HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-12-11, Page 5;i n .. THE BRUSSELS POST c • OO Christ as Suggestions to* .Ful', of. BeautifulSuggestion krr, yet( :.r , , Tett 1 a� s ,, Sh'op EaiIy ,and B'' epi F9r Lathes '- { `':Beautiful Hankerchiefs t' Scarves • rJr� Morocco,Halid Bags 1mttini Kits Hosiery, of all types (three makes including' reUable• SupersFl{c) • Lingerie �+ Glovesr-Kid, Fabric,, Wool, 'Dowels •Linens &,Boxed Sets ..Tablecloths,..lace, linen 8t rayon" Sweaters Darling Gifts for Baby Snovw Sin}s, �. ` Jackets,r' Outerwear • The•Practical Gift is, the Apprefiate?d Gift. W.. of Blankets Flannelette Blankets, Woolcots For Meii `- ' Ties t '.. Scarpest- -- ry° .Suspendner;, etc. t I Sweaters: Garbadine ,Jit'clibts .Socio," f 'Emma Gloves Shirts by Forsyth, etc.' Windt:S*4ers .E e • R o?• ETH The annual 's drool concert was, ,held on Friday' evening • of last, ween being fairly well .patronized: formed _upon. ate stage:, Tho numbers ..on the program.'included, solos, choruses, dril'ls3 dances and, an operetta entitled;. 'Snow' White and -Seven•;Ilwarts;' Mr•• Arnold Earl la the music, supervisor In Ethel and. '"the cobieent took' the. form of a credit and hanks is due him for • "Memories+' Album. ,Two children time he seen' with the'`teachers„and,. 'children* In •preparing.•thisconcert Anyone desirous of eecuring 'a- nice, Chriettmae. cake large or amaI ,would, do well to place their order. with! Vodda3n• r bakery, *hal at as early? a. dale as possible, ' t9 s4bl?1. timely service . A truck' toad 'of -Barley was laity ' ered 'at .G R ` `Dunbar's., ehoppI41 t mill late Saturday afternoon Dec.' 7, where it will he available for feed, ai.congas it sits.• ar• etiusainesa places in' the village prepared to hole oustomere do. , their .Christmas atio¢rping, , promptiv and eepaomdcaliy. • Oren Township. ,municipal council met Saturday, pee. 7,. . in: 'monthly: session at the offs a of,J• H. Fear; as Usual. . N -r W. ii.- Love who has' been our the 'sitir•'list for the' past several weeks 'haw regained normal 'health:"' 'After' a •reeent.heart. attack.. Mr.: '•Geo:"Batemo5n is - quite indisposed', and ,is co ntined to bed.' Tier dagsgb- 0 • to ` us ual' • is not ter Minnie strength 'at -the :present time either. Mr John King it showing sitrnhg er vitality this a inter than 'has been' for years, and ia'puttfng on avoirdu• pale. •George Eolnnier is home from Lis- towel where he was in hospital • toy assortment ' to weeks recovering rfom a broken , leg. choose from Although 'prmlttd to remove from , 'ALSO -Chinaware the hospital he is advised by . his Siverware, Cutlery, doctor to continue resting quietly Glassware, Toys, for a while yet. C.C.M. Skates Shoes, ! Since the arrived of /real winter . Bicycles, Tricycles, weather Mrs, Wm. ISlemmon bas Wagons, Kiddie Kars been completely shut in as in her Etc. Etc. invalid state she is unable to get about except in a wheel chair. But. she does happily enjoy having visi- tors to come to see' her.'' Doctor A. E. and Mrs. McMaster of Sea�forth are the •proud .possessors of a son, When we say proud we The Store With The Stock l'ou't mean an nth$Ybe. The baby i9 stiositosuwwwwiamesimatmemsam ' R•a is albout six months old. Hearties.? aft I'y ;} representing- a old. couple were seem looking over'sn`ort P1¢ture 7a1- • bum. As they coiamented on' the ii'ictures In the album, these ,ptctares, 'came `to Lite, as• it -•were•,. ,; and per. You'll tEnjoy : Christmas Shopping : t '' ' x I ardware Lis?�?4M,al. 'where: you : will an excellent aasorbsser the! Christmas Gift you will be to :: Riare ' 'Brighten tip the. Chrwln+is Tree wdh ' •a:• string o f eolorftd 1i6t+• •• 8„ 1tring ilisl&e•set 1.., 45c.. Eitra Bulbi :: 2 for 5c Edison Mazda 'Bulbs • • • • 8c, 2 : for Inc' 7 string, Outside ' • Sets . . $1.39, $2.00 'MAKE THIS'' AN ! ELECTRICAL YEAR G1VE Electrical Appliances we have an excellent May i thank the pilblic in. and around Brussels for the splendid'Support which has been accorded.• to me' chit -ink • m y Practice here. , .Au 1 have ,X Joimslit)e jE oy 1 +Canadian Arms+ - 1 .1 ca ,iMedir4 Co�?ps,, 1 •regtiest that you ,will similarly support Dr. T,, T. McRae who has consented to continue my practice for the duration of the war. congratulations are extended ' by Ethel friends.. Tuesday of last week when Cdr - poral Cecil Bateman of 'R.C.A.F, of Kingston was liome on a 4.8 ,hour. leave pass, he was presented 14 the commun'i'ty t1irouglu 'Ethel Red Cross group with a• kit containing 1 wool sweater, 1 scarf, '2 pair socks, ; pair wriat)e!fis; 1 lace cloth and. a water - ii n's pen •and pen ll,set; :,,the re• otelent appropriately-egpressedi ap pr eola,tion, . " A Chrsltmas 'social will be it held in the Sunday ,School. room on Monday evening, December 23rdat:, its A ,programme vvi11-" "be pre` tented by the members• of the: Sunday school. Daring the l: eve' - lag, the members wino nave attend`. ed th most Sundays'' during hs. past year, Waif receive an: attendance prize. Every Mina. present wi11 be given a big 'of candy.,;Everlrone ct •the congregation is invited, , tot a�tend;aatt bi)ng their fnend3•Eac° • Yami] leas'e •b n lu ch' •• Wedilesd07, December 11th, 1940 ;.„ IDEAS r r' lri�iq±Vit?►t���rht�r+ir#Yl�k+'rrrnarrib+�l� _ •rt Here are suggestions which are eilW'• • 'Aug o- -appeal •..s l lAaniYoe havour among your +i ey +md ao1 rt !::alt• moderately::' priced, ' all of real' use. 4hit- . leisteialsicisiestifilefalnittariltielfilelftwille91441•. Nig t coigns,' Pyjamas • flannelette, brushed rayon,it Satins •;, • $1.50 to $3.95 i Satins, Crepes • • • $1.00 to $2.95 ora Parkas, filoves, Mitts • $2.50 chiffons, satins, fine wools • • $1.00 up ose' . • • • crepe,, chiffons, wools • •••• 79e to $1,65 ousec ata • flannels, chenille, taffetas • • $2.95 up anliterchiefs, a beautiful assortment of linens 25c to $1.00 "w" newortveteseeconstatrtmeaganewatteasertwakt auditorlii'm' where a 'musical gro- gram -me was' given by the Listo1 e1 United Churolb Choir, The day flat nov"•paased but the memorier'''dC that day shall be forever treasured in the m7ndsand hearts of many. : W ALTON ` ` •l l'lQ??iEShirts whitey stripes checks $2.00, $2.50 s Ties, Socks , 50c to $1.00 The Women's Missionary 64clet3 43. genas is grateful' ,to Mrs. Craw of Wal ~3` i, 'throp' for coining and bringing`•' "a " 5 itar�, Handle message on the stormy day ofg, 14ov. !°'•fraDROfsiGE Gowns 29. iEer 'remarks, with the Oa of 'i*4rt d cc+: a ' magi related .to the: Chrlstiat d O. rrVe B nkets Mission • -In China where Mia . eti L cq:, able Clo Grave's daughter •and, husband -are jdBath To M►e Although' mail~ have: mod fro ii a l BrBrom than: area Because of'' war they 4.t ib brit hn eo sionaries''t•ernain. The. Chinese are Wabas.o Sheets broadcloth, flannelette • $1.75 to $3.00 erchrefs, Ties, Money Belts, Gloves • 35c up • pure wool . • • • $2.95 to $9.50 :.,•: $5.95to$12.50 the ' ...• 72 x90" $2.95 up Is :.� colors ... • $1.25 pr. ens • • Lunch Cloths,,. Tablecloths, • Towels";• Small, Pieces of various 'kinds. and l ,low Cases;'` in boxed sets -or separately. •planliing''to''enlarge• their chargh 23fodayra even though bombs. are •taking• fit: is to'l be • regretted, that .;more ,vd�men �u • : .:�- , ven%ngs • - Dec..:i4. 24 were not. present to 'heap a e in'atruetiva eddrrese y p ?t g Reli: - , /..., '• FOR 'SALE--; g d > ; ., , . Thera will He offered .fol• SsjFle by public, auction at ;the ofde`a og Amer D. ,Boli ih the Village of, Bf}tseels on Saturday, hire ;211th d '• 01 ,•December, ,,1940 tie West ;hhlf or 3,Qt 32 . onoeseiori 6 ef'the toiarnsbip of Grey autl Comity of iinr can twining 50 acres CComteortabfeafra -.ihouse an barn on" the abovenlot, ,Safe subject to ;es'erye bid. .Harold Jackson-Anetioneer:' •Rrangie, °Belr-nes Adaninlstrat r. by i<'la sglrcifor $ELL Brnsteds, oat. 1. t : CRANB� Firmer-Cranbrook Residents Passed Await Nov 28, 1940 r t r William F.�i3sdditsr .,ager 62'11 of YeTauitli>in ,Afllerta •i►here the baa, resided, tor, ph'e.-,past 31? yearn ,nide woe, the son of Firdenand send ,eJsl hanAah, Radd4ta. Ste .•leabfYA�4 •• mounr: ilia • wirer onesuA rid • 0Art daughter. Mao' • tufo' j'bs*ot;tena 'Charlies and KCourad''rot IDetaatt;<: Mich. 4 Sunday, November the .iseven r teeStt1f.-was-'a'r-dag^1oft:greal reineni brance for the Wdrshippere 'of Knott^ Presb'yteria'n• Gburc)l, The stay M1vait dul),''tiie sky w„r s 'bveriCa&t athl Srow6rs' } pJ. sn. dee•Cetided 1Vevertlhelessi, it did not put' it dab$pert upon the spirits of tike dSeople Tile &I1U lr.whieh had undergone complete' ' renovation (having a ,basement port under It; new' pews choir seats,. furnace and eleoiric ligl ting bet i . installed) wasp ,sired' to capacity. The overflow congregated in the •basement. Many of tli.e' "Old 'Timers'? and friends madder it ,a day~ pf rejoicing as t'heY gatlieerd •again in the 'auld Kirk" to worship their Maker. The Rev. 2'. G. Fowler B.p.; formerly of Brussels, now of Bluevale was the speaker both morning 'and- evening The subject for the morning was "The God of Bethel." The choir rendered' music egoeeding appre- tpriate for the occasion. under the direction of Miss A. Forest, present• C. Zilliax & Son HARDWARE and CHINA' Pho:171 LISTOWEL When in town doing your Christmas shopping these cold days Try The ,BRUSSELS -DAIRY Ing two anthems at each service. Notice''To Lre%htbr Tn=the' estate •of• :Annie ki'dOonal "tater :Of 'thie Yklitiage•of Bruises 1 the County of Huron, mi i "' om , o a on or,.s riiheteedth day of JVrae, A.D. • N/'.ingh f chili •t„ y 3•:,. .: N A l ow postal Pointers <. heavy cord. ' i<i Your ltareel6 is worth mailing it is worth careful tldAeli(�'1:$ttiDII : •^ .,n; , , .i,M R C. A. iN ENGLAND GET carr OF RADIO. SETS FROM LEGION.:: • Somewhere In Engla ld, Dec..: 1 t%ihe,�•,,� cave pointene o Ch hire man ciliatQ14i> tyryYi C Ws' d4�aasiie for the Can• 1 L they adian Legion War ' Services to 800- Angros ed carefully, work at' "tke^ •8- field' regiarent of ;Abe RDA. tl overseas;_ with sa><eral brand sew n aiderably, and the public will be radioeseYH SQ pow ire n the camp tee1 oci`i},iridddbnere :rapidly and.- sorting �mpomid during the nI2htly black - w an be st a of i1'i'sYla? the Suggestions, .are as,. i outa;.SnrcontLagit,to the3`tvail of the ( t baaishee,, 'eau"be„'hea `d the gal" 2- �y agistandard size envelopes fond innate Ind singing rot :jhe B,B.C.'s• TARE-• NIkPICE that ell i{i c is. (4§ . antir��envelopes smaller B-13.0-'8- having- claims or ' delnands : • at an three inches by " tour inches the estate 'of tine ; abovt-mentioned may be lost -or-at lean - delayed- in u and a or ease t a n f dee d us entail. arti Mars a• r: 1 er to P G Lt ng T" • d hal proof of e t d rid, r19r1 e, Il rich ' nine•.'aU p vSa?tl q ire v e gn �� ee'iry a or their sol1citor,•or}•or befoi'e""'.Iter 6tt hesa;lhgy, may ,;have to be folded 28th day of December, ;A.D. "}946 %tlMra5by.e•damaged ;Far ,satls• ,� •tv� ni upon whic eeda' tf the sari t �.�'tor iiieo`h sbild' safety, use only; stand.• will 8roce&1 +Yo'' distri'jrut yto ir0,atr J ids and envelopes, 'assets of the Sant estate with-regar Be sure to ad°dresls all mail fully only to these claims ,wbichl+r.,lhe tan�legt,tiyr octroi when have received '. Mail posted locally for local de - ofDATED: at Brueseis tjii8 9th day ivery, yi en ''lh§uflicienty address.. of December, A.D., 1940,55 ed is'la given, 'directory service, Margaret Hislop , .ut ism reefed iii undeliverable. ' • �gusan Melon .,.E J ,return address on all mail. Executrices, by their solicitor• 'ELMId{i. D:''BE „ :Packing of Parcels 81.10881s, Ontail: reels should be carefully pre- - r at,,ail times; especially during 1�d' busy.,Ghristmas. season. Pack 'tleftUly, wrap wit- several layers or s'ta•Q,paper, tie securely with trnsicr Mai ors Elis and --Letters ,. Should; be Properly r Addressed With tphristmas„ heavy matin ee; t looming before thbtn the i'ostal• t he mails and: if ar -follow Post dlffice will be assisted, eon- "Romp In God's Love" F, B. Halton, Notice ,re.Credito, "We praise!. thee 0 God'' (Stern,. t , and Landon), "Unto the Hills" (Anne Owen), "Ashamed of ,Jesus" (A'vo Young). There were also two duets sung by Mrs. G. Michel and Mrs'. C. Oc s'tead and Mr. G. Evans and Mrs.. C. Oinstead, At the evening service the and:• tectum and gallery were again filled to 'capacity and chairs were placed ib ib aisles. The Rev. J. E. Taylor the present minister occupied his usual place and took the devotioLal parts of the service. Tile Rev, F. G. Fowler addressed the congrega- tion from the text found in the Gospel of St. John chapter 14; verse 6. "I am the Way the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me." From this text the ,preacher shaved that "Christ was the answer to all oisr .Problems." for Hot Chocolate, All kinds of Hot Soups _,:-'Nothing better after skatingl Soft Drinks of all kinds -Ice Cream Sundaes, Banana Splits MILK SHAKES -vanilla, 'Pineapple; Strawberry, Chocolate, •Coffee and Orange. --• Try a bottle of our Chocolate Milk for school lunch, Buttermilk Butter, + Milk , and Cream moo(, t A -o ''�MI011tAlqiN In the estate of Levi. Parr, late ..of the Township of Grey hi the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the 16th day of 'Feb. ruary, A.D. 1935. 1t0. -Y- TAKIE NOTIICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of theabove•nieutioned deceased, must mail particulars andsart,ci proof of same tto the undersbgmedt executors on or before the 2Mi ti i< of December, AD. 1940, upon ilith date the said executors will2reeeerl to distribute the assetswith regsid only t0 those claims whic)ld',,tt- shall then have been rectiveci ati,+ DATED at Brussels this 7th rittii 'of December, A.D. 1940, t', Janet Winona Parr„ John Ernest Yalill best entertainers. +Phe gifit' rived at the Legion's- 1;on�oh"" headquarters as a £25 cheque,. with igstrue'pons to be used intri@ mninft aPPeoPrlate way. ,C,aptain Ment PFunket.t; formerly or Tor9nto, and. now direptor of Legion entertainment, servioles overseas wasiat-that•moinent unable to meet the dolma -ads- tor radio reeciving- sets and on his recafiamendation the Candaian''Artillery hien became the beneficiaries, -In, his letter 'of appreciation to the Legion, and' the t;`pnor, the Cora maad1ing officer of ` the regiment -said: "This regiment lost its wire- less r sets when it hid to make a hurried evacuation;( 'from France. But.I can assure. you that these sets will not meet the tame fate, as the ,next time we Land.',1n France, we land to, s'tay.' AwskomostowsigalkomagsvAvsttO °7 A full line of Feeds and Concentrates -r, -to mix with your grain On Tuesday, Nov, 111e 1914• the Annual Fowl Sup-er was held. The Oitureli basement because a hospitable place for all who came. . Fowl of every" description was served and till enjoyed the wonder- out meal the lashes of Knox Church served, ' Atter the slapper the members and friends retired 10 the elturell Executors by their solicitor OLIVIIIIR D 1)8111, Brussels, Cntiitn introducing -I "1'an glad to meet a aria,, . wita, stetted at the bottom and worker] his wary up, Tell me, how did:' Ybli begin?" "1 was a bootblack and now I•in a hairdresser,,' Ay pay big prices for your Mineral W hen you can buy I.L. or Shur -gain for $3.75 Mitts, Sweaters, Qveralis and 1o111en% Wear D. M. McTavish FARMER'S STORE PI-IONE 46 BRUSSELS, 0 a i +;S