HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-11-27, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST 'W`eldllesday, Novembeq 27111 For Fir$t Class Body and Fenders Repairs or Collision Repair. of all kinds come to Carl's Garage Most Modern Equipment Used. Skilled and Experienced 'Workmen Employed Phone 21 LISTOWEL East Side Wallace Street Rise In Butter Consumption Increase of 6,000,000 Pounds Reported In Dominion Over Last Year - • At least so far as butter is con- cerned, Canadian's are living on thy, fat of the land. The consumption now is up by six million Pounds over this date of last year. More people are eating butter and mora of it. This is regarded as an indi- cation of better times. But the War Prices Board has started an invests gotten taking the form of a check- up on all butter storage. So far, the inquiry indicates that the rise of about six cents a pound is at- tributable to supply and demand. The production was lower in September while the demand was greater. People Eat It More The storage people are now caled on for statistics ,to show bow much they have, where they got it, what price -they paid and for whom they are holding 1t The. dairy farmers saythey are not getting a cent more than they are entitled to and that the price is not higher than last year's at this time. FARM NOTES 450,000 FARMERS IN CO.OPERATIVES There are almost 450,000 members or shareholders in farmers co- operative companies in Canada. In 1033459, the total business of these organizations was over 200 million dollars according to information compiled by the Economich Divis- ion, Marketing Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture, Farmer co-operatives thus occupy a very im- portant part in Canadian business. But not only are there a great many co-operaties—there are a great many different kinds. Most People are aware of the marketing co-operaties in fruit and vegetables, live stock, wheat and dairy -products, but other asosciations exist across the country and which are perhaps _ri.„...„................, 1 . 1 1 let Us Solve Your Question 1 Send Them the Brussels Post For Christmas i in a handsomely wrapped ..; •-:.tit Christmas' parcel with a card $1.50 • Anywhere in Canada a 6. New low price for Domestic and Foreign Reception Mantel— Automatic Tuning! Available without Automatic Feature at DeLuxe Standard Band Mantel Radio—, Automatic Tuning -- Graceful Cabinet and Faithful Tone. Available without Automatic Feature— $32.95 Portable with Built-in Noise -Reducing Loop Aerial and Handle. Automatic Tuning. —Without Automatic Tuning— $26.95 —Without Handle', Automatic Tuning and Built-in Loop Aerial— $24.95 Super Value Mantel with Transformer for Super Performance. Now on Display! See and Hear the New Rogers Battery Radios Now on Display at Davison'sHardware Your Radio Headquarter PHONE 17 — BRUSSELS not so well-known. .Run Own Packing Plant At Barrie, in Ontario, farmers { own and operate a co-operative i packing plant. This group, organ- ized in 1989, now has over 1,200 shareholders and in some year's has packed and, sold over a milion dol- lars worth of live stock and poul'ry r products. The Maritime Provinces are well advanced in cooperative activity. Farnler-vshienwet along the south shore of Guyaboro County in NOrb Scotia, own a canning factory, Dur• Ing the lobster, season, the Plan', is used to can seafood and in other seasons' ,to can small . fruits. Tor Bay canned blueberries are a Die- dnot'of this' co•operativo, Public Health Can Shape a Nation Public 'health has become a dem' Mating factor in .determining the destiny of the individual and the nation, and 11 15 logical that in the ( midst of war, attention should be directed on the health conditions of the civil population, Dr. Grant Fleming of Montreal declared in a recent address. Reviewing the progress in the control, of smallpox, scurvy, Choi era and similar diseases which by persistent work had been rendered almost unknown in Canada, Dr Fleming urged that similar persis- tence be applied to such present day scourges as tuberculosis. Go After Tuberculosis "Infant mortality," he said, "quot- ing Sir Arthur Neiweholme," is the most sensitive index we posses of social welfare." Out of 220,000 ha- bies born alive in Canada in 1939, X'3',900 did not live to see their first birthday and of this 'number, 7,000 did not survive for one month. In addition, he said, there had been 6,000 stillbirths and 967 mothers' lives were lost in childbirth. These figures, he said, could be 'nterpreted in two ways, ab an en- couraging improvement over con- ditions of former days, or as an impetus for action to avoid needless was a of life. Without any question," he added, "Canada can save the liv- es of 500 mothers and of 1 least 6,000, babies. Should Be 'No Typhoid "In 1939 we had 109 typhoid fever deaths in this province, which would indicate an incidence of over 1,000 cases, not one' of which should have occurred." Milk is, the most important single Of food used 'in the home, Dr. Fleming continued, and when con taminated is "as dangerous to in- -traduce into the family as a live bomb. Nevertheless, it is true that raw milk which is always poten- tially dangerous, is regularly used thy many ,people who flatter them- selves that they are intelligent" Food Poisoning Types The Consumers Counsel of the U. S. Agricultural Adjustment Ad- ministration hays that two of the most common cause of food poison- ing are: 1. Food not properly sterilized or refrigerated. 2. Carelessness in handling households insecticides. The 'Consumers Counsel then goes on to say that— , Under the law, products capable of causing food poisoning may be grouped into three general classes. .First, those that contain poisonous su•bsi anceh like arsenic of lead. Second those that ,harbor disease ,germs such as oysters or milk, containing the bacteria of typhoid fever. Third, food in which bacteria have developed, as in contaminated mustard mixings. According to this same survey, mass food poisoning such as occur at church .suppers, picnics., or fairs are almost always caused by in- sufficient refrigeration, Anotha- cause of a great many eases of food poisoning is just plain carelessness in storing perishables where they will not be properly rs- frigerated, carelessness in handling foods that are being prepared for the table, and carelsss'ness itr the use of disinfectants, inecticides and other household chemicals where YOUR LIFE LINE IS IT STRAIGHT OR CROOKED? ' The center line of body weight shown on this skeleton figure can well be called the 'life line" because when it is dis- turbed, your general health suffers. Weak shoes let feet roll Ir throwing the "life line" out of balance. Drooping, un- healthy posture and man bodily ailments may result. HEALTH S1--)7` SHOES are Scientif- ically constructed to give support at the center of body� �weeiggh�t��, protecting your "lite line." HEALTH SPOT SHOES straighten up weak feet restoring proper balance to all bones encouraging better body posture. HEALTH SPOT SHOES =your "life line" and your general Investigate these shoes today& W. A. Kibler Next to .Imperial Bank t-IRTOWEL food is prepared. Prevention Medical men agree that the sur- est way to halt an epidemic is to stamp the diseae out at its source. The same reasoning can be applie:t to food poisoning. To this end, there are three fundamental rules which, if followed, would contribute greatly to the complete elimination of food poisoning. 1. Keep foods free from dirt and from insects or other carriers of microorganisms. See that all fold to be eaten raw is freshly cleaned and sound, free from stale odor's, from slimy rotten areas and from mould. 2. Serve cooked food as soon after it is prepared os possible—this applies especially to custard mix- tures. Do not expose moist or soft cooked food to a temperature above 50 degrees F. for more than s few hours. Keep them in the re- frigerator. If no refrigerator is available, recook the food before serving it, even if it shows no sign of spoilage. 3, Never take a chance on any food with an unusual smell or ap- pearance Be especially careful with custard mixtures. Prepare the custard only as needed. Cook IL sufficiently and, if it is not to be served right away, keep it under refrigeration. The Solution -" I Electric refrigerators have alwa,v been' designed to provide tempera- tures emperatures that are well within the Safe ty Zone limits. If more people followed the three fundamental rules of prevention of food poisoning, and stored their perishable foods in a modern elect•ic refrigerator, then indeed the root of food poisoninf would he destroyed at its source. Millionh of families who are users of electric refrigertaors are proving every day that an eectric refrigerat- or is an economic necessity, not e luxury. FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD ,. HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT'' 30 WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 - INGERSOLL, BRUSSELS • PHONE 72 WINO moms Wholesome, Healthful BREAD—wrapped for your protection. PASTRIES—a good variety, always Fresh. 'ainttaStaPalnaerrannaintatakbatabir. Fresh Fruit Cake Place your Order Now - for Christmas Delivery. IT TASTES BETTER IF BAKED EARLY -1H. C `.teKtVeteXtetCtEtVetOet e .c.a .at_ t tg tRt. + VC .c .w THE ROWLAND BAKE SHOP PHONE 113X BRUSSELS, ONT. PATRONIZE YOUR HOME BAKER. BRITISH CAPTURE ITALIAN FORT a Over the giitterilug li Aert drifts a cloud of smoke, Tort Maddalena ; aptnred by the British in Italian Libya, blazes to destruction as ttre 'British guns bombared it alter they had driven the Italians out,