HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-12-11, Page 6NOTICE per ton Anthracite Stove • • - $15.00 delivered Anthracite Chestnut $15.00 delivered Anthracite Rice $11.00 delivered Pocohantus Stove ~ • $12.00 delivered Bricketts $12.00 delivered Rosedale .Alberta 12.00 delivered Coke $13.00 delivered Smithing Coal ••'• • • • • . •'• • $14.00 delivered All Coal Strictly (ash Small Order Cash or Paid on Delivery It is Impossible to Charge any Coal at Present, Please Don't Ask For Credit Yard and Office Hours 8 a. m. to 5 D. N. McDonald & Co. Phone 77 Brussels tend Ml Speaker, that these are Problems that ahauld be faded by our federal gove;ument, 'Non -pea+' fishable surpluses such as, wheat beans, pork, are in. my opinion as goodas gold iii war Bute, There le nothing. that will put heart in a man like a full stomach, and there. is nothing that will weaken the morale of any nation like starve- lion, We all know that armies travel on their stomaohs and so J say again, pile up the surpluses of non perlsdiable geode and keep the people working, make the eur- renoy circulate, and back it up with gold and with the storage of non- perishable goods. Beat the enemY at their own game, Only those who accept defeat are defeated, That is a striking statement— "non-perishable surpluses , .. are as good as gold In war time." The peopfle of Britain are striving to produce themselves as much food- stuffs as possible but there will be increasing demands on the man- power of Britain in d'he factories, in construction and in the fighting ser- vices. It will be surprising if agri- cultural production in Britain does not decline. In any event, whatever snnplvses she now has, will disap- pear. It is significant that ratioa- fng regulations are 'becoming more severe. It would be disastrous and wouldbe a. blot on Canada's honor were we to'fail to •build up and'hold in readiness fully -adequate supplies of nonperishable feddstufs for shipment to Britain The farmers are ready to iio them part. As Mr. Cardiff said, "farmers have divorced themselves from the :profit motive, and are actuated only by a determined desire to serve in the ftbnt rankksof production" He was right, too, when he said. "Farm dng today is a busine�sa,"-and just as in other industries;;, farmers must have sufficient income to cover over- head, defray,• expenses .and ,main- ' tai$, their bniiding's "sal equipme at. -Tile farmer is working and working ha.i'd and he is willing to_go on wor k- ing,'liut the farmer cannot be ex- peete.d•to go• on -producing unless he '.is-•as+sured of a :return Abet will Pay lfim,fm• his outlay and -his . effort. I•We do not complain -about the, prices that=Britain •is•offering to Canada for .foodstuffs.- --Canada.. as • a. :nation should be prepared to make sacri- fices to feed the gallant people of. .thee Motherland. Similarly, Canada "as a nation should see to it that the whole sacrifice in this resdiect is hot ;borhe by the farmers.' Dealing with this phase, Mr. Car= • Mr. Cardiff M.P., For Huron North, Speaks For The Fanners An able plea for wider recognition of the -vital importance of making it economically posaibe for the farmer to maintain and, in some cases, ex- pand production was made in the, House of Commons recently by Mr. L. E. Cardiff, Conservative Member of Parliament for Huron -North. Because Mr. Cardiff is .- a successful farmer—ask anybody in the Brussels district about that—his views probaby have wide rural en- dorsation, but they merit, as well, careful consideration by the city man. , pluses in several lines of our Caned - I ian production will find a market'' 1 and "command fair and reasonable prices." He is opposed to curtailing ' production. On the contrary, he feels Wednesday, December 11,th, 1340 gmoviemowoltiemmoviemmommvoitemoitosemmovotio g 4 that the farmer should be encourag- ed to produce but that the DoMMion should, give the farmer intreased protection. We quote part of what Mr:',Cardiff said in the House on this point: ev "The demand -for shipping...,fac tittles will restrict our exports, lGr t Britain to -a •minimam, h'k� do know from experience; ;luowev4r,•-; Ithat if this conflict prnceeds; ,all_ our production of ,.foodstuffs w.11l- be in demand, but in the meantime our warehouses are full. At present th-e farmer have to assume the burden of these :surplusses:and Carrs their share. of war- time 'taxation... At this time of emergency I caa- Mr. Cardiff said it is.merely make- believe to assume that, in time of war, trade will move through normal - chaaaels and that "customary s'lr- simmeamagIMMIIIIMM ChristlflaS Shoppiflg 41, '•.+444444.14+3444+44 -3• '' r he p'24%'b 04.0.401..8.3444.4.4.44++++34444-1101 u• • Made Easy At nHardware1so's With' a large and well assorted stock f prices to -choose from . at former prices 9; All Modern Electrical k Appliances -Latest Styles AP 7.0t EATING aitdCOORING A WE HAVE .. . a choice 'selection of cIntosh Reds and Spies Aho Cooking Apples at $1.00 per hamper East Huron E mn ,) )riu 1n Phone 66 Brussels, Ont. .diff, said. 'I submit, now that We TO GRACE YOUR KITCHEN TD SIMPLIFY :YOUR HOUSEWORK MASSEY-HARRIS SUPERIOR ... RANGES The latest models of Massey. Harris Superior Ranges are more beautiful, more practical than ever. For economy and va'lue•giving too, these famous stoves are outstanding, Don't buy any kitchen range until you have seen these snappy new Massey -Harris models, BUY YOURS ON OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN J. w. Fischer MASSEY-'HARRIS DEALER Business Phone 51X Residence 52-r-18 Brussels, Ont. A MODEL FQLE LRY HOME Apex ElectrirWashers W ,Special Christmas Tree Sets priced from 49c up • w Cory Coffee Brewer, Silverware, O e ALSO, $unbean 1Mixm� aster Ailadin Lamps, pyrex and China SteSeig� -------� private, It will be the first time the are giving assistance to industry for i UNDERGO DENTAL duke has left the Bahamas since he the, manufacture. of necessary war 1 OPERATION AT MIAMI became governor of the islands tact materials, that immediate considers., The Duchess of Windsor probably August, tion should be given to agriculture,' will undergo a major dental oper- epi_ga=0 in order that we may achieve full anon at Miami next month and the .eves Steal Hens reduction, under proper guidance duke will be with her. They maY At Walton - and with the responsibility on the leave December 10 for their first government for such surpluses as visit together to the duchess' native may exist from time to time. Our land. The Windsors plan to make agricultural resources, properly or $he trip by steamship returning Dec. ganized, can, and will 'play a vital 14 to the Babame.' • Recurrende et, part in this nation's war effort.'' a tooth ailment believed lately to 'Although he did not do so, Mr• have been mastered caused dentists Cardiff might have contrasted the to advise the duchess 'to enter a Thieves stole 49 chickens from the farm of Rudolph Fisher, near Walton on Thursday night. The theft was reported to Chief of Police Hedmar Snell, who-notlfied Provincial police at Goderich, Con- stable Lorne Rutherford investigat- Preserving efforts of the farmers Miami hospital for the operation. ed; but no trace of the .missing with the action of two hundred em- Their visit at Miami will he strictly poultry has ,been found. ployees of the Kingston ,Shipbuilding Company, of Kiagston, who went on strike last week because their de- mands for wage increases had beea rejected.. Acocrding to officials of the company, the men had received two wage increases earlier this year, and added that they had walked off the job last week without giving any notice, It is reassuring to learn that they have decided to return to work since. We do not say that these men were not entitled to an increase in wages. we do not Arnow Anything about the merits of their claim. We do contend, however, that they should not have walked out on 1 strike. The statutes of this' country provides other means of settling wage disputes. Britain needs ships and we must stay at the job of building them. • Britain also needs food and will need more of it in future. We confidently be- lieve that the farmers of the country will not go on strike --but we should not expect too much from them and give thein too little in return. ,Mr. Cardiff's addess on Wednes- day was his first in the -louse of Clemons, to which he was elected in the March election. It would seem to be a safe prediction that the Member for Huron North will be heard again. We hope so. —Stratford Beacon -Herald 1 1 Ralston and Crerar Land In England Safe arrival in London of De- fence Minister Ralston and Maj: Gen, D. G. ,Crerar, chief of the gen- eral staff, was announced last Thursday by Hon, 0, G. Power, act ing deefnce minister. Col, Ralston is. the fourth member of the Canadian Cabinet to bisit Britain since- the war began. The first was Resources Minister Crerer, the aecond was the late. Norman Rogers, former defence minister, and the third Agricultural Minister Gardiner, who hear just returned -Lo Canada, The fifth min- ister to make a trip overseas will be Supply Minister Rowe. Prime Min- ister Mackenzie King told the House of Commons that Mr. Howe will g•'i overseas to confer with British officials. The prime minister said both Mr, Howe and Defense Mill - Wei, Ralston would be in England during the greater part of December, and he expected some 'Government legislation would be based upon the ree5115 Of their conference overseas. Wholesome, Healthful BREAD—wrapped for your protection. PASTRIES—:a good variety, always Fresh. mazaopmstaSuastsmarsisdastastamsaimstsmamsrsawsoitsmatstamsoms Fresh Fruit Cake Place your Order Now - for Christmas Delivery. IT TASTES BETTER IF BAKED EARLY atatgigagteXteKtfagilteMgtelgtglgICKtgetigtetElMiletelletgieePelftegtfiellEittee THE ROWLAND BAKE SHOP PHONE 113X BRUSSELS, ONT. PATRONIZE YOUR HOME BAKER. • WHAT IS IT WHY SHOULD 1 USE IT ? WHERE CMI I GET IT a EXIDE SURE -START SERVICE is a develop- ment in automotive preventative service which enables us, by means of new patented testing apparatus and instru- ments, to locate oncoming starting failures in your car and prevent them. Every motorist who wants to save himself the trouble, expense and inconvenience of starting failures should take advantage of Exide Sure -Start Service. We are equipped to give you Exide Sure -Start Service, which is available only from Exide dealers. Conte in to- day and let us give you a Sure -Start test ... it's free. Carl's. Garage Phone 12 Listowel b BIJ