The Brussels Post, 1940-9-4, Page 1the
Wednesday, September 4th - 1940
A New Travelogue By The
On The Screen
Motion and Stle Pictures In Colour
Presented by one of the brothers
In person
At 8 P. M. ,
dlniesion Adults 25c, Children 150
If9y6u want a seat come early
* * * * * * s * *
R. Ill. Augustine of Auburn Is with
bier sister Mr's. Harty Walker.
• * *
Mr, W, J. Procter spent a few
days In Toronto taking in the Ex.
Mies Millie Greer and Mise Doris
MclDonald spent the week end In
O iNews Items Soxy esPai added .to list
W. Cardiff
W Bowland
Non Permanent—
Campbell B.
Leese, W. R.
"dairy o2 the boys were in town
over. the week end and Khaki was
very much in evidence en Saturday.
Army Site seems to agree with diem.
for most of them ere certainly
looking well.
A combined Drumbeat Service
end Patriotic Rally is being held in
Sea2orth on Sunday next, Sept. 8.11
at 2,
The Drumhead Service is an aa.
nual event of the Canadian Legion
Zone 10 and is held in a different
town each year.
The Patriotic rally is one of a
series sponsored by the Murat
County Connelly to assist in further.
ing Canada's War effort' in Horan
County in particular. .
These rallies halve been well , at-
tended and many good speakers
have been beard and by all accounts
the one at Seaforth promises to he
a largely: attended affair. Thu
• members of Che Brussels branch will
meet. at the library at -1 p.m. and
extend an invitation `o all ^Ex
The Fmpjre Service
*** * * * * * * * L.
Mr. and Mrs. Rimer Ewan and
children spent the week end with
their mother.
5 * 5
Mr, George Irwin of Toronto spent
Leber Day with his friend Mr. W.
A, L`,i'16ivey.
* * *
• Miss Carrie Hingston ie in Toron-
,,to',for a few days combining bus!-
'ness and pleasure,
* * *
S. A. Ballantyne, Loudon is spend-
ing his. vacation with his mother,
Mrs. ' Jas, Ballantyne.
* * 5
Jim; Prest spent is, few• deysf vs -
cation In ,Autburn with his brother of,
the Bank of Commerce staff.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid, Mount
. o1ie were Sunday visitors • at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Sullivan.
Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Moses and son
of Grey [sited on Sunday with iter,
uncles, aunts and cousins and .also
Mr. and Mrs, Melville Matheris and
Miss Ruby Duff of Toronto spent
the week end with her sisters Mrs.
Alice Aigen and Miss Mary Duff of
Blu evale.
Miss Etta ,Agar spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. ,George Agar
and family at 'Stratford.
Miss Rhoda Robertson of Toronto
spent the week end with her par-
ents; and brothers on the bouidary.
Miss Isabel McKinnon of Kitchen•
or spent the 'week end with her
parents and: brother on the boundry.
We were sorry to hear Mrs, Mil-
, ton MeiVittie fel land broke her' arm
on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mdyiittie
returned home to Flint on Monday.:
Miss Verla Agar returned " home
home on Saturday after spending
ber holidays with her uncles, aunts
and cousins on the 2nd line.
We are sorry to hear Mrs Alex.
1ticEwen has been sick and hope
she will soon be better agate. .
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Harris, of
Drayton visited on Sunday withher
parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. LSIehigsten
and family, 1st line.
We were sorry to hear Mrs; C.
Goll hap, been sick and hope she will
s000 be better.
Mr. Jas. Garrett spent a few days
with friends in 'Toronto and teak in
'the ExHibition there.
Miss Martha Maine of Gerrie is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Shaw and other friends,
Mr. Glenn Eoknrier and Miss Rob-
inson of Toronto were holiday visi-
tors at the home of Mrs. McKelvey.
Mrs. W. Hunt• er of Toronto was a
week end guest -with her friends W:
J. MoCrauken and Misses Me-
Sept;, 8th, at 11 p.m. and 7.3,. p.m.
Tues. Sept. loth from 6 to 8 p.m. "
Three-iAct Comedy - Drama
by Whitechurch Young People
Admiselon 35c
Children under 12-15c
HOWINGVirginia Bruce iWay' a 'Morris
D.d Niven
Loretta Young
Hugh Herbert Billie Burke
A mililon women's romance dream!„
But s gay nightmare to his wife.
John Garfeltt Ann Shirley
Claude Rains ,Roscoe Karns
They might be you. This yeale
couple who lost happiness and found
It again.
* * *
Mrs. Alm: McNeil is at present
looking after MIss Belle Walker
who has been very poorly the past
few months. - ..
* * *
D. C. Warwick's horse j'A'.len
Volo" took a .3rd and two 4ths at the
TiIlsonburg fair held on Friday.
Congratulations Doug, ' "
* * *
Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Reg. N.,
Brantford, was a guest at the home
of her parents D. R. and Mrs. Cun-
ningham for the week end holiday,
* * *
Rev. H. J,.,and Mrs. Mahoney and
baby Wean were visitors at the nome
of Mi. and Mrs. D. Denman on Sat'
tt * * .
Mrs. Fred Kitchen of Wroxeter
who was a recent visitor with her
niece Mrs. D. Dej7anan returned to
her home last week.
• Mr. and Mas, * Robt. Thuell of
Palmerston and Mr, Luxton Thuell
of 'Stafford were renewing old
friendships in tow- one day last
Photographic Contest
Canadian National 'Exhibition
A Photographic Contest, open only
to arna:eur photographers is being
conducted in connection with the'
Graphic Arts Deliart¢nent of 'the.
C.N.E. There are five subjects to
treat: 1•Canada Prepared; 2+Child
Life at Cauaddn National Exhibition;
3 A Merchandising Display; 4 -Enjoy -
leg the Exhilbttion; 5 -Farm Life at
tel Exhibition, All photographs
muse be made • within Exhibition
Park. 'The prizes are gen roust For
each s91iiect: 1st $lb.; ind, $10..
3rd, $5. Grand Prize $50:00 for best
photograph in thew. Here is a
splendid opportunity' for ardent
acnateur. !photographers to try their
skit land win a substantial .Prize.
skill and win a substan;tiai prize.
* * *
Bill Black lett Monday • for his
school at Bascom, near Windsor.
Bill is to be congratulated on his
work at Summer ,School wheer he
obtained one 1st and three 2nds.
t, * • *
lire. D. Wheeler and Mr. and Mist
George Harris and family of London
and 8ire,„Mac Allen of Toronto were,
holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Wright. , ; ,i;
St. John's Anglican .
Church Service
The rector, Rev. F. Watts was the
celebrant and preacher at the cele-
bration of Holy Communion at St.
John's Church on Sunday Last.
The rector took his text from the
fourth chapter 01 St, Paul's
Epistle to the Ephesions, the ninth
verse. - Mr. Watts stated .that the
path of true happiness, lay in self-
sacrifice and that the - sacrifice of
self was inescapable 'fpr those who
dedicate themselves to-Chribt The
life of a Christian belongs es
humanity and the life of a Christiaii
must be laid down, action by action,
in the service of iinank1nd—in the
service of love which is the service
of the Master. The most diifieult
situations and the most aeduess
duties are (Christ's *methods of
developing the noblest and best in
'rief e f there has been' any Math In
the accusation of the -failirre' =o2
Christianity it is "because we our-
selves through who Chfsitt mutt
Work, have been negligent mice, un-
willing to take Christ out into the
chaos of the 'woes.' efarlee
The attention of 'the ' congrega-
tion was drawn to the proclanietion
of His Majesty the King setting
aside Sept. Sth, as a day et national
Mr. Wm. Stevenson*who bas secur-
ed a position on the High • ;Scholl
staff of Cobalt left on Sunday for
his worlk which began eke Tuesday,
August 3rd.
* * •
Mr. Jas, Laird and sister Francis,
Mr, and Mrs, Lewis of Detroit spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs, L.
W. Eokmier, attending the funeral
of the former's sister.
* * at
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Robinson • of
Windsor spent the week end holiday
iwi0h Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Davidson.
Mesa Gladys returned home with
them after a pleasant week`s visit.
• * is •
Mr, and Mrs.. R. Coated; and Miss
Gertrude Coates at London were bia-
itore on Thursday with their re.a-
tives Mr, and Mite P4t1ifp Ament.
Mrs. A. Mewl:sheet retiniilad with
thane to ;pend a few days.
*. * •
Kin Wednesday, Aug. 28th Mrs.
Geo. Backer celebrated her 90th
blethdayy'althdugh confined`'to ted
she was pleated to be able to receive
modelled duplex Mr. Rose has made
of the old Sinclair home.
* * *
Mr. and' lWts. Garfield,VB,,,.enelerson
Visited friends in London or'(run S
day and Monday, taking in th,dLabor
Day celebration at Queen's Park.
* * *
Pte. Wm. Locking was home over
the' week end. Mrs Locking, Leone
and Yvonne returned to Lindon
and took in the Labor Day celebra-
tion on Queen's Park where Mr.
Locking is training.
* * *
Mary Hellen Kerr took Doris Arm-
strong, Janette Sanderson, Margaret
Gibson and Billie Wilson to To -
route Saturday last to "Ex." Mr.
Billie Wilson was returning home
atter a ewe months' holiday with
Dr. Ken and Man. Jackson near
We wish, to thank all who in any
way expressed their . sympathy and ,
extended acts of kindness during
the ill health and at the, time of the
death of our husband and father. It
has alt deeply appreciated.
Mrs, Anson Shaw and Family.
New Travelogue
By Toll Brothers
."inking Tbrougb. 'South America",
a new travelogue by the Toll Broths
ers, noted travellers and lecturer;
will be presented in Melville Pres-
byterian Churchhere on Monday,
Sept, 16ith, at $, p.m. Motion and; still
pictures in colour• will be shown on
the screen and the travelogue will
be presented by one of the brothers
in person. This le not the first
time that one of the Toll Brothers
has lectured in Brussels and anyone
who„heard the travelogue were de-
lighted both with it and the mannei
in which it was Presented.
Drumhead Service
Canadian Legion Zone 10 will, hold
a Drumhead •Serbiee under the ens
pices of the Seaforth Branch Can-.
adlan- Legion No. 166, on Sunday,
September Sth at 2 p.m, in Vietor;a
Park; Seaforth. The programme
will include Massed Bands; address-
es by Maj., the Rev. Norman Raw•'
son, oe Hamilton, and o.her speak-
ere; Community Singing; Prayers.
The Huron County Council will co-
operate with this Drumhead Service
in bolding at the same time and
place a Patriotic Rally to encourage
and assist the Government in ire
war effort. In event of rain ' the
service and rally will be held in,
Palace rink.' • All patriotic citizens
are urged to attend. . ,
His •Majebty hte ging has asked
that Sunday, September 8th, the
first Sunday of the anniversary of
the outbreak of war. be observed as
a day of nationalprayer. •
The clergy et Brussels i are very
pleased to comply with -His Majes-
ty's request and they commend it
most /merely to the people of the
Pillage. and the surrounding district.
Mr. W. L. McQuerrie of Saskatoon
who is attending a conference at the
Parliamenct Buildings, Ottawa, on
the storing end disposal of the 1940
fleetern •wheat crop, is coming ea.
to Bruseebn to call on We sister, Airs.
W. F. Stretton and at the farm with
,Mrs. Pringle his sisters,
* * *
Mr, Charles Rupp of Winnipeg and
W. G. Rupp of 'Sit. Thomas made a
(tying visit to Atwood, Ethel and
Brussels, Mrs. T. C. Davidson of
Brussels visited at St. Thomas With
her brothers and returned to Betts -
eels; with therm', It is 47 years since.
Mr. C. Rupp went West.
* • *
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bell of St.
Thomas weer week end visitors With
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Garton, . Mr. Bon
opera at the 'Poet'
The congregation of Duff's 1 `if ,1
church, Walton will observe tail
75th Anniversary of the found;
the congregation on 'Sedr'tember til
and 15the On Semtembet .3th, the
guest preacher will be this Reire EL
O. 'MacDonald, B,A„ Se'cea'tery Illi t3ie'
Home Misedon ii,oard' of thenitlSed
Chuff ch, " The Westfield, male
juart¢I'.te will assist the choir. The
guest preacher on September •" 15th
will be the Rev. L, Hiiosey TWA.,
B.D„ of Michell' United Olinrch, The
committee in charge of theeauuiver-
eery havearranged: for a social eoen-
ing to ;be. held,ou Monday evening: -
September 9th, when an invitation
is ex.estded to all former reeidenWe,
of the Walton community to ,gather
and renew old, friends. The, +annt-
versary will conclude .with a supper
on Tuesdays., evening, . • Selrteenber
170h, when the program following
the swearer will be presented by the
choir of Listowel United Church..
The congregation of Duff's church
was founded in 1965 and at that time
was connected wdth## the Brussels
and Cranbrook Presbyterian church-
es. The first minister to kke tailed
was the Rev, John Dergueon-*aha re-
mained, pastor of the charge until.
Service mem and men in uniforrnr, 1877. In 1877 tale barge was divas-
'Members with cars' are asked to ed and the Walton congregation call—
ed ' in transportation of those ed Rev. Alexander MnNaughtont whir
without oars. 1, was pastor until 1835. The followtug
We hope for a good day and would ' ministers, have occupied the pulpit.
like to see a good crowd of citizens of Duff's church since that tinier
Dreseart at this Bally to show i Reb. Frncis Ballantyne 1335-185B 1
Loyalty to County, Country and Em -
The air raids cogtinue in ever in -
increasing intensit3 both over Great
Britain and Europe,'
One town especially metioned last
week was Ramsgate.
We remember only too well .dur-
ing the last war being in Princess
i .Rev, David Forrest 1839-1.599. Rose
Crane .on for 8 months in 1900. Rev.
Andrew Mci3a.b 1901-1909. Rely. R.
A. Lundy, BA., 1909-1920. Rev.. i1:
F. Chandler 1921.1926, Revs W. X.
Maines B.A. 1926-1931. Rev. Chan,
Cumming 19311839 and the pres-
ent minister; Rev. F. A. Gilbert, B.
A. who Ives called in 1939.
Pats Hospital at Ramsgate and dur- The firsts Clinch was erected m
ing our stay there, a number of air 1864 and was -replaced by alarger'
raids oclouired and also one bony- building- in 1849. This building: ' '
bardment from the sea. The air which cost about thousand dollars-
r•aid* seemed to be directed chiefly served, the congregation until 1912:.
at the three military hospitals, be. when the present building was erecs
only one man was killed, in spite et ed during the pastorate of lid=
the fact many homes were hit. Th.+ remedy. 1 1912 the United Prep-•
bombardmrent from the sea had a 1 byterian Church, situated on tine
greater list of casualties and many site of the present 'Church, united
civilians were killed. I with Duff's church Space will. not
Last week over 1,000 homes were permit us to tell the history Of the,
remolished by a s ua n
it ie hoped that every man, woman q dro of Ger congregation of the Milted • Presby`
and child will make every possible man planes; that had been turnee
terian congregation. Though • not
effort i.e. be present in God's House back from London. They were so I congregation at the time rt
' infuriated that th returned orEr a large con
on Sun he hears'', ?�' the union, they have made a stcong
We, the people of the British Raene'gate and 'eeleased their cargo contribution to the life of Dutra
,Empire are confronted by a foe who of bombs on the civilian homes coagiegatdoa. w A feseats Yrom this
is determined to reduce us to serf- there. In site of the teriffio dam- 4 'church are still used, in the base-
dom and to plant his godless • age done, very few casualties; no. I
Ideology in our midst. Many Of curred, as illaausgate has learned anent of the church. The gust manse
our bravest sonsand daughters 1 i'bs lesson from the lest war and has t :was erectly; shortly alter Walton,
the most elaborate air raid shelters *ervered connections with the
have gone forth to make the , Brussels congregation and is now
swpreme saotilftce on behalf of free in the world. A tunnel, miles longi owned by Mr, Forrest, The present
dont and our Chrsdtian religion. ( has been dug in -the chalk cliffs ! ,manse was built reet.g thepastrsr-
,Surely it is essential or those of us which can accommodate over sixty ate of Mr. Chandler and is past '-
who are 'carrying on' at home to lie thousand persons 'There are over ed as ose of the ripest minister's,
diligent and unceasing in prayer for ion ,.n+,�,,,, �• a
three who serve the cause of . God
and the King.
It has pleased Almighty God to
was Linotype pe
for a time ;with J. Leslie Kerr, Mr.
and Mrs. Bell are both deaf and
dumb, wanted to see Mrs. W. H.
Kerr and Mhry Helen and alsp ask.
ed for a photo of Leslie for his own
home. Mr. Bell drive& a car hind
he and Mrs, Bell were on thalr nay
to Artheu', his old hometown. They
have three ehlldren, eft them home
many friends who called during the ie St. Thomas. Tit '' War ie tootle
dry, ing' the printing office& rather hard,
* * * The •Se. Tiomes Times have Met 3
Mr. and Mts. Charlie ;Davidson operators, 2 reporters, 4 office men,
are/ moving into their new horns this 1 printer, alt enlisted, so Mr. 13011
'Week, the south halt of the newly told se,
t and it eq • residence for a rural church. In the'''
ped with electric lights, deck challis Church union of 1925 the Methodist
and other comforts.. Boys do a congregation united wth. Du1Y'e•
steady business with coffee, sand- , Oburch to form a larger feUowsliips
shield. and defend tis during the first times, cakes, candies• etc„ during ;
This snrarenier the church was paint'-
year of the war from the onslaught + an alarm- ed and refrains made to the proper
o2 a powerful and vdcious enemy. 1 J nden is rapidly becoming ace ty.
Let us make ourselves worthy of customred to air raid alarms and'it
victory over our enemies by stead- It is interesting yeffig to note that tithe.
Is naw a common topic among shop -
lastly seeking God's heist and, by seveatyve years of the history at
constantly seeking to siren pens and neighbors, as to where the
gtthea our best shelters are located, much the I Duff"s congregation only five treat
spiritual lives. If we are sincere same as discussing the merits of ' users have eel& office. The present
in our desire for victory we must I treasurer, Mises Mary 'Smillie ie nowt
different picture shows or shops.
Prove to God that we are worthy 'of coanpletiting her fortieth year o»
And so the Empire still os'i'ers on
His Divine help. Therefore, lot us service in tiffs of8iee. Her precede
in the words of a scotsurmn broad•
resolve to show our loyalty to Gen essors in the office were Mr. James
casting from Glasgow "War is like
by our presence in Church on Sun- '• Campbell. Mr. Thomas MOltacbteaar,-
marriage, and 'wet weather, you just
day next and every Sunday there -Mr. James MC7Jonald and, Mr , Jun-
have to get used to it and keep I athon Moore-.
after; lot us determine to ateadtastly I senting „
honor "the only Giver of viotory'1 by
serving Him in spirit and in truth
ebery day of our lives,
Rev. S. Kerr
Rev. C. Lewis
Rev. F. Watts.
Frank 0, Mitchell
Er5nesels Branch Canadian Legion
!:.'1•:,11 1i1t, B.E,S1.,.
Kindly, continue to send in
particulars of men enlisted from
this cenvmunity with Regimental
member, Bank, Name, Unit and
where stationed to Frank C.
Mitchell, East Huron Produce or
Imail to Box 34, Brussels.
, Editors Note—T1ris paper
The Anniversary Services of Bel- be gied to hear fropl any of the boys•
grave 'United, Church will be heli on I at any time, let us hear from you.
Sunday, Beet. 22nd at 11.00 and 7,30
,with Rev. M. t1. Macdonald of To-
ronto 88 preacher for the day. An
augmented and speotaily trained
choir under the leadership of lilies
Velma Wheeler wi1.11ead'the Musical
part of the serrice.
Mr, and Mrs. A. Craig, Miss Cc
Craig and, Miss N. Brow of Detroit
and Miss K. TOwnens of London
were visitors over the holiday at the
Situp—To, Mr, and Mrs, Aloe.
Shaw, 2nd con., Morris Tavel'
ship, ori Sunday, Sept. 1st—a son,
fOl3ttte--:To James and Mrs. Molt's'-
lane, ells con. Grey, a daughter oir
Fr'idayr August 23, 1940,
The history eS, the Sunday Sbhooa.
dates from the early days of thti
oongregation, A newspaper clipping
states. "Tn 1868, at a, cangregationa
meeting stepswere taken to organ-
ize a :Sebbat9r :School." The lace Mr.
James Sardine was appointed as the
first superintendent. Since that titian
the duties pestaintng to that o(Dee,
have been fulfilled 'bp Mr. dames
Pullen' Mr. Peter Weston, Mr. Alex
Gardiner and Mt; Silas Johneben
the present stt•Yerintend'ent.
The eongregatton has for masa
years been 02t'tve through its various
organizations snob as the 'Women%
Missionary SoceetY, the. Wem W*
Association, tile Thing Pewit*
Union, the Mission laand' andthe
ISunty schc
ol. Elect of these D'Sa
tSDN'1LTNT?EjDI GN Brits Nat