HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-11-6, Page 3,01
Try The
BAR =====S
for Soft Drinks, of all kinds.
Ice Cream Sundaes & Banana Splits
Vanilla, Pineapple, Strawberry, Chocolate, Coffee
and Orange Milk Shakes
Try a bottle of our Chocolate Milk for School Lunch.
Butter, Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese, Miik and Crease
Try Our 'Saturday Special
* * * * *T * *.. * *
w * * * * * * * * *
Taffy Apples
2 cups sugar
2 teaspoon* ciher vinegar or
rA cuP corn syrup
1 cup water
Cook sugar, vinegar or corn syrup
and water, in small saucepan, stir-
ring until sugar is dissolved. Bell
'without stirring until syrup forms a
'hard brittle ball when tested in
cold water, Remove syrup from
fire and set over a pan of boiling
'water. Add a few drops of red
vegetable colouring. Wash and
polish medium sized red apples,
Insert a woodenskewer in blossom
end of each and dip apple in sprue,
turning until well coated. . Place en
waxed paper until cool,
Apple Sauce Cake
34 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup unsweetened apple sauce
2 cups flour
34 teaspoon' salt Y
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
34 teaspoon cloves
teapsoon cinnamon
1 eup raisins
34 cup chopped nuts (optional)
Cream butter, add sugar gradually
and beat well. Add beaten egg and
apple sauce. Mix and sift dry in-
gredients, dredging raising and nuts
in part of the bour. Add to first
mixture. Pour into buttered cake
pan and bake in a moderate oven
350 degrees F. for about 50-60 min-
utes, or until cake is done.
Apple Turnovers
Roll out pastry. Out into rounds
about size of a. saucer. On half of
each round place a layer of- thinly
sliced apples. Sprinkle with sugar
and cinnamon and clot with buttt•e,
Moisten the lower edge of the pastry
with 'water, ,Bring the other part.
over the apples and press edges well
together. Prick the top of crust to
allow steam to escape Bake in a hot
oven 400 degrees F. for about 20
aninutes, or until apples are teader
and pastry is browned.
Apple Mousee
2 cups grated apples (4 medium
• Ye cap fruit or Hee granulated
34 pint whipping cream
Grate the unpealttd appes. After
;grating a small amount of apple,
measure and sprinkle with part of
sugar to prevent discoloration. Con-
•tinue grating until 2 cups apple Is
measured. Whip cream and fold' into
apple mixture. Pour into freezing
tray of mechanical'refrigerator au1
freeze, or put in a mould, cover with
guttered paper and tight -fitting coy
er, and pack in ice and salt (6 parts
ice to 1 part salt.). Let stand 4 to 6
hours. Serves • 6,
Apple Bavarian Cream
1 tablespoon granulated, gelatine
3 tablespoons cold water
2 egg yolks
Va cup sugar
1 cup hot milk
1 cup apple sauce
1 tablespoon lenion juice
34 cup whiffing cream
Soak gelatine in cold water. Beat
egg yolks slightly, add sugar and hot
milk and cook In double boiler, stir-
ring constantlt until mixture thick-
ens and coats the spoon. Dissolve
gelatine in hot custard. Cool and
add apple sauce and lemon juice
Chill. When partially set, fold :n
whipped cream, pour into moistened
moulds and allow to set.
Thpmal, a substance allied to
phenol (carbolic), but with 25 times'
the antiseptic strength of the latter,
is strongly .advocated as a gargle
and mouth wash in the prevention
of raw sore throats•and of 'tartar of
the teeth in persons subject to these
In every mouth left undisturbed
for some •hours—+tor exaanple during
sleep—a varying amount of white
:substance grows on the tongue and
other mouth surfaces and acmun'1-
lates around the teeth. This con-
sists of a threadlike plant called
leptothr'ix, in the meshes Of which
may be numerous germs and cells.
This plant, if not removed will grow
rapidly and form a hard tartar on
the teeth which can be removed
.only by a dentist's sharp instru-
ment, 'Such removal is necessary
• The new MaeseyHarris No. 9
Cream Separator is one of the
,greateet values ever offered. it
is priced with the lowest,• yet
it has MasseyHarris quality
throughout. You get good close
skimming with the famous
MasseyHarris Six+Point Film
Flow method of distribution.
A real money sayer at the new
low price.
New Low Price
Convenient Terms Arranged
$56.75 400-500 lbs. 'capacity
$68.75 — -- 550.600 Ibs..oapaclty
$78.75 — — 850-900 lbs. capacity
Easy Payments Can Be
Complete Stock of Massey
Harris Repair Prxts
Also Agent for Beatty Bros.
Jacob Fischer.
B•--' • --s Phone 51x 52r18 Residence
otherwise the teeth and gums will
People otherwise meticulously
clean in their habits habitually Al
gleet their teeth; the brush, used in.
a perfuncltionary rub, is allowed to
'become filthy and possible does
more harm than good.
Many pe"sous are continually
troubled with a raw sore throat, ag-
gravated in some cases by smoking.
Particularly if cigarettes are used:
in these individuate n systematic
use of a •saturated solution of thymol
in water as a mouthwash and gargle,
is a most effectual preventive.
The solution is prepared as fol-
lows. the crystals of thymol, placed
In a muslin bag, are put into. a wide
mom h bottle and cold water added
Soon •there will be a saturated solu-
tion of the drug. From time to time
more cold water is added until all
more crys"a1s are added. Thymol is
more crpstals are added. Thymol tI
inexpensive. An ounce,.costing no
more than a few cents, will maks
nine gallons 04 solution.
If the solution appears to be toe
•strong, that is if it "bites" . ate
tongue or throat, water may be ad-
ded. The drug is slowly solabls in
cold waver, The addition of a little
glycerine adds to •the solubility.
Wlien ready, the solution is used as
a gargle and mouth wash several
times a clay. English clinicians of
experience dlaim that the remedy is
very effective in the prevention of
throat colds and lartar-filled mouths
Besides, no other antiseptic is so
useful in keeping one's .toothbrush.
in a healthy condition. Considering
the cheapness and simplicity of title
drug, i3 is worth while t:ying.
King's .l' geons
Have Enlisted
Royal Birds Are To Be
Used In Event of Emerg-
ency Acting As Air Mall'
Pigeons from th.e King's loft at
Sandringham have been added to
a pigeon post organized to operate
in the event of a "national emer-
gency in Greet Britain. The Pigeon
post was inaugurated in July las'
year by the leaches sof Kent when
she visited Fort Dunlop and releas
e2 the first Rock :of pigeons from
their baskets,
Distance Fliers
On the eve of the outbreak of the
Wil' a pair of blue checks arrives
`from E, W. Steele, the King's• pig-
eon- keeper,' They are long dietanee
birds, our or five nese old, chile
stock who'll has woe the big races'
+from Lerwick in Shetland and leer -
In addition to .the pigeon loft tit
headquarters', lofts are being epee -
ed in other parts of the country ex'
the servile, which le the only or•
ganizod pigeon post In Great 13r1-•
Messages Ara Tiny
lily reducing 'messages to faoeim.
Wednerglay, Novonnbor Gib, 1040 1
fie on a sPeclol 'hie film, the bit'da •#N00.41t440.eN oN NN01•r`N•oN+M•NoN**H*A*e
'Call take 30,000 words la an' alavi14-
um carrier fixed to their 10$, 4ae4
centre •hoe apparatus for redueiug
the messages and /or magetfylele
them to a readable script when, r•i•
. ceived.
Arena Is Jammed
By Over 2,000 For
Annual Carnival
Clayton Steeper
London Orchestra
Leader, Is Winner
Of Car In Draw
Seafortlz, Nov. 1-0ver two thous-
and people jammed the ,Seaforth
arena Thursday night for the annual
Lions 'Club •carnival. • Beginning
'With a parade of A C'otnpany,
N:P:Q.(Vi., and .the Highlanders,
Band, the proceedings ended with a
well -attended dance in Carne's hall.
Hundreds of people from surround-
ing die.ricts took advantage of the
frolic and booths did a thriving
7rusineest Booths included binge,)
dollar booth, refreshment, bird` cage,
/fowl booth, spot wheel, ring the
money and a Red Cross booth,
Prize winners in the masques le
were as follows: Girls 6, Carole
Chesney, Donna Burke, boye, 5,
George Shaw, Hayne Ellis; girls'
char atter, 7 to 10, Josepbine McIver,
Yvonne Bolton; boys' character,- 7
to 12, Ronald Sills, Buddy .Smilh;
girls' comic, Anna Dupec, Maree
Hioknell; boys' comic,. Frank Riley;
girls' nail driving, Catherine Woods,
Doris 'Sanale; drinking contest,
Archie Hubert, Jerry Meir,
Wins Car.
tAt twelve o'clock the drawings
:took place for the nine prizes. The
grand prize, a deluxe Ford V-8, was
won by •Qlayton Steeper, orchestra
leader, London, with ticket number
569'5. Other prize winners were:
Walnut desk, value 535, W. D.
Plautkiner, Clinton; cedar chest,
value 523, Eric Brown, Granton;
men's toilet set, value $20, Mrs. 12.
Ban Horn, Clinton; occasional table
value $i0, Juni Flannigan, Seaforth;
Kenwood blanket, value $7, Melvin
rela.thetws,. Harrleton; aero pacer,
value $6, Wilber Ott, Kitchener;
silver fox fur, Miss Mary Flanni-
gan, Sea$orth.
The lucky youngster who won tee
C.C.M. 'bicycle was Wayne Ellis, who
held ticket 284.
OR Producers
Bring your Cream to the
points nugiut possibly be a lot of
bunk when applied to the modern
nvoenan, Men made up their minds
1 about women thousands of years
' age — they don't intend 1''•
change them,
What Most Men.
Think About Women
They All Believe Women
Have Certain Tralts—You
Can't Shake 'Em Out of it
Come on, let's face int
Not in our lifetime—and per-
llaps never -are men going to see.
'women as they are.
Educate a girl, teach her to lake
care of herself and to think for her -
•self. Encourage her to be as Inde-
pendent as a man, so that she is as
logical and makes as much sense as
any human being. Then try 10
convince a man that none of these
things is true of her; •
Won't, Change Their Minds
The she is more Jealous of other
women than men are leal•ous of
other men. •
That she can't drive a car as
well as a man.
That she is by nature catty.
That she does not make a good
That she really doesn't like wo-
That she can't tell a story with-
out telling the point first, or get-
ting it all mixed up.
That she talks more than a man.
That she is more bain about her
looks than a man is of his.
That she is illogical.
'that if she takes an interest in
anything' outside her home she IS
That it is unnatural for her to
prefer office work to house work.
That she is less honest than a
That she takes everything Per-
That a man can't tell a woman
the truth about anything brt
must always treat ber like a cute
little girl who can't be expected
to understand.
You won't convince a man those
Wornen's Hats
Make Circus
Clowns Weep
The latest millinery is mak'ng
many .men laugh but not circus
Al Kerber struck ear a converse,
tion with a circus clown at Shad
on, Pa.
"What's the hardest part of your
Joh?'' he a •eked the clown,
"Trying to find clown hats," was
the answer. "The women are steal -
Ing our thunder these days."
Why Children
Enjoy Noise
children like noise because the
instincts of the primitive man who
is born again in all of us have not
Yet been subdued by training or
'teaching. 'All primitive ones like
noise, and the reason for that is
Perhaps that the early men made a.
noise because they were afraid or
solitude and silence. They raised
.their voices partly to raise their
spirits and partly to frighten asaa
the evil spirits they feared so much.
Police judge --What is your ex-
cuse for speeding through the town
at 60 miles an hour?
Defendent—Well, pour honor, I
had just heard the women of my
wife's church were having a rum-
mage sale, and I was rushing home
to save ray' other pair of pants,
asolioe iudge—.ACIsitted. Pfegt;,
Victoria Is Popular In The Winter
For Warm Weather And Summer Sports
Wee i
anada has an evergreen play-
ground. where snow is an
ephemeral novelty, flowers bloonl
every month of the year and even
In mid -winter the day's recreation
can Matilde yachting, tennis, hik-
ing, lawn bowling, fishing or a
round of golf over the fast, green
fairways of any of a ]calf &Seen
outstanding coerces. •
Victoria, centre of this beautiful
British Columbia evergreen play-
ground, hasbecome in recent
years an outstanding Canadian
"winter" resort; this yesr.it seems
to be on the verge of its busiest
00050 i with inter'natioeal ex-
chenge offering Americans an at-
tractive finnnttiial inducement of
ten per cent on their dollar, while
Canadian lovers of mild weather
will Sind that Vancouver Island
has the only resort oe this kind
on the continent which they can
visit now that holiday trips to the
United States have been banned.
The main competitive sports.
event of the season is the Ent
press Winter Golf Tournament
which is held on well trimmod
grassy $airways and greens at a
time' when other Canadian courses
are several feet under the snow-
drifts. This year's tournament,
the :13th annual, will be hold on
the Oak Bay course, March 9 to
15. The outstanding social event
of the season is Christmas at the
Empress Hotel where Canada's
most -English city celebrates with
the time-honored boar's head,
yule logs, wassail bowl and carols.
The contraat between Victoria l�
and the rest of Canada in winter-
time Is particularly 'narked after
a train trip through the Canadian
Rockies, then attheir loveliest in
a mantle of lee and snow, Van-
Louver Island produces such rant-'
ties—rarities to the rest of 'Can-
ada, that is -- as strawberries in
December, salmon fishing all win-
ter long, new-born lambs in Jan -
nary ;and 'roses In February,
The pictures above show the
i0nipress hotel, anal typical "win-
ter" scenes, hiking, golfing and