HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-9-11, Page 5are Ila,, ed, ,nd tA•, rdl the Ing, ler ei SUPERIOR STORE GQUAtt, WY . SEMINICL dnunstranauannansauscuerussiedideaussuissuirassiesdindsaudanadidsisi SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & 1ATd*OAT Oxydol, Large .., • • •peck 21c White .or Brown Sugar 10 its for 68c 'Quick Quaker Oats . , • . , , ...., , . ,• • ..,... • • .......pack 21c St. Williams Orange & Grapefruit Marmalade 32 oz • • • per far 23c Corn Niblets ......•. , • .. 2 tins for 25c Snowflake Ammonia ...• • •..• • • . • • pack 5c P & G Naptha Soap, • • • • 6 bars for 25c Marquisette Curtain Material , • • . , + , per yd 25c Rayon Overcurtain r •per` yd fits Comforter Sateens • • per yd 39c Comforter Batts , , , , • , , 35c & 50c each :Men's Work Socks, wool per pr 25c 1DNp3E'tf�a,Trsnt2'riti�atlafi0�9r WM. ,ZI GL R Highet Prices Paid For Produce Store Closes at 6.30 p.m. Tuesday de Thursday Evenings. 'Phone 2241 Ethel, Ont ETHEL ,Stuart MMInnis has been success- ful in obtaining the different sub - facts required for a permanent first class certificate. His new duties commenced last week in Sr, room at Bayfield, On Sunday eventiig last 'Mrs. Rev Fowler of aBluevale gas a very interesting talk on her Chinese -work in Vancouver. It was the thankoffering of the Presbyterian '7;VMS. The death occurred in Listowel hospital on Thursday, Sept. 5. of Mrs. Payne of McNaught,' The funeral was held from the family residence at 'MoNaught Monday. Sept. 9, W. H. Love, Ethel was the funeral director. Grey Twp. municipal council con- vened In the clerk's office as per usual, in monthly session on Satur- day, Sept. 7th. With every mem- ber of the council present. About five o'clock p.m, Saturday C. R. Dunbar's chopping mill had to shut down, owing to a break in the machinery, by the time it was In running order again on Monday afternoon the bags of 'grain deliver ed were piled up roof high. There was some stook threshing GET YOUR PERMANBN+ ON WEE 141/ ZEN sree HEATERI.ESS THHERMIQKW End Ourl 4'r,5and -1.90 Including Shampoo Permanent $1.76, 52.26, 53410 and 56.60 Msluding anger wave and shampoo Dried ringer Wave 15o Shapmo. lie Telephone 56X for ,Aprolalment IHINE PEA6E Over L W. Gckmler's Store accomplished in this community during the suitable days of last 'week, but In general harvesting is progressing slowly. Kenny Kreuter will resume teach. Ing: duties in the same school as he was engaged in last year. There will be many students from Ethel and vicinity commencing High school work, at Listowel Mon- day of next week, Atter spending Labor day and a few days following at Toronto lllx., and the week end visiting at Oshawa with her sister Mrs. Frank Hunter, formerly Lyda Acnes, Mrs. Cecil Bateman arried home Sunday 6f' ternoon, choosing to take hitch- hiking chances, for the sake of experience. She was accompanies bp her husband Cecil Bateman, who was a member of the R,O.A.F. squadron on special duty during the CAVE., whose week end home leave was extended to Tuesday, Sept 10.1 Mrs, Geo. Bateman and daughter Minnie are both, again very much Unproved In health, we are glad to know. 03ev. Mr. Snell tied the matrimon- ial bow at the Bremner Lawless nuptials at the home of the bride's parents. Win. and Mrs. Bremner m Grey Township on Saturday, Aug. ust 3'lst, Mervin Ruby has accepted a posi- tion 'in 'the employ ot a firm in Kitchener. A good crowd, attended the anni- versary services in Roe's. Church on Sundep. Rea. Hazelwood of Ben miller was the guest speaker. Mrs 35. Grainger was the soloist for the morning services and the choir was assisted by L. Eckmier of Brussels in the evening. Mrs. R. Wilkie ac companied at the organ. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop and family of Carleton Place visited with Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Jardine. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, .Zeigler and Billy, accompanied by Mrs. Leitch of Brussels, spent Labor Day Ho'.i-; day at Grimsby. .BLUEV AuuiversarY Servttes will be held in Ebenezer United 'Church on Tuee- daYD Copt, /6th, at 11 a.m. and 1,+10 pm, 1%v, Mr. Todd of Lueknow will conduct the services. Bruseele quartette will furnish special music, for the morning service and Bel - grave United church. choir will fur- nish special music for the eyening Services, Idles Agnes Meetings of TuraberiY speak a few days with her niece' and nephews IMr. and'-'i'/Vire. Melville. Mat'hei'e and song ' Water Barry Harris ''df Drayton was holidaying with his grandpar- ents, uncles and aunt on : the ,1st Mr. Amos- Smith was sick with the flu and also others on the 1st line. Glad to hear they are better again We were sorry to hear Mrs, Jos- eph Breckenridgehas been sick and taken to Wingham hospital for a few days. We hope she will seri be better again, The farmers have ' been busy threshing and some getting in the harvest were delayed with. the .eine, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnston and son visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Bosman and • sons. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Peacock and Will spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. Robt. Shaw of Bluevale The service in the united Church on Sunday morning was'id charge or Harry Hopper of Wingham, Ttte service in Bluevale will be with- drawn next Sunday on laccount of Anniversary services at Ebenezer United church. THE BRUSSELS POST Rev. 3'. G. Fowler conducted the service' in Knox , presbyterian church on Sunday morning. Tho service throughout was in keeping with .the request of His Majesty King George. Special prayers were offered and the choir contributed an anthem. " 'Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer," ,Mars' Clansey and Llopd" Hill, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. ; John Hon'keridge; Mrs. 'Colclough and daughter of Goderich, with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Larder; Mrs; Alex. lute- Kercher, Wro'seter, with her son. Ewart and Mrs. McRercher; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutcheson and Miss Simpson, Toronto, at the Sao- derson home here; Williafn /gaming way, Brussels, with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Turvey; W. H. 'MoKi$ney, Mrs, 'Charles Bosman, Jim ""Breckeit- ridge, James. Gammett, Mr'. and Mrs. A. D. Smith were among e those ot this vicinity who visited the C.N.E in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, J W Wettlaufer were at Galli on Sun day. Belgrave Women's Institute I The Health and Child Welfare Meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute will be held Tuesday, September 17th, at 2.30 p.m„ at the 5 Specials This Week AT JACKSON MO'T'ORS DeAY44.444d•004A *P*AH N 14000re00 **O*. 40 Good Used Cars DIFFERENT MAKES AND MODELS 1 Used Gilson Tractor 2 Used Fordson Tractors Massey -Harris Disc Plow 3 -furrow, tractor or horse•drawn Two -Furrow Tractor Plow 7 Good ' Work Horses 6 New Fordson Tractors L.&W. Jacksort..!otors Ltd.. Phone 161 Service j.ith A ,Smile. Listowel • WklP„ SEPTEMB a 111k, ;940 even. TTeasurer'sSa e'o' Lands forTaxes-Ccounty ofHuron r„" BX:-1'WE,T'1J10, Qx' A WARRANT issued undeethe hand of the Warden to tile, County et; Huron and • oration attached bearing date the fifteenth day of July 1940, and to ire directed gotnmai>'evy on the lands:horeunder enumerated• for the ;arrears,; of taxers respectively due.'therp eN 0?,ftyieg tyle sea]. hof NOT'f()LE IS ,PIER 37 l,' by puIblic auction the'eaile taxes thereon, unless .fie, The Sale will ocenMel the hour of two o'oihcti in' Godei'ich, July:19th, 1940. awful} Coate, that in accordance with The AHsesau elt Act, I shall pr teed to sell or so mach thereof as may be sufficient fur the payment of the be sooner paid, t the Coup Holies, Goderich, on Tuesday, 'Novetieber. 12th; 1940, . at lfe�•'gfternoon, n, A- H. ERSKINE, Treasurer, Huron County Y Ak kt F. I;' " Xeso itl4 ;Taxes Adyet,tising Treaaurerps Total `" Costs Cormrissioh 33 )lame and Defier 3 1 - : h s WV 0.. bIgt .191` , .: c; , .AI!�'841's i.4,.jvii, wiit,i' o7 . GREY TOW N&HIP Eva I SDonaldLet, Lot 22, N7thel; 1937.8 31,68 2.00. • MORRIS TOWNSHIP H, 0, Walker—S. 342 Lot 22/t o 6 • G' 1937-8-9 154,65 Addison Fraser—N, pt Loa 20. 1, Solt. 2 1937.8.9 269,08 Wm, Grashy,-tS, 442 Lot 10, Gbnl°,5r,gs,,3' Lot 10 Con eI60i%•1 al••,ul 1937-8-9 276.35 J, McDonald—IS pt. Lot 28,Oon 5 1937 2,00 Clara Empey—�S pt.; ,42 ;' 1�onr.7i 1937.8:9 307.58 W. C. Laidlaw -1S. '•� 3 t ,tp$a Con. 8 a 1937-8-9 49,32 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS H. 0, Walker—•N, Tu e:wherry 1987-8-9 224.05 Wm. McQuarrie-412' 'Elizabeth, 1,937-8-9 33.54 Chas, Pope (shop) Pt.i Lott(ii Mile. „,,,,,, 1937-8-9 78.24. Chas. Pope (house) fit Lot- 6; Mill 1937-3-9 133.40 Chas, Pope (gas station) Pt; Lot.6, MP -ill 1937-3-9 56.90 The Adjourned Saleti,f, necessary, will be held cn Tuesday, November 19th. 1942, and place as above mentioned, ' All lots described above are patented, sop Treasurer's Office, Goderich,, Ja)y 19th, 1940. ,e gtr;t 180 34,48 2.00 3.87 160.52 2.00 6.50 268.38 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2,00 2.00 2.00 2,00 2,00 0;91 285.26 ,2'5 4,25 7.69 317.27 1.23 52.59 6.60 .84 1.95 3.3,4 1.40 231.65. 30.38 82.19 138.78 69.30 at the same hour A. I3. ERISKINE, Treasurer, Huron County. home of Mrs. J. C. Procter:" t iiv""eras of the programme are. Malt, J. •Me- Kenzie and Mrs. J. C. Procter; Boll Call, a Daily Health Habit 3Demon• stration of 'SHealthful "Exercises: Addreas by Dr. Ross o5 eWiugharm•• Music, a trio composed oiMt§s Freda 'Jordan, Miss Nora' Vand3inp, Mrs; Clarence Wade. Luna `'Som,; Mee, R. W, Procter, Mrs. R. J litIvenzie• and Mrs Rae Crawford: "'"S Alt. • he Ladies of the community ale cordial- ly invited to attend, The Young People's Society of the United Church held an ' Outdoer Rally and Corn Roast at the' home of the President, George Michie on Wednessay of last week. ' .A couple of hours was spent in a Tariety of vigorous group games, -Shen while the corn cooked the group led by Miss M. Beatty joined is a''sing song. After the lune$ pa'lod p1 --anis for the coming season were outlined. Indbor meetings will begin on Wednesday. ,Sept. 25th, The gathering was concluded by a Devotional Service round the camp fire. Several new members were present and prae- pests for the coming 'winter* are quite encouraging,y L, �36 MONCRIEFF1 rie9. th The Anniversary servilatili tl4fi •Moncrieff United Churebi,williacelke- place on Sunday, Sept, 29th, with as, former pastor, Rev. Mr. Maines 1St cnpying the pulpit at'bothe, syc., • 'Special music is being prepares . chicken supper will be served -lbs, following Thursday night„lO,diV lel , Further particulars later. , ib ict The regular meeting �iotic W 3i F ci 3 S. and W. A. was held at the „Immo, of Mr. Wm. Harvey with Mrs. McLean as hostess, fifteen man: - hers were present and four visitors.. The meeting was opened by all re posting the Lord's Prayer. The scripture lesson was read by lIrs. Juo. McLean and the De,totional, bp Mrs, Earl Machan. The, ron call was answered by a vette wiui the word "peace” in. Mrs. J. Baillie gave a reading on tenil,er-- acre. Mrs, Blighton Ferg was in charge of the Study boon:. ' An i,t•. t@resting item on the programme. was each lathy sewed a patch ou O.SL. apron with her donation to W,M:S, work, This is to bo continued tor' three months when the money \dill, be handed to the secretary. 1M1 The W. A. made ,plans idr chicken supper to bo;"held Thursday°.;. evening, Oet, 3rd. The nfeeting clot - ed with prayer. a k..# * * * * * t. f .' Obituary * * MRS.RHENRY*PAYNE # * There passed 'away in Listowel Memorial hospital, on ,Sept. 5th. E1iabeth Geiger, beloved wife et Henry Payne, of R.R. 3, Was'' 'Monkton. Six days previously she "suffered a stroke from which she did not rally. She was the daughter p13 Mr. and Mrs. John Geiger of West Monktoa and ,was born Sept, 7th, 1891. She was united in marriage to her now bereft husband in '1919, who with one step son, John Payne, survibes iVoediourn her death. Also suri'in- ing is one brother Israel Geiger, tour sisters, Jessie, Annie, Fannie and Lillian and their husbands, D. W. Clare, A. MoCaium, J. Rheil and A. Hull and their children, Donald Rheil, S. MdCallum, Burt McCal- him and Margaret McCallum. The funeral service conducted by Rev, Gilbert was held at Moncrielf on Monday, Sept. 9th with interment in Harvey's cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs. H. Me- -6, M. McLean, Alex Beirnes, ages... Beirnes, Jas. McTaggart soul ° as. Machan. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. James Murray of Aurora were calling on friends this week, R. W. Bryan, R.C.A.F, Toronto, visited with his wife over the week end. Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Watson of St. Thomas visited friends in Walton. Corp. W. C. Bennett wishes to thank all his friends in the com- munity for the fine pen and pencil set presented to him when home on. leave from Ottawa last week NOTICE -- A lot of fall samples of Baa worsteds and tweeds has arrived, ori which we cordially ask your inspec tion. We believe it will be to your advantage to. do this. E. BATES, phone 8X -r-4 Brussels, Ont a _ R FARM FOR SALE— 100 acres, lot 3, eon. 5, Grey town- ship. Good buildings. Mostly seeded to gnash. If, not sold will be rented. Wesley Stephenson R,R. 1, Ethel phone 58-n-12, Brussels • War (li?� Mr, and Mrs, W. /garrison end Mr, and Mrs. Orval Harrison spent a couple of •days at the exhibition last' week. Mise Dorothy Mann has gono'b Port Colboiirne with her friend Mia:•; Grace lnlsiey'tide weak. There will be no ehttrcli eervtboa here next Sunday ot account 05 Walton Anniversary. , Quite a number from lire attend,• ed the services in Walton iast't5uu-' v Victims Safe in Canada —Canadian Pacific PhoLo. innocent victims of a war in which their fathers are playing a noble „5. part, these youthful evacuee from England arrived uuaecompanied , , in Montreal after en uneventful journey by Canadian Pacific services• In Windsor Station, Montreal, the young tritons showed deep interest in the railway's War Memorial commemorating the death of Canadian Pacific toidiers of a generation ago—many of them fathers of the ` Canadian Pacific' employes who are today bringing the youth of England Safe by land and sea from the horrors ot Hun air raids,