The Brussels Post, 1940-6-26, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, JUNE) 26111, 1640
kin;; Time in ,russets
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Sure Results. and Econorny Is Made Possible
By Modern Methods
New Delicacies
Open your jam cupboard if you
would find dozens of wonderful new
dishes with which to delight your
family, You may not have realized
how many interesting ways there
are of using jams and jellies In
There are old-fashioned Sivoritea
with alluring modern touches .
layer cake adorned with a jolly
frosting , . tiny jelly rolls for a
high tea ... bread pudding crowned
with a jam meringue . creamy
molded rice bordering a mound of
mauve -tinged jelly cream.
.And no end to other delicacies are
here brand new dishes that will
brighten your meals all year round.
4 tablespoons rice
1% cups hot milk
32 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons sugar
12 tablespoon granulated gelatin
14 oup cold, milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Pew clrolph almond extract
1/a 'Cup cream, whippets
Coetc rice in large amount of
boiling, salted water 10 minutes.
Drain. Add to hot milk in douJ e
boiler and cook 1 hour, or until rice
is lender, Combine salt and sugar
and add to rine. Soak gelatin in
cold -Wilk 5 minutes, and ajld to trot
rice mixture. Stir until gelatin is
dissolved. Add flavoring. Chill.
When slightly thickened, fold in
whipped cream. Turn into ring
mold. G9ri11 until firm, 'Onnrold
Fill center of mold with alive Cream
Sauce, Serves 6.
t...14044.•••••••••4444444410414 'STRAWBERRY JELLY
Experience Not Necessary,
. r00440••.0•••NM,
Dieperlonce. --- hard-earned over a
long stretch of years — used to be
necessary 10 °er,uoeseful jam and
Jelly malting. And • even then, the
most experieuoed jani and jelly
makers sometimes bad. •failures
There was the occasional batch of
jam or jelly that would not set, in
spite of the fact that it had been
made successfully by the same
method' time and again! Such
baffling results made jam and 'jelly
making an uncertain undertaking
at ti,e best.
,Now to -day — if you use modern
methods, and use tbenr correctly —•
you need not worry about.- your
jellies not setting or your jams be-
ing syrupy. For with bottled
pectin, you can control the amount
of jelly -forming substance in your
fruit mixture.
You oan even make jams and
Jellies out of fruits that could never
have bean used by the old-fashioned
method, because they contained
too little of ;his jellying substance
to jell the juice.
Bo,ttledl pectin is a solution of that
part ,of Bruit which ,makes jelly
"jell," Ih is a pure fruit product
extracted from droit that has a high
content of pectin, refined and con-
centrated to a standard of jelly -
making strength. Addedto fruit or
fruit juice, even strawberries or
pineapples which are very low in
pectin, bottled pectin supplies the
extract amount of jellying sub-
stance needed.
Then too,with bottled eetiny
the time taken hi making jam and
Jelly is Considerably shortened,. BY
the oldufashionedmethod, about 30
minutes' boiling was required,
whereas with bottled pectin a shoat
boil of 1 or 2 minutes is sufficient.
This very short boiling time means
more jaan or jelly from the same
.amount, of fruit, with the fresh day-
ayour and colour of the natural
freslhly picked fruit. '
Bottled pectin is so easy to use
and so popular with jelly makers
everywhere, that maybe you w411
weldome a few hints on -how b per
fent your use of it.
1. Follow' the manufacturer's
recipes exactly. These recipes
are based not upon one or two
trials, but Upon hundreds oT trials.
The recipes are ,as trustworthy as it
1s possible, to nuke them.
2. 'Use only fully ripened fruit.
The recipes are made for use with
fruit of me/low ripeness bslcause it
makes jams and jellies. of the finest
flavour, color, and texture.
3. Give jellies, ilme to set. They
';start to set almost as soon as pour-
ed, and continue to set more firmly.
It is best if the jelly does not set
too firmly during the first .twenty
four hours, as slow -netting jellies
are always more tender in texture.
You may not have realized how
many interesting ways there are of
using jars and jellies. If you have
thought of your jams and jellies as
Furnishing jttet "spreads" for bread,
there is a surprise for you when you
ti'F some old favorites, — like jelly
.00...••o•..o•o...a. ...•*•..4.•••ooeoeeoe.
Certo, 8 fl. oz. Bottle .. • • • 27c
Brunswick Chicken Boddie 18c
,Large Can Pumpkin 10c
Large can Pork & Beans • • .. 9c
25 oz. can Tomato juice , • . 10c
Novelty tumbler with every
1/2 tt alada Tea special , , 35c
General Sore -Brussels, Ont.
rolls, tarts, puddings and cakes —
with the alluring modern touch of
"home-made"! jam or jelly.
lA chap. Cel'to Jelly (any •Carl -
1 egg white, unbeaten
Dash of 'salt
Pelee jelly in bowl and set over
hot water. Add, egg white and salt
and beat wish. rotary egg beater
Until jelly is free from, lumps. Re-
move from fire and continue beating
.until mixture is .,stiff enough to
stand in peaks: Spread on • cakes,
garnish, with bits of clear jelly, and
4 cups (2 lbs.) juice
74 cups .(3312 Ibe.) sugar
1 bottle Certo
Ilse only fully ripened berries.
.Crush thoroughly and squeeze
through jelly bag, Do not drip
overnight as uncooked juice ter-
ments quickly, Measure ,juice' and
sugar into large saucepan, stir
and bring to a boil, At -once add
Certo, stirring ,constantly, and then
bring to a full rolking boil and boil'
hard 312 -minute. Remove from fire,
let stand 1 minute, skim, pour..
quickly. Gover hot jelly with film
of hot paraffin; when jelly is cold.
cover with % inch of hot paraffin.
1,000000 •00•••••N
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serve at once. Makes enough
frosting to cover 2 dozen cup cakes.
Delightful variations of this re-
cipe are made by 'substituting for
tart jelly til cup Ripe Pineapple
Je11y with an equal amount of one of
the following jellies; Strawberry,
Mint, Crape, Bleck Curarnt, or
'Banana butter, mayonnaise and
chopped nuts; cream cheese and
raspberry, strawberry or fig jam;
peanut butter and currant jelly;
minced lam and pepper relish;
0:her suggested sandwich
spreads are: tomato relish, orange
marmalade, peach, grape, straw -
beret raspberry, or dried apricot
jam. 'Chopped nuts may be added
to any of these spreads, ,
4 cusps (2 lbs.) crushed cooked
fruit and juice
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugar
1 bottle Certo
Add. water to washed fruit and
let stand 4 hours or overnight
Simmer, covered, 30 minutes.
Drain .fruit, crush thoroughly, and
mix with juice, Meattre *nit into
large ketteo. Add sugar, ,mix, and
bring to a full rolling boil over
hottest fire. Stir constantly before
and while boiling, Boll hard 1 min-
ute. Remove from fire mid stir in
Certo, -Shim; .pour quickly. Cover
hot jam with film of not paraffin;
when jam is cold, cover with 32
inch of hot paraffin. Roll glass to
spread paraffin on sides. Requires
312 pound apricots and 3% cups
water. ,Makes 11 eight -ounce.
Roll glass to spread paraffin on
sides, Black raspberry jelly sets
slowly, Requires about 3 quarts
1 berries. Makes about 11 eight.
ounce glasses.
5 cups (21/2 lbs.) juice
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugar
1,2 bottle (14 cup Certo)
Use only fully ripened fruit.
Crush curtmnta thoroughly and
add 1 cup water. Stir until mist
ture boils, cover, and simmer 10
minutes, ,Squeeze through jelly
bag. :Measure juice and "sugar
into large saucepan and mix. Then
bring to a boil over hottest fire
and at once add 'Certo, stirring
constantly. Bring to a full rolling
bail and boil herd % minute. Re-
move from fire, let stand 1 Minute,
sidm, pour quickly. Cover hot jelly
with film of hot parraffln, when jelly
is cold, cover with 1/2 inch of hot
paraffin. Roll glass to spread par-
raFfin on sides. Avoid Bobble batch-
atches of currant jelly. Requires about 4
pounds currants. Makes 10 to 11
eight -ounce glssees.
4 'cups (2 lbs.) juice
71/4 cope (3312 lbs.) siker
1,2 bogie (l cup) Certo
Use only fully ripened fruit.
Stem grapes and crush thorough-
ly. Add 1/2 cup water, stir until
mixture boils, and simmer, cov-
ered, 10 minutes. Squeeze through
Jelly bag, Measure juice and sug-
ar Pato large saucepan, stir, and
bring to a boil over hottest fire.
At once add Certo, stirring con-
stantly, and then bring (0 a full
rolling boil aid boil hard 1/2 min-
ute, Renrovo from tire, skim, pour
quicklt,, ,Cover trot jelly with film
3' out of 4 Jarn and Jelly
Champions use CERTO
Writes Mrs. G. 51. McLachlan of Magnetawan,
Ont., Prizewinner at Magnetawan Fair: "I
have been using Carlo for a number of years
and would not think of ynng any other method
for making my prize-winning Jami and jellies."
CERTO is concentrated FRUIT PECTIN .. .
the natural jellifying substance .extracted
from fruit,
/-4, °Saves Time—Energy—
With Certo you give only
a one to two -minute full,
rolling boil for jam ...for
jelly only a half -minute to
a minute.
More Jam or Jelly—
So little juice has time to
boil away that you get up
to half again more jam or
jelly from en equal amount of fruit.
Better Taste and
Colour—Because of the
C r short boil the fresh
natural taste and colour remain un-
spoiled is the fruit, whereas long -
boiling affects both taste and colour.
Sure Results—Follow
the recipes given free
with Certo' and you can it
be sure of lovely jams fq-e—
and jelly.
Pur CEkW010M* WSX .f0 s•4
of hot paraffin. when jelly is
cold, cover with / inch of hot
paraffin. Roll glass to spread par-
affin on sides. Malagas and To -
keys sett slowly. Requires about
3 pounds grapes. Makes 11 to 12
eight -ounce glasses.
3 cups (1112 lbs.) cooked fruit
Juice of 1. lemon
6 cups (2 lbs. 10 oz.) sugar
1� bottle (1/e cup) Certo • ,.,,,.
Remove rind in quarters. Slice
peeled fruit very thin crosswise,
removing seeds Thaw cut slices
fine, discarding hard centres, Lay
rind fleet, and with sharp knife,
pare off about 1/2 of white part
of rind. Discard these wbltes.
Shred yellow rind very thin, add
132 CMOS water and 1/4 teaspoon
soda, and cook, eovered, for just
10 aninutes, stirring occasionally.
Then add, cut-up fruit and lemon
Juice. Simmer, covered 20 min-
utes longer. Measure 3 solidly
packed cups of this cooked Trutt
into large kettle, adding water if
necessary .to fill third oup. Add
sugar, bring to a toil, and BOIL
GENTLY 5 minutes. Remove from
fire and stir in Certo. 3ji1r occas-
ionally for just 5 minutes to cool
slightly, to prevent floating fruit.
Pour quickly, ' Cover hot marma-
lade with film of hot paraffin;
when marmaralade is cold, cover
with 1/2 inch of hot paraffin. Roll
glass to spread paraffin on sides
Sometimes sets very slowly. Re-
quires, 4 medium oranges. Makes
about 3 eight -ounce glasses.
(3 eggs)
3 cusps_ sifted Swans Down Cake
3 teaspoons baking powder
,2 cup butter or other shortening
11/2 cups sugar
3 egg yolks
1 cup milk
3 egg whites, stiffly beaten
% teaspoon cinnamon r I
sib teaspoon cloves
y4 ,teaspoon mace
144 teaspoon nutmeg
11/2 tablespoons. molasses
1/2 cup raisins, finely cut
32 can figs, finely cut
Sift flour once, measure, add baking e,
poavder, and sift together three t!
Canes. Cream butter thoroughly, add 1)
sugar gradually, and cream together
until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks
and beat well. Add four, alternately
with, milk, a stnall amount at a time.
Beat atter eaoh addition until
smooth. Fold in egg whites. Figs
two greased 9 -inch layer pans
with two-thirds, of mixture. To
remaining mixture, add spices,
molasses, and fruit, and pour into
greased 9-inetr layer pan. Bake
layers in moderate oven (375 de-
grees F.) 25 degrees. Put layers
togeilier with, Red Currant Jelly.
Coyer top and shies with Pastel
Jelly Frosting) double recipe).
13c f er Ib
OU DO NOT have to learn special recipes for the
use of Domestic. Follow the recipes that you
have tried and found to be good. ,
Good for all baking
Pastries, Biscuits and Doughnut$
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For 'Choice
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PorkOhops & Spr in Lamb
Phone 6