HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-12-11, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
1114 OA At- 1M NA IMIRItAIMMI'llR1194%
by Frank C. Mltc+'ell, Brussels Branch Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L
if �� 1> fmlmlmi
We read• with regret of the tragic was reported "IVIise ng believed
death of the two young English Killed" and was 'marked, "to be
Armen near Port Albert training sent on if I do not return."
.eentre. The eircumstamces under The tetter read in Part:
which the a.eeiklent occurred were . "Though I net ,no Premonition at
sad en'o'ugh, These young English- all events are moving rapidly, and I
men were evidently enjoying for amvo instructed this letter be for.
the first time the thrills of a Can- :warded to you (should I fail to return
adlan winter, were thinking pf home from one of the raids. You must
and how much their families over hope for a month but at end of that
there would like to see pictures. of time you must accept the Sect that I
them in such unfamiliar surround- have handed my task over to my
jags. Not having lied experience comrades of the Royal .Mr Force ac
so many splendid fellows have al-
ready done.
S have always awnired your amaz•
ing courage in the face' of continued
set backs, In the way you have given
me as good education as anyone 'a
the country, "and always kept up ap•
pearaneea without ever dosing faith
in nay future. My death would not
mean that your struggle has been
in vain. Far (from it, It means
that your sacridtoe is as .great as
mine. Those who serve England
must expect nothing from. her; w°
debase ourselves if we regard our
country as merely a ,place: in 'which
to eat, and sleep. History resounds
with 1ilestrious names who have
given a11, yet their sacrifice .has ee-
sulted'in the British; Empire:
Today we . are faced. with the
greatest •challenge to '•Chrietiani'ry
and, civiization that the 'World has
ever seen and I count myself lhcky
are honoured to•be the right age and
fully trained to throiw my welgnt
into the scale.
For this I have to thank yott. Yet
there is more work for you to do.
The home front will have to stand
united for years after the war
-has' ,been won.
,Everyone will have the chance to
give and dare, all like the, martyrs
of old, One thing cap never be al-
tered I shall have lived. and died
with ice conditions, no doubt they
were taking more Chances than
they shouldhave done, but these •
kind of accidents happen very suet-
denly, even to those who know of
the treeoheie'us nature of the lake I
shore lee Rows. When the he .
gave way and one of the 'ladle went I
through his companion immediately
plunged after (him and was also lost.
And so, hese two boys met death
together in a way so different from
what might have been expected.
Only a few months ago they were
facing death every moment of the
day during the evacuation of Dun-
kirk where they both served in tre.
,Royal Air Force.
Tocome though that terrific
battle of land, sea and air without
mishap and then to travel several
thousand miles away from the ,
danger of battle, only to meat death
in such sad circumstances as their
lot. a
Strangely, enough, we were handed
this week two copies of a letter
written by a member of the Royal
Air Force to his mother. It was
found among his belongings after he
United Church Sunday -School
Christmas Entertainment on Tues-
day, Dec, 17th.
, 1
Moonlight Serenader Orchestra
Sponsored by the Chic -Chum Girls,
ADMISSION -35c Lunch Served.
will be held in
A good programme is
being prepared
Also a PLAY entitled
Banister Solicitor,
Brussels and Seaforth
Office at Brussels open all week
E. D. Bell in attendance at
Brussels on Wednesday and
Evenings by appointment
Phone 20x Brussels
173 Seaforth
144 Seaforth evenings
Wednesday, ,December 11th, 1940
11D7alaaireawn`stream ereNsisrm eeteed gseeeseeelese siereie eteeit esesineenw:refteagle?'
g' , y, <,.. i� ,..r `:s ... w ..w, �• 'tom
58 ,
an Englishman, Nothing else
mattere one jot nor .can anything
ever change it, You must not grieve
for me, for if yon really 'believe in
reiglon and all that it entails( that
would be bypocricy, 1".', have no
fear of death, only a queee elation ,
.. 1 would have it no other way. The
universe is so, vast a',nd. • so ageless
that the life of one soar, can only be
justified by the measure "of his sacri-
fice. We are sent to this world to
acquire a personality and a charas•
ter to take with us than, cat never
be taken from us,
Those who just eat ,.end sleep,
prosper and •procreate, are no better
than animals if all their'•lives are at
peace. - I firmly andd absolutely be-
lieve that evi.things ate sent into
tate world .to try was 'they are sent
deliberately by ,our Crestar' to test
out• mettle beci8uee He knows what
le good for us. The Bible is full or
such cases, 'where the easy way but
has been discarded.' for moral
I count ntyseif fortunate in that I
have seen so mupjt pf the, country
and known men of. every call -
Ing, But with kite i
nal teat of
wad 2 consider mg character fully
developed. Thus at my early age
y earthly missionis ` already ful-
THEATRE filled and I ant preparedto ane with
just one regret and only one—that I
SEAFORTH could not devote myself to making
declining e
Blondie On -a Budget:
Two Fisted Rangers
MON., TUES. and WED.
Henry (Fonda • Jane Darwin
Grapes of Wrath
Charlie •GrepeWin John' Carradine
Okles and Ankles, who are they?
This Is their daunt, story.
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
Carolina! Moon •
with June Story
Gene's. latest ,and beet.
l-ie Stayed for
�.. Breakfast
, * * ,:, t * >,: * * ,Held at Town Hall
Mrs. Fred I-Iambreeht Although bail roads and difficult
Passes in Detroit travelling kept a number of people
errs. Wmn. Wilton received word of at base ,ri great "xnauy gathered In
time loath of her sister Mrs. Fred the Hall on friday evennig to enjoy
HambseCht in Detroit. She pass, the annual (Commencement Exer-
away on Dec. 1st. Her husband pre- vises.
Eeeeased 'her last February, There
were no family. She is survived after an interesting address hp
}rt' two sister, Mrs, Win. Wilton, Tar• Jamieson' the Intermediate
Brussels( and, Mks. John Johnstone' Certificates were presented by Rev.
Detroit; and, two brothers Robert Watts to the doil'owing:-Tena
s1oMartin, Hensall and Hugh Mc' .Arm.stron'g, Doris, Atmustrond, Fran -
Martin of Wateri'aa•d. Burial was ccs Buixihell, John ,Kelly, Mary
in Detroit, Helen Kerr, Jean MacDonald, Helm
a— 1 McChteheon, Iteanic Marshall, John
LEVI LAKE Pierce, (Leslie Rutledge, Helen
Isaac !Lake received the sad news Sepier, Joseph, Stiles,
of his brother, Levi Lake, who died Follopving a duet by Mrs. King and
in a wason en Sunday, Dec, 1st, Janet, the Graduation Diplomas
He born in Grey township on were Presented by Rev. Kerr to the
Dec. net, 1865 and In '1889 be mar•
reed Mise Sarah Anderson of Platte-' followkng:- Wm. King, Earl Moore,
ville. He farmed in Wallace town Backer,
Asw'strong, Eizabetn
ship for a number of years, after Backer, Mary Baeker, Janet Kitge
which he retired Brom actual woi'S James Lamont, Lois Plum, Jeanette
Tarn -
and moved •to Hamilton. Sanderson., Jean Scott, Isabel Tarn-
Tdtey celebrated their goldeh wed- brill, Jeanne Van Norman,- Glenn
dvtg on Dee. 1827!, 1930. Hee had VG)heeler. Lots plum read the Va11-
been in failing health for the past dietory in which she expressed; 011
the behalf of her fellow students and
few years, her•selir the appreciation of the hell+
Besides his sorrowing wife, one
son flarMa q Toronto and two
given by the teachers and parents.
daughters+, Mrs. Leslie Shoemaker An operetta entitled '`Thiey
of Harriston and Mrs. Geo. McLellan lvresemr s 'with Stephen Foster'to 'was
/'1 of Hamtil2on. Two brothers and presented by some of the students.
cow, � i "144#:a
ujl three sestets Isaac Late oP Grey e s were e
Q���s�� I•
township, Guts us of Hamilton.. presented bp Rev. The boys
The Aithietic Shields then
ec. 2fsi
AT 2.30 P. M,
Supposed to Arrive by Airplane After Dinner.
... • where he will distribute gifts•to all children
years of age in Brussels and surrounding district.
Brussels Council.
r i t Mrs,Lewis.
Douglas of Neepacwa, Man., Mrs. shield donated by C. Baeker was
John King . and Mrs Ralph of Ethel won by Jim Pt est Sr.; Gibson
Wilis, Inter., Graeme Scott. Jr.
- The girls' shield donated by D. A.
WILLIAM R. HAMILTON t, Rann was won by Elizabeth Baeker,
Atter a lengthy time of failing '
Jr,. Jean Farquharson, Inter.; Marg,
aret Bell, Jr. ,
Before the presentation 01 the
Acadeanic (Shields Mr. Bowman,
president of tht Red Cross, gave an
The Shield for General Proicineey
donated by E. D. Bell won this yea(
by Joins Spier, was presented to
Mrs. ,Spear due to John's absence.
The Grade XIII Shield was present -
Dec. 29, 1874. In 1902 he was unites ed to Toni ?JcFadzean by iV• Kerr,
in marriage to Elizabeth Anne An -
Grade XII 'Shield was presented
trews of West Wawanosh, following to Lois Plum by Mt. McTavish. The
of the 'United Church. while in town this event he farmed in Grey Grade XI Shield presented by Dr.
and will be greatly missed„ Archie twD He was an industrious, Hamt•1ton, to Alice Stiles, The Kerr
will parry an his business in Sties- thrifty prosperous farmer, essential -
Shield for Grade X Was
sets dor a while yet _ ly a home lover, a quiet convene -
by Mary Helen. ({err
to Jean MacDonald. The Grade
:r, :l: •r tionalist but enjoyed going places Shield donated
Pte. E. 0.Lowry is Home on two and meeting friends and will beby Dr, McRae
wee:krs furlough from Camp Borden, missed by a wide family circle. The was presented to Helen Armstrong
* * * funeral was conducted from the by M. Bowman, The Shield for
Dune McKinnon recently vurcltas-= family residence in Ethel on Tues- Grade VIII donated by Dr. Jamie,
ad a black mare for his. mail route. day, Dec. 3, with W. H. Lave of 500 was presented to Donald Black
Ethel es funeral director and Rev. by Mr. Bowman.
Miss Helen Baeker spent the H. Snell of Ethel united Church of
week end in London the guest of
which the deceased wase a member
Mr, and Mrs. A. Ballantyne. conducting/ the services. Floral
tokens of esteem were contributed. i
* * * Phew- eb'y the family; spray, Mr. and '
Pte. Wm. Cardiff and Sgt.. Joe Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and family; 1
Thompson of London spent the spray, Fred and Mrs. Churchill,
week end at the former's home in Vernon and Loreen; spray, Earl and
Brussels, , Mrs. Hamilton and Gordon and `Mrs.
1 Flower bearers were, two brothers
RED CROSS Alfred •and Tom Belts d Cam-
crone •Cochaan and Bert Vodden, a
brother George Hamilton and five
BRUSSELS BRANCH nephews, Walter, Robert, Earl,
Vernon and Melvyn Hamilton were
The Annual Meeting of Brussels ,pall bearers. interment was made
Branch .Canadians Red Cross will be in Brusaelsi cemetery,
held in the Town Hail :on Tuesday ,
evening, San,•7, 1941•, at8 o'clock, Dr. C. A. Myers
1 Joins Medical Corps
* * * ! Mere will be many who will re -
She ladies of the Red,Crose work- vet to learn that Dr. C. A. Myers
health due to heart ailment, Wm.
Hamilton died at the family resi-
dence in Ethel +Sunday morning,
Dec. let, 1940. His wife, one ecu
(Alan) 01 Stratford and one daugh-
under 13 la ter (Edna) Mrs. Cecil Eckmier,
Ethel, remain to mourn his loss.
A younger daughter (Velma) died
six years ago. •
The, subject of this notice .von
horn. at. -.Lebanon, in Perth County,
:Flt; 4.
tZIWZ +.',++v�4;t '.are'metalaMMe-Wate(e2'e?E; I€,V-Mte8 � ar
Mr. W. A. Lowry is at New
Liskeard on a business trip.
* * *
a1�Irs. (Moore of Port Stanley 1s
staying at the hone of Air. Walter
:i: * *
Mrs. Kerr of Kitchener is a
visitor with ]ter son Mr. W. C. Kerr
and family.
* * *
Mr. May, Bank of Commerce Staff,
Brussels spent the week end at his
home in Exeter,
* .5 8
Kenny Grewar visited over the
week earl with his.aunt, Mrs. S. A.
,Schinbein, Listowel
* * * •
Mr. and Mrs, D. A. Rann and Run-
ny spent Sunday at Exeter with
Mrs. Rann's brother R. S. Hopper,
• * * •
Mrs. W. J. Proctor received the
sad news• last. week of the death of
Iter brother, Sydney Naylor, at
Elgin, Man.
* * *
Mr, Hugh Pearson, new stationed room held their monthly bnsslness leaves Brussels this week to join
at Orediton Bank of Om:amerce meeting on Wednesday •afternoon the Medical Corps of .the C. A. S. F.
Staff, spent the week end at fast, Mas, Cleve Baeker, Convenor Dr, Myers has been in practice,
of the Packing Committee reported here for about a year and a half.
youa' years mote happy by * * * the quota of Refugee Work for' the He stated that Dr, T. T. McRae
being with you; but you. will live In Miss' Mary Baeker 'of Westervelt •mondh of November had been 'pack- would reelnne his practice,
•peace aasde freedosn aril I •shall have eehool, London, spent the week end ed and shipped.
eotrtrfbmed directly to 'that, so here at her home and received her dip-
again my life will not have been In lora at the Friday evening porn -
vain."• mencement exercises.
• _k_ * +k n:
It would be foolisiii for us' to add •' The pupils of Brussels Fables
anything to each,uil;aeiflsh thoughts' •Scltool thro'iigh a regular weekly
except, to say embodies the spirit °Bank Day" have gut'cltased more
et the ,whole British Empire and ws than $100,00 in War Savimgsr
cannot fail with en army of youth * * '*
:with smolt eentimente and: detemnht- •Miss' Elizabeth IIowuisg had the,
Mime: misfortune het week to break a
bone In her" left aien while, moving
some furisiture. - .It Is sot keeping
Miss Downing (rein attending her
inter tits` (Mail e her home but her
friends hope it will. boon be okay,
Coliin?e Bay, :Dec, 60,' 1040
EreSsel* Post,
Steamier, Ont, ,
bear Sir: '
The local breech et the Red Cease
will hold a Tag Day on Saturday, ' .Morris Township Council meeting
December 21st.
was meld In• the Twp. Hall on Mon
* * day, Nov. 15th. Members all
It ,was with great regret • 'the Present, Minutes of last Pleating
members, of the Workroom learned .were read and confirmed.
that their president. Miss E, Down 1: Following aocdunts were rata:—
lug had the misfortune to fracture 'Bruss(els Post, printing
her lett arm white abdut her house • I contract , „-, . , , 100.00
hold' tasks. However we are glad Russel: 'Currie, the ,;, 8.00
Nib 8 able to be about and hope for • P. '0• Ii'. Peter Month ,,. 3,00
a speedy recovery. I Peter "Allman It ,,,;., 9,00
, Frank Duncan 5,00
Dr. ,Stewart, M.O,IL ... , ,20,00
The next meeting 'will be held on
The programme ended with a
play entitled 'Sister Sue."
Read All the Christmas. Ads.
C. N. It Excursion
May I be
petnnibted through the I Monday, Dep, 10th.
medium, of your• paper to exprool Mrs. Archie ATtDonaid and (laugh= Bargain. excnrsien rates to all
my appreelrution 6/1 )16 recent 5111points, good gbing Friday and 'A Bazaar will bo held at Ebenezer
Continued on inside Page.. tonsil proved a valued membri 'Satltr5835, Dec. 13th stud 14th; return. Church, Browntoavn on 'F`tidar;
1ter Mary havo• te�turned std their
Penn 'rear Molesworth. Mrs• Mc-
Sy ,,th.
ing Up to Month night. aften�rioou Dec.bee, 1
Spiritual foundations guaran-
tee national greatness. Are
you making your contri-
St John' s Church
Rev. F. Watts, Rector
Mr. B. Campbell, organist
Third Sunday in Advent.
. Services as usual.
Melville Church
11 a.m., "The Redeeming
Power of Goodness."
3 p.m., Sunday School and
Bible Class.
7 p.an., "The Unchanging
at 8 p.m. Silver Collection
To help work of the Sunday
School. Children FREE.
United Church
10.30 a.m.,
Morning Prayer.
11 a.m., "How shall we
meet discouragemei47"
3 p.m., Church School.
7 pan., The Hope of the
World. - •
You are cordially invited t
A services.
C L Lewis, Minister.