies, .cakes, jelly rolls, dough nuts, etc. Always a tasty treat) minglilmosomomorozo20-,Th BUY BREAD BAKED IN BRUSSELS • tur WATCH OUT BIRLS Bilron of Winghant had a narrow escape from being bsully 'burned. tit was, the flames from the cellu- loid toy gave her arm and hand quite a scorching,.two fingers befog burned quite deeply. The blaze flashed up the dressing gown alto was wearing and her hair was slag - ed, The toy took fire from an elec. Lex heater, ,with whicli it did not come in contaot, being at least fact distant from it Keep en eye on the local ltornensf these days, girls, 'Saturday was tne first day of March, and Spring 18 Just around the corner. You know the old saying: "In the Spring a young maws fancy -1! C=z2 Horse Lost , In Snow Drift • In last week's edition appeared. 0 story concerning Mail couriers and their hardships. etc., but here is one. Alfred Filsinger, working oat of Milduray, went forth on his usual daily mail route. On one of the sloe roads of •Carrick Township he count ered a drift. "It was almost 10 feet LOOK OUT FOR Your liver is the largest man in your boil nnek PP right now YOUR LIVER and feel like n'usillianf and most imports:a to your health. ltpours out Court Action Postponed • The action being lanai:heti by Campbell Grant, Walkerton 'herr:S- tar, on behalf of those injured is the lintel motes' accident f1011til of Gerrit, lest apainst the County of liktron, will he brought to court At. the Spring Assizes, , Born With A Tooth Lbttle Dougies Wiltieno Schutici, in- fant aon of Mr. and IVIrst Schmid is going to 'have something, to talk about whoa he reaches trot a,ge, for the little • ship was born with a tooth. 'While it's not un, heard of, it's very uncommon. - • .-1.eclanyer Sentinel c=z3 ALL MAY GO ON DAYLIGHT SAVING 'Present ijidiat1ons are that to, consetwe power for war industries daylight saving time will have to be generally adopted throughout On- tario and Quebec "and possibly for all Canada," Munition Minle,ter Howe said in u, statement. When daylight saving time was extended last fall, it embraced only those municipalities In Ontario and Quebec, wiriah had adopted it for the summer months.' Believe It Or Not hile to digest load, gots rid of waste, supplies Siew energy, alloWs proper nourishment to reach your blood. When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines, You ho - come constipated, stomach and kidney, caret work properly. You feel "rotten"—headachy, backachy, dizzy, dragged put all the time.. For over 35 years thousands have Ilera prompt relief from these inisedes--with Fruilketives, SO can you now. Try Fruit-a-tives--youll be simply delighted how quickly you'll feel likes new peron, happy and well again, 25c, 50c. FRIJIMIVES L41:11:14"9 Liver Tablets was at 55, when he and nosle Schwinuner took the peace ship to Turope in order to stop the war of 19144918. The War went on just the sante, Henry doesn't Seem to know that lie is out of step with 00 Per cent, or his fellow citizens of the United States, He may be 04 espert with tin can production, but, as a statesman and a tactician, he seems to be vielag with one Colonel. 'Charles .A, Lindbergh for the honour of becoming AlUerka'S No, 1 Damn Fool." —{Pordavich Record Fishing Through Ice Is Good At Bayfield Ensiling through the ioe has been carried on suceessfully by Bayfleitt Suckers are plentiful. Waconta—The Hydes Lake Dairy and are being caught in quantities and are bringing as high as 40 cents purchased a •truelt In August, 1931, October - 1937 the speedometer of each. It • is understod that the - the truck reached the figure 99,999 fishermen ase nets in their opera - and While making a business 05,11 at tons, cutting channels in the ice, the George Kroening farm home . —Exeter Times-Advoeatessr, three miles east of Victoria, turned to 0. On Friday, January 24, this year, the speedometer had again reached 99,999 and again switabed back to 0,, the change again taking place while on a business call—at the George Kroening lar! --Listowel Rant er. Putting Henry In His Place In commenting o11 a, statement alleged to have been made in a recent interview, by Henry Ford, In which the latter sa.i(1 he hoped the United Stateol woult supply butli deep," Stated Filsiuger, "I WM , Britain and the Axis powers with driving a gray lierse and I was un munitions a war in order that both able to find it as I got out ofthe sides might collapse and neither one cuiter and walked through the deep or them. be able to claim a. victory. now, I finally located Its head Editor Frank Irwin th e Durham and after a long .etfort, was, able to Chronicle voices his opinion -of the • Pair of Cork Substitute c:=Mi Brazil is the source of what (11213rturn out to be an adequate substi- tute for the cork America, now imports from Portugal. In Brazil has been found a bark that when ground bas tile qualities or cork, It is already M n use for the productio of insulating board. The United States uses 120,000 'tone of cork each year for insulating materials,. gaskets, washers and wads for hig11 exolosive shell cases. Transportation. is a large problem however, because the product is bulky.• ' t , JUST LIKE THAT D I motor ma ate an terras of sap 118.5 cviarnnies ,' work it through the .snow. r v, ng gn along rail fences and fields I was eloquence, with which few will 1113d fauit. .A, sample paragraph or route and return to the post office Frank's editorial is sufficient to at Midmay alter travelling scone pass along here: " • t 77 just as crazy as he 11 e carp miles In five hours. Hemy s shears so joined thet they cannot be separated; often moving in op- posite directions, yet always punish- ing anyone who comes (between them. The BRUSSELS DAIRY •••Ossmoismoormssm...mossim.s BA R _,..., —..........—. ,.. • Hot Chocolate, AU kinds of Hot Soups -- Nothing better after skating I — Soft Drinks or all kinds—Ice, CrearnSundaes, Banana Splits —.Vanilla Pineapple, Strawberry, Chocolate, • Coffee and Orange.—Try a bottle of our Chocolate Milk for school lunch. Butter, Buttermilk, Milk and Cream • Have You a Used Car to Trade In From 1931 to 1937 If Yu Have, Call at ..citson Motors Ltd. IM•613.1=6.1.1.Y3.23.••••IRINIS•Mlin' VIM H.11.1.11M12111911 LISTOWEL, ONTARIO smoasammosamma........na. Passenger Cars 1940 Ford Coach, Radio 84 Heater 1940 Ford Sedan, heater. 1939 Mercury Sedan, like new. 1939 Ford Coach 1939 Ford Sedan 1939 Ford Coupe 1939 Hudson Coach 1938 Ford Coach 1938 Hudson Coach 1938 Studebaker Sedan, privately owned, small mileage, - Trucks -.4(711C7tIMPACOXV.C11,110/1111,M1.1•11.1111111 1940 Ford 2 ton 158 -inch, Chassis & Cab 1940 Ford 2 ton, Chassis and Cab. 1339 G.M.C, 2 rA tom 158 -inch Stake 1939 Ford 2 tom stake platform 1938 Ford 2 ton, stake long wheel base 1938 Ford 2.% ton. long wheel base, Dual Eton Axle, stake body 1937 international, 176 -inch wheel base 16 -foot rack. 1935 International 134 ton, dual wheels. 4 cylinder. 1932 Dodge' long wheel base, dual wheels, like new. 1931 Ford, long wheel base, stake. 1929 Ford 11/a ton • taNnom......manzu:auni.m.votamt.ftserammoomcmowernavomomamommemisemaicnownewrouisaamogemr,..,,,,,....•.,.....mim Used Tractors Radios strwriberg-Carlson Specials 15-30 Interational Tractor. 2 Used Radios • 3 Furrough Plow 2 Used Fordson Tractors 1 1941 Table Model 2, 1941 Cabinet Models 1 Light Deliveries 1939 Ford Pick Up 1939 Ford Sedan Delivery 1937 Ford Pick Up 1931 Ford Pick Up ii0~~".4040~1~~tiROft01101\01041001110%.1101101110%