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Wednesday+, November 6th, 1940
1V4 NI Local News Items
•N•••• •
by Frank C. Mitchell, Brussels Branch Canadian Legion, B,E,S,L.
Remembrance Day
November lith
O God our Help,in'ages 'oast
Our hope for years to come
Our Shelter from the stormy Blasts
And our eternal iHome.
November 11th, 19118, brought un-
bounded joy to a' war weary world,
for at the 11th hour of the 11th day
of this 11th month the order
"Cease Fire" sounded along the
whole line of Battle; That order
was echoed over the oceaes to all
naval- commanders to the airmen of
all warring nations and then to the
frenzied delight millions t of people
throughout the whole world. The
scenes of rejoicing that followed
the news around the world have
never since been equalled all the
pent up emotions were suddenly re
leased, men women and children
were electrified by the news and all
went wild with joy. Than was 22 we do not know. Only one th:ng
years ago. Nov. 11th, 1940 finds matters now, we must keep the
the world again in the grip of the `faith.'
god. of war, finds our Empire in a
death struggle for ire existence
Once again a blood thirsty maniac
has plunged us into a hideous- war.
Engagement Announcement' CAR OF CERTIFIED
Mr, and Mete iced' 13IL'Wood, 0 Prince Edward Island
Ailsa Craig, Ont,wish to announce, POTATOES
the engagement of their sides to arrive suitable for Table and
daughter, Lois Edith, to Harold Seed, price per bag og car $1.15.
Iffec;hard teleittard, London, Ont., IM'aCraclten's Grocery
go son of Mr. and Mee. Beujaniia phone cisco 43 Residence 27
0' Whittard, Bruseels, Ont. The we
ding will take place on November MARSH SEEDLESS,-
28, at St. James Church, Parkhill. ^ Large . Texas Marsh Seedless
Rev. Mr, Lewin will officiate.
B. C. S. Notes
On Friday night the witches anit
sprites met at B4O$. for an evening
of merry -making. The bright cos-
tumes and gay streamers lent a
festive air to the rooms. The cos'
tames wan by Nora Lowry, Ruth
MacDonald, Mt, Laycock and 13111
Sullivan were judged best. After
games were played a delicious, lunch
wias served, After lunch an enjoy-
able hour was passed by dancing.
United Church Y. P. S.
dread, to those who fought, mud,
blood and lice, death and destruction
in all directions, 'moans. and groans
of the wounded or dying, horror auk.'
and that of the lfbing Yes, we re-
member. Pears cannot blot out the
scenes of those days. It heli een
Sweet to forget and how readily and the Missionary 'Convenor 'Mise
our livves.
Edith Fletcher had charge ortheeddto forget,
somedid forget. es of us want - had to be .mee.ing. After the call to worship
Jean Allen led in ,prayer. The rip -
lived, we had to make the most eP
the tangled threads that werb left. tare lesson- was .read by Ba'r'bara
Body' and soul had to be eared for, Thynne taken from Mathew, chap
the lost years must be erased from ter 28, verses 16-20. T•be business
our minds, we must live .to forget Part of the meeting was discussed
and to take our places in a batterel after which Idella Bryaies favoured
world. How well we did just that, the society with a heading, ' The
hymn, F:omr. Greenland's Icy Moun-
•ttains' was then sung, and slides on
:China were presented. Atter the
hymn "In Christ, There Is No Plait
nor West." was sung, the meeting
was closed with the. Mizpah Beae-
The Young People's Society of,
the United Church met on Monday -
Once again we must rise up in arms
to' defend our beloved Empire. In -Flanders Threids the poppies
"Ob. Canada, we stand on .guard tend blow
thee." Between the crosses row on row
They mark their plaice and in the
November 11th, 1940, "Remenb
'ranee Day," what do we remember 'The larks t still bravely singing fly
To those who were lett at home, Scarce heard amid the guns below.
anxiety, sorrow, heart , aches and Short days ego we, lived, felt lawn.
Anniversary Services
Sunday November 10th
11 a.m._ and 7 p.m.
Dr. George Little, Toronto
Editor Sunday, School
Special musickby choir—
assisted by -Listowel Male
Qualjtette at the evening service
+Tuesday, November 12th
served in the 'church . basement
from 5.30 to 8 p.m.
followed by a program
In the Town Hall
by the
Wingham Concert Party
Adults 50c • Children 25c
saw sunset glow
Loved' and were loved 'bud now we
lie in Flanders Fields. •
To you from failing hands we
eleow the -torch,•
•Be"yours to hold it high; •
It ye break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep tho' poppies
'blow in Flanders Fields'.
From across the fields we see the
peppy fields afresh, we hear the - leek
still' singing, we see your crosses,
row on row, we hear your challenge;
we have caught the torch, we will
lilt it high, we shall not break faith
With you . ever beloved- comrades
who sleep in Flanders Fields, Thous.
andsof your old comrades are
marching again to avenge your be
Continued on inside page.
Ro a1=T. Wingham, Nov. 110th
with Benny Palmer and His Band
Grand March and Spot Prize Admission -50c
Old: time Dancing Every Friday.
ibowof Shows
In Town HaII Brussels
SAT. NOV. 9t
Bride-Elect Is -
Honored By Friends°
A very pleasant- event took Place
at the home of Mas. A. C. Backer on.
Friday evening, when Misses Helen
03aeker, Margaret Downing .and
Margaret Pearson were hostesses at
a kitchen shower in honor of Miss
Margaret Garniss, bride-to-be,
whose marriage will take Piece hi
the near future. The home was
beautifully decorated in pink and
white streamers and white bell.
The guest of the evening was es-
corted, down the ethers by Miss H.
Baeker and `through an isle of
guests to a chair where sea was
seated. Mrs. William greeter read
the address and the gifts, beauti-
fully wrapped, were handed,to the
bride-to-be, who was taken cain-
pletely by surprise.
The evening was spent in playing
Five Hundred, Miss Garniss getting
the highest score and winning the
prize, atlter. which lunch was se. ved•
Miss Gamin has been a very Pop-
ular young lady in town 'raving
been choir leader in the United
church for .home time.
Show of Shows
On ;Saturday At
Brussels Town Hall
03russels Town Hall,•Saturday,
November 9th, advance film service
presents! a double feature 'Hurricane
Horseman' a fine Western 'Action
thriller with Lane 'Chandler and
'Wonder Horse "Raman", and ',She
Whoops to . 'Coequal' with Zan
Pitts lookitlg for love; Depbany
Pollard, Billy Bevan. and "others—A
good comedy. "Pack Up. Your
Troubles" bouncing Ball Sing Song,
Cartoon; "Big Fish" •a whale of a
picture, A kiddies special "Alice
in WOndeiland" with Joan Bennett;
"Dionne Quintuplets" Inc those that
had no chance to see them yeti.
Newel Parade=,see London's great-
est day, return of Royal Couple to
(Tendon .and Reception; submarine
disaster, Hurricane over Europe,
Declaration of present war, invasion
of Poland, Naval Cruisers and many
many other interesting scenes.
Tension in Far Ilenet. Love Parade
in .'Montreal. 'Massie 'Strikes at
Finland" see Finland's war' train be-
ginning to end. 'Bombe over Ettrope'
first allied Nazi fights—All events)
'War Daze'> a special war .cartoon
All • this for one admission Tltese plc -
tares are sheenonly ili larger teens
so take advantage 01 seeing then
5 OIW-•,A1cla1Ate, • 25e +Children• leo.
Shows athlete at 8.15 p.m,
Large Gathering
Attends Funeral
Mrs. James •Wilson Evans
There Palssed away 'at ]tet' late
home, Lot 27, conn, 12, Grey, Mrs, J•
W. Evans, on October 31st, 1.940 ire
her eighty-third year.
She was the former Elizabeth
$ Coghlin and was born in 1868 in.
Elme township, ,She was married.
on Match ZSsd, 1881 to the, late Jas:'
Wilson Evans, who predeceased her
ten years ago. For the past sixty
years she hasbeen a respectett
Iresident of Grey townsiiip-
'Grapefruit, thin skins, full of juice, Dr, George A. Little of Dion ' their mother axe four sone, John,
6 for 250 at Grewar's, - SPECIAL is, to be the Anniversary ' preacher Bert, d George Evansa1T
FOR SATURDAY ONLY. Your at the United 'Church. Dr, Little is i
I oP GreyLynn ,townsanhip and one daught,or.'
'choice of4 10'/x oz. .tins of Soup, 1 the editor of the Sunday Bennet Mrs. George Brown of Atwood.
(Vegetable, Tomato, 'Scotch Broth Publication6s tor the •United church. The Funeral was conducted by
or Celery) for 25c a real Bargain; He is a dynamic personality ane al
Rev. J. E. Taylor of Cnanbrook Pree-
CASH AND CARRY very forceful preache, As well as byterian. Church on Saturday Neer.
A..GREWAR . I !preaching at both services Dr. amber 2nd. Mr. Willis iMachat
WE SELL FOR LESS Little is'epealking at an open. session slang an appropriate solo,
—x— 1 o the Barclay School at 3 o; clock. ; Pallbearers were: Messrs Robert ,
At the morning •serylee he. Preaches
Women's Institute Coghlin, Wm, Coghlin, Albert Cod-
on "Christian >lvangeltsan' 'and at' hen, 31 G Coghlin, Wilbert Free -
The November meeting of the Wo the evening ser!yice on "Where Past.
anen'e Institute will be a
special one and- veninFuturs Meet.' born and -Geo. Brown.
in honor of the Grandmothers cf ' The floral tributes were beautilt•
the community. Each grandmother H•►v and were carried by RusselDit•
is given p cordial invitation to at_ j.mjlo� en
'tend on Nov 16 Program particu- came and Went
T to Surviving to mourn the death of
worth, Percy Ward,'William Spate'
.an, Thomas 'Ward, Gordon dlpeiraai.
and R.. 7. Cox.
lace will be given next week. l Hallowe'en passed off very quiet.'
' ' —o^ i ly in town. Very little- damage was
Engagement .Announcement reported,
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. H. carries 'oft •
St. John's Church
All Saints' Day and All Souls' day
were observed let St, John'•s Church
last nday. The !Redoes
Brussels, announce the engagement St.John's Ladies' Guild t dis-
of their daughter Margaret, (Peggy) Are Holding ea courses at both services dealt' with
to Mr. J. Archibald Ballantyne, of The Ladies' Guild of 9t. John's the subject of "Immortality." Miss '
Ghuroli Brussels are entertaining
London, son of Mrs. Margaret Bal- Dorothy Bolton, of Rochester, N.Y.,
the ladies of the parish at a tea
lantyne and the late lashes Bailee- melt Tuesday afternoon, November 'has the soloist at the morning zee.
type of Brussels. The wedding to 12, 1940, in the Church basement. vice. iMtes Mary Humphries• was -
take place about the middle of Noe -
the organist.
An interesting program is being tee
ember. ranged. The afternoon will mark —O— ^ e a _ ..
—o— `.
the -conclusion of the .Copper Contest Stag Party Held
CARD OF THANK$which the Guild have been conduct -A stag party was held at the
home of Mr. andMrs: D, A Rann
We wish to convey our sincere Mg, and it is. expected that there
thanks to neighbors and friends for ; twill be a large turn out of the ladies Martin Mur-
I r
the kindness shown us in our re- and their' friends.
cent bereavement. Words can' —o—
hardly express our appreciation for Presentation,ls Made
the beautiful tonal • tributes. We ToIBrussels Reident
also wish tb',express:our thanks to A pleasant' evening was; spent witi,
Rev. J. 131. 'Taylor and Messrs Stan- . Mrs. 0. Walker- on 'Thursday even
ley Machan and Willis. Which will ing, when a company of `ladies fif -
never be forgotten, Hallowe'en costume invaded liar
• -Evans Family. home. Although taken by surprike.., '
—o_ -
Melville Church and the evening was , pleasantly
Mrs:, Walker welcomed her guests
W. M. S.
spent in game and social chat.
• During the evening the company'
' The regular monthly meeting ofted M 'Walker r t lke with a gold
• presen l's, .
the W.M.4S. of Melville, Ghm•oh WP, ,colored Charlton blanket, prior to
held on Friday, Nov. lst, with Mrs" her rembval-from town. The pre•
Deadman in the chair- Mrs.- Deal- oentation was made 'by Miss C
man opened the meeting with" praY- i Hingston and Mrs. J, Armstrong.
er. Hymn .519' was sung. The Mrs. Walker replied, thanking her
-S ripture reading was read by Mita (,guest for the lovely .gift Lunch
G. Stewart after which Mrs. Strach 'was served and the company left
an led In prayer, The secretary's,feeling they had spent a happy
report was read by Mrs. J, Ars- evening,
wrong, after which she read a letter. • - , —x—
from Mrs. R Parker. In a ...few
chosen words Mrs. Parker thanked Lord's Day Alliance
the W.M,S. for her membership pin.
Mrs. Thompson 'then gave the
Treasurer's report, "I'm so thank-
ful boxes," ace to be brought in to n
social meeting to be held at Mrs..
'Strachan's on Thursday, Nov. 141'i.
The topic was read by Mrs. J. Robb
on the Bhil Field, Curt eat' Events
were taken by Mrs, N, Cardiff. The
meeting closed with the Lord's varp-
er in unieon.
Last Sunday
At the Churches -
'The representative of the Lord's
Day Alliance, Mrs. S. E, Sonson, is
makbng the annual visit of that or
ganization, to our community- Ie
days of ;war it is -well to remember
that, in addition to war tasks claim-
ing our time lied attention, the
• successful prosecution of the war
requires the continued carrying of
!projects that sustain home efforts
conserving the well-being of our citi
zene, physical, social Dail spiritua:,
To conserve our national weekly day
of rest is a real,need, in war time as
in peace.
Services In ilio United Church on The Lord's Dae Alliance has
conducted Ur `la achieved another victory for our
Sunday were
minister, Rev. 0, L. Lewis, taking quiet Canadian Sunday. The Motion
Isiciture people reconsidered their
for Iris' subject "The Home in ti
•Chenging World." A Young People's
eervioe was hell.in the evening, the
theme being "Finding God through
Anniversary services 'will be held
in tite United Church on Sunday
next. Dr. George Little, Toronth,
editor Sunday School ' Publicattjons,
will -be the special preacher. - Special
music will be rendered by the choir
assisted by the •Listowel Male Quan.
tat at the evening service, '
A. fowl mapper will be served la
the church basement on Tiiesday
evening fololwed by a programa in
the Town Hall by the Winglianr
Concert Party, -
Services in Melville 1''0Siipieria1
churth OH Sunday werec ndected
by the Rev, Mr. Boyle of Auburn.:
!Rev. S. Keit preached the anal,
Versery services at Auburn out Sun-
'day, !Sere-ces in the Anglican
church- 011 Sunday were :dbndected
by the "Iteotor, 'Rev, S. Wett,
deoision to hold 'Sunday shows
across Canada, and carried their
worthy patriotic project through on
a week day with great success,
I 1 _
-when after a social evening, an
address •was readbyu -
ray and D. A. Rahn 'presented
Barrister Elmer Bell with an end
table. Mr. Bell made a very fit- -
ting ereply, , thanking his ` friends-
lor' their gifts HQ :has. by Oil. time
entered the benediet' class, .and •'will '>'
make *lite home in Seaforth,but will
continue bis efficeeM Brussels.
* * * * 'i x y,., -,k *% '15 ',,
* * * r '::-s•''*
On Saturday, Oct. ¢2, 1940' et
Baletta, by Rev. W. A. Williams
(former minister at Ethel and'
Cranbrook). Ferne Elsie youngest.
daughter of Mrs'. Thomas Wheatley
Seaforth and the late Thomas
Wheatley to .Wen. .Stuart 11VlacInnes,.
G071 of Mr. and Mrs. WM. ll'Xaclnnes
of Ethel, -Ant.
• I 1'
Mrs. Jessie McIeenzie, ,Toronto
was a visitor during the pasit week
at the home of Mrs. Albert' Crooke.
The monthly tea was held in, the
Library leaf Wednesday. afternoon
the proceeds being 49.80, There
eves also a donation el $5,
The materialsi bane arrioed and ,a•
largo aauount of sewing acrd knitting
`bas to,'be conipleted for ellipmeht ey
Novenitier 20th.'. ` In View at this
feet' the ladies a5'0 regneeted to meat
Wednesday :arid Thursdap aftet=
neon of each week until the end of
November. ' We trust that • every
lady 111 the community Will share
the 'responsibility !ot' this' needy
Tyrone Power 'Dorothy Lamour
Johnny Appollo
Errol Flynn Brenda Marshall.
The Sea Hawk
Claude Rains Donald Crisp
Alan: Hair
Hare'ts Errol swashbuek?
ling English' Bttoafeer, who hatted
the Seas for Queen, Country & Love
The Three
Robert Livingston Raymond Hatton
.Duncan Ronaldo
Heroes of, the Saddle
The mesqueteers crack down on a;
lawless band of`:Range hats
Brother 'Orchid
Over the Moon