The Brussels Post, 1940-9-11, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, September 11th - 1940
. NeN�NNNNe Ne
by Frank,C.Nlitehell; arUssels' )3rane a Canadian Leglony B.E.S.L.
The following • is a revised list
to date any omissions or errors will
be gladly corrected:-
Alcdok, Thos.
Alderson, J. ,
Brothers, L.
Bowler, H
Cardiff, W.
Campbell, Jno.
Dohl, C.
Fischer, W.
Gillis M.
Hawkins H.
Harman, G,'
Hastings, D.:
Lawry, E.
Lowe, S.
Locking, W.
McDowell, Mac
Palmer, Jas.
Palmer, Wm.
Rowland, W.
Stretton, H.
Sanderson, L.
Thomas, H.
Whittard, R
Non Permanent—
Bell, E. D.
Thompson, M.
Thompson, N.
Lowe, J.
Woodrow, A.
Campbell B.
Elliott, W. R.
The rally at Seaforth on Sunday
last was a real success. Brussels and
Gorrie Branches paraded together
as usual, headed by the Brussels
Band. We would like to pas son a
word of thanks to the boys of he
band as this is the second time
within the last month that they have
thrned out to lead us on Rally
turned out to lead us on Rally
greatly appreciated by us.
We had hoped to make known
A Publio Meeting will be held in
the Public Library, Friday even-
ing, September 13th, at 8
o'clock. —All interested in Red
Cross are asked to attend -
R J. Bowman, President.
A New Travelogue By The
On The Screen
Motion and Still Pictures in Colour
Presented by one of the brothers
In person
Admission Adults 25c, Children 150
If you want a seat come early
John Garfield .. Ann ,ShlrieY
Claude Ranee
-Saturday's Children
UES. and WED.
Don.Ameche Eugene leontovich
Four Sons
Mary Seth ,Hughes Alan Curtis
The fret;great,picture to come
of• the,Current war
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
Rancho Grande
Mary Lee
that some of our Brussels Boys had
arrived in England but we have nut
had any definite Word so far, an
though we believe that several were
in the transports that arrived during
the week end.
Mac McDowell and Lloyd Sander-
son are home on Embarkation leave
this week, This means that they
willbe ready to proceed overseas
any time now. Best of luck boys
and happy landing and above all a
safe return.
Harry Bowser, Jack Lowe and
Mel. Thompson were on parade with
the Legion at Seaforth. That was
the first time the old and the new
army from Brussels have marched
Mrs. John Campbell received a
cable on Monday from her husband,
saying: landed safely, had a swell
Once again H4tler has spoken, or
shouted, even screamed to the world
to justify his bombing of Lond',n.
Of the many outbursts he has made
this latest is by far the weakest, for
he at last is admitting being over
whelmed by the audacity of tee
British people, His utterances
were so contradicting throughout
that one was left wondering jusa
what to make of it. One moment he
called Britain a 03eleagured Fort-
ress and that the navy bad been
swept from the seas. Next moment
he was Ibit'terly complaining be-
cause Germany and occupied terri-
tory was being blockaded and ask-
ing the world what right one nation
had to starve millions of people with
whom she was at war.
It sounded like a cry of anguish
when he bellowed forth his astonish
ment that the rest of the world
especially America were not friendly
toward him. Perhaps his memory
is very short or else his conception
of right and wrong does not happen
to coincide with ours. The world la
general cannot accept the actions
of the Natzi Party since coming Into
;power, as friendly gestures. How
can he expect the world to excase
the persecution of all religious
teachings imprisoning,yes, even
executing, persons worshiping any-
nyone but he himself. The whole-
sale slaughter of military leaders
who failed to do his immediate bid
dings, the plundering of every small
nation within his reach, the absolute
disregard of the rights of the indi-
dividual, above all his ruthless
methods of attack, bombing women
and children hurrying from his
armed forces, the sinking of the
Athenia, the Steamship laden with
refugee children, and so many other
attracitiea. No, Hitler, the world
does not like such methods.
June Story ' ' ;Gun -play and sono play as
Gene piths strings to snare a
'secret plotter.
COMING= 1 '-i e,,,:,
0I had my Way
.News Iters
A,NNIMM CEMEMT ,•',,e lt,
11,1r, and Mrs, William J. Mclvtur- *
lay of Belgrave, announce the en- *
gageneent- of their daughter Alberta
Mary to Mr, James - 'Stewart ,Sm'te,
son oe Mrs, Mary Smith and the late
Mr. William Smith of Brussels. The
marriage to take place the latter part
or September.
A lot of fall samples of fine
worsteds and tweeds has arrived, of
Which we pordially ask your lnepec-
tion., We believe it will be to your
advantage to do this.
E. BeaTES,
phone SX -r-4 Brussels, Ont
Melville-. W.M.S.
The WM.S. of Melville Presbyter
ian church held their monthly meet-
ing with Mrs. A. Strachan, presiding.
The meeting opened with Scripture
reading by Mrs. C. Baeker and prayer
by Mrs, D. Inglis, A paper "Facieg
the Future Task," was given by Mrs.
T. Walker.. A solo by Mrs. 3, Meadows
and current events by 14Irs. H. Allen
Drinks Liquid Lye
In Mistake for Tea
Atwood, Sept, 9—While at dinner
on Saturday, Ronald Inglis, in mis-
take• took some lye in place of tea.
In this unfortunate happening, Mr.
Inglis suffered greatly from the.
effects of the lye. Dr. C. E. Conners
was, immediately called and relieved,
the :suffering man as quickly as he
contd... .
He speaks of 03ritain as a be,
leagured fortress. We think he has
again made a very strange state-
ment. It is Germany not Brittain
that is "beleagured." At the presenr
time ships from all parts of the
world are being convoyed into the
harbors of Brittain, yet not a single.
convoy of German ships are enter-
ing or leaving Germany. Day
after day crowded troopships and
ships laden with war supplies ars
crossing the oceans to Brittain.
Even the blue waters of the Medi•
teranean are being constantly
patroled by the British navy, con-
voying. ,troops to Egypt, despite the
fact that it is right in Italy's "back
yard," and Mussolini bas • boasted
his navy would control all passage
through it, So far all his navy has
done is scurry to home portaon
sight of the British navy. Another
error, Hitler,
Britain will not 'be bullied.
Bombing will not break, the spirit
•df Britain.' The level headed cool.(
nese and' eanity ;of the British people
has %been handed down through the
ages and is just as strong today 82
in the days ot "Drake, Nelson, Wel-
lington and Cromwell." She will
suffer, yes, death, destruction, dew -
'elan and ,' all the Sacrifice ate
heart breaks s. donee at war can
Continued on Beek Page
Fall Fair
Prize Lists
Th'e Prize List for East Huron
Fall Fair has just been prepared by
those in charge and is now mist-
ed and in the hands of the secee•
tary, D. McTavish, from whom you
may obtain your copy at once. The
fair will be held this year on Fri-
day and Saturday, Sept. 27th and
Sept, 2Bth. The list has been
revised and offers some very at-
tractive prizes. Get your copy now.
and plan to make a substantial
number, of entries at your local fair.
Look-Out Mission Band
The Look,Out Mission Band opened
their -meeting by stinging Hyena no.
432, followed by the Lord's Prayer In
unison. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted and
the roll was called. The offering was
thea taken by Betty Cousins and
Charles Lewis, The Scripture
reading taken from John, 3 chapter
versesri,4+.32 was read by Jean Allan.
Hymn n0. 446 was sung. A very he
teresting story was read by Mrs.
Tho as' .which was followed by
Ilymntegga 436, The meeting was
closed ^Jby repeating the Mizpba
Benediction. Attendance 25,
Church' Services
,Services in the United Church on
Sunday were conducted by the
Minister, Rev. C. J. Lewis who took
de his morning text "Faith in a
time of 'Crisis," 'The evening text
Vas ''Lord Teach nie how to Pray."
An, anthem was given at the morn-
ing service and a solo in the evening
by Miss M. Garniss •
Services in Melville Presbytertrn
Church on Sunday were conductea
by the minister, Reb. S. Kerr, who
took for his morning text 2 Kings
18:. "Righteousness Vindicated,"
.The evening text, 2 Cor. 14; verse
Ills "Seeking God's Help." A"%oto
was suing by W. 'Spier at the morn-
ing service.
* * * 'k- *- * * • •
* ,. Pgdestriaug' of `-' •Winileld, *
' Xaa, noticed a wobian clump= 1
e. ed over the wheel ' of - a' car *
* hafted,' at a doWiito*n inter - •
,g aectlet...Finally someoneta11-'
.. eco it policeman. • ' '•'
1 - The officer Welched fore *
'* some time, se -w no uSeVelnent, -4
rt, (walked over and tapped the *
a woman's shoulder,
* i She straightened ' with a*
• - * may coveredn and renew old acquaint- in incidents in the Walton 'commute -
1 attire. y be' with ol1, which' pre- Wdl]iamso
* ,' Just waiting for the red x • vrnts fighting, but this treatment ' atices in and 'around 13russels. lt, ity of the dayrs now past. The eve's,
* light ,to change," she explains 'y , cannot be used on market hogs be 11 forty-seven years since Mr. Smith beg close with the singing of ".Blest'
* ed.
-a cause tilled hoge do net scald prop. left for the West and his last visit be the tie, that .binds," and 'tbe
:1, ,k ` * *- 4, * * * 'r erly; here 'WOO thirty,t Wo years ago, Na Tonal Anthem,
OCTQBER 14th :e week end vhdtor athls 'home,
Monday, October 14th, has "' • • *
been named, as Thanksgivingrly' IMre. James p, Armstrong and eon
Day, an announcement from e were visitors in Toronto last week.
Ottawa states, -, "
Mrs, Walter Lott*of Whitechurch
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
Chas. McKay, messages at both services. Tse
1 morning congregation was mincing '.
Mrs, Anne. Stratnan of Detroit of the Empire day of Prayer as S
was vistting„ Mrs, _John Simmons united, with Christians taroughost/.3
and Mrs.. D, Smith of Grey, the British Empire in prayer of io-
• * • I tercession. Rev. Frank A Gilbey?..
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Matthews >t minister of Duk's Church conducted
Forest were Sunday visitors with the services.
her mother Mrs, A. J. Lowry. The choir of the church renders:•
* * the anthem, "less the Lord, 0 mar
/Mr. Lloyds I{ernaghan is assisting Soul" in the morning service arm.
1 in the evening, "I will life up mine-
at the 0,11.a. station since Russel
Fox was removed to Kincardine, eyes," The male quartette o3.
Westfield United Church assisted,
Mr. and M s, Wes Kerr and Miss the choir, with two much apprecias
ed selections at each service:.
Ella I{err, Reg, N., and Mr. A. Rano The theme of Mr. MacDona;dTh
were in Stratford on Friday last
* * a►• * * * * * *
Miss Virginia Plum is attending
Technical School' in London,
'McCurdy Lowry, oR Toronto was a
Look at the eackage, its the size
Invest only a quarter and economize
Mac's is also sold in economy
size pouch. Bap it, try it and enjoy
it, Sold at
1940-North Huron
Plowing Match
The match is to be held North or
Dungannon on Mr. Robert David -
son's farm on or about the lath day
of.0ctober, Keep the date in mind,
the point is we would like to train
as many plow boys as possible, to
have them ready to take part in the
1942 International match to be
held in Huron, North of Seaforth
headquarters at the farm of Mr.
Nick. Wythe. If you have a Iuy
who takes an interest in plowing
send him to the plowing match at
Dungannon. We will make a plow-
man out of him.
Keep your moldboards shining
and points sharp, it is one way wo
can help beat Hitler.
War Loan Is
Over 1Half Subscribed
Ottawa, Ont., Sept, llth, 1940—
Cash subscriptions to Canada sec-
ond war loan up to Tuesday night
amounted to one hundred and see•
enty-nine million, seven hundred
and forty-three thousand and live
hundred dollars. Tion. J. L, Ilsley.
Minister of Finance annouaced last
night "Quote over confidence
among, dealers and, inspectors Minis-
ter Ilsley. cautioned may seriously
impedeouressential war effort oacn
and every Canadian able to buy a
bond is the person beat able to
absorb this loan "unquote'' small
subscribers hava yet to take up
subscriptions camparable to the
first war loop
Short Meeting Held
By Local Council
Brussels, Sept, 3rd, 1940
The regular monthly meeting o'.
the Municipal Council of the Vi!.
lage of .Brussels was held in the
Public Library on the above date.
All members being present.
The minutes of the last meeting
being read it was moved by W.
Willis seconded by H. Champion
that the minutes be adopted.
Anniversary Services Marloedl
At Duff's Church, Walton
Large congregations filed lite •
church for the inspiring Bereave&
when Duff's United Church, Watt's
observed the 75th Anndversary ane
the founding of the congretlteee,,
Pomaded in 1965, this active r
gregation is -observing thfe imperr=
Cant milestone of its history on Sats- -
tember '8th and 15th, The gat'x
preacher on Sunday was the Bees.
M. 0. MacDonald of the Home nns--
sion Board of the United Chnrtgen
who brought timely and inspiring:'
* * • morning sermon was "Indestructible
Miss Margaret Dickson of Al -Forces of Civilization," the tebt lox-
ing Hebrews 12:27. The mess-
of the Hebrew prophet to his 10.-
10w -countrymen after the destruc-
tion of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., he said.
is one filled with meaning for tlru
•Christian world today. There wets -
forces in the Hebrew civilizatkaa
that could not be destroyed by toss
pagan foe, What God has pinte,e1
in His world cannot be destroyn
it may be crushed for a time
like Christ, has the power of resat-- -
rection. The Christian church is a.
spiritual force in the keeping at. '
God and it will survive all the mom.
heavals and catastropnies of•�- -
tory. Christians can take heart,
because the resources of God are. a.,
their disposal.
The evening subject was "The'
Danger of Security.' Choosing far
his text the command of Jesus t•' -•
His disciples to launch out into ti'8
deep, Mr. MacDonale emphasized.
that what the •Christian Gospe3-
needs is not security and proteetfom- •
but adventure and proclamation_ An
Christians and the Church Ir eesee
out with Christ they become 25sr5--
effective as powers in th eworld.
A register of visitor:. at the sere"'
vices contains more than a hundred
names, many of them being farmer
residents who returned to reamer
old associations with their former
church home. These Included.
friends from Toronto, Hamilton, S
Thomas and many from less distect
points. The services will continue
next Sunday when Rev. L. Hussey
of Mitchell United Church 'will be, •
the preacher for the day and. '*iM
conclude with an AnniversarS
supper on Tuesday, September 17tie;
On Monday evening the songs-
tion gathered for a social eventrng-'-
with many old' friends in then=
midst, Among • those present were
two former ministers of the church.
Rev. E. F Chandler of Kippen aaew I
Rev. W. J. Maines now in charge oh.
the Tilbury United 'C'hurch. fork.
brought messages of greeting, Mit:
Chandler as chairman of the Huron -
Presbytery adding those of the
Presbytery to his own. Letters
greetings were received from sm.
number who were unsure to be,pres::
est, Thse came from points en,
distant as California, Colorado, Vaw-
couver, Edmonton and other we -nee
ern points in Canada and the
United States as well as from -
those who reside nearer their oto..
home. A number of former rmim3et-
ters of the Methodist ehurch in -
Walton and Duff's church sent:
words of greeting and recalled 'in-
in-cidents in their work here Those
of the; former church who s:nY-
greetings were, Reverends J- .P
Westina;n, now living -in. •Vancouver
F. W. Craik, of •Peterboroughf.
Button of Charing Cross; Dr. A..lats
Brown now living .in.. London amt'
H. Young, an old. Wi ltoniani,' s iw
minister of the United Church at
Unity. Sask.. Letters, 'were also 3e:-
ceived from. Req,, Andrew McNaabes
no* retired and living 'in Torsunizse
and Rev,: Chas,. Cupaming ot 1•Ctiry ?
both: dormer,.. ministers , of Diafr s-•
Church, At a later date it maty be
possible:to publish the names of fait
Priam' Whom letters have been
ceiwed. These: recall many naturdi=
wood spent Sunday with her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Mc-
* *
Mary Baeker who * is this year
attending Westervelt School at
London was a week end visitor at
her home.. '-
• • *
Lieutenant Kerney and
Harold Kerney of. Windsor ware
home for a few days with Mr.
Frank' Kerney,
Miss Edythe 'Kreuter, clerk at the
local dairy, returned to work Mon-
day after spending a week's vacation
at Port Colbourn.
»:* *
Rev. !Mr. snarl', "'Mrs. Parr and
daughter and son, Galt, visited at
the home of -Mr, and Mrs. S. Walker
on Tuesday,
Mr:' AIeit, Anderson and Miss Lois
,Plum were in London Friday and
brought , Virginia and Mary Basher
home with them.
• • •
Mrs. H. M. Clarke of Toronto is
holidaying with her parents, Mr. ace
Mrs. J. Fulton and sister Mrs. Jas
S. Armstrong.
• * * *
Cameron and Mrs. Strachan and
son Donnie, of London, visitee
recently with relatives and friends
in Brussels and vicinity.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerr, Mr.
and Mrs. Wes, Kerr and Miss Ella
Kerr, Reg. N., were in Stratford on
Monday of this week.
• * *
Miss Betty Currie, Velma Dun^ -an.
Mae Fischer and Mauna Miller at-
tended the C.N.E. as competitors
— Carrio , from Huron County in the 1940
The following bills Homemaking Club Exhibits.
were presented: -
W. Eargney, fixing mower ..,. 65
Huron Expositor, stationery 4.351
R. W. Kennedy, printing 5.00 l
Dept. of Health, insulin ..,.,,, 4
••••• Sharp, trimming trees ...,,1 00
G. McDowell, August salary 60.00
Geo. Campbell, Aug. .Salary 13,75'(
R. S Warwick, Aug. salary 25 00 1
Brussels Hydro, street lights 148,00
Hall lights 1,41
Ed. Henderson, haul gravels 6,1,0
Relief for the month of
August 13.25
Moved by W. Willis seconded 01
P. Sainis that the accounts ba
Moved by W, Willie seconded, by
F. Semis that a pool -zoom licence
be granted to Wm. Mitchell. -
There being no `further businesa
the- meeting now adjourned.
,Discover That Humidity
Makes Pigs Quarrelsome • * *
Human•benege ale not the only dr. Alex Smith of Trail, B.C., and
m.embera, of the animal kingdom wbo bis sisters Mrs. - Margaret Murphy
become grouchy , and quarrelsome of Eniat, Wash.; Mrs, Mabel Currie
when the humidity is high. 1n West- of Wencbahtee, NVItehe with two
ern Ontario, Piga have been unusually' nieces Mies Mair Murphy, Supt., of
quarrelsome during the summer Deaconess Hospital, Wenchantee,
weeks, and market ,hogs delivered to Wash.; Minn (Dirt' Nina Smith ct
the ,plants are so scared that diffi- Bemidji, Write, motored' to Brus-
eulty is experienced 1n getting cieen sells' to tall on their relatives Mr,
carcasses Ler export. Growing bogs Wim. Smith and Mr, and Mrs. Walter
* • *
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Coleman anti
family, Mr. Ross Dungan, Miss Vel-
ma Duncan, Miss Betty Currie and
a host of other Brusselites spent
Labour Day at the "Ex" Toronto.
* •*
Mrs, A. C. Backer, Mrs. Jno.
Brown, Mrs. P. A McArthur, Helen
Baeker and, D C, Warwick spent the
week end in Toronto and were
guests Saturday evening at the wed•
ding of Dr. Douglas Garrett and
Miss Jean Crerar.
• * •
A mixed bowling tournament was
held with Mrs, H, Kirby taking the
first prize Miss Ii, Baeker, 2nd
prize, Mrs. 0. Walker, Srd, Mrs. W.
Kerr,. fourth,' The thews prizes
were won. by -tt ' Bowman, b.:' A.
Rano, W. C. Kerr and Robert
Downing. '