HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-12-11, Page 81 '%•1,4" BRUSSELS PM, .igNIVIS040304.8A5Wle$,~145 115 .0 I. e tol PHONE .12 • - BRUSSELS ). CHOICE GROCERIES, FRUIT, CONFECTIONER° & FLOUR;o,o Specials for TharsdaY, Friday & Saturday Great Big Special in Oranges Per Dozen - 25c, 30c 35c rr Cranberries •-• ...... ••••• • • , per lb '23c Winter Grapes 2 /b JellO; ••••• ........... • . • • 3 pkgs ••••• . • • • • • • . • 4.;.4.4.4:,- Pearl Soap •• 6 for ,25c Durham Corn Starch 2for , . ...D 19'd Blue Ribbon Matches 3 boxes .-''27c • WE HAVE—a large assortment of ... Cigarettes, T9hm,931.,,, Cigars, Chocolate Bars and Chocolates All decorated up for Christmas. n,',c,' " LARGEST ASSORTMENT — Candies Nuts, granges Cranberries and Bannanas. ASK FOR YOUR FAVORITE CALENDAR—(choice Franco American Spaghetti • ••••••• . • • • • 2 tins ...... • • •••• 254 (r —Be Sure and Leave your Order for Stale Bread— Pastry Spice, Mint, Savory, Poultry Dressing, Saga'"‘ Onion Salt, Flavoring and Coloring • 111111111111111111111111111111E1111111111N1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111=1111111111111111111111011111100111111111111111111111M111111111111 LEWIS A. RUSSELL' ,37.i4voiiifoitto4tolvmalitolvastitcAtoitt ge,w, WROXETER The regular monthly meeting of the Women'si Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Wylie Thursday afternoon. The president opened the meeting with he ode and "There'll Always be an England," and the Institute creed. A report of the bale which wa. sent to Fort Stewart and valued at $50 was given by Mrs. Allen. It was decided that the Institute help fill the candy bags, also help with the community singing and bell) pay for the slides at the time of the community Christmas tree which 4w111 be on Dec. 14. Mrs. Wearing 4vo,kemoveau: ••/Fve tar 'Selection Jasmin, I • Adrienne, „ Forget-Me•Not Cardenia, Bachelor • Toilet ,Preparations that ?lease Everyone. •' Obtainabla', Now from our ••Cosmetic Display. • read a letter from the Red Cross headquarters stressing the need of artioles for the navy aile''fiiis.,:4he British children. • The roll call was answered by' donation for the Christmas boxes for the shut-ins. Mrs. Adam and Mrs. Sellars were appointed to all them and see that they get to their destination. The topic which was to have been given by Miss Davidson; who is away, was capably handled by Mrs. J. Adam and. wa on Health and Child Welfare" and gave many hetp- fal hints. There was also an item on Christmas given at the same time. Another even of the afternoon was the sale of candy. Each mem' Interesting Books For the Smaller Children Picture Books, Story Books, Printing and Coloring Books For Boys and Girls—Stories oi Adventure, Camp Life, Bird Books, Wild Flowers of Canada and Others. MANY FINE REPRINTS—at a Moderate Cost. SOME OF THE NEW. NOVELS—Gift Books by Wilhelmina. • Stitch, Edgar Guest and other Authors HYMN BOOKS OF ALL DENOMINATIONS Christmas Wrappings Gold and Silver Paper Cellophane—In assorted colors; New Christmas Designs in Printed Sheets of Wrapping Paper... Some Great Values—in packages of Assorted Tags, Seals and Enclosure Cards, Red Ribbon, Tinsel Cord, and Cellophane Ribbon. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS—Red Cellophane Wreaths, Hinoki Rope, Streamers, Christmas Tree Lights. F. R SMITH 40' TELEPHONE NO. 62 DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 AVM M,OW,M Ate,M,A1V ber wa sashed to bring a pound of home made candy. Mrs. 1VIeNaugh-. ton acted as auctioneer. The pro.- ceeds amounted to $4.95. Commun- ity singing was enjoyed and Miss Frances Wylie rendered a solo. The meeting closed with the Na- tional Anthem. A delicious lunch WednesaaY, Heeellebor 'Lith, 1040 C:YA51.2k5WS".4.gW$6tS UPERIOR STORES Brusss = 'Phone 64 QUALITY' d SERVICE.• : SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Raspberry anCiStraWberry. JAM per jar 24c . r,••••••••,••••=........4...1a.•,,,.....-a,.......—...............,,,, Bungalow Chocolates • Royal York Cheese • 1/2 lb pkg 15c Winter flrapes , 2 lb • Five Roses Flour 24 Ib bag ... .. 89c Cut Mixed Peel 1/2 lb 13c Large Leiria Raisins, with seeds • • • • 2 tb • 25c Lemon and Orange Peel Caps • •• •••• 1/2 lb 13c Van Camp's Tomatoes, Large tins • •••• • • •2 for ... • • . , • • 25c Hemphill's Wheat Berries per bag • 25c Special Almond Iced Fruit Cake••• per Ib 25c Goldn Sultana Raisins 2 lb •• 23c • - 1 lb •box .• . 27c A Caleudar will be included with -your order. Quick Quaker Oats large, pkg 18c Magic White for Bleach per bottle 9c New Re Cleaned Currants per M • • • • •:•• ....... 14c Cashmere Bouquet hand soap • 2 cakes • . • • , , .••'Ilc Golden Mixed Nuts 2 lb . ' ' 37c• McLaren's Jelly Powders per pkg • • • . • • • •••., ....... • 5c We have Non Drip Tea PotsinThreeSizes Neilson% vibtin Cocoa 19c Blanched Jumbo Peanuts % It, 13c Aylmer Veg. or. Tom. Soup 2 tins . 17c ECKMIER iStgAt51465.1CA5;445a DEALERS WANTED— ! Distribute 200 FAMILEX necessi- ties from door to door. There is a big demand for toilet articles, medi- cines, alimentary products, cleaners, etc. Sell for guaranteed satisfac- tion or money. refunded. Reap pro• fits with your first sales. Increase your list of customers every day. Try this independent business with- out RISK. FOR DETAILS, COM - 570 St. Clement Street, MONTREAL zivas served by the hostess assisted Cod feeds the birds, but He „by Mi'. *Saw t ell and Mrs. Burke. Peels us to do our share. ex - GET YOUR PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATBRLESS THERMIQUE 'T End Curl $1.00 and -1.50 Including Shampoo Permanent 51.75, $2.25, 33.00 and $5.00 including finger relive and shampoo Dried Finger Wave 26c Shampoo 25c Telephone 55X tor Appoftitment IRENE PEASE Over L. W. Eckmler's Store W.VigAgAgAgRAVAgAJ5W53:AgAgA502g.:11KMAT.WA51451WIWW.IliOAVOttg:ft5A5Vg. 9 ,Arliqt?,g; The Stare where the Christmas Spirit Prevails Up -To -Date Stock Gift Suggestions menmemie:ctocetemmtatateigeoctatefottacezitme THE SMART XMAS GIFT— • Sport Sweaters, of fine wool and -it.-Rure, Wool. In grand patterns and'"Z lovekv colors. Zipper or buttoned. ktcvvceteotevvvcvc4oc.ioeiomc.,vrvg.K.,c4c.tctvcfztctcvto,net000etocc*tluuoseutos, ,covew....alsozzielostetetaletame*vocvm`r.tv""qcw""'"Imm""`"1"tImm'Ilmv{ toostoctorpommomirclemerclemativre rri,c 1,1 1. Phone 61 Kris Kringle says cr)t-,A Shop Early Shop Here MaiW,AfeeitgAbf,Alieft7aiker Make this Store Your Xmas Headquarters • McTavish, NewestStyles, Priced Right Pillow Slips—plain or fancy, hemstitched Towel Sets, Table Cloths and Lace Seta Brussels and Cloths. 9 DI Handkerchiefs .`t tet °Gift Fine Shirts ;Xmas Ties Hosiery in snow yhite, separate or attach. ts' The Nweest, Smartest Patterns ed collars Overcoats without a new and gleaming te . no costume is caMillete • Boxed Ties . . 25c to $.1.001 eHATS For Men in smart winter Shades ostoostoosevocicuteumse.TnOcte, Men's Sweater% Every New Style' and Color. . . $1.69, $2.29, $3.86, $4.50 itcm/etzloactemvem/s-telcicliMetrozwel Windbreaker% In plain or combination colorings ALL SIZES -IelkneVelatSbSielatelearlaltitetelSOCIOCCS;, SEPARATE Wool Cloth Pants PRE WAR PRICES V toculatocivattuccematmcestmcmcw Pyjamas ' ;I. 0 For the Men — Broadcloth, Finest Snow white 'Linen and Lawn—For Men, Women and Children. Beautifuliy boxed. . . An always pleasing essential. . 25c to $1.25 rzwititzelcvoctetewouctommactmlf Undies Silk Hose—the newest shack, 4 0 by CIrcte Bar Chiffon Service 75c Crepe $1.00 Colorful Scarves tcloctvevemcictotteictemoctegtem 0 Oblong or Ascot. The attractive . useful gift e Sheer Wool Plaid 69c 0 All wool Reversible 79c Satin, Silk & Fluffnit 4 at various prices. micisisisievcsinianesinisiciesictsnicise a Gift Gloves Beaut5ifur Kid Globes, lined or , •N unlined, In all the Wanted colors. $1.00 to $1.89 occactocmccoceucuccteenclocuacteato R Lingerie 0 The lovely personal Glft . . Pyjamas, Boyne, Slips & Panties .26 elffertSMIDCMMIDSVS. Gowns_ CanSeVIAW ?CI' Bath Towels $1.25 to $2.00 octetzvocteveteletmortocctuocog Men's Scarves Mufflers in all wool plaids, Silk in heat patterns and colors Mao Alt 'white. Bemmiziodvelommortelooctozic-K. Socks A special purchase direct from factory, enables us to pass on to you. The new patterns and colors... At old time prices .. • I ' 35c, 50c, 75c esom,,,t44,00042CCIWOCCIMMO 1,4 Underwear STANFIELD'S TURNBULL'S PENMAN5'S, FLEECE -LINED/ In combinations, separate Flanelette or Heavy Yama Cloth w lc) Garments L. All sizes $1.69„ $1.75, Heavy All Wool Cloth, Raglans and Form Fit Models The Choke of Our Entire Stock to $25.00 Reduced $17.50 Turnbull's Ceetee— FINE WOOL VESTS, BLOOMERS and PANTIES deetteleteleISICICOMVSKtelelMatelCIfIke $5.95 Green or Brown Campus Coat All Wool Cloth icEctcratctatocctscuteactatcmtoctiocto; Irish Linens r.pzatawm=aaaaal-zamvaaagt*ablix,act Table Napkins AT PRICES YOU WILL NOT SEE AGAIN In the Kiddies Dept.1 Ski Pants consioutlasttltnnimstmetnoticau Snow Suits Irish Linen Cloths Underwear Scarves Pylamas Lunch Cloths Sweaters Sleepers in colorful patterns amatelavociactmciccuctoomaccoaavoccacaccoctoctoceacetetenimoticemeaw vcoiccicttocissAw4ctcregteccutc4tun Host Caps Ladies' Coats Fur Trimmed Coats for Women The Season's Newest in Fabric nd Style - Priced Right Fine kid lined Gloves 85c Mitts 79c a rSWS:tiWflgAi51ktqli:V*igMNig3'AV,?C,.-3lti0*V",5Avig.IV'Ag.'fti131tg'IAkO2*A%aVi,Mite Sweaters, Hose & Caps Boys and Giris Mitts 59c '44 A large ahlpment just arrived. Solid Colors or White with Colored Stripes. Is BLANKETS k [All Wool] k Ibex's Flannelette Colorful Indian Blankets mottemootow allemotoolitaimolitolit oro