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The Brussels Post, 1940-10-9, Page 1
obassisrooTt �St POST PUBLISHING HOUSE • Wednesday, October 9th - 1940 BRUSSEL,S, ONTARIO EMPIRE SERVICE COLUMN • by Frank 0, Mitchell, Brussels Brand( Canadian Legion, B,E.S,L.. •µ•. +*e4 A number from here were-fontpn- fght-in.defence pi otlr:Empireand ate enough to be listening in to the British freedom, "s?'"/' broadcast from England, a week ago And when peace has once more Monday evening, and heard Major been declared we trust and prey: H, _ McTavish speak when his CO111. you will be back with us and able to pan of Engineers of which Harotu enjoy many good times together, Thomas is a member were putting Again expressing our great on a concert. Mrs'. Thomas was pleasure of being able to meet with lucky enough to tune in to this par- You here we mak you to accept this tieular program in which she knew wrist watch as a small token oofher husband was taking part. our eater= and regard. —x— On Thursday evening last, a large number of neighbours gathered at the home of Wm. Cardiff to do honor to one who ' had enlisted in the defence of our Empire, Pte. Wm, Cardiff was home on leave and was Signed on behalf of your • friends anud- neighbors. And you dear Marton:_. We ask you to accept this little gift in memory of your; fourteenth concession friends and i',"; when this cruel war la over we Wilk w hope to accompanied by Ptes. Elmer have you all back with VS: again. Fischer, Alex Wren, Glendon .Glise, We are glad to knew you are not Howard Irwin, Jim Thompson all going so far away and that we may of the Elgin Regiment of London be able to see you and,, yaiir little 'who had journeyed up for the pros• family often. entatiln. .A handsome wrist watch Your friends and neighbors. was presented to "Bill" and to his The evening was then spent vety. wife, Marian, a beautiful table cloth. harmed, in games and dancing: The following address was read to —x— them:- Dear Bill: We, your friends and neighbors have assembled here this evening ti extend to you our greetings and to show our admiration and esteem for you in a small way for the noble work you are training for, our King and Country; We are pleased and also proud to know that you voluntarily offered your services and enlisted as one of Our brave Canadian soldiers to HARVEST HOME ;SUPPER IN FORESTER'S HALL, BELGRAVE under the auspices of Trinity Anglican Church WEDNESDAY 'Ev'g., OCTOBER 16 Supper served from 5.30 to 7.30 followed by a short play by GGorrle A. Y. P. A. ' - and •musical numbers ADMISSION — 35c & 20c Ali ICS o ETHEL UNITED 'CHURCH: Pte. Wee Cardiff wishea to take this opportunity to thank the friends and nedghibora who so kindly pre- sented him with a beautiful West- clox wrist watch, it will always be very much appreciated. Mrs, Wm, Cardiff takes this op- portunity to thank the friends and neighbors of the 14th concession of Grey for the beautiful damask table cloth presented to her at her home In Grey. —o— The 'following is a revised list to date any omissions or errors will be gladly corrected:. Aloaok, Thos. Alderson, J, , Bell, W, iii, Black, Donald Bryan, Russell Brothers, - L. Bawler, H Cardiff, W.. Campbell, Jno. Dohl, G. Dohl, O. - Fischer, W. Gillis, M. s Hall, Russell ` Hawkins, H. SERVICES — SUNDAY, OCT. 13th Harman, G. .:Services at 11 a. m. and, 7.30 P. m,.. D. Rev. Chas. Lelwle. of Brussels will be Hastlags, the minister in charge. Continued on Back Page Special Music by the Choir —o— FOWL SUPPER ` MONDAY NIGHT OCT. 14th Sapper Served front 6-8 p. m. Program commencing at 8.30 p. m.. The Listowel Choir will present their variety program 'Everybody Welcome Admission 25c and 50c Anniversary Services will be held Sunday, October 27 Union. United Church With the Rev. Duncan Guest a former Minister I as -special speaker .1 Servicas at 11 am. &,7.3c) p.m. ON TUESDAY EVENING; OCT 2eth Hot. Fowl Supper will be served) from 6 to '8 'p.im to be followed b y entitled an up to -the -minute Play,; .1 All In the Family I Put on by the Young peddles of Atwood' United Church Reserve this date, conte and enjoy ' 'r"agood evening's fun ' '' ' Melville Presbyterian. Church Brussels Anniversary Services Sunday, October 27th Anniversary Preacher-- . reacher—,Rev. Wm. Weir, /B.A., Hensel! FOWL SUPPER - - Tuesday, October 29th SUPPER SERVED In the CHURCH followed ' try ' PROGRAMME IN TOWN 'HALL A Fuller Announcement Later. St. John's Church " BBrussels- Harvest Festival Service of Witness • : Thursday Ev'g, October 18 • at 8.00 p.m- Special Preacher—. Reverend Canon Q, ,Warner Rector of Cronyn Memorial' Church, London, Ont. Tuesday Ev'g., October 22nd FOWL SUPPER ItN BASEMENT OF CHURCH from 6 to 8 p.m. Followed by three -act, mystery Play. "The Black Derby" Thrills, ;Chills, `Laughs Admission—Adults 50o; Children -25o DANCE TO Benny Palmer and his Band at ROYAL -T W7nghaln for r4 ;. ,first' ?anniversary , t Thursd�{}� a October f, r 1Oth r ' x. find "also, Midnight Dance, Sunday Oct 13 —and also— r--' DANCING EVERY THURSDAY r l* Loctal St. bhrch ThJoe Rectorn'xC, Revu, F, Watts, was Iin charge of • the service at St ews `Items Joint's Chunk Sunday last, At ,morning prayer, the Rector's text was taken front 1st Corin,hlans '!By• one spirit. we ere an .she Munlclpal 'Cgunexl of they tale Red Cross barpitised into one body." Mr, Watts of Brussels wee held on the above' Deer Visits 'Biussels A deer weer seen on the Presby "tertau manse laiv i`iio: Snuffle r after:; , noon but did not 'Stay long. These animals are reportedly getting mitre numerous In this diatrict and Pram time to time have partaken of their food in some well kept gardens. Attend Meeting At Corrie A number of ladies of the United Church W. M, S. attended the sec• hionlai meeting of the North Huron Presbyterial at Gerrie on Tuesday including •'Bliss Mae Skelton, Mrs. W. J. 'Procter, Mrs, R. J. McLauch. lin, Mrs. Peter IVIoArth'ur, Mrs. A. Baeker, Mrs. R. Strachan, Mrs, John E, Smith, mgrs. C. Lewis, Mrs, W. F Stewart, F. 'McNaughton, Mrs 'McKinnon, Mrs. R. Downing, Miss Hattie Downing, Mrs, Thomas, Mrs. S. Walker, Mrs. D. N. McDonald, * * * Melville W. M. S. .Melville W. M. S. held i'e.monthly (meeting on Friday, October. 4th. Mrs. Harold Parkerin the chair. Tits meeting was opened with prayer fol- lowed by a hymn. - The Scripture was read by MISS M. Lamont. Pray- er was offered bp Miss M. Hislop The minutes were read by Mrs. J. Armstrong and the Treasurer's re - Pont g ven by Mrs. R. Thomson. Mrs. Parker reported that the Sec- tional meeting would be held at Molesworth, O'otober 18211, - at 2 P.tn. - Hymn 389 was sung, The Paper was given by Mrs. S. ' Kerr, This was followed, by a piano solo by Mrs. Wm, ;King. Miss Susan Hislop ga7P current events. Mrs. Parker, the President announced that this was her last meeting as she was soon to move to Toronto. The meeting heard this announcement with re- gret, for Mrs. Parker has been a most efficient President, and has taken a great interest in the work_ of the W.M.S. Crushed Limbs Result of Accident Mr. Jno, Rowland, Walton, who op- erates a hay pressing oultfit, 15 suf- fering from two badly crushed limbs and narrowly escaped death in an accident on Saturday morning Last. 'While shoving the press into the barn of George Weisenberg, Grey township, he was knocked down by the bunting pole and before it could be avoided the tractor driven by Pat Ferguson ran over both legs and carried . him almost 20 feet. With great presence of mind and qulok- action Wim.' Farquharson threw the tractor oat of gear just in time to prevent dt going over the unfortunate man's head. 'He was immediately rushed to Dr Myers', Brussels, where his injuries were attended and, he was later removed to his .home where he is in a serious condition. His many friends hope for a rapid improve- ment -. :Fall Scenery Unexcelled There are few more beautital sights than a large apple orchard in bloom, but if you drive past th.o fruit farm- of Mrs. Root, Thomson, the picture presented by the heavily laden trees in the orchards can scarcely besurpassed even by those same trees when in bloom In the Marini time. g ' One comes inion these orchards Just on the, outskirts of the village, on the• fifth concession of Mortis township, It is a picturesque spot situated on the banks of the Mait- land and the lovely home with the welikept grounds with a beautiful rook garden still in bloom, surround• ed, by the apple trees, bent low -smith their burden of rosy fruit, is a sigIi1C that Is bound' to impress bite with the bo1niatulness of natttre ' The well tended' orchards alto a tr ibtft eh to t e management of 'R J. Mohauehlin,, The trete are care• fully' ared for 'the' year round` end are now 56 loaded• with deli'ci'ius frvtirat the linitis of many of them ere 'propped' up. The Spies are especially good and already the orchards have yielded a harvest nt 2,740 bushels of Melntosh Iteds, • Short Council Meeting Held , Brussels, Oct, 1st., '80 The regular monthly meeti q et Work [thorns stated that bath the ,Church and date, •A11 uxemberis being' .pix .eat deincorauy .had suffered by the with the exception of W. Wring, The, ,Finance' Committee ',met last ;rem n r e minutes of the last (cellae Wednesday afternoon and decided ' a indilsia align of the people inclivitlualsm has resulted in the ',being read it Was' nlovad by 'H to hold a dance in the near future. Ohamp4oa, seconded by W, Gamer_ Will anyone;. who has an old People, of the church and state sat. newspapers, magazines or eardboad 'ting e1 -v a, Ives n p a law unto on that the minutes be adopter- themselves, putting personal desires --Carrieds please bundle up same and have ' ready for collectors who will call and ambitions before God and the The following bills were 'some time during October? This fellowship of man. Bxcessire in- I presented:— diridualiam has had the effect of G• McDawelp, Sept, salary ,,,, 60:00 Mier is used In the manufacture of 00 weakening the influence of the 25 church, • The speaker attributed the R S Warwic7t, Sept, salary 25 J 'CW arwic Sept. salary ., 00 prevalent indifference to the church Brussels I ydro-Eleotric, hissit'e fact that the people have not, l street lights a right understanding or a belief in I Hall lights the Church as the Body of Christ I Commercial Stationery In concinslon, the Rector Mated Assessment forms ..,.F that "the Church was founded by ' Chas. Miller, killing and God. Christ Is lets head. Church I.Burying dog -So attendance is a matter of duty—not 3ielfef for September ...,..,„13.1 to the clergy—not to the communrty bat to God. The church is God's Moves by F. Semis, seconded by $ (7flampion that the accounts he' time past. He is well acquainted creation not man's, .` When the pmt' —Carried with the tame of business which he - world follows the example of Orr Moved by W .Cameron, seconders has purchased having been an agent Lard in recognizing uta duty to by H. Champion that R. J. Bowmani* for Westinghouse products and en- God—then indeed will the Kingdon be authorized to look after the gaged, in radio sales and service In of God be brought about. It means towns interest at the caning tax Winghann. We welcome Mr I death to indiidualism—to greed— sale. —Carried. There being no further busineae Seddon, wits took possession *this self but it means lite to the new week to Brussels day of Got's Kingdom ” the Council adjourned. United Church Y. •P. S. The meeting of the Y. P. S. of United Church was held on 'Monday at Teeswater Fair night withtheChristian citizenship , Brussels and vicinity was watt convenor in charge.'After the call represented at .the Teeswater Fair. to -worship the ,Young People united which is reported as being alt it 1s. in singing the hymn "Take Time to said to be, Canada's largest twods ry- be Holy," The President then took . fair." It had soy of everything; charge of the business part that goes to mace a. rural fair a: of the meeting and the minutes success and closes the gates to side were read and adopted. The shows and -midway. „ Approximately - Scritpture reading, - read by Miss 12,000 paid admissroas and as Tory Edith Fletcher was taken from Gregg, the announcer. as well, aa. - Lake, Chapter 9, verses 3.7 to 43 sportman from Kincardine, put it.., after which Miss Edith Jewell led in that an added number of members, prayer. The Society was then as well as those who got in over the, favored with a reading by, Miss fences brought the crowd close to Josephine VanKorman and a very 14,000, •In the racing part of the interesting .topic by Mr. Drummond. program. D. C. Warwick's horse, Alter hymn 488 was sung the meet- Allan Volo eon his start being fat. Ina'. was Closed "myth the Mizpah 2nd an. d 2nd, the -first trip in *2.1214-. I - benediction. •' In the twins similarity contest, : the+ . * * * * * * * * Penington twins of. Teeswater who bullets and is greatly needed, —*—*_ Radio Shop Sold . To Wingham Man D. C. Warwiok, who for The past four years has conduoted an electri- cal and radio shop here has sold his business to Ernie Eeddon of Wing - 'ham. Mr. Seddon, is well-known here having been .the popular con- dudQr of the local band for - some 108 00 L71 46.88 -*_*_ l c©x 1 t Services LasLarger Attendance Last Sunday , Services in Melville Presbyterian Chfrxh on Sunday were conducted by the minister, Rev: S. Kerr, - who spoke at the morning service on "Living •Close To Life," An anthem was given by the choir. The evening sabjeot was "The One Thing Use - NIP A quartet number was : sung by Frank Scott, William King, Ina bei 'McTavish and Mary Helen - Eck - miler. Rey, Mr. Williams of Avon.. tan, will conduct the services next .Sunday and Rev. S. Kerr will take. the services at Motherwell. /Services in the Gaited Church on Sunday were conducted by the min- ister, Rev. C. J. Lewis, who spoke iii the morning on a Mission in •Saskatchewan- ;Mrs. '.W. C.' Kerr sang a solo. A special Young People's service was held in the evening. The sub- ject was "Finding God Through A .Cause," A Young People's Choir Swppifed the manic: .Wife,of Publisher of Clinton -News Record Dies 'The Brussels Posit with other friends of the family here learned with regret of the death of Mrs. Hall, ;beloved wife of Geo. Hall, rpubltsher of the !Clinton -News Record, Mrs. Hall was formerly Marion Elizabeth Hutchings. Her' death" occurred Tuesday afternoon at the family residence on Batten>' bury street. Though in tailing health for . some months herdeath' came; as a shock. She was in her 67th 'year. Besides her husband. she is survived by two sons, Ernest, Toronto, and Gordon E., publisher- of the weekly nenvspaper, the Haldi- mend, Advocate, Oayuga; and one daughters, Mtss Evelyn Hall of the Clinton public school staff, The funeral will be held from her.,,late home at 2.30 p.m. Friday with inter- went in Clinton cemetery. _*—*— Canon Warner to . Preach at Service of Witness On' October 17 The churches o1 -Brussels are unit- ing ,in a service of Witness to be held in St. John's Church Brussels on Thursday evening, October 17th at 8 p.m. The special preacher for the occasion is the Rev. Canon Warner,,. rector of Cronyn Memorial Church, London, :Ontario and well.: known radio speaker. Canon War. ner .is well. -known to radio audienc- es as a man not only of fine orate* cal power, but as a man.' with `a great spiritual dressage. Hendreus of; people have attested to tine .power of hie sjriritual teaching and lid has .given to many,a new con - seriousness of the. etfectiveness Uf .bile Christian way of lite. The local Clergy will participate ih the asY• vice and it Is hoped that the people of ,Brussels and the surrou WEDDING won a prize at` Toronto Ex. were shown and Ross and Ronald David - Davidson, k * - >r * ' * * * * * * son, twin sons of Mr, and Mns. Thos Davidson, Grey -tap., won 4th prize. A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized at the S'resbyterirn - 0—�1 1 - church; Ethel, when Alice Jean HURON COUNTY JUNIORS Barr, only daughter of Alvin Barr i of Vancouver, B.0., and the late ASSOCIATION OF TORONTO - Mrs, Barr, became the bride of kr, i - Robert 'Glenn Eckmnier, youngest The 'Huron County Juniors Ar- son of Mrs, 9. 'Barmier, 8th winces- ' ines soaiatmon of Toronto is opening its cion of Grey, and the late Mr, Wil - Oh activltties with a Bowling Parti • Liam Eckmier.. Rev, Mr, Taylor on Saturday October 19th, at 8.30 officiated: The ',, bride, given in p•m, at the Central Bowling anal marriage by her` uncle, Mr. Alex Recreation Club, 22 Shepherd,SL Dunbar, was 'becomingly attired in All Huronites in Toronto or visitors pale blue crepe dress, matching from Huron County are cordially la. Gartlan and accessories„wearing a sited, Many pleasant ' reunions• corsage of roses• and maidenhair have taken place at these Set fern. The bride entered the church togethers. The district or town to ,the, strains of the Wedding representatives for the next year March played by Mrs, R. Cunning- will be appointed at a short` busuneaa ham, The "ushers were Galvin session, Kreuter and - Jim Dunbar. , Before the signing of the - register the min -r 1 aster presented the bride with a w rte Bible, this being the Brat wedding in the ehnrch, Mr, Lone EGENT Eckanier of Brussels sang "0 Love Divine" during the signing of the register,.- After ,the ceremony the THEA TRS wedding party and about forty • SEA'FORTs i. guests' were served a buffet lunch- eon at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. - A. Dunbar. , Atter a short hinny- moon oey moon in Eastern ',Ontario, Mr, and Mrs. Eulknde, *111 ' take up resi- dence on the 'groom's San( oh the 8th concession of Grey. Guests were present fresh Cry�stai City, Manitoba, Montreal, Atwood, .Brtrs- sell, -`Toronto, Ripley,. Pine River,; Donegal and Morris. , ECKMiER—BARR NOW SHOWING Laurel andi'Hardy Flying. Deuces,'' MON, TU.ES.,WED. Kay kyser Adolphe Meniou That's right.., `You're Wrong May ' Robson,,,.:!. y Luchie Balh •J BORN Kay kyser Alm old (Professor -on Mut4ASTElb—,Aft +5cott :Memorial hie' first picture. Hospltai, Seafonth, on Saturday, Uc Matinee -=Monday at 3 pan; „toter 6th, Dr, and.,Mrs, Maakter5•(nee Pauline Kidd) ani NIEXT THURS., FBI., SAT psis ee the arrival of*tittlb br0tltbii' Richard /lrlen A;ndr,Dtytbe for e giros (Paul Arnold);t-�eting On 1N►Ii+ clava E�lsott w1114t1a aq�thb•, 1 .l 1 . $la�akhawk iasne of Mrs H. B. ,MIen Coristxnbe'15ioo�e ` Noah Beery s a; October tlij 16, & ,17 ,':., t »'Mbar crazed fury, u,fl Bashed o a i riding aomnntunity will avail themselves of to give the i'p.r�,lVlaohineless stolon ship,. " 'tire opportunity to join In this ser I' PFN WAVES ; .Pie Maki: pose ntents with, COMING -7 —� vice of Witnesn. MS, , H. B Allen. Maryland ., `" u'+cuy '*u8, 81115 long: sting fitting coats, and 1 A