The Brussels Post, 1940-10-9, Page 3- • , Try 7 -he 13RUSSELS DAIRY BAR"--""-- for Soft Drinks, of all kinds. ,.. Ice Cream Sundaes & Banana Splits Vanilla, Pineapple, Strawberry, Chocolate, Coffee and Orange Milk Shakes Try a bottle of our Chocolate Milk for School Lunch. Butter, Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese, Mik and Cream Try Our Saturday Special THE FALL FRUITS et the shelves in the fruit cup. beard still seem rather empty, do not despair, for the store ot home - :made jams and jellies can yet be appreolably, augmented, However, no time should be wasted in check ing the supply on hand to decide what ehould still be made, for the season of fresh Canadian 1 fruit, yeti apples the exception, will soon he over. The Consumer Section, Marketing Servece, Dominion Do- partment of A.griculture, recom- mends the following tested recipes, -which cal! for using fruits now on the market. Cantaloupe and Peach Conserve 3 cups diced peaeres 3 cups sugar 2 cups diced cantaloupe '2 oranges, juice and grated rind 36 cup blanched shredded almonds Mix all tre ingrerients and, cook un- til', the texture is -*Lek and •clear. Pour into ,eterinzed glasses. When cold cover with hot paraffin. Citron •Preserve Cut citron in 1/2 -inch slices—peel. 4.4•••• +•+":"••• •••• •••• ••••+•++ •••44.***** 'le 4 C. F HANSULD —4IARDWARE— Phone 226 —x--- Ethel, Ont. Stoves, Tinware, Paints, Oils and Roofing c.mzE20.4> McClary's Stoves • —o— Gold Medal Twine for Buckwheat . P$4":":••:":":":":":":44:4 remove seeds, and cut . in cubes. Cover with weak 'Prime, allowing 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 quart of water and stand overnight In the morning draM throughly, pla00 WM* 0 'key low fire and cbok until tender. Al- low 2 cups sugar and Wee and rind of 1 lemon to 6 ceps of citron. Bring to a boil slowly. Cook 'until clear and seal in sterilized jars. - Grape Jelly •Use slightly under -ripe grapes, wash, place a layer in saucepan and mash well, then add more grape and mash and set saucepan over be water to draw out Juices. Strata Juice through double cheesecloth. Boll 10 minutes and add an equal Proportion ot heated sugar. Con- tinue until it reaches the Jelly stage. Pour into hot sterilized glass- es, cool, and seal, Damson Plum Jam Uesh tbe fruit and cut in halt, removing the pits. Break a few pits and add kernels to the fruit. Pour a little water over the plums and heat slowly to boiling point Cook gently for one-half hour. Measure and add an equal quantity of sugar. Simmer one holm and pour into emitted, containers. Seal at Once. Pear Marmalade To weepy pound of peeled and cpr- ed pears which have beeu sliced very thinly add 314, pound, of sugar, 3e oz. ot green ginger root, scarped or grated, and halt a large lemon. Place the pears in the preserving kettle in hwere, sprinkling each with sugar, lemon juice and grated ging- er root. Allow to stein 2 to 3 hours, then heat slowly to *e boiling point. Cook until dear and thick. If pre Peered, the ginger root may be crush- ed and placed in a little bag Which can be removed from the mixture berme peering into glasses. oe'eleeeeeeelleeeeeeee4e Start Using . ROWLAN D'S Bread NOW ! Wrapped for your protection. PATRONIZE—the Bakery in Your Own Locality. ROWLAND'S BAKERY Plmne 113X ---- Brussels, Ont. *oi-101÷144.1t44++.444,46.;.4444441.84.a.a+++4444.++++.4..a++++.:0144 MASSEY-HARRIS CREAM SEPARATORS *The new Massey -Harris No.9 Cream Separator is one of the greatest vetoes ever offered. It is priced with the lowest, yet it has Messey-Harris quality throughout. You get good close skimming with the famous Niasseyliarris SisePoint Flow method of distribution. A teal money saver at the new low price. Now Low Price Convenient Terms Arranged Jacob Fischer Business Phone 51x Residence 52148 Complete Stock of Mosul Harris Repay Nal* USED RIDING PLOWS IN GOOD 'REPAIR Also Agent for Beatty Bros. Wedneeday Octoeer eth, 1040 * * * * WEDDING * * * * * BARTLIFF—MERNER A quiet ceremony took vlace at the Lutberan parsenage, Dashwood, when Kathleen Matilda, youngest daughter of Mrs. George Merner ane the late George Marne; of Daeh• wood, was united in marriage to Charles Elliot Barteff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartliff, of Clinton The ceremony Was performed, by * Rev. T. Let, pastor of tre church. The bride wore a smart dress 01 .soldierette blue with navy acces- sories and a corsage of wh'te gardenias. Mrs, A. Tiernan, eater of the bride was bridesmaid, wear- ing a street -length (Imes - of mus- tard green with brown accessories. Her corsage was Briarclifie roses. Bruce Bartliff, brother of the groom. was best mare Immediately after the eeremony the happy couple laic on, a motor trip to Northern Ontario. They will reslde in Clinton. iPATTERSON—HIGGINS A wedding ot interest in the cent munity took place at ,the, reCtory, Blyth, when 'Irma Eugene, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Higgine. of Morris, was united in marriage to Mr. Roy Victor Pattison, son of Mr. and Mrs. AUan Pattison, ot East Wawanoeh. Rev. R. M. • Weekes, rector of Trinity Anglican church, Belgrave, performed the ceremony The bride wore a dress of soldier blue with accessories to match, Miss Margaret Higgins was her sister's bridesmaid, and Mr, Henry ,Pattisoa, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Fr:Mowing the ceremony r wedding dinner was served to int - mediate relatives at the home of the bride's parents. Following a honey moon trip to Sudbury, Gwen Sounn and Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Pattison will reaide 10 Bast Wawanosh Guests from a distance were Mr and Mrs. Frank Culp, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, D. S. Halilday, London. —*—*— JONES—McCALLUM A pretty autumn wedding W8,9 solemnized, at three o'clock Satin, dap atternoon at the United church manse, Belgrave, when Susan Eil- een, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. el. McCallum, Belgrave, became the bride of Mr. George William Jones, Loudon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fe G. Tones of Springbank ;Drive, London. Rev. 3. B. Townend officiated. The beide was becomingly attired in a suit Of Indian clay wool crepe eel brown .accessories. Miss Florence Nethery, of Toronto, was brides- maid wearing a black tailored suit with white accessories. Mr. B. Pit. taway, London, was best man. After the ceremony the wedding party repaired to the home of the bride's parents, which was decorated with Autimin leaves,, flowevs and stream- ers, where a reception was held and a wedding supper was served, by Misses Rutb Nethery and Shirley Chamney, cousins of the bride. Mr, and Mrs. Jones let later on a hon• eymoon, the brkle travelling in a rust tweed coat with matching an cessorles. They will reside at 7 BY- ron avetme, London, t==> THE RACIAL ORIGIN Inducing Insanity, showering van lie Steeped with Inanity,- pitted wltn strife, The nabobs are clever in every en- deavor To shatter forever the calmness of life. I Neuraxis are shattering, ganglia scat- tering, Itikstaine are spattering paper by reams, For stalWart ancestors, those oil . noble cbestere, ' Have now become pesters invading our dreams. "P18 scarcely contlecial seeking the crucial Of the albetrusial vortex of Woe. Though delving etieli minute to pleres • the infinite; But how we can wile leis more they. We know, They're lost in antignity, alien 10 fame; So how it the Vines, aled all elle pinups, Ctie we pieree tlie Mares whence ate castors eatue, -e-Grotiehy Gas, Health Topics CORRECT BREATHING PREVENTS COLDS In order that oblIdrenes chests may expand correctly it is , 14 the Utmost importance that thee learn to breathe through their nom from birth. Mouth breathing menus the introclu•obion of germs into the throat and breathing p05' Sages. The nose acts as a filter; having 4 li'ningeti7Otha 4 d ehm7u1 parwhlcb ticles, If the mouth is kept elected, the saliva Is theu quite dean and laealthy, If the mouth le continual ly open IL becomes dry and the saliva will be contaminated with germs. This may leaci, infection to the tonsils. Correct breathing through the nose also expands the chest. Expanda Chest Properly If babies and young children do net ;expand their chests while their bones and muscles are sere they will grow ' up with narrow, h011ow assts. This will cause insufficient lung expansion, and cold and bronchitis. will result, Will you do all you can to see that baby breath'es- -correctly from birth? His funny little nose has net much spare space inside it and any dried mueua will soon block it. 'Therefore clean it be. fore be goes to sleep and when you dress shim in the morning. If his nose is blocked his moutu will fall open when he is asleep end he will soon start a habit of mouth breathing. Do not lay him down on hie back because in this Position his mouth is more likely to fall open. at he turns on to his baek and his mouth comes open when he is asleep, it is easy to put a rolled up bandkerchiet under his chin to keep his mouth shut Baby muse never wear anything tight or restricting to his move ments, and stays that tie across the chest are harmful. His clothes must be loose and tree, giving complete freedom of, arm move- ment 11:=I;• Keep The Old Flag Flying Tune; "Keep the Home Fires Burning" We will never yield to Hitler And his cruel Nazis clan, We will fight for king and °ciente./ To the last airplane and man; Not alone for our great Empire But for all the troubled world, And the rights of weaker nations Has our banner been unfurled. Chorus, Well keep the old flag flying, All our foes defying, Freemen, everywhere, awake. Wheier you roam, We will fight together Through the wore of weather. Till we sing of victory, When the boys come home. Britton all the whole world over, Through the centuries have stool For the glonious •cause of Freedom And have sealed it with their blood. We, their sons, will not surrender To be bootlickers and slays We will fight for God and country, And our fleet ellen rule the waves. Chorus: Well keep the old flag flying, Ike our foes defying, Freemen, everywhere, awake. Whe'er you, roam, We ,will fight together Through the worst of weather, Till we sing of victory, Whet the boys come home. 11 ISABEL GRAH,AIVI. 1c=c- Hoodoos 411.101,0111, We wish to announce . Willft0~111010111"1 the installation of * Large Battery Charger and are now in a position to Charge Your Battery • AND HAVE FOR SALE— A NEARiX NEW BATTERY CHARGER (small size) ALSO —Associate Dealer for Canadian Tire Corporation Products Let Us Help You NOW, with your cold weather MOTORING NEEDS Harry McCutcheon, Riverside Garage phone 56 Brussels huge, 'wide -brimmed hats, talking and nodding to each other at a little social gathering. A closer inspection reveals, of course, several distinct differences, the contrast being, be- yond the shadow of a doubt, lo favor of the "real thing." Besides being interesting and fan basesights for tourists', these "demoiselles" are •baluable sources • information for geologies am - earning the origiaal structure the landscape, In Canada, there are uadoubtedly several "settlements') of Hoodoos, but one particularly good specimen group is to be found in the valley of the Kicking Horse River in British colurable. To take a fruit stain off a table- cloth or any otherf material, rub well with the Juice of a, tomato until the stain disappears, and then wash in the usual way. When is a lady not a lady—when sin% a Hoodoo, Now, before eir feminine readees arise in righteous wrath, let ue ex. plain that when me mention Hoo- doos, we are getting down to things earthly, that they are not in any way connected with .the nether wOrict witchcraft or voonoolsm, as thew games would sugeg-et. As a matter of feet,- they are creations of old Mother Nature hereele works of art, unsullied by the hand of :nem Therefore, the comparison, albeit, remote perhaps in some opinions, Is net: in the last derogatory. Ttte Hoodoos tinder dismission are 'liege pieties ot earth, cut by the constant wearing away of firtnlY cemented boulder ()ley and gravel, They have it protective eloping boul. der, balanced et top, vrhichreveals the orIghtel elope of the earth, Tbe allusion to thee "reniletee" uppearance eomes froi . the tact thee taken at a glance, a group Of needoos, leeks for all the world like a crown of Wiles of the tato 1800s With long, sting filetag eetite, and Household Hints Avoid staining your hands when, scraping carrots by washing the carrots and tben putting them la boiling 'water for five minutes. Then strain, off the hot water and pour on cold. The skin will slip off easily. * * Celt up your pwn worn-out towels to make bibs, razor towels, face cloths, and small towels to remove make-sp. * * Loosen an obstinate screw by moitsening the head with oil, and leave to soak for a few minutes. There will then be no difficulty in removing the strew with a strewdriv- er in the ordinary way. * * * A. small piece of emery paper saves_ endless trouble when opening bottles with screw tops. Place the paper - over the cap before turning it; ant you will find it opens easily. T'' • : 1 1 44'4 •e)•-• • 1 Home Improvements Please Your Family RUNNING water under pressure to all parts of your house will make possible the installation of those modern conveniences so necessary to the health and, enjoyment of your family and increase their pride in their home. A woman spends a good part of each day, in the kitchen. It should be Emco equipped throughout to lesseot her work and make it a pleasure instead of drudgery. For the health of your family a modern bathroom is necessary. One fitted entirely withEmco Fittings and Fixtures will give you most pleasure, service and value. To allow installation of these improvements a Duro Water Supply System will pump, under pressure, all the water needed. In addition, it can be piped to barns and any other needed outlet. EMCO products are very reasonably priced. The Snow-white 20" x42" Enamelled Sink, illustrated above, including faucet ready for installation, costs Sink and Cabinet with faucet (Trap, iron pipe and fittings extra) The Duro Special Pump has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour; is supplied with a 25 gal. tank and 25 or 60 cycle motor. It costs only Smola Monthly Payments " The Government Home Improvement Loan Act or Duro Finance Plan enables You to purchase Emco fixtures, fittings and Duro Pumps on the monthly pay- ment plan over a period of three years. Enquiries given prompt attention and estimates supplied without charge. For Sale Sy HARDWARE MERGHANTS PI -ION 68 — 340 — BRUSSELS $32.90 $61.30 $86.00 EMPIRE BRASS London Hormion Winnipog DURCI-SPECIAL le4M. CO., LTD. Toronto Sudbury Veneotwer 12' 1. 4: I..e. 41 • 10 f : . i • I. r t -2i 1 V ... v 1 ,_. ... . , is,-• 4 .• 1; i t ,.0.- 1+•+ f . •4 . t ' , • • V . •.• ' i : • • tt i ^t ' ( 4...• : • A , . •,• r i 1 . , ...t . .4.. t 1 4... VS : ... . X . .4 21 ' t I .40. 41 , 474 1I 41 '4444.. .. _ solD) • : 1 1 44'4 •e)•-• • 1 Home Improvements Please Your Family RUNNING water under pressure to all parts of your house will make possible the installation of those modern conveniences so necessary to the health and, enjoyment of your family and increase their pride in their home. A woman spends a good part of each day, in the kitchen. It should be Emco equipped throughout to lesseot her work and make it a pleasure instead of drudgery. For the health of your family a modern bathroom is necessary. One fitted entirely withEmco Fittings and Fixtures will give you most pleasure, service and value. To allow installation of these improvements a Duro Water Supply System will pump, under pressure, all the water needed. In addition, it can be piped to barns and any other needed outlet. EMCO products are very reasonably priced. The Snow-white 20" x42" Enamelled Sink, illustrated above, including faucet ready for installation, costs Sink and Cabinet with faucet (Trap, iron pipe and fittings extra) The Duro Special Pump has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour; is supplied with a 25 gal. tank and 25 or 60 cycle motor. It costs only Smola Monthly Payments " The Government Home Improvement Loan Act or Duro Finance Plan enables You to purchase Emco fixtures, fittings and Duro Pumps on the monthly pay- ment plan over a period of three years. Enquiries given prompt attention and estimates supplied without charge. For Sale Sy HARDWARE MERGHANTS PI -ION 68 — 340 — BRUSSELS $32.90 $61.30 $86.00 EMPIRE BRASS London Hormion Winnipog DURCI-SPECIAL le4M. CO., LTD. Toronto Sudbury Veneotwer 12' 1. 4: I..e. 41 • 10 f : . i • I. r t -2i 1 V ... v 1 ,_. ... . , is,-• 4 .• 1; i t ,.0.- 1+•+ f . •4 . t ' , • • V . •.• ' i : • • tt i ^t ' ( 4...• : • A , . •,• r i 1 . , ...t . .4.. t 1 4... VS : ... . X . .4 21 ' t I .40. 41 , 474 1I 41 '4444..