HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-6-26, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
,Also to I3rantford, Chatham Goderieh, GuelPh, 1 iiitGn i oudo'o,
Niagara Falls, Oweu Soupd, St, Catharines, St Mary's, Samla
Stratford, StrathroY, Woodstock, r• r, a,
To Stations Cshawn and Last to `Cornwall inpluaive,. U;Ubridge,
Lindsay, Peterhere, Camlibellford, Newmarket,. ;Cellingwood,
Meat'ond, Midland; North Bay, ParrySound, Sadhtiity; Copreel
and west to Beardmore.
See handbills for complete list of destinattonP.
Tickets, Train information, Return Limits from Agents. ASK.10R HANDBILL
Classified Ads
Strawberries for sale.
;phone 56-r-6 11. Hawkins
A Red Brick House and •double
Garage on Queen Street.
phone 3 Jack Crerar
ALE, -1 Massey -Harris Mower, 6 ft. cut,
in good working order.
Phone 17-r-18 Ednvard Emus
1 McCormick -Deering Spreader
and one Frost and Wood side de-
livery Ray Rake.
phone 5X S. C. Fox
1 3 -weeks old Durham Cal and 1
Deering Mower in good working
contlt on also 1 good Wagon with
Eat rack.
phone 55-r-6 Brussels I. P. McIntosh
For S.S. no. 1, Grey, application
to be in by June 2Stit. Duties to
commence September 1st, 1940.
Elmer Ellacott, R.R. 3, Brussels
Sec: Treas., S.S. No. 1, Grey.
One of the best 90•acre farms in
Huron County without e, root of
Taste Band situated 231, miles north
of Brussels. Buildings all equipped
with Hydro, never failing well,
equiPPed with wind mill Farm will
be sold with growing crop. For
particulars' write or better still,
come and see.
Joe Shaw,
R. R, No, 5, Bruesels
Notice To Creditors
le the estate of Mery Elizabeth
Wilbee, late of the' Village of
Brussels 'In the County of Huron,
widow, who died• on er about the
twenty-third day of May A.D.
TAKE NOTICE that all !parties
slaving dainty or demands against
the estate of the above-mentioned
deceased must mail particulars and
proof of same to the solicitor for the
adlministentrix on or Before sixth
day of July, AD. 1940, upon which
date the said administratrix will
grained to distribute the assets with
regard only .to those elainia
which •shal9 then have been re-
DATED at Brussels, this 17th day
of June AD. 1940.
Vera Mee,
by her solicitor ELMER D. BELL,
Brussels Ontario
43 cup sifted Swans Down Cake
'easpoon baking powder
3k teasr'aon Salt
4 e, -;;s
,up sifted sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
tad: Red Currant Jelly
Sift flour once and measure.
Coniine baking powder, salt, and
eggs in bowl, Place over smaller
bowl of hot water and beat: with
ro'ory egg beater, adding sugar
gradually until mixture becomes
thick and light-colored. Remove
howl from over hot water, Feld in
dour and vanilla. Pour. into two
pans, 1.05x10 inches, lined With greas-
ed paper, and Mee in ;tot oven (400
degrees F.) 10 minutes. Quickly cut
off 0 oriep ,edges' of cakes. Thorn
from pans 1 once onto cloth cover-
ed with confectioners anger, Re-
move pager. Curt each cake into six
pieces of equal size, spread with
Jelly, and roll, Wrap in cloth and
cool on rack, ' Before serving,
decorate rolls, if desired, with ros-
ettes and hordes, of sweetened Whip-
ped crease forced through pastry
vibe,. Makes! 12 rolls,
The U, F .W. 40. meeting was held
at the home of Mra,,"Leonard Leem-
ing on June 1941.1 'rivlth 40 ladies
present. The. presilent Mrs. Turn
bull presided.”- PlOS were made
for the community.'pienic to be
held on July 17th attThos. William•
son's bush, TwAh1I blankets had
been ordeerd and given to the Red
Cross. It • was..4eoided. • to have
same second hand clothing made
over for the refugee children. The
nursing tours@'• •held,,tor , one week
was a dcidgd ''.success Reports
were given by Evelyn Dundas and
Helen Turnbull on the conference:
at Guelph which they attended i"
May. An enjoyable' playetee was
given by 'IM's. McMioh e1;;; Mrs. L.
Kirby, Mrs. F. Kirby, Mrs'. L. Row-
land!, Mrs• A. Sommerville and Ber
nice Haeknvell, Mrs. Fred Rutledge
gave a demonstration and talk on
Window Boxes. Lunch was sere„
at the close of th0 meeting,
Next Sunday, June SOth, Trinity
Anglican Church, Belgrave, will
observe Its 68th Anniversary
Next Sunday, June 30th, the 68th
Anniversary of the opening of
Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave,
will be observed with special ser-
The Services will be as follows: -
11.30 atm.—Morning Prayer and
7.30 p.m.--3veniag Prayer and
The guest preacher at both Ser-
vices will be the Rev. Beverley
Farr, B.A:;" LhTl(,"'.Rector of St.
David's Anglican Church, London,
Ontario. The Rev. B. H. Farr is
bhe son of the Rev. T;' H. Farr,
B.A„ a former Rector of Trinity
Church. •''
The guest soloist at the Evening
Service will'be Miss Alice Roger-
son, of Teroith. octan; music will
be offered! by the .'Choir of the
Church, including;. two. anthems:
"God So Loved t dike World," and
"The Voice of 11 any Waters." Miss
Nora Van Campi be at the
organ for 'both' Services.
We invite you and yours to wor-
shtip with, us NEXT SUNDAY, June
30th,.and join in thankfulness and
praise to Almighty God for the
many blessings bestowed: upon us
daring the past yea*. ..
Following are the names of ae
Rectore who have faithfully served
Trinity Ghurch; Belgrave: the
Reverends: WilHaaa •1 enderson, F.
J. Parke, H. A. Thomas, George W.
P,acey, T. 5y Higley, Charles Is.
Mills, George McQuillan, J. Ed-
monds, 'William 11, Hartley, T, H.
Farr, W. •B; .11awdcitts, A. Shore,
L. V. Pocock, A. A. Maloney, and
the present Rector, Ray M. Weekes,.
The Rector and Waixl.ens of
Trinity Chiieu]a, Belgrave, welcome
a91 friends of the Palish to these
special Services,
Miss Clara M*Gowari has ;seen en-
gaged to teach at 3.6. No. 10, con-
cession 3, East Wewanosh; Mrs.
Alice Fawcett spent the week end
with her daughters in Toronto;
Russel Doherty, Eldrige 'Johnston,
Mrs. N. Johnston and. Mrs, James
Gibson have left'.on a motor trip to
Sault Ste. Mario to visit Mrs. W.
Armstrong. The ladies tail] remain
for some time while the men will
return in a few days•; Mr, and Mrs.
Ben Cowan and daughter, .Tudith,
were Winghem visitors; while cut-
ting wood at his farm In Hullett,
Mr. 'William Heffron had the mis-
fortune to have bis hand cut very
badly. Part of the third finger was
severed and there were other lager -
Miens to the hand,
'flurry tip, Harry! r simply must
go out and show Of nay new dress."
"Wait a minute, .I .simply must
eta the frayed ends off of my coat
i'y!i+iromDAY, JUl`Itq um, 1040
Harry Champion's Garage
Phone 8 Brussels, Ont.
new house on his farm on the 10th
4on1eession which was destroyed b7
the last summer; F. C. Liersch is
spending a week at London.
Ontario Plans
Refugee Care
Province Expects 600 Child-
ren Every Two Weeks
Mir and Mrs. William DDelmnier
have moved into their new home 011
Ring street and Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd
Barton have moved into the house
on King street that Jim Inglis va-
cated when'he mohed to Mrs. Chan -
man's property; two scifoohi, the 8th
line school west and the 12th line
school held picnics on Saturday. At
both occasione sports were held,
a ,program enjoyed and lunch
erved; Mr. and Mrs, Hugh A. Mc -
Court who recently disposed of
their fine farm on the 14th con-
eassion Elmt have purchased the
ne hems .01 William Humphrey;
moved there; Mr. and SvIrs, Robt,
Fisher of Vancouver, B.C., are vie•
Ring relatives here; Lloyd! Eliasott
of Kitchener, le holidaying here;
Major aid Mrs. Cusler of Toronto,
at the home of William I•Iumphrep;
Mrs. A. Dl, Ht mi:don and Mrs. Mc-
Donald, os Des Moine, Iowa, and
Mrs. Bethune Blain of Detroit, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Mc -
Bain; Frank Offen with the Home
Chlards of Windsor, was home over
the week end; Pte, Jack ;Hamilton,
of Camp Borden, and Gunnar Cecil
:rl' weight of Peltawawa, were home
over Sunday; N. Bean of Llsloti'rl,
received the contract for painting
the exterior and ,the junior room of
the AAVrood school and Cl, Brown.
and R, Cunningham of Atwood, were
awarded the contract for painting
No, .10 school in Grey townshbp at
Union; Chanes Danbrook Stas let
the contreet fel' .the erection 01 a
Plans for the care of Di4tish and
French refugee children in Ontario
are rapidly approacbeng 000]51-
1100, Icon. Eric Croes, Minister of
Public Welfare, announced last
The provineei,s ,plan providesfor
the establishment of a central clear-
ing 11ou,W0 in Toronto where the
children, will erceibe complete phy-
sio`tl examination and any neces-
sary immediate care. They then
will be placed in private ..butes.
Ib was learned, that the Ontario
government expects to accept 600
children every two weeks and that
their ages will range frem,,eight to
Can fill several more orders for
Buckwheat also a Sew more eettiugs
of duck eggs, Would also exchange
some good facture for cattle any
Sine or age or good cheap work
horse would also exchange a het
loader for what have yon?
John Capteraon. " •"
Obtaeva — The new Army physical
training tables bear litle resemb-
lance to the old "physical jerks" of
the Great War. The methods used
In Canada are those recently adopt-
ed bp the arms; gymnastic slag lit
England. The new methods aim at
so -ordination of eye, brain and
muscle and the development of
flexibility and endurance rather
than large muscles. and strength.
Ottawa—When John David Eaton
donated his trim twin -engined mono-
plane to Sie Royal ,Canadian Air
Force, it was the first Beechcratt to
enter the service, The plane is
Powered with a 300 horsepower en-
gine, has a cruising speed of 195
miles an hour and has 'seating ca'P-
acity for eight nelsons; two pilots
and six passengers,
Have plenty of