HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-3-5, Page 1,POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Wednesday, March 5th, 1941
atml viiia .
IMNRAitailM 1R1100
Carl Plum of Toronto was a week
end visitor at Ms home here.
Bill Rowland, RiC,A.F., was moved
from Brandon to Calgary last week
Ardhie Henderson, R.C.A.F. .was
moved bank East and arrived at To..
route Sunday,
Ed. Garton, who Is on guard duty
at the 4 odericit Airport was hone
for feet' days leave last week.
A sure way to take the HIT out of
Hitler and make a MUSS of Musso-
lini de to pledge all you can for War
Savings Certificates.
Willis Machan's name also appear- Who has been appointed Great
ed as an enlistment in the R.C.A.F.
Captain Rt. Hon, David Mammon
Brbtadn's Secretary of State of War
at London Recruiting Centre for the He was formerly Parliamentary S'o-
Jweek ending March 1st, 1921. rotary to the Treasury.
* * * Gala Night
Items Is
Kcal Nevrs x :� � � � � :k
In Brusse
Many interesting Costumes were'
Sgt. -Major Barman seen at the Ice Carnival heldat. the
Passes ht 56th Year i
CARD OF THANKS Apples Shipped grog not as targe 0arena on Tuesday , crowd ot spade. -
p 'Ward. was received of the death auspices of .the Red Grose. Rhere*
By 'Local Grower at Westminster .klospitel, London,
Har_ usual due no doubt, to the,
Tamely of the tote Robert
'j A'oar-load o •a1JjJlGb Wu shipped She'd -den event to express their masa I 'SOH. Marie, Out, last week Ont„ of Serge arises Geoige to as ,
IQ ' eau," 5fi, of Brussels, a veteran or severe cold. The task of judging';
sincere and grateful thanks to their i from the hast Tinton Dinporittm.
the First Great War. Born in Dug- the costumes in some of the class'ee.
many friends and neighbors tot
their many acts of kindness render-
ed during 'the illness and passing of
our beloved father,
Jean Little.
-x -
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mrs., Stanley Machan, 10
concession Grey, wish to announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Dorothy Jean to William Earl Dunu,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunn ot
Crantbrook. Marriage to take place
• Saturday, March 8th.
z -
To NVhom
It 'May Concern
We would like to bring to the
there are many of us here who are
items concerning coming, events at
Another Brussels boy joins the which an admission fee is charged
Canadian Forces in the person of to now everything is alright and ,.cannot be included in news Items i
Norman Tjtompson. Norm always above all I am not grumbling as free of charge. ,All such items aro,
a friend 'to everybody .and popular attention of :correspondents that and must be treated as, advertrs•
citizen of Brussels was known to _much older than myself. I am glad ments and paid for at our regular
many in the surrounding community to know that you and Dad are away rade. We don't wish to seem un
through the position he has• held at . from it 11 as it beyond description obliging and mercenary but this is
the F. M. Sam's' Egg and Poultry No one can describe the damage the source of our income anal unless
Store and from which he will be that is being done to .towns like our labours bear fruit we shall be
missed by a great number of custom. Portsmouth. I cannot detail any- obliged: to go hungry. '
ern. He also belonged to the local thing but belieue me rte, terrible
fire brigade and as a fire fighter he One -thing however they have not . Dangerous Play
has shown his ability. He signed up damaged up to now and that is the ..tris almost 'a miracle that some
as a fire fighter, and was called to spirit and the will of the peoPle t0' of the young boys in the :village
report at Manning Pool, Toronto see it through to final which means havenet been drowned during the
last week. 'Vtotory. I am doing mr little bit past weeks. It is a common sight
%- 1 with the same spirit and 'I hope that to see a number of them playing on
Here is a letter from another means something. ice floating in the river. Perhaps
Brusels bee', W..E. Pope, son of 'So again thanking you .and Dad, some of the older ones are more
Chas Pope- I remain your aver loving son and ' or less" able eto''look out •for • them•
Dear Dad and Alice,- brother selves but the younger ones alio
Just a few lines hoping -they will I Bill. will do as they see the older . b vs
And yon alright as they leave me Pa -'Remember me to all art doing are almost certain to come to
O.K. Thanks very much for the Brusels.._ grief. We have heard that there are
parcel you sent me but sorry to say ; Chief Petty Officers' Mess, some who have fallen in and wore
that it arrived minus cigarettes or , Royal Navy Barracks, lucky to get off with a- ducking.
.tpbacoo. As; you had declared only Portsmouth. Parente should at least try to see
the cakes, candy and cookies 'hey - - that; their children do not engaga in
only let me receive what was declar- -x- this dangerous play
ed on the outside of the parcel. 1 Ottawa, March 2nd, 1941. -Canada
- again thank you very musts has at lest 1,600,000 regular "War The Theme of'Service
Wel la syou see by the address ',Savers'' . pledged for duration,
I am called up for service in the , Walter P. Zeller, National Campaign ' - "Thy Kingdom Come"
Royal Niavy. Alt my age it is a little .chairman, announced here last The World Day of Prayer was ob-
too much but am sticking it. UP night. served in Brussels this year at St.
Jt` -✓" tiF� Reports from •c0miuer ccs whose
St. John's A.Y.P•A. 1 quotas represent 47 per 00 the John's: Anglican Church on the first
natmnal objective,indicate a total Friday in Lent, February 28th, 1941.
Tuesday, March 11th, 1941
Skating Party of 939W019 pledges received to'date A number of the 'women of the vil-
the month of February, 612,216 lags an dlocalfty gathered at three
• Brussels Arena - 8 p•m, of tions for War Say. t a in the afternoon when the theme of
Lunch served by Ladies' Guild
ADMISSION --15e and lac
On Friday, March 7th
A Programme of
Songs, Readings and a Debate
A Good time for 'Everybody.
Lunch Served -
Admission -25c and 1Oc
I t
Play Entitled
,'Live at Home and Like It"
, by Jams Marston
. will be presented at
Cranbrook Community Hall
• • Friday, March 7th,
at 8 o'clock p.m.
other local talent
under auspices of
Majestic Women's Institute
Proceeds for War Work.
' - Admission -25c & 15c
Seaforrth Ont.
Victor Mater° Louise (Vett
. CaptarpCaution,
Conrad Veldt Saba
, , e t `Thief Of Bagdad ' ,
he favorite fable In
°'' f ' 'gorgeous technloolor
cash applications Ythe service was Thy Kingdom
Certificates, totalling se,eoenge, ,Come"
were received •at Ottawa head-
quarters, an average 0f 015.36 each.
The campaign will continue to
March 8, when it is expected that
the bowsedo•Otouse canvass --the
final operation of the can paign-wlll
be completed. In the meantime, the
work of promoting .the Pay -roll
;Savings Plan will continue unin-
More than 180 communities - havo
gone "over the top" on .their ob-
jeotivee, while hundreds of - others
are within •sight of their quotas and
will reach them within the next
11Ir. Zeler said workers throughout
Canada were being asked to com-
plete the public solicitation by
Match 8, in order that the field may
be cleared for the War Charities
campaign which opens later in the
month. Where this work has not
being finished, workers are being
asked to defer further action. until
Alpnll 0th, when the Oyliarities .drive
well end. The only exception is•
for workers engaged on employer-
employee work.
"W91ile man,}+,; )iundreda offirms
have reportetj 100 percent pentioipa•
tion,'. said Mr..,Zeler, "there - are,
many yet' to `be` heard' from and
inanet mere to 13 'organized. It •le
for this iea5 i' i bt we are taking
that. Out important work continue
wititoiut, imterruition'
"One., of the prlane reasons for War
Savings 'Certificates Is to pleoe the
workers of this country in possear
Mon of ,a storeh.0tlse o1' purchasing
power, and there can no longer be
Any donut about the manner in
iIttelt this Programme has been
accepted by the emmloyees In every
line of business. The pledged re•
cetved to date are running at the ' China
Tyrone Power Linda Darnell
rr• Brigham Your$
Brian 'Dunlevy Jane DarWell
Brimming with Action.
Kitty Foyle
• Mrs:'. G. A. Deadman, Mrs. W. J.
Procter and Mrs. A. C. Dames, repre-
sentative of the misionary societies
of the three village churches were
leaders in the order of service.
R. S. Hamilton presided at the organ
and during the service Mrs. W. C.
Kerr sang an appropriate solo in
her usual delightful manner.
A splendid brief devotional ad-
dress wasgiven by Mrs. 0. L. Lewis
on "Thy Kingdom come." Whet
good, asked Mrs. Lewis, is it to
strive for 'the coming of the .King'
down. of God when it seems se far
oft? It is a magnificent thing ,for
wallah to arise, it lifts men and
women above the level of mere'
animals. What if no man had ever
looked beyond the known to the en-
knouyn? Though the Ktngdoan has
not yet come. Christians dare to
believe that it will Dome and we
must Play our part. • We cna't sin-
sorely pray tor it and remain niers
speotaltorle ,,, ithebeettker went; en
'to:: say 'that it is-'comnio:nly'said that
before our Children Meet'Christ or
bliaot and We meet see'that -10;is
'Christ. - While Meeting !'Thy, Kinkel
' dom 'O'ombi' we' mist never. :be too.-
btit*y to be'` the " Kingdoz;tii"' Coale.
' We` iiitis't be, buiideiis `of :the King-
dom ot Heaven• in' our own sphe °e.
Athens who • too'k part ie the
albaye?s rinti`9lble'' Readings were,
tttf •Ske8tdn ''leers. - A. Stracbanc
Mre.'t3. G. Winker, Mrs. d. Davis,
MI's. I0. Butes', Mrs. H. Strettou,
Miss Hislop, Mrs, 3..0„ Baeker and
Mrs. 5. Kerr
The form of service weed this
year was prepared by the Worid
Day of Prayer Committee, •Shaagith
Engagement Announcement
,Mr, and Mrs. Sohn Logan au-
nounee the - engagement of their
daughter, Margbi'erl'te Pearl to
Douglas Cohoe Reid, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Milton D. Reid, of Drayton,
Out, The marriage will take place, Church,
in March. Surviving is his widow, three sone,
Gordon, with the R.C.A., and John,
with the 98th Battery, and William
of Brussels; two ' daughters, Mar-
garet and Mabel, both at home; his
mother,, Mrs. Margaret Harman;
and two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Ray-
bould and Mrs. Alice Foster, all et
Toronto. Funeral services were Le'd
in Toronto Saturday, with interment
in the Veterans' Plot, Prospect
land, he angle to Canada in 1911. must have been a difficult one foe'
He , enlisted of the putbreak of the the judges, Miss C. Kingston, Mrs.
war and served in France with the ; Prost and Mr. M. Llaycock. 1'olluvr*
9th Blattery:Jor four years. Since the ing ate the results: -
war ;.he lied, engaged in farming at I Best dresed lady, 16 or over-Ise
Brussels. f1e was a member of the l
Canadian Legion and the Anglican Jean Pearson, 2nd, Margaret Pear-•
Best dressed gent, 16 or over-Ist-
A. Moffat; 2nd, Bill King.
Best dresed lady 12 to 16 -1st
Jean Fui11; 2nd, Margaret Moffat
Best dressed gent, 12 to 16 -1st,.
Don, Sanderson; 2nd, Gordon Peter-
ae -Best comic costuine, 16 or over --a
1st, Gordon Sanderson; 2nd, Mrs B;-
Best comic costume under 10---
0-1st, Lurie Cousins, 2nd, Janet
Sarnia. •
Best National Historic costume;
lady lst, Elva. stocks; 2nd; Mrs. A -
Best National Historic costume,
gent=l:st, Bert Elliott; 2nd, Murray
Beset clown on ice -Jack Lowe.
Largest family on skates-tb
Jewell girls.
[Best dressed girl, 12 or under --
1st Nancy Cameron; and, June
Best dressed boy, '12 or under-,
1st, Murray Cameron; 2nd, Beverly
Most graceful couple an skates--
kates-Bill and Janet King.
Best imitation of Ohurchill-Bilie
Rann. a
St. John's - • -
Pancake Supper
The annual Shrove Tuesday Pan-
cake Sower sponsored by St. John's
Ladies Guild, Brussels, . was fairly
well atetnded despite . unfavorable
weather conditions. Mrs• George
Davis was genenat convener for the
Representative Transfered
Pearson Young, who ha.s been
manager of the local cream and egg
station for Swift Canadian Producte
has been transferred to .Stratford
He is succeeded by Earl Roberts, . of
Forest Ont Pearson made many
Siliena Vodden, daughter of the
late Robert and Mary Vodden, pass-
ed away at her home on Wednesday
friends during his stay here and we February 19th, 1941, at the age of 83.
She was born in the County of
join with them in wishing him much
Waterloo and shortly before her
Success also extend a hand to , air.
Roberts. marriage 'she moved to Grey County.
" r
In 1889 she married John Miller and
"WHEN A GIRL'S IN LOVE" later moved to, the County of Wet -
A STIRRING SERIAL- NOVEL lington, Minto Tp., and .has resided
.An unforgetable story, understand-
ingly. and intimately' tolde-'with
striking illustrations in FULL COI. -
OR begins in The Amerieaa Weekly
with the March 9 issue 01 The De-
' roit Sunday Times-- Be sure to
mead :Helen Tapping. Miller's. novel
about a spirited girl who dreams
'dreams of a life shared with a man
she adored. Be sure to get the
March 9 Detroit ;Sunday Times,
The Lookout
Mission Band
The Lokout Mission Band meeting
opened by Mrs. Cousins reading a
short story on "Where God Is, Love
Is." Billy Rana led in prayer.
Hymn 584 was taken then sung and
the Scripture read by Annie Stiles
The minutes, roll call and, collection • Wilmer D'arrock, James ,Schram.
then took place. The business was
Stanley Darroch, Wilfred Larder:
attended to. An interesting poem Bert Vodden, Cameron Cochrane end
was then read by Mrs. Porter. FlgY Brandon
Shirley Lowrie read a poem. Hymn
585 was sung .and the Benediction
read by Laurie Cousins.
'First Game Of
Girl's Hockey
The .Brussels lassies met up with
the Listowel gals on Wednesday I
there the past 40 years.
During the past Autumn they cele.
orated their 59th wedding annivers-
ary.. She ie survived by her hus-
band and daughter. Mrs. Wilfred
Larder of Goderich; 'a niece Flo-
Yneee Hamidltou-.and her twin. slate -
wi}io have'1Wed with her foe: sAvial
years, She was predeceased by
her adopited son one year ago.
A shout funral service was held
at the home where many friends and
acquaintances attended. Afterwards
the remains were taken to Ethel Un•
Ited Church.: by car where services
were held. Both 'services were colt
ducted by the Rev. Harold Snell of
Ethel. Interment was at Mount
Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel
Those acting as pallbearers were
George Bbsnilton; Clarence Daley,
night and rolled the little rubber
disk into their net three times to
one for the opposition. Being the
first game the localshave played
•this year they did very well: 1n_'
the first period Jerry Jewell and
Mauna . Miller scored one goal each
Near the end of the first period M.
Poag scored for Listowel. In the
second spawn Mauna Miller scored
another making the score 3.1.
The tlhree stars were Jerry Jewell,
Isabel Lowe and Mauna Miller,
Listowl'M. Vallance, B. McIntyre
M. Hewett, J, Phemister, M. Smith, 1
L. Payne, M• Lavery, M. Poag, L.
Vine„ J. Valiance P. Hacke.
Brussels -IM, Fox, V. Duncan, 1,1.1 -
Gibson, E. Jewell, I. Lowe, J. King, 1
E. Backer, - J. Jewwell, M. Miller,
B. Currie.
Please watch for further notice
of Juvenile games.
The regular monthly tea was held
last Wed., in the Red Cross Work-
room with a good attendance. The
proceeds from the tea were 820.35.
* * *
We wish to express our apprecia-
tion to Mrs. J. Sanders who has
pieced twenty-five tops for quilts,
* * *
The following articles were e:im•
Ipleted from Feb. 18th to 28th and
shipped -
8 helmets•,
7 scarfs -
1 pair rifle mitts
57 pair two-way mitts
22 ;pair seamen's socks
75 .pair day socks
4 turtle -neck sweaters
2 sleeveless sweaters
6 do. liamitercbiefs
Refugee Work
1014 doe. diapers
25 boys' shirts '
2 ,skirts
Girl's race under 15 -1st, Margar-
et Moffat; Ind, Nancy Cameron...
Boy's race, under 15 -1st Doug
Gemmel; 2nd, Donald Duncan.
Girl's race over 15 -1st Isabel
Lowe; 2nd, Jerry Jewell.
Boy's rase under 21 -1st, Bus
King; 2nd, Bill Coleman.
Three-legged race -let, Les. Rut-
ledge and Jack Pierce; 2nd, Jerry
Jewell and Isabel Lowe.
Couple race --let, Don Currie and
Isabel Lowe; 2nd, Geo. Backer and.
HOLLE7NBBCK-To Mr. and Mi•&
Ben Hollenbeck, (nee Mamie Ido
Qua.rrie), a daughter, Mary Lee -
RUTLEDGE-1n She K. & W. hos-
pital, Kitchener, on Monday;
March 3rd, 1941, to Mr. and', Mrs.
Alvin Rutledge, a daughter;.
True National ,Greatness De-
pends Upon Christian Charact-
',DEATH 'Our March quota bas been teach,-•
da March 1st;. 1941, Annie Johns- ed and taneists of 30 pairs of media'
tong in her 730d . year. Funeral pyjamas.
diOiit9 Z'ON-'•In Walton, on Satur-
.service was held. from her late +
residence . In Walton, on Monday,', Thieves Enter
Mural, Ord, 1941. Service at 2,{ Brttssela School
Wm..•, .Intemnent in BrUS0314 '
.cekiietery. Conatbble A: E.401inings is tttvost-
i , 11:0agating an attempted breakiu at the.
H UGST In , , ForoeSo on Tuesday; Brussels cou'btnuattdn sriieoi. 'Che
March 41.1, 1041, Anuiabell, ,Hard- thieves gained euiranc'6 't* !the.
ing, beloved wife of the late W. B. .school and evidence indicated they
Heist, In her 73rd year, Funeral attemlpted to force open a cupboard.
service will be held from her late In the, ea board, Principal 0. L,
residence, Albert 'Street, Brussels ,brttmand told police, were five rifles
on i5*urday, March 8th, 1941, and it is believed that it was these
Service at •2.00 pAl. Interment that lite rollbers were seeking.
Brussels cemetery. '1 Huron Expositor, Sestertlt
Melville Church
11 a.m-"Anchors of the.
3 p.m. -Sunday School' -
and[Bible Class..
7 p.m. --`.'The Kingdom of'
St, John's Church
Rector -Rev. F. Watts
Organist -R. S Campbell-
Second' Sunday , in Lent
11 'a.m.-Morning Prayer
and Sermon:
p•tn:--Evensong and
Thisrsdlty•8t ant
Mid -week Lenten Service
United Church
,t•. aan.--Fundamentals of
IX "The, Constmtation"
3 p.m.-Chtneh School
and Bible Class.
7 p.tn "What Changes
Yeti' are Invited'