HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-10-9, Page 4Wingham
TY THESE— POST neaday, October 9th, 1949
,L .. Wed
Attent on 1
Why not consult us naw. Repairs left, that,
should be attended to, are costly. Our tools and.
equipment are complete in every detail tos
withstand modern day machine repairs
We specialize in motor and generator ,rep#s,,,
maclii6e to i c a undercutting, brake drum
machining, etc.
Listowel Machine Shop
Day Phone 177-W
Night Phone i1774
BLUEVALEI noon to discnsa Red CrossFneeda
Miss Jean Elliott presient Of `,the
Woman's Institute p•>[esidstdy° ",1 Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Johnston and S, N. Gallaher tenderedi her .'resig-
Carl visited last Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johns-
ton and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Wheeler of
Hamilton spent the week end with
bis uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs.
:George Wheeler.
Ms and Mrs, Will Johnston and
sons and 'Miss Jean Wheeler or
Wintham visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, George Wheeler, 1st
for refugee ehildten,y tont is cut.
Mr. George blathers visited on
Wednesday with Mr. and Mr3.1 ready for sewing,' ati4 to -continue
Richard Johnston and also on
knitting. t f [; .
Thursday and Friday with Mr. and The Young��PeoPl d Society of
Mrs, Jas. Peacock and Will. 1 Knox Presbyterian 'i7,iurch' •dela tha
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and fare- first meeting o$-thetFall an. ;Winter
it ha a .moved in the house of the season on Monday PMeeVening in the
nation as eecretary-reasurer of the
War Work Fund and' Mrs,.R., F.
Garniss was elected oto the•.office
Mrs. W. J. Johnston was elected
convener of the,er a WW�rir corn-
mlttee. The committee will,, meet
the fourth Thurday of everyw `monC.h I
ito discuss the needs 4nd ciensider
accounts. The next` -i eting'will be
held at the •fi`o�mi -OK,. ,Mrs '`t. itbur
Shaw. The meeting elided to .coin.
plete hospital"'suppli s! and to
y v
.e 11rs. Snell. I Sunday school robir The vice-
..presi led
• read by
Mrs. Arnold Lillow was home over president, Gordon •,Gres
the week end. � The Scripture lesson w
Mr. Arthur Shaw visited on Mon- Miss Viola Thackei± ``an
day afternoon with Mr, GeoFowler offered prader
blathers and sisters. - Miss Jean Elliotat , de t;, agate;; from
Miss Birbeck attended the teach- the Society to Kiii ail Own*; gave
er's convention in London on F•:I- a report of the plx'egsant and .profit:
day able week 'Spent tre. Mr Fowler
Mr. and Mr's. Cooper Nethery and gae .a short ,,tqk t ,'@(( '•Consecration"
daughter visited on Sunday after- i and closed ,the me�tng With -pray- .
noon with M. and Mrs. Richard er. •A Period otic i games was en-
Ijoyed, thegc.� 4, wltgs and ,coffee.
Store Transfer
:Sale ;Positively Ends Saturday, October
X12 th
- Saturday
Lower Prices for Thursday- Friday y
As the Entire Stock is being Re -Priced we have not•the time to list these many
bargains. Call and see them.
Shoe the Whole Family Now at these Money Saving Prices.
unlop's Shoe Store
Successor to W. J. Greer
�i proximately 50 and a host of church
ley was home from Toronto.,
experts to leave for St. 'Thomas
shortly where he will study With
the R.O.A,F.
i)liam Kerney,
M. and. Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. Lawson Kerney
Of Walton, and Miss Shirley' Bowe,
visited with Mr. and Mrs: James
B. Kerney: Tares Kerney tins Pun.
chased the property belonging
the late Mrs, Grace ;Snell in the
village. Mr and Mrs. Joe H, •Smith
and family hue mored 'into the
wedding attendants. The church was
appropriately decorated for the
Mrs. Thomas Bennett, of Toronto occasion. The bride was given in
while passing through Ethel on a marriage by Alex Dunbar, her uncle.
holiday visit to friends fn the north
ern part of Grey twp., and Wroxeter
and Wingham, gave mutual pleasure
in calling on two old school mates,
Miss Lizzie Bishop and Joseph
Acmes in their respeotwe homes in
the village.
The special anniversary, .of Ethel
AlOter their' return from a short
honeymoon trip, they will reside on
'the groom's farm about 2 miles
east of Ethel.
niversar services were.con-
Johnston. An Y
At a patriotic rally held recently were served s s (rouse. 1 Presbyterian church were hall ducted in Blyth United Church on
in the village, Red Cross collectors I The W+M S o,1i.� tlirie United Ohar:h � iCO Sunday, Oct. 6. The morning ser Sunday with Rev, W. A. Gardiner
asiPointed and hace completed, was well rei3e sent d at the section- vice at 11 aim. was well 'attendee -
r e�•
weretre canvass, They collected the al meeting she l• n !Gerrie on, .'rue...-
u .
sum of -340.45. The territorp includ- day. Mrs. Fred Churchill 'vvds .the
ed the vlilage, east and wes
ary, 1st, 2nd and portion of the 3rd stun the alternate. r ,..,
I. concessions of Morrie, and a part of Rev, C Taveneri 1,4,Fs "Tavenei,
concessions 2. 4, 6 and 9 in Turn- I and Rev."1":"'G. iFiWlek erhded the
ia7 Assoia..
t bound- delegate with Mrs; Edward;. John•.
berry. meeting of the Minist
Fourteen ladies gathered in Lha tion at the rectory
United Church on Tuesday atter- on Monday .aftein$onin
Don't forget to come to the Cont
munity hall, Walton, on the night
of October 18th and you will • ,help
'the Red ,Cross.. A fine program by
local talent is ;being preparedwhich
ill 'be followed by lunch• and a
Wing am w
In the evening at 7.30 there was a
of Egmondville as guest speaker,
much larger congregation present. Special music was provided by a
Rev. Geo. Aitken, B.A., T4.,I7t, ;`of large choir. Moral decorations
Knox Presbyterian •Churoh Harris-- were- beautiful. At the Sunday
ton, Ont., was the preacher official- ,School session a piano instrumental
ing at each service.,, Donald Robb of
was played by Irma Wallace. Pro-
Atwood assisted the church choir in motion of the Junior Classes took
their cho'i us numbers and contra• place at this session. The conga
Meld Lit -wanes. bated choice selections morning and gation of Blyth Anglican Church
evening The helpful messages la met for service in the basement of
r. �esA•
sermon and. song '011 long, be re. Memorial Hall on Sunday morning
• r.�lO♦H♦N♦N�♦♦N♦♦1NM♦♦♦♦N♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦H♦!♦♦M♦MSM*
Please Not . . i s•
membered, with Rev. R. M. Weekes In charge.
444"...44.4.441:4"4144-14.+•444•S+11,' Decorators are busy•these days. an
, Ethel United Church will held the interior_ of the Anglican Church.
!�♦ anniversary services next Sunday, The congregation cancelled their
♦2+ Oct. 13, at 11 a,m, and 7.30' p.m. Rev evening service and worshipped at
Mr. Lewis of Brussels will be -guest United Church Anniversary,
♦ I speaker, The 'presentation, of the Dr. Boy Stackhouse and Mrs,
♦♦ musical selectionsis in charge of Stackhouse and family, Joyce, Mary
was i
Formerly owned and operated by D. C. W arwich
Now in possession of and operated by
'Phone 92X a 'Phone 92X
Brussels Lyme ' Seddon
All kinds of Radios oServiced and Repaired
by Experienced, Service Man.
Electrical Appliances Electric Refrigerators Electric Washers
Watch this Space Next Week
For Opening Sale
Be prepared to purchase that new
radio you have been waiting for,
or get repair* .for your old one,
A°. ��11�H�N*F♦•♦1•N•!*•++,H•♦♦A♦♦4N•N•♦1:♦♦: ►44 ice+ 4, ♦♦ ♦♦�♦+�♦1:♦♦�N4♦♦.♦1.M4♦♦�♦♦�N�N presence of a brikal OOm�pan y of ap.
the church choir.. Monday, Oat. and Lloyd of Rldgeyay were guests
14th the annual Thanksgiving Hot of the former's sister MIss Ada
+4, Fowl Supper will be served from 6 Stackhouse over the weekend; Miss
,a+*, co 8 o'clock parr. in the school rooms Chambers of Highgate was the
+44 a varied program in charge of Lis. guest of Miss Edith Lockart ovt,r
„j towel United choir, will be present- the weekend.
ed at 8.30 p.m, in the church ouch.'
+♦♦ toriunr. A good time is anticipated,
+♦ Come and share in the enjoyment of
♦4♦+ the occasion. 1 *
♦:+ On account of the above mention , *
++ ed Sundap serices, there will be no s`
♦;,, session of the (Sunday School herd *
+V on that date, t`
Cirey Twp„ municipal council met i`
♦2♦ in monthly session Saturday, Oct, 5 *
♦♦ atthe office of J. H. Fear, Twp.
♦♦ Clerk, as per usual
♦++ fine weather and Huron County
e�+ school teachers convention Thurs-
♦+ day and Friday of last week, made
+2+ help readily available in the rural
♦_♦ sections for potatoe pieking and
2 other urgent farm work which had
♦♦ been delayed previously.
♦:♦ 1 'Captain Doctor J. D. Colqultoeui
•• The simultaneous occurence 01
♦_+ of the R. C. A, F, medical corps
• iSeaforth, spent Sunday with Ethel
♦% friends.
,Stewart Henry, ,while on home
j♦; leave from military ;training at
yChatham spent Sunday with his
♦+♦ parents Anther and Mrs, Henry 500
♦♦ I hie grandparents 1. M. and Mrs,
♦2♦ HCni•y.
♦jj The first and only church weddi"g
4%; in the history of Ethel church Was
solemnized in Ethel Presbyterian
•`church Thursday, Oot, 3rd at the.
2 r Moura of 3.30 in the afternoon, when
♦•+ i Robert Glon Eokmier of Ethel and
♦* Jean Barr of Calgary were pro.
♦i♦ f flounced man and wife by the allele.++ ting minister Itev, Mr, Taylor, in the
♦♦ WinnIpeg, while on home 'ewe to
* * * * a * * s
OCTOBER 14th *
Monday, October 14th, has
been named as Thanksgivingf*
Day, an announcement from •
'Ottawa states, s
* * * * t * * *
The October meeting of the Ladles'
Guild of^' Trinity Church, was held
at the home of Mrs. Wm, Cole on
Thursday afternoon. Final arrange-
ments weer made for the Harvest
Home Supper on Oct. 16. A 10c
pot luck supper was much enoyed.
Mrs. Wm, Townsend of Macklin is
visiting her sister Mrs, W. A, Cun-
ningham of the south gravel.
The Women's Institute will not be
held on the regular date, but will be
held one week later. Further notice
next week.
Quite nnmbei• from this district
took in the Teepwater Fair Wed-
Miss Dorothy' McLeod, 'who has
spent the past three years here has
returned '10 her home at Melville,
Sask., where she will visit with
friends there for some time.
Mr. Wallace Beckett, of Toronto,
spent the week -end, at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Fleming Grainger, and
called on other friends here.
Miss Mildred Willis, of Listowel,
spent Sunday at her home here.
Ms Arlene Galbraith, teacher at
S.S. No. 4, Grey, attended the Teach.
err' Convention at London last Fri
Meseta, Aldine and Gordon Hilt
visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
Leslie McDonald, of Grey.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Burke, Morris,
renewed old acquaintances on the
2nd line, Grey, recently,
enanuagarn numsnh`d nw,Ini 'ztt.1Im sins;star;aivasnuothlnri e?:' on a arranInantne
Hillcrest Shortening • . 2 Ib for 23c
Superior Baking Powder 16 oz. 25c 1/2 oz. bot'l Vanilla Free
Fresh . Ginger Snaps per Ib 10c
Bulk Cocoa • . • per Ib 15c
Arctic Pastry Flour 24's per bag 57c
Garden Patch Peas or Golden Corn 16 oz. per tin 10c
Children's Wool Sweaters each 49c
Girl's Silk & Wool Sweaters , , . each 69c
Boy's Wool Pullover Sweaters .. • • • , . • • • • • each 79c
Little Boy's Wool 2 -piece Suits • • , •• • each 75c
Women's Fine Wool Pullover Sweaters • • . • • . • • each 98c
Men's Work Sweaters • • • • • , ' • • each $1.49
R"tnuastie t5t ', ist6 estawciewictuetueva elet6tstveleteaseef tele{ttu °tooPme
Highet Prices Paid For Produce
Stare Closes at 6.30 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday Evenings.
Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont.