HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-12-11, Page 4t •
Jellos Jello Oucklinga ••••• • . • 3. er 21c ,
Libby's Tomato Soup 3 tins 254
•,HarEY 1400eititisolilit4 Oasitrtge
,Assortecl Choco atiir •••;• • • .4.11
Macaroni • • • ... • ' ' • • "..* • • Th
4f5, ji`
Harry Hornefifflaking liowdar4AR
Asforted Flavorings ••••,., per bottle 1.0b
Alsia'43n°51 • • • per Ai, ,120$
Dumart's Snowwhite Shditenine "
•••• ... • .. • • ...... • • • • • • 2 2qc
ix;I:otrd.h.iisimmisu. kinds for
for yvor Xmas
cake.vt SPECIAL h Choice Oranges 1P1,194,t
. , .81.01 I
Elliott's Economy Stow
13 4)211A
Phone 55 . .We. Deliver •• • • rtitatl a, ;-'; i '
slitAgSts'AIVAle,0400111,04g6figMtiMfg.' -90erio.
• -.asst..* el
. • • . • ordinaTY. olgtigtf ,,,,.49haiv•
Clever Army 1.7ociord -t rin an
Have !ming:wised:a thehP . -• ;.• I wrar.pedtla gla,..army blatilleet Elth. a
Cure For Rheurridtlem :.• , copious stream of steam fromli, pipe
Faced • with rheumatism, . the led under his wraffirit" ffdth it
Primus stove. ''' -1? .seIT X.
tee te •.sfrligv "e! •;..•
c115°°°°.:g: of a rml'al esIsis' vit:earttiotimsehg."1.47.:.rtYb.
tbe ma ' ratan.
, „,.. :mt.; prVenteicaeitrapditistaintitei. liewat 1118.11:gee a oi.y.J.,?iep.et::
Array doigoibliaiatgiulifilapri „Iu
t "
'''''slIfter'-` • tive of 9:10.,,a,i
Are .ffrato
1"'" c'' - at wt.
;`,.. - ••RbeematIe eon . t'lki atekii Wit iron heated ves
,.„ three: foams of treatment:, rest.
primus arrdie4 itliditlign-Cbt b ore a,
. •
,iivatenth and purgation; - ' - . sheet & iie"tar 'tiPTePodirl re t
Under, normal infrcumetenese Yoesr, 1 ..• , , 0.
L .. is gi4in• in'the beda", of. thciapitals: nest, mud is.migals."fth
rraili tkim• elabotittell medicinal and gaynerine.td tioN°1Pac Yeiiiciiril
%,": . bitifing-eatablishineulth; Zifo'f4l.a. the sand is baked! in pails and
t. field treatment,•quiteaxAgc,99ie.na.,;.S9:. theaffidtd ptlersclAW
... l' '.1, • %-.' . ,,, .., • ...., .. .t ' gi
IS Provided by placing the patient J - "'these afigitive methods
••• .1 • •
'Wednesday, Deeember lith, 1940
ate IV • atit5 174.04:5 Atli/ SW 11449 WSW
art el
•, it'PrI4G OF V.0 ER'S LIS1!?.,,
fr. 1 r fe
Voters,' list, 1940, Township ot
Morris, Countyof Huron
• t.
Notice is hereby glyen that I have
complied with Section 7 a the
•, Voter'S Trgts Act. hnd blurt I hive
5 altratige91 I posted up at my ottice at lillue•v/ale
on 'the 23rd day of November, 1940,
vote at !ItlentetpaVelentlell and Alia',
' • ' IT PAYS the list of all ;Person entitled tto
•such remains there for inspeotiona,
And I hereby call upon. all voters
to take immediate proesedinis' to
have auy„ errors or oraresiona oor-
reeted according to law, the last
• day for ami being the 14t1i „daY-
of December, 1940. • ,,
medicine have yielded results that.
Compare fa.vourably -With those .ab-•
tained under the best conditions of
peaeelime -medical, treatment.' , •
4tratitr,e,,,,1 TtS41411;
"`Q•.'W stss.
•••••,. woi
••• FIAHertsfe 4Ve%
'7' ! "'..". 'I
.. ' . ' . . DE •
S,' .,effe,be.e.
Am,- .. ,ewerle
i.,,. '•ii' ).$0 r, ' !of'.fiki's ' ' _.,, IIW ''
*-',.FOW,TIHIR , ,,d . 1 .1,0,4
• . ., .„1.olool ,
4 o R ,t, •.- ' ..;•.,,qt.t,.... i ' " 1.100 6
1; 0.,„...., _ __ - i'..7, olei:41% * -
riStra 5 W "WI
.. 1 . . .
, :, i , . , nfrrrele1
Purses• .
5 ft -NECESSITY, v.e'. have them in
all stylissi"" and -1.celoUri, Genuine
t'Antolope•Swede ;Gape Skin and
':Gait Skin 4 .••••••••
"11X) 11 ibig"C.
aldirrebb, c' r*D
magnum IhNIOPirft
1 5136111$195
. • di0f, se mat benm
ostianse Jeweller3r—
. -
...,. o „..:
The. WO finish for she itplisiy dress, Lbniri4eavyi,elbahvs.with
Br'acelets t9 Mitah, the Small Chain LII , groUpsiv.ptit fitsrf 19.5,,,,tile
Stave Chide" with matching Bracelets, 1.ovels, ars i lri two
00 three strand or the .Heavy Rope el ma.,
t,wieed.dy,te..........„... .... ...........,...... ....... . ........•........... VIP 1 i,64
A Lovely Assertment from ......... ..... .. 50'Orteitiei J. •au
-ne Heti; i
'IT .r1971 1 .4,,
Glove in all COlours-1-1
• .c91-1 ::W1114.1"
Kid or Suede ............. .-......... iip s. ...7") TO S*1931%.1 a pair
The Dress Glove of French el a=
. .
-x-- ,
• ! •
• Continued from Page One, •
-given me by the Ethel Branch pf the
Red, Cross Society, It vas a ye'ry f?..'
ttilerlita'Iteatmorent13;gaegted7 4,f•wri „'111.
' We- have much snow here and' at
Present it' is:very cold. - On Thintedak,
the road :to Kingston was blocked'
'with tiwo• snoW plows and numertm,s Foil! SALE- • ,! • •
tile' 7. Gd ,Chunlia of Plis,i about' HSN • i - • .
way. The ration -truck was; sidaill 10 Vas, ' t: • -. :Winter. drapes, at ail times. ,
hawks and cars marooned al9TIS
. ' ' Barr s;grra, , f. ,,Grl.EW., AR'SC,A,,114 ANDsid'A'ti:R•f:
• ,
to get through's° the boys .,',Iiad ,ia: phone fqx..1-,..2
tt -tlight meals.: WE SELL vOft LE •
The work of the tguards proceeds
Classified Ads
FOR SALE- „• •
17 Plgs, 6 iiveelts•eld.
• phone 04-r-6 Wan. Hollingerl
• „ Lot 13„con., 7, , Grey'
Where the Spirit of Shristmati Prevails
'.Only 'll IroreGihrrepsplitaDazis until Chris00aar'
Rayon Spreads .3 Colors ' i , • ...„ . . ,, . : each $1.69
Falscy- Jcovell,'Seta t,•• • • : • -••• • ,• • - • ••••••,•;., • • • 59c 8i 75c each
Writing 1134Per•'' '.I'A. ; . Ail itc.i : ,,%•;'. Peil3i.Oit 240,456 $00o,
Xnsas C» 124 . • ,i,, ,,.. ,,i . , ,,,,,,, • g • • • .f • • •''' ..... g . Perlivz 60C
Ladies' ,RiuMelliaudIc'er8filifis Y P•I'S ia • ••44,1ilee. gut 25c & 500
Mers's Boxed Tics t • • •• ....:•'• • • • • • • • . • • • "• • per box 49c & 89e
• Boys' Boxed Ties • ;•per, box 25c
4.1irldn. Tablecloth, large :`,.,..,•; ..... . • • • . • • . • • , ••••• • each $1.2k
Baby's Wool ilnitieta ' ';,, . • • .., , , ,.''.%'!".; .;•: . 1 . ..r.'.'„ ,u .each 39(4..
Ladies' Crelieliose,ii1Sgrni :Chiffon Silk Hose •pecim 69c
".Sl. Williams Raisishesii Jam. ......... .. • .. • .......; 2 *, Ja`r 24c
Superior Baking POwder 16 oz.23c and 1/2 co. VanillFree
Quick Quaker Oats, : • 4. • lane ..,• ..... • •'••••;136. Pak 180
,Dp-hinieED2.611N1PL ,,WANTigs 6—Phone" -224-1 f -7 -for PRICES.
• Ethel, .Ont. '
oc 1
ews Items
a •;:•:, , ,• .
NOTICE -,e '
Wit the. young Jed who, has iseen.
throwing • &chili Windciws,
x 4
WHY PAY, MORE-? 4"i*4f4-10••"
oo loon street or up Tory - •lp-fien4Ou"rean.
A hand. saw, PIK9 TP0f41..• • (blaei.,or gieenj • Teie"at •-33e. •tor;
gave:. ' Our.' Blue.
please leave, at the Peet. .
Bell. Oefiee at 38c Peri 4b. Fresh
CelerY,' e ad '-' Lettuce.
St. John's Church
,„ ,The traditional obseiltance of the
s4dortid.'itIntla in Advent Bible
rnaThed; 'last ;,•Eunday
morning M SI. JOIlesOliurch: with a
celebration ot Holy corokautaoa.
The oector, Rev. F. Watts 'vas the
The.„ -,:rector's
.-Ainansolf..;;4a qiethekitth verse
of the,,litir elihbfar"'of -the- Gospel
accof,d1,44dohn, "Beareh the
fdr=in them ye think Ye
'have eternal,life: and they are they
which' teatify. of Me."..
...At ;evensong thehrotnr dealt with
• UPS subject. .the Advent hope.
coable ot Pre St
matcha9 usual with a littlei added
work when- -a Plane -crashes or
makes a , :forced 'landing as heel
happened reeetrutlfr. The hots C01 -
posing the security guard a ie really
a very fine fo f cifaiii b-ein0 mainly
air Crew. We will beswat wheat
the present butiet inose °a4 they;WitrAriNThettElbritel for
Soli; bushels,
do periodically.t
oO feel glicidWheat,"na, other :kiwi
lose;iti 'Of the siaseerint bbinnerely.waiited, spo.r2•0.qi..), . T
Wishing One aniT
At the usual place in BrOssels.- •
Steve' son.•
A number of little Pigs, !;
• • JO0b
' Hbilea,
6th- line- '
'Plion's 9 -Walter-Rose
('641,1'.) Cecil Bateman E.63033a ,
isaiity Guard a No. 31 4.1'airi..SJ FOR sALE- . • ,.
higibah • , x Rood Cutters, cbeap for quick
I '•• -
isale. apply to , ..,,, 1 ,.
Orrie lelio'ft '
Illints Leilon. meethie Milled tor phone 82
------------ • , : Garage," Biaseels
The Fabric Glove at --------------------- .... • i 95c ,
..• . ...:4:,,,
1 95''
The. Angora Glove in, iovely paste shades • i• •,- • pair.
sKI MITTS, wool lined, beautiful leath
er in Vehite, navy or -red ..... . ........ .. ....... ,95'qs
,,c2. 4! • " a'r
Handkerchiefs -
• tn.
The ever . useful :Hankie in emtAfmlert • : lieen, or
or Wide hems .. : .. ..... .... ...... . . .... . . . . , ....... .... .... . ... ....1.5c TO '•' -.00 each
svviss linen, Lawn, 'me trim narrow I
' ei
Kit 2.gerie 4 '
Pyjamas, Sips & Govvns in angel skin or patin,i lia tea rose,
blue or ivory. A large and comptete. range of Stanilelds
Lingerie, a . garment that is made -df goo i• quality • and
perfect fit in all sizes 49'c $1•25
PRIDES ..... ........... ... - , , TO ' •
Ladies Houselcoats
hive. a lovely range of English Cannel Heusecoats
$8.95 --?0$12 95
In shades of blue, rose, purple
and red PRICES ... . .. . .............. •
Silk and Cotton House Coats . ... $4.951 TO $6,95
Pullovers and Cardigans
$1 9 ‘$4 95
Brush wooi in variegated, vale" fancy kn hotony wool', Or
._‘,........,,,.......,...,,,„' .....„.....:. •
the heavy jumbo type in a iarge
range of colours-
PRICE,S .............
Gotham Gold Stripe, makes an
ideal and useful gift .........
0111.,400.9011014egritOrit 6:
4 ;
11$ 1 i5 ;Mr
Tuesday aright waa postpAtibe-?for
one week, to be..held;.Tu
19111,- In the sLibrary,,,,BruAele. '
The &allowing, reXiiet hit
,to date any °minim:I5. or ler,rs
be gladly corrected:- t, "
Much6iinTitem. • ' , 1
:Remarks about; the. plowing 'of the
;now ox main, • street hav'e "been
Some' wmft' the
nolir left otic some little; ',lat.. on
the rest pushed sti'it•laihard
please eVeribody.- • Edweiar the
word; of ' a ' bOirimisrcial.
who arrived in loirn-Monday-;.tfqnats'g
',Brussels as wakenills„urp at 91.4bt and
clearing ethe street other triefige ,
United .0surcii,'"-'
The W. -A. of tha, United Church
'held bazaar on ;Saturday afte‘r•-
-ifoo.a.. Mrs. W. Huggins, president
of theViA7oPened-it• with a few
4reThisitefeer,•wevi,41,..nose in charge
of the tables ,yreer, table,
'd..1):Seeket, eeter Mc-
.A.rthur, krs. L. Lewis; fancy
work R. S. ;;;. Hamilton,
Mrs.. N. ,F.Gerry, apron booth, Mrs.
1014,4eitrV.40,14:R,i• Downing
• 485...,..ist,...Acidie tirdiff
as model.
tirrbdrtlitte wae14 charge et
jlinir-AuseslivCuzzAe,and,: Mrs,. Mil -
'lite" tea 1, ilablea„. poked beautiful
With ,a late. cover an'd Yuletide
dee/Stations of red canciles. Mrs. S.
=Devise's; 4Yirs.., D:4.55IFcbonald, Mrs.
r•Sanderson,.,11,1rs.,RN epiran and
"Miss M. i!oblanen, serrtid tea. The
101, retaciek,hiolered. ,d :great maw"
People fronisstt4ieN142'•
'do; -;•:, 5, . ,
Church Services , ,
Last Sunday
fendsiy,, were conducted
fi I
„Seryieps :tin nffeAd rch on
i 13.ev • O L• 'LewtS, who
eBA m n er, . • .
'011$0..401g C3W •
- • ' •
red. roan DurhanI,I.Ateer about
1000 Ibis., ih,as horns,;rewaFti- for. in-
tormation Medina , to, ,re(overy.
Please notify .Vansea,...111(edd, Clin
ton, 1 :Phone Seeforth
I ilia morning ori."Tie Gret.
Conimisfoit Irt Hoch An A44."
;evening. iin:bieet Arse' "Christo.nd His
Plans' Per the Churcb.', ''''A.n.theiris
were sung at both service.
•• Service in Melville, PI:ekbyarlaii`
'0 •conducted
ACtilre. Servic . 'tura on Sunday. were
'by the :minister, Rev.
the morning service
ofthe, LordSupper,
The. 49x,t for the ev
'Was .."The Full -Lite..."
sung at both! services.
• United Church
Aleadk, Thoe. • 4
Alderson, J., , • Jr, 4; •
Bell, W. H. • '•
Sia:clt, Donald. ' .••• , • • „
Bryan, Hdaseil 't
BroihersL. - '• ,
Brewer, J.- •
Bowler, H. • • -- ' Seo.-Treei.,`S.S. No.
Cardiff, W. . Morris
Campbell, .ino. •
Dohl, 0.
Gillis, M. ' •
Hall, Russell' '
Ilavidna, H.
Harman, B.
Hastings; D.
Lawn', E.
Lowe, S.
Looking, W.
McCauley, L.
McDowell, Mae
Painter, Jaa.
Palmer, W.m.
Prest, T. A.
Rowland, W.
Speir, lack
Stvetten, H.
Salesman; B.
Sanderson, L.
.Tunny, Chas.
Thompson; A.
Thomas, 11.
Whittard, R
Wilson, Stan.
Workman, Gordon
Non Permanent- '
Bell, E, D. (Lieut.)
CatiaPbell, G. It. (Capt.)
Elliott, W. R.
Gloater, Fred
Nesbit, Fred
Thompson, M.
Thompson, N.
Lowe, J.
Woodrow. A.
Tho%, awa,lting
Service: -
Gibson, H.
Henderson, A.
,Warwielt, D. C.
relected Gillis, 0,
Fischer, W.
nerds Beech:add:. Maple . hard
wood, to be all is'ody wood
Tenders te. be In by Dec.! 27 at noon.
Tenders to be sealed,
• • • . .
Ttionme A. Miller,
Tenders for caretaking of EH. NO.
4, Morita.' .A11' general work to be
'done. Floors to be oiled!twIce a year.
Windows to be washed twice
year. Plastered, walls td be washed
once a year. Contraction be seen
at Sec.-Treas, Tendeli•s to be
by Dec. 27th ar2 o'clock.
Thomas, A. Miller
Sec.-Treas., S. S. No. 4
, Morris
for Active
6, Tr At
the Siterinien't
,wais ;labsery
epliik lea'
Antkems were
• !".
While driving home last Saturday
Tian Httether'a horse dropped dead,
3. Hoover is under the dooter's
care, we are sorry to report.
Lot 16, Con. 17, Grey, 100 acres
Good frame house, bank barn, and
drive shed, good well and spring
creek, particulars apply to
Jae, Broughton
R. R. 1 Monkton.
FIA.MILEX gets and keeps its dealer
through first class service, a
plete training and 'by such quality
Products that customers can't help
but keep on buying, With or with-
out experience an honest hard work-
er can make his living. Start this
independent buslnesa with a capital
rot $50, in an exclusive territory.
Build not only -tor today but for the
:future. WITHOUT 011441Arr1Olt
Ask for details from FAMILEX•
PRODUCTS, 570- St. °lenient,
Street, moa‘PritzaL.
Y P. S.
The November 9 meeting wag 111
Charge Of NUM IVIIItgaret.;,
Alter the call to !worship, hymn:
361 "0 Master Let Me Walk Witp.
Thee" was sung.' Melia Bi'yans led in
prayer and Edith Fietchr gave the,
SeriPtare, taken trans Mathew, dime -
„ter 2, verses 34-40; 'After the min-
utes were.read and adopted and:the
business was brought 'before' the
society, hymn 330was Viung. 'UM»
Margaret Pearson! -Web favoured.
the Xoung People 'Irtith -it solo ,after
which Jean Speirs,n” gave a very'
interesting topic. Hymn 351, ilLov.e.
Divine" was then sung., The. meet-
ing was •closed with the National
Anthem and Miapah Bbnedietlen.
Look atter your sPrIng ser
winter sells; they may have to
a long time! 011p a spring lothl
peg over the Inverted pleats when..
net in use and ,they Won't drop o11.
unplea1 themselves! in the wardrobe..
`Rinee your husharld'a overall•
through very thin starch befere•
hanging but to drY - next time the
dirt and starch will Wash out Up'
other suite eatiflyi
Meville Id, S ,;
qhe reguirer-rhonthly: meeting of
theel2V4 14...6. of7,5r1vble church was
held on Vriddy:atiterndon, December
the stab, With Prnaident, Mrs.
3adman jn thecbalr,s
The x4cidept openeii the meeting
with prayer. The 'Pieas,urer's re-
ports were given by .Mrs'. R. Thom-
seihand this was Very encourag-
• ingrebbrt. Me secretarys' reports
Were read. isy,Ms. J. Armstrong. The
business, itiien collowed. It was an-
nouneed gnat Mrs, Deadman would
receive' the Lite Membership Cm ti-
Refit°..Mta. Deadman than thank-
ed the ladies. The report of ths
Nominating 'Committee was given by
Mrs. Deadolan. ;She then gave the
Christmas. message. •purrent events
were,read by Mrs, ;Strachey. The
meeting then closed with the Lord's
Prilyer. .;
For Women and Children
,..Lingerie, Bathrobes, Sweaters, Blouses, Skirts,
Handbags, Gloves, Aprons, Dolls, Men's Ties
and Hose, Many other StapleArtieles.
With Every $5.00 Purchase
1.024 15zinch DOLLS will be
given FREE of charge
•+••••••••••••••••• At The •••••••••••••••••••
Frances Dress Shoppe
• ,
Ala. Paw-,
• .11,...t.nri