HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-11-20, Page 1THE BRUSSE
by Frank C. Mitchel, Brussels Branch Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L.
Chrietenaa parcels were sent this
week to nine Brussels bora who
are on Active Service in England,
by ,the local Branch Can. Legion.
This was made possible by the
generous response to the POPPY Da:'
The parcels were sent
Pte. J. Campbell, 2nd Div.
Colusnn R C.AJS.C.
Pte. J. Palmer, 2nd
Column R,C.AaS:C.
Pte. A. Doll, and
Column R.C.A:S'.C.
Pte. C. Doll 2ntl
Column RrCA,S.C.
Pte, P1. Salesman, Essex Scottish.
Pte. Mac McDowell, ILC.C,C, Army
Work Shop.
Pte. A. Thompson, R.C,O.C„ Army
Work Shop.
Sure H. R. Thomas, Can. Engineers.
L. A. •C. Time. H. Prost, Royal Via,
Air Force.
The parcels contained--
ontained-1 lb. Dates
1 Lb. Figs
1 ib. Raisins
1 lb. Christmas Candies
1 lir. Apples
1 tin Sardines•
1 S.tiek Licorice .
2 Chocolate Bare
Chrlsimraa Card
1 pkg Cheese
1 Plag Razor Blades
1 pkg Toffee
1 pkg Cigarettes
1 pkg Tobacco
1 pkg Cigarette Papers
1 pkg Gum
1pkg Chicolets
1 lb. Christmas Oake •
1 Pair Soaks
1 issue, last week's Brussels Pest
Some of the boys are nonsmokers
so extra chocolate bars were incluse
ed 3n their parcels in ,place of cig-
arettes and tobacco.
Mrs. Cole:mon donated $1.00 worth
of candy; East Huron Produce, the
Rector Rev. F. Watts,
Organist .--• R. Campbell
Sunday 'next before Advent
NOVEMBER i24th, 1940
(Family Day) •
10.30 — Morning Prayer
11.00 �-- Children's ,Day Service
Speaker. the. Rector
7. P. M. — Evensong and Sermon
'Bev, .B. N. Weekes, Rector of Biyth
to the
Div. Supply
apples; and the Red +Oross, 1 pair of
socks, to each parcel, The Christ-
maw cake was made by Mra. Stiles,
The atetuw1 cost of the Parcels
4ncluding boxes and Postage "was
$32.00 which leaves a balance or
$5,00 still remaining in the Poppy
Fund. The Legion would have
liked to have ,sent something to
each Brussels. man en Active Ser-
vice in Oanada, but we are sure
these boys would agree with us
that those overseas need all the
attention it is possible for .us to
give. Mast of the contents, of the
Parcels are considered "luxuries" in
England just now, and will bring n
little touch' of "home" to the boys,
who will be upending their first
•Ohrissna•s in the •"Firing line;' awn?
from their homes and families.
How strange it seems to be writ-
ing this, when we think of , those
"other days" 1914-1918, when we
were on the receiving end, not the
senders. It: is almost imipossible
to put into words the feelings of the
men 'wan the ,Christmas mail
arrived, Nothing can adequately
describe the dissappointment of
those, who were "forgotten'' or who
bad no one to send them parcels,
but the spirit of Christmas was
able to penetrate even to the
Each man would open his parcel,
survey the contents to the last
article, read and enclosedletter or
card, and then share out all round
the cake, candies, fruit, etc. Yea,
in those dark days many a man in
his 'heart said, Thank God for
Christmas, thank God •there is a
Santa Claus.
With these memories still fresh 10
our minds we could not allow any
of the boys from 1Brussels to bo
among the "forgotten,' 'and the joy
of sending has been equal to tho
joy of receiving.
Wednesday, November 20th, 1940
Local News Items
Hockey Games St. John's Church
Are you hearing the hockey games Holy Communion was celebrated
as you should, For guaranteed at St, John's Church, Brussels on
radio service phone Davison's Sundpla morning last, The Rector,
Hardtware. We are members of Rev.
F. Watts,
and took asu jeot
Radia Manufacturer's Service, "Heltext 51st verse of the 6th chapter.er
s --
the Gospel acco:ding to St. John,'
Painful Injury "I am the living bread which came
Suffered by,Local Merchant down from heaven; if any man eat
Mr. Archer Grewar suffered a • of this bread, he shall live fee
painful injury the first of this weak, ever: and the bread that I give
by having a bone in the palm of his is My 'flesh, . which 1 wil 1 give
right hand broken while making for the life of the world."
a minor repair to a water pipe at his It was announced that next Sun
borne. Archer has his arm in a sling' day will be observed as Cbildren's
His many friends wish him a speedy and faintly Day.
recavery. —
--x— - —x—
Melville Church. At the Churches
Y. P. S.
Morning service in the United
The Y.P.S. of Melville Ciotti, Church on Sunday was conducted by
held its weekly meeting on Mon—the Rev. C. L. Levis who took his
day evening with Wilfred Shortreeti text Vont Heb, 12-2, "Looking 'Wan
in the chair, prayer by Rev. S. Jesus„ Margaret Pearson sang a
Kerr. 'Serie-tire reading by Geo• rge solo. -
Northwood. The topi+e was given by Morning service in Melville Pres•
Rev. S. Herr on a chapter from by'terian Church was conducted by
the life of Rev. Dr. Goforth. An the minidter, Rev. S. Kerr who is
invitation had been received from
the Bluevale Y,P.S. to visit their
Society acrd plans were made to
visit BIuevale Y.P.S. on December
Pte. Lloyd 'Sanderson, London, 1
home on a two week's- furlough.
Dorothy Jean
daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Keys
30 Shopping Days
till Christmas
bf yourself (or family)
would be Most
appreciated this.
Pte. R. Hall is home on furlough
United Church
Y. P. S.
The meeting of November 18th,
opened with the call to worship.
Jeanette Sanderson had charge or
the worship service. Atter- hymn
513, Luella Mitchell led in, praYer,
followed by the Sc'lpture reading
by Harris Bell taken from Luke
6:27-38. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted awl
the business was brought before
the society. Phyllis Sullivan and
Edith Jewell favoured the society,
with a duet. After hymn 514 was
sung Miss Skelton gave a very eu-
joyable topic. The collection was
thee taken and God Save The King
was sung. The meeting was closed
with the Mieepah Benediction.
The following is a revised list
to date any omissions or errors will
be gladly corrected:-
Alccok, Thos, e
Alderson, J.
Bell, W. 11.
Black, Donald
Bryan, Russell
Brothers, L,
Brewar, J,
Bowler,. H -
Cardiff, W.
Campbell, Jno.
Dohl, G.
Dohi, 0.
Gillis, M.
Hall, Russell -
Hawkins, H. :
Harman, G.
Hastings, A
Lowry, E.
Lowe, 5,
Locking, W.
McCattley, L.
McDowell, Mac
Palmer, Jas.
Palmer, Wei.
Prest, T. A.
'Rowland, W.
Bpeir, Jack
Stretton, 13.
Salesman, 10.
Sanderstou, L.
Tunny, Chas.
Thompson, A.
Tltotnas, 34.
Whittard, R
Wilson, Stan..
Non Permanent.
Bell, E. D. (Lieut.)
.. Campbell, G. R. (Capt)
Elliott, W. R.
Nesbit, Fred
Thompson, M.
Thonrpson, N.
Lowe, J.
Woodrow, A.
Those awaiting call for
iltbson, H. •
Bendersoe, A.
Warwick, D. C.
5eiected Gillis, d. -
1rtachbr, W.
the seas, a little happier.
Russell Studio
evening . sittings
by atppointment
Education Week
preaching a series of. ,sermons un T T
Abraham. The choir contributed an 1
anthem Evening service was with -1 Min Carrie Dunbar and some
,frlends motored up from Kitchener
on. Sunday to See Mrs. and
PEOPLE WE KNOW Thteves Show Up
;Again in Brussels
MTs. (MOTs -visit 1s visiting in Lon-
don at preesnt,
* *
Oaek Titynne who has been le
the Eastern Provinces for some
Months is home.
a * *
Mr. Ken. Ashton returned from
his week's hunting trip where tie
secured a deer. -
Mr. Geo. •Caldbick of HaileyburY
ie visiting his friend Mr. W. A.
* *
Rev, FI. and 1Vfre. Mahoney of
St:at/Lord were calling oti pld friends
last week.
* * *
Rev. Rat, Maunders of Fergus
spent a few days with MT. and Mrs.
Will Maunders.
* * * and
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Buschlen
Miss Karen were week end visitors
with relatives near Durham.
Mrs, Goforth from Monkton was
visiting with Mrs. Wm, Stephenson
and grand+aughter JMean. -
* * *
Mrs. Belienbeek of Stratford is
visiting her daughter and insult)",
Mr. and Mre, Robt. Davidson.
drawn on account of the annual
Educationa4 Service which was held
in the United Church,
Miss Carrie Hingsten has accept-
ed the ,position of choir leader in the
'United March until the end of the
Hurried efforts will be in order
to get the exterior of Cliff Dunbar's
remodelled and rebuilt house finish-
ed before real wintter weather ar-
John and Mrs. Kreuter, with Gor-
don and Muriel are °leaving- their
home in Ethel in charge of Calvin
and Kenny and are locating at Ayr,
where they will be engaged in a
type of home welfare work.
Mr, Parker, succeeds John
Kranter as caretaker of the public
The services in connection with
Education week were held this year
he the United Church. A their,
consisting el pupils of B:C•S. under
the able direction of Mr, Laycock,
led the singing,
Rev. Watts of the Anglican
Church opened the service' with a
short address of welcome. The
Scripture reading, by Mr. Drum-
mond, was taken from the seventh
Chapter of John, +beginning at the
thirteenth verse.
After a solo by Ruth Jewell, Rev.
Herr led in Pastier. An them
was sung by the choir, Rev. Lewis's
address dealt with "The 'C'ontribu-
; tion of Religion to Education Life."
Els text was taken from the eigthth
Chapter of John. "The truth shall
make ye free."
The -B C,S. Oommencemeut Exer-
cises ere to he held in the town hall,
Friday evening, Dec. 6th.
+Cong:'atulattions are extended to
Dr. and Mrs. Richmond on the gift ut
a son, born to them in Clinton
hospital several weeks ago.
A dance at S. S. No. 6 school 111Grey Type held aeceutly was an
athactiom for a number of Ethelites.
A conienunity dance held In Grey
Twp. hall last Friday night, was
not as largely patronized as bad
been hoped far but was pleasantlY
enjoyed by those who were present.
Corporal Cecil Bateman 00 R.C.A.
F.:at Kingston was home for only
a few hours Monday as the week end
leave was limited to 24 hours.
Mr. and airs, *A.* R. Kennedy,
P•eterbeorugh, visited last week at
the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Kennedy,
s * *
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Porter and
Sheilah were visitors in,Toronto
for the week end, 'taking in the
,Santa Claus parade,
The Davison 2tarf9ware- and
Brusseile Creamery were both brole-
en into and robbed on Sunday night.
The thief or thieves gained en-
trance to DeAdeOl's store by forcing -
a •bpek window, . The early things
that could be definitely stated • as
missed were ;a two dollar Una
the till and a flashlight. It is quite
possible however that there were a
number of other articles taken
which have not been readily linseed.
At the Brussels Creamery :he
was broken, open. EverY
thing but. the scissors. was stolen
from a iirs4'aid k4t. A. box of
valuable tools immediately besidethe first•aid kit rives undisturbed.n
Office drawers had been rasacked
and things were scattered about bet
nothing has been missed.
Provincial authorities are investi-
gating the robberies, -
Brussels Branch
Women's Institute
The November meeting of the
Women's Institute which was held
to honour the Grandmothers of the
community, met in the Bruesels
Library, Friday, November 15,
weal opening exercises were need
and the business of the Institute
completed after- which a program as
follows was given: A solo by Mrs.
W. Kerr; address by Mrs. Resold
,Spefr, 'Looking Backward Twenty-
five Yearn"; duet by Idella 332yarls
and Jean Speiran, Mrs. Stanley
Wheeler directed a short. play by
five of the girls, D. Bode, V. Duncan,
M. Deitner, Miss Raymond and Mrs.
II. Campbell,
Books with emir War Savings
StaRnpa attached were presented uy
it Mrs. W. S, +Scott to Mrs, Bone and
. Mrs. S. Walker, the grandmothers
°five who laid the most graadehildren.
Each have eight, A vote of thanks
was moved to all 'Site took part
and a corm of tea was, served.
Mrs, Jas. Arinstrong presided at
the meeting and the Institute Was
glad to welootue over CO ladies to
Gift meeting.
Brussels' -
Major Industry
"What keeps this town goings"
If a visitor asked you this ques-
tion, undoubtedly you would -men•
.tions with ,pardonable civic pride,
some industrial enterprise. F.om
a commercial standpoint you might
be right, but in practically every
Ontario centre the biggest single
local organization is the school
Re other organization in this
community touches the lives of the
citizens• more directly than the
schools. Peaoticaily every
from theageof 5 years up to 16
attends school and many enn
tinue beyond that age.
These schools under the School
Board represent a large capital in-
vestment in a building and land;
and an investment in equipment. To
maintain and operate this educe. -
donee machinery requires the ser-
vices of six members, of the $%hool
Board, a secretary, two inspectors,
and two- principals. There are four
secondary teachers; 'three 9rubbo
schools, teachers and a caretaker.
To keep this sizable plant in
operation takes a considerable
amount for maintenance, financial
cost and salaries,
,And why does the community get.
out of it? The skeptically curious
may ask.
Right new your children and the
children of the town are attending
our -primary and secondary schools.
These Brussels boys and girls, our
girls and boys are learning to be- ' -
come good citizens and will be 1n
the drivers' seats in 1950 and after.
They will control the destiny of this
Canada of ours. There's not a
shadow of a doubt about that.
10 addition to receiving the heri-
tage of our race, they are being -
equipped to lies and earn a live-
* * *
Mrs, Jas. Bowman spent the Past
week with her daughter Mrs. Scott
at aBerbyccageon while 'her son Reeve
Bowman attended County Council.
* * *
The many friends of Mr. Oliver
Hemingway will be glad to know
that he is improving atter his recent
serious operation.'
** b returned to
Miss Hattie Downing
Toronto with Miss Mabel Vintner
and will visit therm for a couple of
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. William King aid
family have moved into the Walker
home on William street. Mrs. Dave
Walker is making her home with
* *
;Major Margaret J, Wheeler tree
Montreal is spending a few holidays
with her sister Mae. Wm. Wright
and also her mother Mrs. HeniY
Wheeler, before attending the Social
,Satmretntendants Council in• Toronto.
JointMeeting Dated
For Tuesday ,Night
Mr, and Mrs,. Fred R. Turner an•
pounce the engagement •ot their 1 lihood. The present stability of
daughter, Alice Fernlee, to Dr. Canada, spiritually and economical.
Taylor, Staten, son of. Mr. and Mrs, 1 ly, has shown the wisdom of provld-
Taylor Staten, Toronto. The wed- ,' ing our citizens with as fine an
ding will take place on the seventh education as the country can affoe'd.
oe December in Hart House Chapel. This Is no idle statement. Right
The bride is a granddaughter of y today eve point with pride to many a
Mrs. Arlin and Ni0 late Rev. S, 7 good Canadian who received his
Jaanes Arlin,, i
* * * early education right in this cent -
t menus
l Little Alex Workman, eight •
of .the Bdiese•s 4 Months' old baby of Mr. and Mrs- 1 Education Is, withOat a doubt,
A joint meeting
Red Cress Society and the ladies 0e Harry Workman, is in; Stratford i Brussels' most valued industry,
e be „
the Rad Cross WorxroLi will
0 denoual Hospital. The little digit , r * * * • a
held in the Public Library 0 i oVer weak ogle � Obituary
Tuesday evening at eight o'clock.
Both organisations have been doing
splendid work and everyone
e who
ot t iss
interested in. the
Red Cross• is uiged to be present.
The quota of sewing and knitting
to be completed by November 10th
is coming along nioely, We hope -tor
a good attendance of ladles. next
Wednesday and Tituraday atter-
Peens in order to finish up. tilts
shipment for packing,
Complete Refugee work will be
on display alae next Wednesday
Dona forget the pea to be held
Wednesday the 21111 in the T,lbrarY.
COM's ,and give the iced Crosse Work-
reoluel ur support,
Next meh4h Will be Citnlstntas, a
tilde taken a cit o V er
what at first sbOOSti a step e' 4' *
ant which developed into a btid' i
Ella Kerr, Reg. Nurse re,
pass of meningitis, $yntilathy ° evening
friends ie extended to the fatelly ,calved word on Sunday
and hope fore his speedy recovery. that her allot Mies Mary H.
� ' (Minnie) Maxwell had died of a
1 heart atta0k in Winnipeg. Mita
Unloading a ea:timd•' of Prince 1Vlaxwel1 wee the second eldest of e
Edward Island "Certified Cobbler fanny of 1p children to the late Mr,
l'otatoea. Get your seemly—Prices " and nets, Garret Ma' WOlL She
are bound' to a�tvance, Price Bar leaves •LO mourn'' her pawing non
ba.g etf ear, $1.`15, brother and four sisters, W, J. Max -
phones e.3 and `21 well, Turaberry; Mt+s. Geo, Herr,
W. J. McCracken. Morris; Nlrs, Ella M;axweil, Mss. D.
C st lam gee, Winnipeg; Mra. S. Daly, Lloyd -
IT IS MAC'S-- , mingter, Sask. There are two
From which 7011 get the greatest brothers and two sisters Who pasted
sanektng pleasure You've ever had, away several years ago, Mite that.
the smoothest taste, the fragrant well will be remembered as a Vera
Aroma, and. entail cost. 'pRY IT good dresetmaiker in Vtiingham before
next time say--•i.MA i'S. In fine nut she moved. boy WInnIOeO. She was
goad friend to and will be
and for the Pupa• Missed of malas* bakes O 101e the
GASH AND CARRY family, The itiln+erul vtaa half in.
time when evOryone Sara/ lie sold at A. eentwi &R'S
nuker "Let ntort our part 'to heel WB t$ELL f±OR LESS Winmitieg.
make rinse unf0l�tuntttO ones 'across