HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-9-4, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesdala 00M:ember 4th, 1.940 i SUPERIOR STORE QUAL/TY SERV1C@. f l,,,w` miter ' dediets" dior otPi'att t3t3ii2e!exi rat sdato orotic SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Hillcrest Shortening • • • • • • , • ... , • . • .. • 2 It, for 23c ;'earl Soap .. • • 6 cakes for 25c 'r ;c'ep's Mustard ?lets • • .. • , .. , , .,, , .. , , . per tin 24c Ginger Snapsper lli 10c Royal York Tea 1 lb & 15c value Teapot •Free • • , • • for 69c Brunswick Chicken Haddie , , . • , , , , per tin 15c Ladies' .House Messes • • • , . • Ladies' Voile Dresses .... Economy Batts. 15 Ib • • ,. •.• each 98c each 49c each 35c Men's Work Pants pr. $1..39 SEE OUR REMNANT TABLE FOR BARGAINS. Girls' School Oxfords • • • •, . per pr $1.98 n>gt-."`titiS fl'iiMMVenith laitenindettaginIN etnafitninanZaSiallanteSe#w" f�,z�7ci�YF�rya WM. ZIEGLER Highet Prices Paid For Produce Store Closes at 6.30 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday, Evenings. Phone 22-14 Ethel, Ont. ETHEL On Saturday, Aug, 31, in ,Clinton hospital there was born to Rev, Harold and Mrs, Snell of Ethel, a son. Congratulations. Mrs. W. H. Love has been quite :sick for a week or more, Mrs. Arthur Henry has besot installed as housekeeper and nurse. Mrs. Payne of McNaught was con- veyed to Listowel hospital last Sum day in W. H. Love's ambulance, in a state of collapse, due to heart weak - nese. Mrs, Geo. Menzies and Mrs Cecil .Bateman are among the members from Ethel who will be at Toronto for the last week of the C.N.E. Atter two weeks' holiday spelt* with Itis, fancily in northern Ontario Mr. Hewitt, Ethel 0.N.R, agent, re= turned Saturday of last week to re- -sume duties in time for Mr. Klein his relieving agent to take the 3,20 pm. drain euroute for Southampton: An amiable feature in connection Iwith the return of alar. Klein, to his home in Southampton at this time is he has received the apyoinlment In Southasnpton office of relieving agent while the regular agent is on holiday for the next few weeks. A lot of grain standing in stooks as well as the uncut fields will be badly damaged if the excessive moist weather conditions last much longer, • ,Spedial anniversary services are being'held next Sunday, Sept. 8 at Roe's church alspt. For this reason there will be no session of Ethel United Church Sunday school on that date. The sprayer for the destruction of weeds has been in operation for some time book throughout Grey Twp. It is to be hoped that the experiment will prove more satis- factory than has been hitherto. The dredge on the river strung into action again about the middle of the week, after several days' de- lay undergoing repairs to the dipper, The channel bottom has beeu ex- ceedingly stoney. Rural mall carriers 'were aPpreeia- tive of the holiday Monday, Sept, 2, Labor Day. Ethel memtbor3 o2 Keely'se con- atrution gang engaged at Silver Corners did net observe Monday aa a holiday. Cecil Bateman, who is a 'member of the R.C„A.F, stMadron on special ditty at Toronto for the 0.N.E, was home over Senday on weekend leave, Alf King arrived home for Satur- day ,night and Sunday week end and spent a nice quiet holiday Monday before returning to his occupation with 'fila Cockshutt ,Company at Brantford. The Women's Ino' Itute will meet on Thursday mfteraoon, Sept. 12th at the home of Mrs, A. Brown, The motto, "Talk not about your neigh- bors pray, unless ypu have some- thing good to say, will be taken by Mrs. R. Bremner. The Roll Cali, My first school teacher." The topic, "Great mothers of History" will be taken by Mrs. Jas. Pearson, Current events of '25 years ago in charge of Mrs. Wilson. Ass this is the Grand - another's meeting all the Grandenoth. ers are invited to attend and will receive a small gift. ex,peoted many old friends will gather to renew old friendships; On September 15th the guest preacher will be Rev. L. Hussey of Mitchell United church. The aniiversare will conclude with a supper on Tues- day evening September 17th when ' the programs will be provided by the choir of Listowel United Church with more than thirty voices with WALTON The 7e5th Anniversary services of Duff's United church will be observ- ed on ,Selptemher 8th. and 15th. The preacher on ,September 8th will be Rev, M, C. MacDonald, B.A., of the Home Mission Board of the United Ohara. On Monday evening September 9th, the congregation will hold a social evening yhen it is instrumental and novelty uuutbers. Reb. C, Tavenor of Bluevalo can• deleted the service in the United church, on Sunday in the absence of Rev, P. A, Gilbert, who was conduct- ing the anniversary services at Biueval4. OPI, W, 0, G.ennett of tate C.P.O, Ottawa epont the weeds endat itis home in the village, The funeral of the late Mrs, Jas. II. Williamson who passed away 00 Thursday evening was held on Sat- urday afternoon. The service wee conducted. by Rev. F, A. 'Gilbert, pastor of the. United church of which 'Mrs, Williamson was a mem- ber, The large attendance of friends and neighbours and the beautiful floral tributes were evi- dence of the esteem in which Iles deceased was held, Bur -1 was in the Brussels cemetery, CPI. W. C. Bennett of the Can- adian Postal Corpe, Ottawa, was home for the week end., Mr. and Mrs. K. Rutledge of To- ronto and Mr, and Mrs, Niel La Combe of Detroit spent the week- end witr Mrs, 0, Drager, Messrs Horace and Fred Rutledge of Toronto spent the week end with their parents Mr. and 'Mrs. F. Rut- ledge. Mr. and Mrs. C. Neable and family of Toronto spent the week end with friends in the village, Miss Norma Barg of Rochester, N.Y. spent the holiday with her friend Miss Mary Humphries. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Shannon and Miss Beth spent the week end with friends in Walkerville, Mr. Will Bolton of Rochester N.Y., spent the week end with his enothe'- Mrs. I, Bolton, :Miss Dorothy Bol- ton who bas been spending ber holdiays has returned home. The U,F,W.O. meeting was held on Wednesday, August 28th at he home of Misses Simpson's, A good attendance anslwe'red roll cats which was responded to by rA gold health suggestion A paper 011 "Undulant Fever" was read by Mrs. Herbert Iiirl by. Mrs. Leonard Leeming read an article on "A new youth movement= Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. The next meeting will be on September 25th at the home of Mrs. John Marsha.). GREY School re -opened at 5.5. No. 4, on Tuesday with Miss Arlene Galbraith of Gorrie in charge.. Mr. Alan Franklin of Atwood visit- ed his sister Mrs. M. Grainger at Jamestown over the week end, :Glenn Wheeler and. Halbert Keifer left this week for London where they will take courses at the Tech- nical School, Friends are pleased to know LLat Robert McDonald who was recently indurod in 'an adcident at Wroxeter is making a very satisfactory recov- ery. The home of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Higgins, 14th hon. of Grey was the seen° of a jolly gathering on Tues- day evening of this week when neighbdes and friends gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carter who were recently marlred. Under the dirocbiin of George Weiseuberg, who was a genial chairman fol the occasion, a delightful program was •thesented as follows: -Readings Mrs. Alex Steiss, Mrs. Will Evans,, Mrs. Gordon Knight, Mise Veronica Slake. Songs, Mary and Routh Stev- enson, the Smith sisters, Speeoh, John Schnock. A contest was heartily participated in. Lunch was served sed dancing enjoyed to the music of the Bewley and McCall orchestra. During the course of the evening the guests of honor were presented with a beautiful cedar chest and an appropriate ad• dress read by the chairman. The groom gave a fitting response on be- half of himself and his wife. Mrs. Elizabeth McLauchlan Kelly, Langton, N.D., who was a recent visitor with Duncan and Annie Mc- Donald, 6th con, and also friend:= in town will visit her sister Miss Jessie McLauchuin 'Windsor, before returning to her home. Alex and Msts. Armstrong and Lilliou Gayness were visiteee lest week at the Toronto Ex. A gt'eat deal. of rain has fell dur•,ng, the laet week which hinders the completion of haan'est. Alt schools are likely to open Tuesday of this week, Miss Silesia Little in Barker's school, 6th con, Miss Caldwell in No. 3 and Doro-ity Wright at, Shines school 12th con., and Edith McTavish in Andersen's sehool, 3rd line Morels. TROUT SEASON EXTENDED The open season for trout in Our tario has been extended to Septemb- er 15111, a, hoist of 15 days, thank>e tc restocking by the Provincial depart- ment of game and fisherlest it was announced Friday. i �0'F'1�1viYiy��♦4o�eMW♦41♦y�o4®i'�9N�1♦�49Oo�♦♦♦�4`AN4 i Meaford and Si. Vincent Agricultural ,Society Be Sure to Enter The SEED GRAIN COMPETITION 1 EAF $423.00 ' SEPT. inPrizes FAI R 19-20 17 10 • • 1 • • • • • Sponsored by Stanley Knight Ltd., Meaford Mf gs. Beaver Brand Flooring RULES OF CONTEST 1 This contest for oats and barley is open to the farmers and to all competitors 'in Field Crop .Competitions in Southern Ontario. 2 Ail competitcrs must have their entry form entered with the Secretary, Waster H. Chapple, Meaford, Ont., on or before Sept. 10th, 1940. 3 The exhibit is to consist of two and a half bushels of eithet Oats or Barley, shown in a clean cotton bag, properly nameh and tagged. 4 The size of the exhibit must be complied with or no prize will be awarded. 6 Member -ship fee $1.00. to be sent with entry form. 6 Exhibit to he forwarded, art ,expenses prepaid, so as to be receiv- ed by the Society not later than Sept. 17, 1940. 7 Society will receive exhibits sent by rail and will attend to transrortatiot over to Fair Ground buildings, and also to proper preparation of exhibit 8 All Prize Cards which have been affixed by the Judges must be displayed during the Exhibition. Any violation of this rule will /offer,: the neemium awarded 9 The Society will not be responsible for the payment of Special Prizes. 10 An seed grain entrias become the property of Stanley Knight Limited.. 11 Exhibits wild be judged by members of the Federal Seed Branch, Provincial iced Branch or of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, 12 Sheaf competition is open only to farmers in Grey County. ,11 Oats For the best two and one-half bushel's of oats, exhibited in a good cotton bag, labelled with the correct name ger variety: First $36.00; 2nd, $30.00; 3rd, $25,00; 46h, $20.00; 51h, $19.00; 6th, $18.00; 7th, • 616.00; 8th, $14.00; 9th, $12.00; 10th, $10.00. Barley For the best two and one-half bushels of barleyexhlbited in a good cotton bag, abetted with the correct name or variety, First prize, $35.00;• 2nd, $30.00; 3rd, $25.00, 4th, $20.00; 5th, $19.00; 6th, $1.6.00; 7th, $16.00.• 8th, $14.00; 9th $12.90; 10th, $10,00. Oat Shea' es Prizes wilt also be offered for oat sheaves as foysows, 1st, 90.00; 2nd, $7.b0; 3rd, $5.00; 4th. $4.00. Sheaves do be seven inches In diameter: For'further informatiop see the Secretary of the Fahr, Walter H. Chapple, Meaford. t .The above grain competition Is open to Southern Ontario only. The Sheaf Corn,petipYun is open only to fearmets in Grey County. Fon Entry Forms apply to your Dealer here or Write to Stanley Knight Limited, Meaford. Rules of Contest to appear in next week's issue. C�7t +tom Dealer D. N. McDonald &Co. Brussels Phone 77 ►♦♦••S••44,6♦N••00♦♦♦♦♦♦ON♦!N♦b♦♦♦♦N•••••••►0♦4♦♦♦♦♦♦11 When in need of S-r'ead&Pastry TRY t THE PALACE BABEIY Phone 32 RU$SEIS,. ONT. y., F A M E ____,..,..,a TE N AT NTI N o A CARLOAD OF NEW a DSON FOs TRAeT RS Can be Seen at Our Showrooms .4e♦k♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦e♦ed••••••••+.4♦40414s♦♦♦e0♦♦00s♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦00♦4 See These Economical Power Units ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION ° 1} I. 1 16 Good Work HORSES and COLTS_ Cockshuit W Am 50 Record ifioned UsedCars & Trucks One Single Furrow One Cultivator •N.♦.♦N♦♦M.♦..♦♦. L. &W. Jackson Phone 161 Service Riding Plow /NNNN♦♦. Motors Ltd. ith _A tS&nile Listowel - ---- instrumental and novelty uuutbers. Reb. C, Tavenor of Bluevalo can• deleted the service in the United church, on Sunday in the absence of Rev, P. A, Gilbert, who was conduct- ing the anniversary services at Biueval4. OPI, W, 0, G.ennett of tate C.P.O, Ottawa epont the weeds endat itis home in the village, The funeral of the late Mrs, Jas. II. Williamson who passed away 00 Thursday evening was held on Sat- urday afternoon. The service wee conducted. by Rev. F, A. 'Gilbert, pastor of the. United church of which 'Mrs, Williamson was a mem- ber, The large attendance of friends and neighbours and the beautiful floral tributes were evi- dence of the esteem in which Iles deceased was held, Bur -1 was in the Brussels cemetery, CPI. W. C. Bennett of the Can- adian Postal Corpe, Ottawa, was home for the week end., Mr. and Mrs. K. Rutledge of To- ronto and Mr, and Mrs, Niel La Combe of Detroit spent the week- end witr Mrs, 0, Drager, Messrs Horace and Fred Rutledge of Toronto spent the week end with their parents Mr. and 'Mrs. F. Rut- ledge. Mr. and Mrs. C. Neable and family of Toronto spent the week end with friends in the village, Miss Norma Barg of Rochester, N.Y. spent the holiday with her friend Miss Mary Humphries. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Shannon and Miss Beth spent the week end with friends in Walkerville, Mr. Will Bolton of Rochester N.Y., spent the week end with his enothe'- Mrs. I, Bolton, :Miss Dorothy Bol- ton who bas been spending ber holdiays has returned home. The U,F,W.O. meeting was held on Wednesday, August 28th at he home of Misses Simpson's, A good attendance anslwe'red roll cats which was responded to by rA gold health suggestion A paper 011 "Undulant Fever" was read by Mrs. Herbert Iiirl by. Mrs. Leonard Leeming read an article on "A new youth movement= Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. The next meeting will be on September 25th at the home of Mrs. John Marsha.). GREY School re -opened at 5.5. No. 4, on Tuesday with Miss Arlene Galbraith of Gorrie in charge.. Mr. Alan Franklin of Atwood visit- ed his sister Mrs. M. Grainger at Jamestown over the week end, :Glenn Wheeler and. Halbert Keifer left this week for London where they will take courses at the Tech- nical School, Friends are pleased to know LLat Robert McDonald who was recently indurod in 'an adcident at Wroxeter is making a very satisfactory recov- ery. The home of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Higgins, 14th hon. of Grey was the seen° of a jolly gathering on Tues- day evening of this week when neighbdes and friends gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carter who were recently marlred. Under the dirocbiin of George Weiseuberg, who was a genial chairman fol the occasion, a delightful program was •thesented as follows: -Readings Mrs. Alex Steiss, Mrs. Will Evans,, Mrs. Gordon Knight, Mise Veronica Slake. Songs, Mary and Routh Stev- enson, the Smith sisters, Speeoh, John Schnock. A contest was heartily participated in. Lunch was served sed dancing enjoyed to the music of the Bewley and McCall orchestra. During the course of the evening the guests of honor were presented with a beautiful cedar chest and an appropriate ad• dress read by the chairman. The groom gave a fitting response on be- half of himself and his wife. Mrs. Elizabeth McLauchlan Kelly, Langton, N.D., who was a recent visitor with Duncan and Annie Mc- Donald, 6th con, and also friend:= in town will visit her sister Miss Jessie McLauchuin 'Windsor, before returning to her home. Alex and Msts. Armstrong and Lilliou Gayness were visiteee lest week at the Toronto Ex. A gt'eat deal. of rain has fell dur•,ng, the laet week which hinders the completion of haan'est. Alt schools are likely to open Tuesday of this week, Miss Silesia Little in Barker's school, 6th con, Miss Caldwell in No. 3 and Doro-ity Wright at, Shines school 12th con., and Edith McTavish in Andersen's sehool, 3rd line Morels. TROUT SEASON EXTENDED The open season for trout in Our tario has been extended to Septemb- er 15111, a, hoist of 15 days, thank>e tc restocking by the Provincial depart- ment of game and fisherlest it was announced Friday. i �0'F'1�1viYiy��♦4o�eMW♦41♦y�o4®i'�9N�1♦�49Oo�♦♦♦�4`AN4 i Meaford and Si. Vincent Agricultural ,Society Be Sure to Enter The SEED GRAIN COMPETITION 1 EAF $423.00 ' SEPT. inPrizes FAI R 19-20 17 10 • • 1 • • • • • Sponsored by Stanley Knight Ltd., Meaford Mf gs. Beaver Brand Flooring RULES OF CONTEST 1 This contest for oats and barley is open to the farmers and to all competitors 'in Field Crop .Competitions in Southern Ontario. 2 Ail competitcrs must have their entry form entered with the Secretary, Waster H. Chapple, Meaford, Ont., on or before Sept. 10th, 1940. 3 The exhibit is to consist of two and a half bushels of eithet Oats or Barley, shown in a clean cotton bag, properly nameh and tagged. 4 The size of the exhibit must be complied with or no prize will be awarded. 6 Member -ship fee $1.00. to be sent with entry form. 6 Exhibit to he forwarded, art ,expenses prepaid, so as to be receiv- ed by the Society not later than Sept. 17, 1940. 7 Society will receive exhibits sent by rail and will attend to transrortatiot over to Fair Ground buildings, and also to proper preparation of exhibit 8 All Prize Cards which have been affixed by the Judges must be displayed during the Exhibition. Any violation of this rule will /offer,: the neemium awarded 9 The Society will not be responsible for the payment of Special Prizes. 10 An seed grain entrias become the property of Stanley Knight Limited.. 11 Exhibits wild be judged by members of the Federal Seed Branch, Provincial iced Branch or of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, 12 Sheaf competition is open only to farmers in Grey County. ,11 Oats For the best two and one-half bushel's of oats, exhibited in a good cotton bag, labelled with the correct name ger variety: First $36.00; 2nd, $30.00; 3rd, $25,00; 46h, $20.00; 51h, $19.00; 6th, $18.00; 7th, • 616.00; 8th, $14.00; 9th, $12.00; 10th, $10.00. Barley For the best two and one-half bushels of barleyexhlbited in a good cotton bag, abetted with the correct name or variety, First prize, $35.00;• 2nd, $30.00; 3rd, $25.00, 4th, $20.00; 5th, $19.00; 6th, $1.6.00; 7th, $16.00.• 8th, $14.00; 9th $12.90; 10th, $10,00. Oat Shea' es Prizes wilt also be offered for oat sheaves as foysows, 1st, 90.00; 2nd, $7.b0; 3rd, $5.00; 4th. $4.00. Sheaves do be seven inches In diameter: For'further informatiop see the Secretary of the Fahr, Walter H. Chapple, Meaford. t .The above grain competition Is open to Southern Ontario only. The Sheaf Corn,petipYun is open only to fearmets in Grey County. Fon Entry Forms apply to your Dealer here or Write to Stanley Knight Limited, Meaford. Rules of Contest to appear in next week's issue. C�7t +tom Dealer D. N. McDonald &Co. Brussels Phone 77 ►♦♦••S••44,6♦N••00♦♦♦♦♦♦ON♦!N♦b♦♦♦♦N•••••••►0♦4♦♦♦♦♦♦11 When in need of S-r'ead&Pastry TRY t THE PALACE BABEIY Phone 32 RU$SEIS,. ONT.